116 research outputs found

    Emergent structure in unstructured epidemic multicast

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    In epidemic or gossip-based multicast protocols, each node simply relays each message to some random neighbors, such that all destinations receive it at least once with high proba- bility. In sharp contrast, structured multicast protocols explicitly build and use a spanning tree to take advantage of efficient paths, and aim at having each message received exactly once. Unfortunately, when failures occur, the tree must be rebuilt. Gossiping thus provides simplicity and resilience at the expense of performance and resource efficiency. In this paper we propose a novel technique that exploits knowledge about the environment to schedule payload transmission when gossiping. The resulting protocol retains the desirable qualities of gossip, but approximates the performance of structured multicast. In some sense, instead of imposing structure by construction, we let it emerge from the operation of the gossip protocol. Experimental evaluation shows that this approach is effective even when knowledge about the environment is only approximate.(undefined

    GOSSIPKIT: A Unified Component Framework for Gossip

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    International audienceAlthough the principles of gossip protocols are relatively easy to grasp, their variety can make their design and evaluation highly time consuming. This problem is compounded by the lack of a unified programming framework for gossip, which means developers cannot easily reuse, compose, or adapt existing solutions to fit their needs, and have limited opportunities to share knowledge and ideas. In this paper, we consider how component frameworks, which have been widely applied to implement middleware solutions, can facilitate the development of gossip-based systems in a way that is both generic and simple. We show how such an approach can maximise code reuse, simplify the implementation of gossip protocols, and facilitate dynamic evolution and re-deployment

    CLON: overlay networks and gossip protocols for cloud environments

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    Although epidemic or gossip-based multicast is a robust and scalable approach to reliable data dissemination, its inherent redundancy results in high resource consumption on both links and nodes. This problem is aggravated in settings that have costlier or resource constrained links as happens in Cloud Computing infrastructures composed by several interconnected data centers across the globe. The goal of this work is therefore to improve the efficiency of gossip-based reliable multicast by reducing the load imposed on those constrained links. In detail, the proposed clon protocol combines an overlay that gives preference to local links and a dissemination strategy that takes into account locality. Extensive experimental evaluation using a very large number of simulated nodes shows that this results in a reduction of traffic in constrained links by an order of magnitude, while at the same time preserving the resilience properties that make gossip-based protocols so attractive.HP Labs Innovation Research Award, project DC2MS (IRA/CW118736

    Epidemic broadcast trees

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    There is an inherent trade-off between epidemic and deterministic tree-based broadcast primitives. Tree-based approaches have a small message complexity in steady-state but are very fragile in the presence of faults. Gossip, or epidemic, protocols have a higher message complexity but also offer much higher resilience. This paper proposes an integrated broadcast scheme that combines both approaches. We use a low cost scheme to build and maintain broadcast trees embedded on a gossip-based overlay. The protocol sends the message payload preferably via tree branches but uses the remaining links of the gossip overlay for fast recovery and expedite tree healing. Experimental evaluation presented in the paper shows that our new strategy has a low overhead and that is able to support large number of faults while maintaining a high reliability.This work was partially supported by project P-SON: Probabilistically Structured Overlay Networks (POSC/EIA/60941/2004)

    Clouder: a flexible large scale decentralized object store - architecture overview

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    The current exponential growth of data calls for massive scale capabilities of storage and processing. Such large volumes of data tend to disallow their centralized storage and processing making extensive and flexible data partitioning unavoidable. This is being acknowledged by several major Internet players embracing the Cloud computing model and offering first generation remote storage services with simple processing capabilities. In this position paper we present preliminary ideas for the architecture of a flexible, efficient and dependable fully decentralized object store able to manage very large sets of variable size objects and to coordinate in place processing. Our target are local area large computing facilities composed of tens of thousands of nodes under the same administrative domain. The system should be capable of leveraging massive replication of data to balance read scalability and fault tolerance.(undefined

    Peer to peer multidimensional overlays: Approximating complex structures

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    Peer to peer overlay networks have proven to be a good support for storing and retrieving data in a fully decentralized way. A sound approach is to structure them in such a way that they reflect the structure of the application. Peers represent objects of the application so that neighbours in the peer to peer network are objects having similar characteristics from the application's point of view. Such structured peer to peer overlay networks provide a natural support for range queries. While some complex structures such as a Voronoï tessellation, where each peer is associated to a cell in the space, are clearly relevant to structure the objects, the associated cost to compute and maintain these structures is usually extremely high for dimensions larger than 2. We argue that an approximation of a complex structure is enough to provide a native support of range queries. This stems fromthe fact that neighbours are importantwhile the exact space partitioning associated to a given peer is not as crucial. In this paper we present the design, analysis and evaluation of RayNet, a loosely structured Voronoï-based overlay network. RayNet organizes peers in an approximation of a Voronoï tessellation in a fully decentralized way. It relies on a Monte-Carlo algorithm to estimate the size of a cell and on an epidemic protocol to discover neighbours. In order to ensure efficient (polylogarithmic) routing, RayNet is inspired from the Kleinberg's small world model where each peer gets connected to close neighbours (its approximate Voronoï neighbours in Raynet) and shortcuts, long range neighbours, implemented using an existing Kleinberg-like peer sampling

    A Novel Approach to Load Balancing in P2P Overlay Networks for Edge Systems

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    Edge computing aims at addressing some limitations of cloud computing by bringing computation towards the edge of the system, i.e., closer to the client. There is a panoply of devices that can be integrated into future edge computing platforms, from local datacenters and ISP points of presence, to 5G towers, and even, multiple user devices like smartphones, laptops, and IoT devices. For all of these devices to communicate fruitfully, we need to build systems that enable the seamless interaction and cooperation among these diverse devices. However, creating and maintaining these systems is not trivial since there are numerous types of devices with different capacities. This resource heterogeneity has to be taken into account so that different types of machines contribute to the management of the distributed infrastructure differently, and the operation of the overall system becomes more efficient. In this work, we addressed the challenges identified above by exploring unstructured overlay networks, that have been shown to be possible to manage efficiently and in a fully decentralized way, while being highly robust to failures. To that end, we devised a solution that adapts the number of neighbors of each device (i.e., how many other devices that device knows) according to the capacity of that device and the distribution of capacities of the other devices in the network, as to ensure that the load is fairly distributed between them and, as a consequence, improve the operation of other services atop the unstructured overlay network, for instance, reducing the latencies experienced when broadcasting information. This solution can be easily integrated into most existing peer-to-peer distributed systems, requiring just a slight adaptation to their membership protocol. To show the correction and benefits of our proposal, we evaluated it by comparing it with state of the art decentralized solutions to manage unstructured overlay networks, combining both simulation (to observe the performance of the solution at large scale) and prototype deployments in realistic distributed infrastructures.A computação de periferia visa abordar algumas limitações da computação em nuvem, trazendo a computação para mais perto do cliente. Há uma enorme variedade de dispositivos que podem ser integrados em futuras plataformas de computação de periferia, de data centers locais e pontos de presença de ISPs a torres 5G e até mesmo dispositivos de cliente, como smartphones, laptops e dispositivos IoT. Para que todos esses dispositivos comuniquem de forma proveitosa entre si, precisamos construir sistemas que possibilitem a interação e cooperação eficaz entre eles. No entanto, criar e manter esses sistemas não é trivial, uma vez que existem vários tipos de dispositivos com diferentes capacidades. Essa heterogeneidade de recursos deve ser levada em consideração para que diferentes tipos de máquinas contribuam para o gerenciamento da infraestrutura distribuída de forma distinta e a operação do sistema se torne mais eficiente. Neste trabalho, enfrentámos os desafios identificados acima explorando redes sobrepostas não estruturadas, que se têm mostrado possíveis de gerenciar de forma eficiente e totalmente descentralizada, sendo altamente resistentes a falhas. Para tal, concebemos uma solução que adapta o número de vizinhos de cada dispositivo (ou seja, quantos outros dispositivos aquele dispositivo conhece) de acordo com a sua capacidade e a capacidade dos demais dispositivos da rede, de forma a garantir que a carga seja proporcionalmente distribuída entre eles e, como consequência, reduzindo as latências experienciadas por esses dispositivos. Esta solução pode ser facilmente integrada num sistema distribuído entre-pares existente, exigindo apenas uma ligeira adaptação ao seu protocolo de filiação. Avaliámos a nossa solução comparando-a com outras soluções descentralizadas de última geração, combinando simulação (para observar o desempenho da soluç

    Highly intensive data dissemination in complex networks

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    This paper presents a study on data dissemination in unstructured Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network overlays. The absence of a structure in unstructured overlays eases the network management, at the cost of non-optimal mechanisms to spread messages in the network. Thus, dissemination schemes must be employed that allow covering a large portion of the network with a high probability (e.g.~gossip based approaches). We identify principal metrics, provide a theoretical model and perform the assessment evaluation using a high performance simulator that is based on a parallel and distributed architecture. A main point of this study is that our simulation model considers implementation technical details, such as the use of caching and Time To Live (TTL) in message dissemination, that are usually neglected in simulations, due to the additional overhead they cause. Outcomes confirm that these technical details have an important influence on the performance of dissemination schemes and that the studied schemes are quite effective to spread information in P2P overlay networks, whatever their topology. Moreover, the practical usage of such dissemination mechanisms requires a fine tuning of many parameters, the choice between different network topologies and the assessment of behaviors such as free riding. All this can be done only using efficient simulation tools to support both the network design phase and, in some cases, at runtime

    LayStream: composing standard gossip protocols for live video streaming

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    Gossip-based live streaming is a popular topic, as attested by the vast literature on the subject. Despite the particular merits of each proposal, all need to implement and deal with common challenges such as membership management, topology construction and video packets dissemination. Well-principled gossip-based protocols have been proposed in the literature for each of these aspects. Our goal is to assess the feasibility of building a live streaming system, \sys, as a composition of these existing protocols, to deploy the resulting system on real testbeds, and report on lessons learned in the process. Unlike previous evaluations conducted by simulations and considering each protocol independently, we use real deployments. We evaluate protocols both independently and as a layered composition, and unearth specific problems and challenges associated with deployment and composition. We discuss and present solutions for these, such as a novel topology construction mechanism able to cope with the specificities of a large-scale and delay-sensitive environment, but also with requirements from the upper layer. Our implementation and data are openly available to support experimental reproducibility

    Epidemic-based self-organization in peer-to-peer systems

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    Steen, M.R. [Promotor]van Tanenbaum, A.S. [Promotor