240 research outputs found

    Multiplicative Multiresolution Decomposition for Lossless Volumetric Medical Images Compression

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    With the emergence of medical imaging, the compression of volumetric medical images is essential. For this purpose, we propose a novel Multiplicative Multiresolution Decomposition (MMD) wavelet coding scheme for lossless compression of volumetric medical images. The MMD is used in speckle reduction technique but offers some proprieties which can be exploited in compression. Thus, as the wavelet transform the MMD provides a hierarchical representation and offers a possibility to realize lossless compression. We integrate in proposed scheme an inter slice filter based on wavelet transform and motion compensation to reduce data energy efficiently. We compare lossless results of classical wavelet coders such as 3D SPIHT and JP3D to the proposed scheme. This scheme incorporates MMD in lossless compression technique by applying MMD/wavelet or MMD transform to each slice, after inter slice filter is employed and the resulting sub-bands are coded by the 3D zero-tree algorithm SPIHT. Lossless experimental results show that the proposed scheme with the MMD can achieve lowest bit rates compared to 3D SPIHT and JP3D

    Efficient compression of motion compensated residuals

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Time aggregation based lossless video encoding for neuromorphic vision sensor data

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    Motion estimation and signaling techniques for 2D+t scalable video coding

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    We describe a fully scalable wavelet-based 2D+t (in-band) video coding architecture. We propose new coding tools specifically designed for this framework aimed at two goals: reduce the computational complexity at the encoder without sacrificing compression; improve the coding efficiency, especially at low bitrates. To this end, we focus our attention on motion estimation and motion vector encoding. We propose a fast motion estimation algorithm that works in the wavelet domain and exploits the geometrical properties of the wavelet subbands. We show that the computational complexity grows linearly with the size of the search window, yet approaching the performance of a full search strategy. We extend the proposed motion estimation algorithm to work with blocks of variable sizes, in order to better capture local motion characteristics, thus improving in terms of rate-distortion behavior. Given this motion field representation, we propose a motion vector coding algorithm that allows to adaptively scale the motion bit budget according to the target bitrate, improving the coding efficiency at low bitrates. Finally, we show how to optimally scale the motion field when the sequence is decoded at reduced spatial resolution. Experimental results illustrate the advantages of each individual coding tool presented in this paper. Based on these simulations, we define the best configuration of coding parameters and we compare the proposed codec with MC-EZBC, a widely used reference codec implementing the t+2D framework

    Coding of video with a single information plane

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesAs actuais normas para codificação de vídeo, tais como os MPEG2/4 ou H.263/4, foram desenvolvidas para codificação de vídeo com cor. A informação de cor é representada usando um espaço apropriado, como, por exemplo, o YCbCr. Estes espaços de cor são constituídos por três planos: um para a dominância (no exemplo dado, o Y) e dois para a informação de crominância (neste caso, o Cb e o Cr). Contudo, há aplicações onde a informação a codificar é composta apenas por um plano de informação que pode, por exemplo, representar níveis de cinzento em imagem médica, ou índices para tabelas de cores. A motivação desta tese prende-se com dois factos: a produção de imagens médicas em formato digital estar a crescer, impondo técnicas eficazes para o tratamento e a compressão de dados e, embora os modelos de cor indexada sejam há muito utilizados para representar imagens, não têm sido convenientemente explorados em vídeo. Com esta dissertação pretende-se investigar novas estratégias de compressão sem perdas que explorem a redundância entre imagens consecutivas que caracterizam estas modalidades de imagem. Portanto, ao longo do trabalho implementou-se dois codificadores de vídeo para um só plano de informação, baseados num modelo híbrido. Um deles utiliza codificação de Golomb e o outro codificação aritmética, estudando-se assim a eficácia de cada um, quer para a escala de cinzentos, quer para vídeos com tabela de cores indexadas. Adicionalmente, para vídeos de cor indexada, implementou-se um algoritmo de reordenação da tabela de cores, o que torna a codificação mais eficaz. ABSTRACT: The current standards for video encoding, such as MPEG2/4 or H.263/4, have been developed for encoding video with color. The color information is represented using an appropriate space, such as YCbCr. These color spaces are made of three planes: one for luminance (in the given example, the Y) and two for the chrominance information (in this case, the Cb and Cr). However, there are applications where the information lies in a single information plane that may, for example, represent shades of gray (medical imaging) or indexes to color tables (color indexed video). The motivation of this thesis is related with two points: the production of medical images in digital format has been growing, imposing efficient techniques for the treatment and compression of data and, although color indexed models have been used for a long time to represent images, it has not been adequately explored in video. With this thesis, we intended to investigate new strategies for lossless compression which exploits the redundancy between consecutive images that characterize these types of images. Therefore, during this work, it has been implemented two video encoders with one information plane, based on a hybrid model. One of them uses Golomb codes and the other arithmetic coding. It has been studied the efficiency of each one, both using gray scale and color indexed videos. In addition, for color indexed videos, it has been implemented a palette reordering algorithm, making the encoding more efficient

    In-Band Disparity Compensation for Multiview Image Compression and View Synthesis

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