14 research outputs found

    Efficient Simulation of Airborne SAR Raw Data in Case of Motion Errors

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    In the simulation of SAR raw data, it is well-known that the frequency-domain algorithm is more efficient than a time-domain algorithm, making it is more suitable for extended scene simulation. However, the frequency-domain algorithm is perhaps better suited for ideal linear motion and requires some degrees of approximations to take the nonlinear motion effects. This chapter presents an efficient simulation approach based on hybrid time and frequency-domain algorithms under certain assumptions. The algorithm has high efficiency and is suitable for the simulation of extended scenes, which demands highly computational resources. The computational complexity of the proposed algorithm is analyzed, followed by numerical results to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach

    Recent Topics in Electromagnetic Compatibility

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    Recent Topics in Electromagnetic Compatability discusses several topics in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference (EMI), including measurements, shielding, emission, interference, biomedical devices, and numerical modeling. Over five sections, chapters address the electromagnetic spectrum of corona discharge, life cycle assessment of flexible electromagnetic shields, EMC requirements for implantable medical devices, analysis and design of absorbers for EMC applications, artificial surfaces, and media for EMC and EMI shielding, and much more

    Radar Imaging in Challenging Scenarios from Smart and Flexible Platforms

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    Ground moving target indication with synthetic aperture radars for maritime surveillance

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    The explosive growth of shipping traffic all over the World, with around three quarters of the total trade goods and crude oil transported by sea, has raised newly emerging concerns (economical, ecological, social and geopolitical). Geo-information (location and speed) of ocean-going vessels is crucial in the maritime framework, playing a key role in the related environmental monitoring, fisheries management and maritime/coastal security. In this scenario space-based synthetic aperture radar (SAR) remote sensing is a potential tool for globally monitoring the oceans and seas, providing two-dimensional high-resolution imaging capabilities in all-day and all-weather conditions. The combination of ground moving target indication (GMTI) modes with multichannel spaceborne SAR systems represents a powerful apparatus for surveillance of maritime activities. The level of readiness of such a technology for road traffic monitoring is still low, and for the marine scenario is even less mature. Some of the current space-based SAR missions include an experimental GMTI mode with reduced detection capabilities, especially for small and slow moving targets. In this framework, this doctoral dissertation focuses on the study and analysis of the GMTI limitations of current state-of-the-art SAR missions when operating over maritime scenarios and the proposal of novel and optimal multichannel SAR-GMTI architectures, providing subclutter visibility of small (reduced reflectivity) slow moving vessels. This doctoral activity carries out a transversal analysis embracing system-architecture proposal and optimization, processing strategies assessment, performance evaluation, sea/ocean clutter characterization and adequate calibration methodologies suggestion. Firstly, the scarce availability of multichannel SAR-GMTI raw data and the related restrictions to access it have raised the need to implement flexible simulation tools for SAR-GMTI performance evaluation and mission. These simulation tools allow the comparative study and evaluation of the SAR-GMTI mode operated with current SAR missions, showing the reduced ability of these missions to detect small and slow boats in subclutter visibility. Improved performance is achieved with the new multichannel architecture based on non-uniformly distributed receivers (with external deployable antennas), setting the ground for future SAR-GMTI mission development. Some experimental multichannel SAR-GMTI data sets over the sea and acquired with two instruments, airborne F-SAR and spaceborne TerraSAR-X (TSX) platforms, have been processed to evaluate their detection capabilities as well as the adequate processing strategies (including channel balancing). This doctoral activity presents also a preliminary characterization of the sea clutter returns imaged by the spaceborne TSX instrument in a three-level basis, i.e., radiometric, statistical and polarimetric descriptions using experimental polarimetric data. This study has shown that the system-dependent limitations, such as thermal noise and temporal decorrelation, play a key role in the appropriate interpretation of the data and so should be properly included in the physical backscattering models of the sea. Current and most of the upcoming SAR missions are based on active phase array antennas (APAA) technology for the operation of multiple modes of acquisitions. The related calibration is a complex procedure due to the high number of different beams to be operated. Alternative internal calibration methodologies have been proposed and analyzed in the frame of this doctoral thesis. These approaches improved the radiometric calibration performance compared to the conventional ones. The presented formulation of the system errors as well as the proposed alternative strategies set the path to extrapolate the analysis for multichannel SAR systems.L'increment continu del tràfic marítim arreu del món, amb gairebé tres quartes parts del total de mercaderies i cru transportats per mar, porta associats uns impactes canviants a nivell econòmic, ambiental, social i geopolític. La geo-informació (localització i velocitat) dels vaixells té un paper fonamental en el monitoratge ambiental, la gestió de la pesca i la seguretat marítima/costanera. Els radars d'obertura sintètica (SAR, sigles en anglès) embarcats en satèl·lits són una eina molt potent per al monitoratge global dels oceans i dels mars, gràcies a la seva capacitat de generar imatges d'alta resolució amb independència de les condicions meteorològiques i de la llum solar. La detecció de blancs mòbils terrestres (GMTI, sigles en anglès) combinada amb sistemes multicanal SAR és fonamental per a la vigilància de les activitats marítimes. El nivell de maduresa d'aquesta tecnologia per monitorar tràfic rodat és baix, però per al cas marítim encara ho és més. Algunes missions SAR orbitals inclouen el mode GMTI, però amb unes capacitats de detecció reduïdes, especialment per a blancs petits i lents. En aquest marc, la tesi doctoral es centra en l'estudi i anàlisi de les limitacions GMTI dels actuals sistemes SAR operant en entorns marítims, proposant noves configuracions SAR-GMTI multicanal optimitzades per a la detecció de vaixells petits (emmascarats pels retrons radar del mar) i que es mouen lentament. La present dissertació doctoral du a terme un estudi transversal que abasta des de la proposta i optimització de sistemes/configuracions, passant per l'avaluació de les tècniques de processat, fins a l'estudi del rendiment de la missió, caracterització del mar i la valoració de noves metodologies de calibratge. En primer terme, diverses eines de simulació flexibles s'han implementat per poder avaluar les capacitats GMTI de diferents missions tenint en compte la poca disponibilitat de dades multicanal SAR-GMTI. Aquests simuladors permeten l'estudi comparatiu de les capacitats GMTI de les missions SAR orbitals actuals, demostrant les seves reduïdes opcions per identificar vaixells emmascarats pels retorns del mar. En el marc de l'activitat de recerca s'han processat dades experimentals SAR-GMTI multicanal de sistemes aeris (F-SAR) i orbitals (TerraSAR-X), per tal d'avaluar les seves capacitats de detecció de blancs mòbils sobre entorns marítims, proposant les estratègies de processat i calibratge més adients. Com a part de l'activitat de recerca doctoral, s'ha portat a terme una caracterització preliminar dels retorns radar del mar adquirits amb el sensor orbital TerraSAR-X, amb tres nivells d'anàlisi (radiomètric, estadístic i polarimètric). Aquest estudi demostra que aspectes com el soroll tèrmic i la decorrelació temporal, dependents del propi sensor i de l'entorn dinàmic del mar, poden limitar la correcta interpretació de les dades, i per tant, s'han d'incloure en els models físics dels mecanismes de dispersió del mar. Les missions SAR tant actuals com futures es basen en l'explotació de la tecnologia de les agrupacions d'antenes de fase activa (APAA) per operar diferents modes d'adquisició. El procés de calibratge associat és molt complex atès el gran nombre de feixos que es poden utilitzar. En el marc de la tesi doctoral s'han proposat i avaluat metodologies alternatives de calibratge intern per aquests sistemes, amb un millor rendiment en comparació amb les tècniques convencionals. Aquestes estratègies de calibratge, juntament amb la corresponent formulació dels errors de sistema, estableixen les bases per a l'estudi i avaluació en sistemes multicanal SA

    Signal Processing for Synthetic Aperture Sonar Image Enhancement

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    This thesis contains a description of SAS processing algorithms, offering improvements in Fourier-based reconstruction, motion-compensation, and autofocus. Fourier-based image reconstruction is reviewed and improvements shown as the result of improved system modelling. A number of new algorithms based on the wavenumber algorithm for correcting second order effects are proposed. In addition, a new framework for describing multiple-receiver reconstruction in terms of the bistatic geometry is presented and is a useful aid to understanding. Motion-compensation techniques for allowing Fourier-based reconstruction in widebeam geometries suffering large-motion errors are discussed. A motion-compensation algorithm exploiting multiple receiver geometries is suggested and shown to provide substantial improvement in image quality. New motion compensation techniques for yaw correction using the wavenumber algorithm are discussed. A common framework for describing phase estimation is presented and techniques from a number of fields are reviewed within this framework. In addition a new proof is provided outlining the relationship between eigenvector-based autofocus phase estimation kernels and the phase-closure techniques used astronomical imaging. Micronavigation techniques are reviewed and extensions to the shear average single-receiver micronavigation technique result in a 3 - 4 fold performance improvement when operating on high-contrast images. The stripmap phase gradient autofocus (SPGA) algorithm is developed and extends spotlight SAR PGA to the wide-beam, wide-band stripmap geometries common in SAS imaging. SPGA supersedes traditional PGA-based stripmap autofocus algorithms such as mPGA and PCA - the relationships between SPGA and these algorithms is discussed. SPGA's operation is verified on simulated and field-collected data where it provides significant image improvement. SPGA with phase-curvature based estimation is shown and found to perform poorly compared with phase-gradient techniques. The operation of SPGA on data collected from Sydney Harbour is shown with SPGA able to improve resolution to near the diffraction-limit. Additional analysis of practical stripmap autofocus operation in presence of undersampling and space-invariant blurring is presented with significant comment regarding the difficulties inherent in autofocusing field-collected data. Field-collected data from trials in Sydney Harbour is presented along with associated autofocus results from a number of algorithms

    Insar Role in the Study of Earth's Surface and Synergic Use with Other Geodetic Data: the 2014 South Napa Earthquake

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    This work focuses on the role of SAR Interferometry (InSAR) in the study of many phenomena characterizing the Earth's surface. We propose an advanced integration method in order to merge the InSAR data with other geodetic data, i.e. Multiple Aperture Interferometry (MAI), Pixel Offset Tracking (POT) and Global Positioning System (GPS). We apply the method to constrain the full 3D displacement field produced by the Mw 6.1 2014 South Napa Valley earthquake and then we used the results from the integration to perform the source modeling. The first Chapter is meant to introduce the topic of the progressive use of Remote Sensing geodetic data to support the activities of monitoring and hazard mitigation related to natural phenomena. Chapter 2 shows the application of the InSAR technique to reconstruct and model surface displacement fields induced by several phenomena. In Chapter 3, the 3D coseismic displacement map due to the 2014 Mw 6.1 South Napa earthquake, close the San Andreas Fault system (California), is estimated by using a method to merge InSAR and GPS data. InSAR data are provided by the latest satellite of the European Space Agency (ESA), i.e. Sentinel-1, whereas the GPS data were obtained from the BARD network and several online archives. In Chapter 4 we propose an improved algorithm for the data integration and test it on the Napa earthquake. Geodetic data from MAI and POT are added in the processing chain and the GPS data interpolation is modified according to the specific phenomenon. Futhermore, the source modeling is performed by inversion of the obtained 3D displacement component. The best fit is obtained by simulating a fracture in the fault segment in agreement with previous works. Finally, in the last chapter we discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of the data integration and the future perspectives

    Geosynchronous synthetic aperture radar : design and applications

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging from geosynchronous orbit has significant potential advantages over conventional low-Earth orbit (LEO) radars, but also challenges to overcome. This thesis investigates both active and passive geosynchronous SAR configurations, presenting their different features and advantages. Following a system design trade-off that involved phase uncertainties, link budget, frequency and integration time, an L band bi-static configuration with 8-hour integration time that reuses the signal from a non-cooperative transmitter has been presented as a suitable solution. Cranfield Space Research Centre looked into this configuration and proposed the GeoSAR concept, an L band bi-static SAR based on the concept by Prati et al. (1998). It flies along a circular ground track orbit, reuses the signal coming from a noncooperative transmitter in GEO and achieves a spatial resolution of about 100 m. The present research contributes to the GeoSAR concept exploring the implications due to the 8-hour integration time and providing insights about its performance and its possible fields of application. Targets such as canopies change their backscattered phase on timescales of seconds due to their motion. On longer time scales, changes in dielectric properties of targets, Earth tides and perturbations in the structure of the atmosphere contribute to generate phase fluctuations in the collected signals. These phenomena bring temporal decorrelation and cause a reduction in SAR coherent integration gain. They have to be compensated for if useful images are to be provided. A SAR azimuth simulator has been developed to study the influence of temporal decorrelation on GeoSAR point spread function. The analysis shows that ionospheric delay is the major source of decorrelation; other effects, such as tropospheric delay and Earth tides, have to be dealt with but appear to be easier to handle. Two different options for GeoSAR interferometry have been discussed. The system is well suited to differential interferometry, due to the short perpendicular baseline induced by the geometry. A GeoSAR has advantages over a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) SAR system to monitor processes with significant variability over daily or shorter timescales (e.g. soil moisture variation). This potential justifies further study of the concept.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Geosynchronous synthetic aperture radar : design and applications

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging from geosynchronous orbit has significant potential advantages over conventional low-Earth orbit (LEO) radars, but also challenges to overcome. This thesis investigates both active and passive geosynchronous SAR configurations, presenting their different features and advantages. Following a system design trade-off that involved phase uncertainties, link budget, frequency and integration time, an L band bi-static configuration with 8-hour integration time that reuses the signal from a non-cooperative transmitter has been presented as a suitable solution. Cranfield Space Research Centre looked into this configuration and proposed the GeoSAR concept, an L band bi-static SAR based on the concept by Prati et al. (1998). It flies along a circular ground track orbit, reuses the signal coming from a noncooperative transmitter in GEO and achieves a spatial resolution of about 100 m. The present research contributes to the GeoSAR concept exploring the implications due to the 8-hour integration time and providing insights about its performance and its possible fields of application. Targets such as canopies change their backscattered phase on timescales of seconds due to their motion. On longer time scales, changes in dielectric properties of targets, Earth tides and perturbations in the structure of the atmosphere contribute to generate phase fluctuations in the collected signals. These phenomena bring temporal decorrelation and cause a reduction in SAR coherent integration gain. They have to be compensated for if useful images are to be provided. A SAR azimuth simulator has been developed to study the influence of temporal decorrelation on GeoSAR point spread function. The analysis shows that ionospheric delay is the major source of decorrelation; other effects, such as tropospheric delay and Earth tides, have to be dealt with but appear to be easier to handle. Two different options for GeoSAR interferometry have been discussed. The system is well suited to differential interferometry, due to the short perpendicular baseline induced by the geometry. A GeoSAR has advantages over a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) SAR system to monitor processes with significant variability over daily or shorter timescales (e.g. soil moisture variation). This potential justifies further study of the concept.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Orbital Effects in Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry

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    This book reviews and investigates orbit-related effects in synthetic aperture Radar interferometry (InSAR). The translation of orbit inaccuracies to error signals in the interferometric phase is concisely described; estimation and correction approaches are discussed and evaluated with special focus on network adjustment of redundantly estimated baseline errors. Moreover, the effect of relative motion of the orbit reference frame is addressed

    Orbital Effects in Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry

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    This book reviews and investigates orbit-related effects in synthetic aperture Radar interferometry (InSAR). The translation of orbit inaccuracies to error signals in the interferometric phase is concisely described; estimation and correction approaches are discussed and evaluated with special focus on network adjustment of redundantly estimated baseline errors. Moreover, the effect of relative motion of the orbit reference frame is addressed