5,391 research outputs found

    Human Motion Trajectory Prediction: A Survey

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    With growing numbers of intelligent autonomous systems in human environments, the ability of such systems to perceive, understand and anticipate human behavior becomes increasingly important. Specifically, predicting future positions of dynamic agents and planning considering such predictions are key tasks for self-driving vehicles, service robots and advanced surveillance systems. This paper provides a survey of human motion trajectory prediction. We review, analyze and structure a large selection of work from different communities and propose a taxonomy that categorizes existing methods based on the motion modeling approach and level of contextual information used. We provide an overview of the existing datasets and performance metrics. We discuss limitations of the state of the art and outline directions for further research.Comment: Submitted to the International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), 37 page

    Real Time Animation of Virtual Humans: A Trade-off Between Naturalness and Control

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    Virtual humans are employed in many interactive applications using 3D virtual environments, including (serious) games. The motion of such virtual humans should look realistic (or ‘natural’) and allow interaction with the surroundings and other (virtual) humans. Current animation techniques differ in the trade-off they offer between motion naturalness and the control that can be exerted over the motion. We show mechanisms to parametrize, combine (on different body parts) and concatenate motions generated by different animation techniques. We discuss several aspects of motion naturalness and show how it can be evaluated. We conclude by showing the promise of combinations of different animation paradigms to enhance both naturalness and control

    Physically-based sampling for motion planning

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    Motion planning is a fundamental problem with applications in a wide variety of areas including robotics, computer graphics, animation, virtual prototyping, medical simulations, industrial simulations, and trac planning. Despite being an active area of research for nearly four decades, prior motion planning algorithms are unable to provide adequate solutions that satisfy the constraints that arise in these applications. We present a novel approach based on physics-based sampling for motion planning that can compute collision-free paths while also satisfying many physical constraints. Our planning algorithms use constrained simulation to generate samples which are biased in the direction of the nal goal positions of the agent or agents. The underlying simulation core implicitly incorporates kinematics and dynamics of the robot or agent as constraints or as part of the motion model itself. Thus, the resulting motion is smooth and physically-plausible for both single robot and multi-robot planning. We apply our approach to planning of deformable soft-body agents via the use of graphics hardware accelerated interference queries. We highlight the approach with a case study on pre-operative planning for liver chemoembolization. Next, we apply it to the case of highly articulated serial chains. Through dynamic dimensionality reduction and optimized collision response, we can successfully plan the motion of \\snake-like robots in a practical amount of time despite the high number of degrees of freedom in the problem. Finally, we show the use of the approach for a large number of bodies in dynamic environments. By applying our approach to both global and local interactions between agents, we can successfully plan for thousands of simple robots in real-world scenarios. We demonstrate their application to large crowd simulations

    Efficient Belief Propagation for Perception and Manipulation in Clutter

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    Autonomous service robots are required to perform tasks in common human indoor environments. To achieve goals associated with these tasks, the robot should continually perceive, reason its environment, and plan to manipulate objects, which we term as goal-directed manipulation. Perception remains the most challenging aspect of all stages, as common indoor environments typically pose problems in recognizing objects under inherent occlusions with physical interactions among themselves. Despite recent progress in the field of robot perception, accommodating perceptual uncertainty due to partial observations remains challenging and needs to be addressed to achieve the desired autonomy. In this dissertation, we address the problem of perception under uncertainty for robot manipulation in cluttered environments using generative inference methods. Specifically, we aim to enable robots to perceive partially observable environments by maintaining an approximate probability distribution as a belief over possible scene hypotheses. This belief representation captures uncertainty resulting from inter-object occlusions and physical interactions, which are inherently present in clutterred indoor environments. The research efforts presented in this thesis are towards developing appropriate state representations and inference techniques to generate and maintain such belief over contextually plausible scene states. We focus on providing the following features to generative inference while addressing the challenges due to occlusions: 1) generating and maintaining plausible scene hypotheses, 2) reducing the inference search space that typically grows exponentially with respect to the number of objects in a scene, 3) preserving scene hypotheses over continual observations. To generate and maintain plausible scene hypotheses, we propose physics informed scene estimation methods that combine a Newtonian physics engine within a particle based generative inference framework. The proposed variants of our method with and without a Monte Carlo step showed promising results on generating and maintaining plausible hypotheses under complete occlusions. We show that estimating such scenarios would not be possible by the commonly adopted 3D registration methods without the notion of a physical context that our method provides. To scale up the context informed inference to accommodate a larger number of objects, we describe a factorization of scene state into object and object-parts to perform collaborative particle-based inference. This resulted in the Pull Message Passing for Nonparametric Belief Propagation (PMPNBP) algorithm that caters to the demands of the high-dimensional multimodal nature of cluttered scenes while being computationally tractable. We demonstrate that PMPNBP is orders of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art Nonparametric Belief Propagation method. Additionally, we show that PMPNBP successfully estimates poses of articulated objects under various simulated occlusion scenarios. To extend our PMPNBP algorithm for tracking object states over continuous observations, we explore ways to propose and preserve hypotheses effectively over time. This resulted in an augmentation-selection method, where hypotheses are drawn from various proposals followed by the selection of a subset using PMPNBP that explained the current state of the objects. We discuss and analyze our augmentation-selection method with its counterparts in belief propagation literature. Furthermore, we develop an inference pipeline for pose estimation and tracking of articulated objects in clutter. In this pipeline, the message passing module with the augmentation-selection method is informed by segmentation heatmaps from a trained neural network. In our experiments, we show that our proposed pipeline can effectively maintain belief and track articulated objects over a sequence of observations under occlusion.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163159/1/kdesingh_1.pd

    Robotics-Inspired Methods for the Simulation of Conformational Changes in Proteins

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    Cette thèse présente une approche de modélisation inspirée par la robotique pour l'étude des changements conformationnels des protéines. Cette approche est basée sur une représentation mécanistique des protéines permettant l'application de méthodes efficaces provenant du domaine de la robotique. Elle fournit également une méthode appropriée pour le traitement gros-grains des protéines sans perte de détail au niveau atomique. L'approche présentée dans cette thèse est appliquée à deux types de problèmes de simulation moléculaire. Dans le premier, cette approche est utilisée pour améliorer l'échantillonnage de l'espace conformationnel des protéines. Plus précisément, cette approche de modélisation est utilisée pour implémenter des classes de mouvements pour l'échantillonnage, aussi bien connues que nouvelles, ainsi qu'une stratégie d'échantillonnage mixte, dans le contexte de la méthode de Monte Carlo. Les résultats des simulations effectuées sur des protéines ayant des topologies différentes montrent que cette stratégie améliore l'échantillonnage, sans toutefois nécessiter de ressources de calcul supplémentaires. Dans le deuxième type de problèmes abordés ici, l'approche de modélisation mécanistique est utilisée pour implémenter une méthode inspirée par la robotique et appliquée à la simulation de mouvements de grande amplitude dans les protéines. Cette méthode est basée sur la combinaison de l'algorithme RRT (Rapidly-exploring Random Tree) avec l'analyse en modes normaux, qui permet une exploration efficace des espaces de dimension élevée tels les espaces conformationnels des protéines. Les résultats de simulations effectuées sur un ensemble de protéines montrent l'efficacité de la méthode proposée pour l'étude des transitions conformationnellesProteins are biological macromolecules that play essential roles in living organisms. Un- derstanding the relationship between protein structure, dynamics and function is indis- pensable for advances in fields such as biology, pharmacology and biotechnology. Study- ing this relationship requires a combination of experimental and computational methods, whose development is the object of very active interdisciplinary research. In such a context, this thesis presents a robotics-inspired modeling approach for studying confor- mational changes in proteins. This approach is based on a mechanistic representation of proteins that enables the application of efficient methods originating from the field of robotics. It also provides an accurate method for coarse-grained treatment of proteins without loosing full-atom details.The presented approach is applied in this thesis to two different molecular simulation problems. First, the approach is used to enhance sampling of the conformational space of proteins using the Monte Carlo method. The modeling approach is used to implement new and known Monte Carlo trial move classes as well as a mixed sampling strategy. Results of simulations performed on proteins with different topologies show that this strategy enhances sampling without demanding higher computational resources. In the second problem tackled in this thesis, the mechanistic modeling approach is used to implement a robotics-inspired method for simulating large amplitude motions in proteins. This method is based on the combination of the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm with Normal Mode Analysis (NMA), which allows efficient exploration of the high dimensional conformational spaces of proteins. Results of simulations performed on ten different proteins of different sizes and topologies show the effectiveness of the proposed method for studying conformational transitionsTOULOUSE-INSA-Bib. electronique (315559905) / SudocSudocFranceF