173 research outputs found

    The Fault Attack Jungle - A Classification Model to Guide You

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    Privacy-preserving security solution for cloud services

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    AbstractWe propose a novel privacy-preserving security solution for cloud services. Our solution is based on an efficient non-bilinear group signature scheme providing the anonymous access to cloud services and shared storage servers. The novel solution offers anonymous authenticationfor registered users. Thus, users' personal attributes (age, valid registration, successful payment) can be proven without revealing users' identity, and users can use cloud services without any threat of profiling their behavior. However, if a user breaks provider's rules, his access right is revoked. Our solution provides anonymous access, unlinkability and the confidentiality of transmitted data. We implement our solution as a proof of concept applicationand present the experimental results. Further, we analyzecurrent privacy preserving solutions for cloud services and group signature schemes as basic parts of privacy enhancing solutions in cloud services. We compare the performance of our solution with the related solutionsand schemes

    Computational and Energy Costs of Cryptographic Algorithms on Handheld Devices

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    Networks are evolving toward a ubiquitous model in which heterogeneous devices are interconnected. Cryptographic algorithms are required for developing security solutions that protect network activity. However, the computational and energy limitations of network devices jeopardize the actual implementation of such mechanisms. In this paper, we perform a wide analysis on the expenses of launching symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic algorithms, hash chain functions, elliptic curves cryptography and pairing based cryptography on personal agendas, and compare them with the costs of basic operating system functions. Results show that although cryptographic power costs are high and such operations shall be restricted in time, they are not the main limiting factor of the autonomy of a device

    Side-Channel Analysis and Cryptography Engineering : Getting OpenSSL Closer to Constant-Time

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    As side-channel attacks reached general purpose PCs and started to be more practical for attackers to exploit, OpenSSL adopted in 2005 a flagging mechanism to protect against SCA. The opt-in mechanism allows to flag secret values, such as keys, with the BN_FLG_CONSTTIME flag. Whenever a flag is checked and detected, the library changes its execution flow to SCA-secure functions that are slower but safer, protecting these secret values from being leaked. This mechanism favors performance over security, it is error-prone, and is obscure for most library developers, increasing the potential for side-channel vulnerabilities. This dissertation presents an extensive side-channel analysis of OpenSSL and criticizes its fragile flagging mechanism. This analysis reveals several flaws affecting the library resulting in multiple side-channel attacks, improved cache-timing attack techniques, and a new side channel vector. The first part of this dissertation introduces the main topic and the necessary related work, including the microarchitecture, the cache hierarchy, and attack techniques; then it presents a brief troubled history of side-channel attacks and defenses in OpenSSL, setting the stage for the related publications. This dissertation includes seven original publications contributing to the area of side-channel analysis, microarchitecture timing attacks, and applied cryptography. From an SCA perspective, the results identify several vulnerabilities and flaws enabling protocol-level attacks on RSA, DSA, and ECDSA, in addition to full SCA of the SM2 cryptosystem. With respect to microarchitecture timing attacks, the dissertation presents a new side-channel vector due to port contention in the CPU execution units. And finally, on the applied cryptography front, OpenSSL now enjoys a revamped code base securing several cryptosystems against SCA, favoring a secure-by-default protection against side-channel attacks, instead of the insecure opt-in flagging mechanism provided by the fragile BN_FLG_CONSTTIME flag

    Privacy Preserving Cryptographic Protocols for Secure Heterogeneous Networks

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    Disertační práce se zabývá kryptografickými protokoly poskytující ochranu soukromí, které jsou určeny pro zabezpečení komunikačních a informačních systémů tvořících heterogenní sítě. Práce se zaměřuje především na možnosti využití nekonvenčních kryptografických prostředků, které poskytují rozšířené bezpečnostní požadavky, jako je například ochrana soukromí uživatelů komunikačního systému. V práci je stanovena výpočetní náročnost kryptografických a matematických primitiv na různých zařízeních, které se podílí na zabezpečení heterogenní sítě. Hlavní cíle práce se zaměřují na návrh pokročilých kryptografických protokolů poskytujících ochranu soukromí. V práci jsou navrženy celkově tři protokoly, které využívají skupinových podpisů založených na bilineárním párování pro zajištění ochrany soukromí uživatelů. Tyto navržené protokoly zajišťují ochranu soukromí a nepopiratelnost po celou dobu datové komunikace spolu s autentizací a integritou přenášených zpráv. Pro navýšení výkonnosti navržených protokolů je využito optimalizačních technik, např. dávkového ověřování, tak aby protokoly byly praktické i pro heterogenní sítě.The dissertation thesis deals with privacy-preserving cryptographic protocols for secure communication and information systems forming heterogeneous networks. The thesis focuses on the possibilities of using non-conventional cryptographic primitives that provide enhanced security features, such as the protection of user privacy in communication systems. In the dissertation, the performance of cryptographic and mathematic primitives on various devices that participate in the security of heterogeneous networks is evaluated. The main objectives of the thesis focus on the design of advanced privacy-preserving cryptographic protocols. There are three designed protocols which use pairing-based group signatures to ensure user privacy. These proposals ensure the protection of user privacy together with the authentication, integrity and non-repudiation of transmitted messages during communication. The protocols employ the optimization techniques such as batch verification to increase their performance and become more practical in heterogeneous networks.

    Recovering cryptographic keys from partial information, by example

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    Side-channel attacks targeting cryptography may leak only partial or indirect information about the secret keys. There are a variety of techniques in the literature for recovering secret keys from partial information. In this tutorial, we survey several of the main families of partial key recovery algorithms for RSA, (EC)DSA, and (elliptic curve) Diffie-Hellman, the public-key cryptosystems in common use today. We categorize the known techniques by the structure of the information that is learned by the attacker, and give simplified examples for each technique to illustrate the underlying ideas