262 research outputs found

    Image Processing Using FPGAs

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    This book presents a selection of papers representing current research on using field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for realising image processing algorithms. These papers are reprints of papers selected for a Special Issue of the Journal of Imaging on image processing using FPGAs. A diverse range of topics is covered, including parallel soft processors, memory management, image filters, segmentation, clustering, image analysis, and image compression. Applications include traffic sign recognition for autonomous driving, cell detection for histopathology, and video compression. Collectively, they represent the current state-of-the-art on image processing using FPGAs

    Pipelining Of Double Precision Floating Point Division And Square Root Operations On Field-programmable Gate Arrays

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    Many space applications, such as vision-based systems, synthetic aperture radar, and radar altimetry rely increasingly on high data rate DSP algorithms. These algorithms use double precision floating point arithmetic operations. While most DSP applications can be executed on DSP processors, the DSP numerical requirements of these new space applications surpass by far the numerical capabilities of many current DSP processors. Since the tradition in DSP processing has been to use fixed point number representation, only recently have DSP processors begun to incorporate floating point arithmetic units, even though most of these units handle only single precision floating point addition/subtraction, multiplication, and occasionally division. While DSP processors are slowly evolving to meet the numerical requirements of newer space applications, FPGA densities have rapidly increased to parallel and surpass even the gate densities of many DSP processors and commodity CPUs. This makes them attractive platforms to implement compute-intensive DSP computations. Even in the presence of this clear advantage on the side of FPGAs, few attempts have been made to examine how wide precision floating point arithmetic, particularly division and square root operations, can perform on FPGAs to support these compute-intensive DSP applications. In this context, this thesis presents the sequential and pipelined designs of IEEE-754 compliant double floating point division and square root operations based on low radix digit recurrence algorithms. FPGA implementations of these algorithms have the advantage of being easily testable. In particular, the pipelined designs are synthesized based on careful partial and full unrolling of the iterations in the digit recurrence algorithms. In the overall, the implementations of the sequential and pipelined designs are common-denominator implementations which do not use any performance-enhancing embedded components such as multipliers and block memory. As these implementations exploit exclusively the fine-grain reconfigurable resources of Virtex FPGAs, they are easily portable to other FPGAs with similar reconfigurable fabrics without any major modifications. The pipelined designs of these two operations are evaluated in terms of area, throughput, and dynamic power consumption as a function of pipeline depth. Pipelining experiments reveal that the area overhead tends to remain constant regardless of the degree of pipelining to which the design is submitted, while the throughput increases with pipeline depth. In addition, these experiments reveal that pipelining reduces power considerably in shallow pipelines. Pipelining further these designs does not necessarily lead to significant power reduction. By partitioning these designs into deeper pipelines, these designs can reach throughputs close to the 100 MFLOPS mark by consuming a modest 1% to 8% of the reconfigurable fabric within a Virtex-II XC2VX000 (e.g., XC2V1000 or XC2V6000) FPGA

    Adaptive Lightweight Compression Acceleration on Hybrid CPU-FPGA System

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    Efficient reconfigurable architectures for 3D medical image compression

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.Recently, the more widespread use of three-dimensional (3-D) imaging modalities, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), and ultrasound (US) have generated a massive amount of volumetric data. These have provided an impetus to the development of other applications, in particular telemedicine and teleradiology. In these fields, medical image compression is important since both efficient storage and transmission of data through high-bandwidth digital communication lines are of crucial importance. Despite their advantages, most 3-D medical imaging algorithms are computationally intensive with matrix transformation as the most fundamental operation involved in the transform-based methods. Therefore, there is a real need for high-performance systems, whilst keeping architectures exible to allow for quick upgradeability with real-time applications. Moreover, in order to obtain efficient solutions for large medical volumes data, an efficient implementation of these operations is of significant importance. Reconfigurable hardware, in the form of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) has been proposed as viable system building block in the construction of high-performance systems at an economical price. Consequently, FPGAs seem an ideal candidate to harness and exploit their inherent advantages such as massive parallelism capabilities, multimillion gate counts, and special low-power packages. The key achievements of the work presented in this thesis are summarised as follows. Two architectures for 3-D Haar wavelet transform (HWT) have been proposed based on transpose-based computation and partial reconfiguration suitable for 3-D medical imaging applications. These applications require continuous hardware servicing, and as a result dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) has been introduced. Comparative study for both non-partial and partial reconfiguration implementation has shown that DPR offers many advantages and leads to a compelling solution for implementing computationally intensive applications such as 3-D medical image compression. Using DPR, several large systems are mapped to small hardware resources, and the area, power consumption as well as maximum frequency are optimised and improved. Moreover, an FPGA-based architecture of the finite Radon transform (FRAT)with three design strategies has been proposed: direct implementation of pseudo-code with a sequential or pipelined description, and block random access memory (BRAM)- based method. An analysis with various medical imaging modalities has been carried out. Results obtained for image de-noising implementation using FRAT exhibits promising results in reducing Gaussian white noise in medical images. In terms of hardware implementation, promising trade-offs on maximum frequency, throughput and area are also achieved. Furthermore, a novel hardware implementation of 3-D medical image compression system with context-based adaptive variable length coding (CAVLC) has been proposed. An evaluation of the 3-D integer transform (IT) and the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) with lifting scheme (LS) for transform blocks reveal that 3-D IT demonstrates better computational complexity than the 3-D DWT, whilst the 3-D DWT with LS exhibits a lossless compression that is significantly useful for medical image compression. Additionally, an architecture of CAVLC that is capable of compressing high-definition (HD) images in real-time without any buffer between the quantiser and the entropy coder is proposed. Through a judicious parallelisation, promising results have been obtained with limited resources. In summary, this research is tackling the issues of massive 3-D medical volumes data that requires compression as well as hardware implementation to accelerate the slowest operations in the system. Results obtained also reveal a significant achievement in terms of the architecture efficiency and applications performance.Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) and the British Counci

    Speeding-up model-based fault injection of deep-submicron CMOS fault models through dynamic and partially reconfigurable FPGAS

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    Actualmente, las tecnologías CMOS submicrónicas son básicas para el desarrollo de los modernos sistemas basados en computadores, cuyo uso simplifica enormemente nuestra vida diaria en una gran variedad de entornos, como el gobierno, comercio y banca electrónicos, y el transporte terrestre y aeroespacial. La continua reducción del tamaño de los transistores ha permitido reducir su consumo y aumentar su frecuencia de funcionamiento, obteniendo por ello un mayor rendimiento global. Sin embargo, estas mismas características que mejoran el rendimiento del sistema, afectan negativamente a su confiabilidad. El uso de transistores de tamaño reducido, bajo consumo y alta velocidad, está incrementando la diversidad de fallos que pueden afectar al sistema y su probabilidad de aparición. Por lo tanto, existe un gran interés en desarrollar nuevas y eficientes técnicas para evaluar la confiabilidad, en presencia de fallos, de sistemas fabricados mediante tecnologías submicrónicas. Este problema puede abordarse por medio de la introducción deliberada de fallos en el sistema, técnica conocida como inyección de fallos. En este contexto, la inyección basada en modelos resulta muy interesante, ya que permite evaluar la confiabilidad del sistema en las primeras etapas de su ciclo de desarrollo, reduciendo por tanto el coste asociado a la corrección de errores. Sin embargo, el tiempo de simulación de modelos grandes y complejos imposibilita su aplicación en un gran número de ocasiones. Esta tesis se centra en el uso de dispositivos lógicos programables de tipo FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays) para acelerar los experimentos de inyección de fallos basados en simulación por medio de su implementación en hardware reconfigurable. Para ello, se extiende la investigación existente en inyección de fallos basada en FPGA en dos direcciones distintas: i) se realiza un estudio de las tecnologías submicrónicas existentes para obtener un conjunto representativo de modelos de fallos transitoriosAndrés Martínez, DD. (2007). Speeding-up model-based fault injection of deep-submicron CMOS fault models through dynamic and partially reconfigurable FPGAS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1943Palanci

    Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems on Chip 2010 - ReCoSoC\u2710 - May 17-19, 2010 Karlsruhe, Germany. (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7551)

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    ReCoSoC is intended to be a periodic annual meeting to expose and discuss gathered expertise as well as state of the art research around SoC related topics through plenary invited papers and posters. The workshop aims to provide a prospective view of tomorrow\u27s challenges in the multibillion transistor era, taking into account the emerging techniques and architectures exploring the synergy between flexible on-chip communication and system reconfigurability

    Automatic mapping of graphical programming applications to microelectronic technologies

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    Adaptive computing systems (ACSs) and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) can serve as flexible hardware accelerators for applications in domains such as image processing and digital signal processing. However, the mapping of applications onto ACSs and ASICs using the traditional methods can take months for a hardware engineer to develop and debug. In this dissertation, a new approach for automatic mapping of software applications onto ACSs and ASICs has been developed, implemented and validated. This dissertation presents the design flow of the software environment called CHAMPION, which is being developed at the University of Tennessee. This environment permits high-level design entry using the Cantata graphical programming software fromKRI. Using Cantata as the design entry, CHAMPION hides from the user the low-level details of the hardware architecture and the finer issues of application mapping onto the hardware. Validation of the CHAMPION environment was performed using multiple applications of moderate complexity. In one case, theapplication mapping time which required six weeks to perform manually took only six minutes for CHAMPION, yet comparable results were produced. Furthermore, the CHAMPION environment was constructed such that retargeting to a new adaptive computing system could be accomplished in just a few hours as opposed to weeks using manual methods. Thus, CHAMPION permits both ACSs and ASICs to be utilized by a wider audience and application development accomplished in less time

    A Survey on Design Methodologies for Accelerating Deep Learning on Heterogeneous Architectures

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    In recent years, the field of Deep Learning has seen many disruptive and impactful advancements. Given the increasing complexity of deep neural networks, the need for efficient hardware accelerators has become more and more pressing to design heterogeneous HPC platforms. The design of Deep Learning accelerators requires a multidisciplinary approach, combining expertise from several areas, spanning from computer architecture to approximate computing, computational models, and machine learning algorithms. Several methodologies and tools have been proposed to design accelerators for Deep Learning, including hardware-software co-design approaches, high-level synthesis methods, specific customized compilers, and methodologies for design space exploration, modeling, and simulation. These methodologies aim to maximize the exploitable parallelism and minimize data movement to achieve high performance and energy efficiency. This survey provides a holistic review of the most influential design methodologies and EDA tools proposed in recent years to implement Deep Learning accelerators, offering the reader a wide perspective in this rapidly evolving field. In particular, this work complements the previous survey proposed by the same authors in [203], which focuses on Deep Learning hardware accelerators for heterogeneous HPC platforms

    Novel Architectures for Offloading and Accelerating Computations in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

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    Due to the end of Moore's Law and Dennard Scaling, performance gains in general-purpose architectures have significantly slowed in recent years. While raising the number of cores has been a viable approach for further performance increases, Amdahl's Law and its implications on parallelization also limit further performance gains. Consequently, research has shifted towards different approaches, including domain-specific custom architectures tailored to specific workloads. This has led to a new golden age for computer architecture, as noted in the Turing Award Lecture by Hennessy and Patterson, which has spawned several new architectures and architectural advances specifically targeted at highly current workloads, including Machine Learning. This thesis introduces a hierarchy of architectural improvements ranging from minor incremental changes, such as High-Bandwidth Memory, to more complex architectural extensions that offload workloads from the general-purpose CPU towards more specialized accelerators. Finally, we introduce novel architectural paradigms, namely Near-Data or In-Network Processing, as the most complex architectural improvements. This cumulative dissertation then investigates several architectural improvements to accelerate Sum-Product Networks, a novel Machine Learning approach from the class of Probabilistic Graphical Models. Furthermore, we use these improvements as case studies to discuss the impact of novel architectures, showing that minor and major architectural changes can significantly increase performance in Machine Learning applications. In addition, this thesis presents recent works on Near-Data Processing, which introduces Smart Storage Devices as a novel architectural paradigm that is especially interesting in the context of Big Data. We discuss how Near-Data Processing can be applied to improve performance in different database settings by offloading database operations to smart storage devices. Offloading data-reductive operations, such as selections, reduces the amount of data transferred, thus improving performance and alleviating bandwidth-related bottlenecks. Using Near-Data Processing as a use-case, we also discuss how Machine Learning approaches, like Sum-Product Networks, can improve novel architectures. Specifically, we introduce an approach for offloading Cardinality Estimation using Sum-Product Networks that could enable more intelligent decision-making in smart storage devices. Overall, we show that Machine Learning can benefit from developing novel architectures while also showing that Machine Learning can be applied to improve the applications of novel architectures