13 research outputs found

    Semantic representation and compression system for GPS using coresets

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    Thesis: M. Eng., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 76-79).We present a semantic approach for compressing mobile sensor data and focus on GPS streams. Unlike popular text-compression methods, our approach takes advantage of the fact that agents (robotic, personal, or vehicular) perform tasks in a physical space, and the resulting sensor stream usually contains repeated observations of the same locations, actions, or scenes. We model this sensor stream as a Markov process with unobserved states, and our goal is to compute the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) that maximizes the likelihood estimation (MLE) of generating the stream. Our semantic representation and compression system comprises of two main parts: 1) trajectory mapping and 2) trajectory compression. The trajectory mapping stage extracts a semantic representation (topological map) from raw sensor data. Our trajectory compression stage uses a recursive binary search algorithm to take advantage of the information captured by our constructed map. To improve efficiency and scalability, we utilize 2 coresets: we formalize the coreset for 1-segment and apply our system on a small k-segment coreset of the data rather than the original data. The compressed trajectory compresses the original sensor stream and approximates its likelihood up to a provable (1 + E)-multiplicative factor for any candidate Markov model. We conclude with experimental results on data sets from several robots, personal smartphones, and taxicabs. In a robotics experiment of more than 72K points, we show that the size of our compression is smaller by a factor of 650 when compared to the original signal, and by factor of 170 when compared to bzip2. We additionally demonstrate the capability of our system to automatically summarize a personal GPS stream, generate a sketch of a city map, and merge trajectories from multiple taxicabs for a more complete map.by Cathy Wu.M. Eng

    Database Streaming Compression on Memory-Limited Machines

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    Dynamic Huffman compression algorithms operate on data-streams with a bounded symbol list. With these algorithms, the complete list of symbols must be contained in main memory or secondary storage. A horizontal format transaction database that is streaming can have a very large item list. Many nodes tax both the processing hardware primary memory size, and the processing time to dynamically maintain the tree. This research investigated Huffman compression of a transaction-streaming database with a very large symbol list, where each item in the transaction database schema’s item list is a symbol to compress. The constraint of a large symbol list is, in this research, equivalent to the constraint of a memory-limited machine. A large symbol set will result if each item in a large database item list is a symbol to compress in a database stream. In addition, database streams may have some temporal component spanning months or years. Finally, the horizontal format is the format most suited to a streaming transaction database because the transaction IDs are not known beforehand This research prototypes an algorithm that will compresses a transaction database stream. There are several advantages to the memory limited dynamic Huffman algorithm. Dynamic Huffman algorithms are single pass algorithms. In many instances a second pass over the data is not possible, such as with streaming databases. Previous dynamic Huffman algorithms are not memory limited, they are asymptotic to O(n), where n is the number of distinct item IDs. Memory is required to grow to fit the n items. The improvement of the new memory limited Dynamic Huffman algorithm is that it would have an O(k) asymptotic memory requirement; where k is the maximum number of nodes in the Huffman tree, k \u3c n, and k is a user chosen constant. The new memory limited Dynamic Huffman algorithm compresses horizontally encoded transaction databases that do not contain long runs of 0’s or 1’s


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    \emph{Static functions} are data structures meant to store arbitrary mappings from finite sets to integers; that is, given universe of items UU, a set of nNn \in \mathbb{N} pairs (ki,vi)(k_i,v_i) where kiSU,S=nk_i \in S \subset U, |S|=n, and vi{0,1,,m1},mNv_i \in \{0, 1, \ldots, m-1\} , m \in \mathbb{N} , a static function will retrieve viv_i given kik_i (usually, in constant time). When every key is mapped into a different value this function is called \emph{perfect hash function} and when n=mn=m the data structure yields an injective numbering S{0,1,n1}S\to \lbrace0,1, \ldots n-1 \rbrace; this mapping is called a \emph{minimal perfect hash function}. Big data brought back one of the most critical challenges that computer scientists have been tackling during the last fifty years, that is, analyzing big amounts of data that do not fit in main memory. While for small keysets these mappings can be easily implemented using hash tables, this solution does not scale well for bigger sets. Static functions and MPHFs break the information-theoretical lower bound of storing the set SS because they are allowed to return \emph{any} value if the queried key is not in the original keyset. The classical constructions technique for static functions can achieve just O(nb)O(nb) bits space, where b=log(m)b=\log(m), and the one for MPHFs O(n)O(n) bits of space (always with constant access time). All these features make static functions and MPHFs powerful techniques when handling, for instance, large sets of strings, and they are essential building blocks of space-efficient data structures such as (compressed) full-text indexes, monotone MPHFs, Bloom filter-like data structures, and prefix-search data structures. The biggest challenge of this construction technique involves lowering the multiplicative constants hidden inside the asymptotic space bounds while keeping feasible construction times. In this thesis, we take advantage of the recent result in random linear systems theory regarding the ratio between the number of variables and number of the equations, and in perfect hash data structures, to achieve practical static functions with the lowest space bounds so far, and construction time comparable with widely used techniques. The new results, however, require solving linear systems that require more than a simple triangulation process, as it happens in current state-of-the-art solutions. The main challenge in making such structures usable is mitigating the cubic running time of Gaussian elimination at construction time. To this purpose, we introduce novel techniques based on \emph{broadword programming} and a heuristic derived from \emph{structured Gaussian elimination}. We obtained data structures that are significantly smaller than commonly used hypergraph-based constructions while maintaining or improving the lookup times and providing still feasible construction.We then apply these improvements to another kind of structures: \emph{compressed static hash functions}. The theoretical construction technique for this kind of data structure uses prefix-free codes with variable length to encode the set of values. Adopting this solution, we can reduce the\n space usage of each element to (essentially) the entropy of the list of output values of the function.Indeed, we need to solve an even bigger linear system of equations, and the time required to build the structure increases. In this thesis, we present the first engineered implementation of compressed hash functions. For example, we were able to store a function with geometrically distributed output, with parameter p=0.5p=0.5in just 2.282.28 bit per key, independently of the key set, with a construction time double with respect to that of a state-of-the-art non-compressed function, which requires loglogn\approx\log \log n bits per key, where nn is the number of keys, and similar lookup time. We can also store a function with an output distributed following a Zipfian distribution with parameter s=2s=2 and N=106N= 10^6 in just 2.752.75 bits per key, whereas a non-compressed function would require more than 2020, with a threefold increase in construction time and significantly faster lookups

    VLSI implementation of a massively parallel wavelet based zerotree coder for the intelligent pixel array

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    In the span of a few years, mobile multimedia communication has rapidly become a significant area of research and development constantly challenging boundaries on a variety of technologic fronts. Mobile video communications in particular encompasses a number of technical hurdles that generally steer technological advancements towards devices that are low in complexity, low in power usage yet perform the given task efficiently. Devices of this nature have been made available through the use of massively parallel processing arrays such as the Intelligent Pixel Processing Array. The Intelligent Pixel Processing array is a novel concept that integrates a parallel image capture mechanism, a parallel processing component and a parallel display component into a single chip solution geared toward mobile communications environments, be it a PDA based system or the video communicator wristwatch portrayed in Dick Tracy episodes. This thesis details work performed to provide an efficient, low power, low complexity solution surrounding the massively parallel implementation of a zerotree entropy codec for the Intelligent Pixel Array

    Design and application of variable-to-variable length codes

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    This work addresses the design of minimum redundancy variable-to-variable length (V2V) codes and studies their suitability for using them in the probability interval partitioning entropy (PIPE) coding concept as an alternative to binary arithmetic coding. Several properties and new concepts for V2V codes are discussed and a polynomial-based principle for designing V2V codes is proposed. Various minimum redundancy V2V codes are derived and combined with the PIPE coding concept. Their redundancy is compared to the binary arithmetic coder of the video compression standard H.265/HEVC

    Using semantic knowledge to improve compression on log files

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    With the move towards global and multi-national companies, information technology infrastructure requirements are increasing. As the size of these computer networks increases, it becomes more and more difficult to monitor, control, and secure them. Networks consist of a number of diverse devices, sensors, and gateways which are often spread over large geographical areas. Each of these devices produce log files which need to be analysed and monitored to provide network security and satisfy regulations. Data compression programs such as gzip and bzip2 are commonly used to reduce the quantity of data for archival purposes after the log files have been rotated. However, there are many other compression programs which exist - each with their own advantages and disadvantages. These programs each use a different amount of memory and take different compression and decompression times to achieve different compression ratios. System log files also contain redundancy which is not necessarily exploited by standard compression programs. Log messages usually use a similar format with a defined syntax. In the log files, all the ASCII characters are not used and the messages contain certain "phrases" which often repeated. This thesis investigates the use of compression as a means of data reduction and how the use of semantic knowledge can improve data compression (also applying results to different scenarios that can occur in a distributed computing environment). It presents the results of a series of tests performed on different log files. It also examines the semantic knowledge which exists in maillog files and how it can be exploited to improve the compression results. The results from a series of text preprocessors which exploit this knowledge are presented and evaluated. These preprocessors include: one which replaces the timestamps and IP addresses with their binary equivalents and one which replaces words from a dictionary with unused ASCII characters. In this thesis, data compression is shown to be an effective method of data reduction producing up to 98 percent reduction in filesize on a corpus of log files. The use of preprocessors which exploit semantic knowledge results in up to 56 percent improvement in overall compression time and up to 32 percent reduction in compressed size.TeXpdfTeX-1.40.