22 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Faktor-faktor Supply Chain Agility terhadap Profitability pada PT. Konta Alas Sakti

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    Pengaruh Faktor faktor Supply Chain Agility terhadap Profitability pada PT. Konta Alas Sakti Pada masa sekarang, dimana semua bisa diakses dengan mudah, membuat selera dan keinginan konsumen berubah dengan sangat cepat. Hal ini juga didukung oleh pandemi yang terjadi pada tahun 2020 hingga saat ini. Sehingga hal ini membuat perusahaan harus mampu menyesuaikan dan beradaptasi dengan keadaan yang juga berubah ubah secara dinamis. Teori yang akan dipergunakan untuk menjelaskan penelitian ini adalah Supply Chain Agility, dengan variabel variabelnya yaitu speed, competence, flexibility, responsibility terhadap faktor profitability dari perusahaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data dari para karyawan perusahaan PT Konta Alas Sakti dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 101 responden. Data ini dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling SEM dengan bantuan software LISREL. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel speed dan flexibility memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap profitability, tetapi dua variabel lain yaitu competence dan responsiveness memiliki hubungan yang tidak signifikan terhadap profitability pada PT Konta Alas Sakti

    Analysis of the agility of the automotive industry supply chain in times of COVID-19: a case study

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    In the early stages of the corona virus pandemic, business environment was changing rapidly. The Moroccan automotive industry was one of the export sectors most affected negatively by the corona crisis; it collapsed during the three months of confinement and the pandemic has created immense uncertainties in demand and disrupted global supply chains. Indeed, to save the automotive industry, Morocco relies on its competitiveness and challenges current supply models for supply chain agility in order to better prepare for future disruptions. Achieving a competitive edge requires aligning company with suppliers and customers as well as working together to achieve agility, organizationally, strategically and individually. However, agile supply chains are the most powerful competitive vehicles of the manufacturing companies. To help automakers deal with the many challenges associated with the pandemic, let’s present this research on the key enablers that will need to be monitored as the situation evolves. Thus, our article presents an original approach which, by linking the competitive priorities, agile supply chain attributes and enablers, aims at evaluates and enhances supply chain agility of a Moroccan automotive factory. Let’s adopt fuzzy quality function deployment (FQFD) approach and, in particular, the two houses of quality (HOQ) with a fuzzy scale in order to identify the most appropriate enablers to be implemented by the factory. This evaluation demonstrates that there are three enablers needing maximum attention: process compliance, logistics and distribution capabilities and supportive information technology. Then, the supply chain agility improvement should be based on these enabler

    Interrelationship Performance Indicators Model of Agile Supply Chain Management in Palm Oil Industry

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    This paper tries to model agile supply chain management performance indicators in the palm oil industry. The interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) method is used to find the relationship between these indicators. The ISM stages begin with identifying indicators, compiling contextual relationships, compiling reachability matrices, compiling level partitions, compiling digraphs, and compiling ISM models. Then MICMAC analysis is used to group each of these indicators into four categories based on their driving power and dependence power. In this study, 16 hands of agile supply chain management in the palm oil industry were obtained, of which the four-level ISM  model could be constructed. Two indicators are at level 4, six hands are at level 3, three indicators are at level 2, and five indicators are at level 1. Meanwhile, through MICMAC analysis, five indicators are found in the independent indicators category, six hands are in the linkage indicator category, four indicators are included in the dependent indicator category, and one indicator is in the autonomous indicator category. This research can be used by managers in the palm oil industry who want to increase agility in their supply chain. In general, indicators at level 4 can affect indicators at level 3, and so on. So that management can start fixing the indicators at level 4 first. In addition, indicators that have a driving power value in MICMAC analysis can be prioritized to improve their performance

    The Impact of Long-Term Relationships, Information Sharing, Agile, and Supply Chain Collaboration Towards Performance on Culinary Sectors

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    The development of the Indonesian economy cannot be separated from the role of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in various regions spread across Indonesia. Each city or district is a potential and developing area when viewed from the MSME business unit supported by the tourism industry in each of these areas. The MSMEs business unit in the culinary field faces many challenges such as increasingly tight competition, difficulty in obtaining funding or capital, inadequate marketing, lack of superior resources in the culinary field, lack of access to suppliers, and the emergence of new competitors. This problem relates to supply chain activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of long-term relationships, information sharing, agile, supply chain capabilities, and supply chain applications on supply chain performance. This study used a sample of 150 respondents who had filled in the research instrument form, where the data collected were analyzed using SmartPLS.The results of this study indicate that all independent variables in this study have a positive and significant effect on the dependent variable, namely supply chain performance in the culinary sector in Indonesia. The Novelty, of the concept of this research is that the agile variable in previous studies is the dependent variable, but in this study the agile variable becomes the independent variable


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh psychological empowerment terhadap workforce agility pada tenaga kerja pemasaran digital di wilayah Jabodetabek. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan subjek penelitian sebanyak 108 responden yang dipilih menggunakan teknik snowball sampling. Kuesioner terdiri dari skala Psychological Empowerment Questionnaire (PEQ) yang disusun oleh Spreitzer (2007), kemudian diterjemahkan oleh Armelia (2012) dan skala Workforce Agility Questionnaire (WAQ) yang dikembangkan oleh Alavi et al., (2014) dan diterjemahkan oleh Suri (2021). Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik Regresi Linier Sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh psychological empowerment terhadap workforce agility dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar 1,078, dengan demikian, workforce agility dipengaruhi oleh psychological empowerment dengan koefisien determinasi sebesar 57,1% yang artinya masih terdapat 42,9% prediktor lain. Abstract: This research aims to determine the influence of psychological empowerment on workforce agility in the digital marketing employee in the Jabodetabek region. The method used is quantitative research with 108 respondents selected using the snowball sampling technique. The questionnaire consists of the Psychological Empowerment Questionnaire (PEQ) scale, developed by Spreitzer (2007), translated by Armelia (2012), and the Workforce Agility Questionnaire (WAQ) scale, developed by Alavi et al. (2014), and translated by Suri (2021). Data analysis was performed using Simple Linear Regression technique. The research results indicate that there is an influence of psychological empowerment on workforce agility, with a correlation coefficient of 1.078. Thus, workforce agility is influenced by psychological empowerment with a determination coefficient of 57.1%, meaning that there are still 42.9% other predictors

    Entrepreneurial Agility: a key to notch ‘Sustainable Business Performance’ in IT-Enterprises of Pakistan

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    Entrepreneurial agility is an emerging phenomenon that circumambient over the last two decades. It refers to an individual or organizational capability to anticipate, visualize, and exploit unforeseen entrepreneurial challenges and opportunities existed in market. The study is intended to determine the role of entrepreneurial agility inn creating sustainable business performance among IT-enterprises through the mediation of business model innovation. Additionally, the study also tested the moderation of environmental dynamism between a) entrepreneurial agility and sustainable business performance and b) entrepreneurial agility and business model innovation. Overall, the study established moderated mediation framework about creating sustainable business performance in IT-enterprises via key of ‘entrepreneurial agility’. In this study, quantitative research approach is adopted to gather data from 215 respondents of IT-enterprises across Pakistan by using self-administered close-ended questionnaire. For sample selection, convenience sampling is used. Moreover, SPSS-24 (PROCESS macro) is used to test the moderated mediation framework about role of entrepreneurial agility in creating sustainable business performance through mediation of business model innovation and moderation of environmental dynamism. The empirical findings demonstrated that entrepreneurial agility has statistical significant effect on business model innovation and sustainable business performance. Likewise, business model innovation is also evidenced as antecedent of sustainable business performance. Moreover, mediation of business model innovation and positive moderation of environmental dynamism is also proved. This study is purely unique as it presented the moderated mediation framework of entrepreneurial agility, business model innovation, and sustainable business performance under the umbrella of environmental dynamism that were never tested and presented by anyone in context of IT-enterprises of developing countries like Pakistan. The study is enriched with certain theoretical and practical implications for body of knowledge, researchers, policy makers and practitioners. Current study highlighted the need and significance of entrepreneurial agility for IT-enterprises to get sustainable business performance. Moreover, this study is limited with cross-sectional empirical research in context of IT industry of Pakistan that created opportunities for upcoming researchers

    Global supply chain resilience with the flexible partnership

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    Purpose: This paper aims to examine how multinational corporations respond to environmental turbulence by adopting a flexible supply chain (SC). Design/methodology/approach: This study adopts a case study in the medical industry to identify effective strategic approaches by taking advantage of new business opportunities and navigating complex business partnerships. This study focuses on medical diagnostic equipment, including computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and X-ray, that involves the suppliers, channel partners and medical users. Findings: (1) The market turbulence brought the SC leaders to adopt multiple partnership approaches, i.e. funnel-based and area-based partnerships. (2) Adopting a funnel-based partnership allows the SC to seize new market opportunities. Still, it brought a risk element of SC failure from the flawed selection process and professional misconduct. (3) SC leaders adopted flexible partnerships to help address the risk of professional misconduct and select partners for long-term collaboration. Originality/value: This paper contributes to emergent literature on social exchange theory by exposing the global SC when the SC leaders set up agility approaches. This paper also extends the discussion on the industrial marketing and purchasing theory, which seeks to promote an active buyer–seller relationship

    Cadena de suministro y su influencia en la rentabilidad de pollos y parrillas El Mesón, Lima, 2022

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general, precisar la relación entre la cadena de suministros y la rentabilidad del restaurant pollos y parrillas El Mesón, Lima 2022. El tipo de investigación fue aplicada, con un diseño correlacional causal no experimental de corte trasversal. La muestra fue censal conformada por 22 documentos contables. La técnica fue análisis documental y como instrumento se usó la ficha de análisis documental. Como resultados se obtuvo que la empresa vendió 21041 platos en los 7 primeros meses y que se estaban excediendo en el uso de productos e insumos. Así mismo, el ROE alcanzo un 111% y 276%, el ROA alcanzo un 52% y 47%. De igual manera el Rho fue de 0.94 y 0.74 esto en los años 2021-2022. Finalmente, con la propuesta para la cadena de suministros el ROE alcanzo un 283% en el 2022, mientras que el ROA se mantuvo en 47% alcanzando un Rho de 0.74. Por lo tanto, se concluyó aceptando la hipótesis planteada, debido a que si existe relación entre las variables

    Enhancing global supply chain resilience in the Indonesian medical device industry: a dynamic capability perspective

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    Purpose: This paper aims to understand how the global supply chain in the medical device industry embraces resilience by adopting agility approach following COVID-19. Design/methodology/approach: This study adopts an interpretative approach to examine the qualitative data drawn from interviews and observation under dynamic capability theory. The data collection concerned multiple stakeholders involved in purchasing and supply management in the medical device market: manufacturing suppliers, channel partners, hospital management and end-users. The coding analysis uses an application that helps the researchers categorise the nodes and extend the existing literature. Findings: The findings show that global supply chain leaders leverage the dynamic capability by centralising the business process decision to respond to the shifting demand from the local governments to the national health ministry, shaping the partnership style from the area- to the funnel-based agreement, even though it exposes a risk of product acceptability from the end-users, encouraging the distributor to convert just-in-time approach into holding safety stock to avoid penalty from missing the procurement target even and restructuring the local partners’ debts to manage long-term performance. Originality/value: This study extends the emerging literature in international business by underpinning dynamic capability theory

    Gestión logística y rentabilidad de la empresa Negocios y Servicios Postales SAC, Tarapoto 2019

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    La investigación planteó como objetivo determinar de qué manera la gestión logística se relaciona con la rentabilidad de la empresa Negocios y Servicios Postales SAC, Tarapoto 2019. La investigación fue de tipo aplicado con diseño no experimental de corte transversal-correlacional, la población y muestra estuvo conformada por 30 colaboradores de la empresa, la técnica empleada fue la encuesta y el instrumento aplicado el cuestionario. Se empleó el método de análisis descriptivo e inferencial. Los resultados demostraron que el proceso de recepción, almacenamiento y picking se relacionan de manera significativa con la rentabilidad de la empresa pues los valores de significancia bilateral resultante fueron (0.000), (0.000) y (0.001) respectivamente, mientras que lo valores del coeficiente determinante fueron (0,821), (0,705) y (0,514) respectivamente. Conclusión: La gestión logística se relaciona de manera significativa con la rentabilidad de la empresa Negocios y Servicios Postales SAC, Tarapoto 2019, porque la significancia bilateral resultante fue 0.000, es decir, menor a 0.05. Asimismo, respecto al coeficiente de correlación, existe correlación positiva buena pues al efectuar el cálculo del coeficiente determinante (0,845)2 se dio a conocer que la gestión logística incide en un 71% en la rentabilidad