485 research outputs found

    English loanword adaptation in Burmese

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    This paper provides a descriptive account of the main patterns found in the adaptation of English loanwords in Burmese. First, English segments missing from the Burmese inventory are replaced by native Burmese segments. Second, coda obstruents are represented by laryngealized tones. Third, consonant clusters are resolved through vowel epenthesis or consonant deletion. Finally, various phonotactic gaps native to Burmese, some with rather idiosyncratic distributional properties, are consistently maintained in loanwords via a number of different strategies. The data suggest overall that Burmese phonology heavily constrains the adaptation of English loanwords, and a brief sketch of an Optimality-Theoretic analysis is presented

    Phonological Processing in Human Auditory Cortical Fields

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    We used population-based cortical-surface analysis of functional magnetic imaging data to characterize the processing of consonant–vowel–consonant syllables (CVCs) and spectrally matched amplitude-modulated noise bursts (AMNBs) in human auditory cortex as subjects attended to auditory or visual stimuli in an intermodal selective attention paradigm. Average auditory cortical field (ACF) locations were defined using tonotopic mapping in a previous study. Activations in auditory cortex were defined by two stimulus-preference gradients: (1) Medial belt ACFs preferred AMNBs and lateral belt and parabelt fields preferred CVCs. This preference extended into core ACFs with medial regions of primary auditory cortex (A1) and the rostral field preferring AMNBs and lateral regions preferring CVCs. (2) Anterior ACFs showed smaller activations but more clearly defined stimulus preferences than did posterior ACFs. Stimulus preference gradients were unaffected by auditory attention suggesting that ACF preferences reflect the automatic processing of different spectrotemporal sound features

    Cross-linguistic exploration of phonemic representations

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    All languages around the world have their own vast sound inventories. Understanding each other through verbal communication requires, first of all, understanding each other\u2019s phonemes. This often overlooked constraint is non-trivial already among native speakers of the same language, given the variability with which we all articulate our phonemes. It becomes even more challenging when interacting with non-native speakers, who have developed neural representations of different sets of phonemes. How can the brain make sense of such diversity? It is remarkable that the sounds produced by the vocal tract, that have evolved to serve as sym-bols in natural languages, fall almost neatly into two classes with such different characteristics, consonants and vowels. Consonants are complex in nature: beyond acoustically-defined formant (resonant) frequencies, additional physical parameters such as formant transitions, the delay period in those transitions, energy bursts, the vibrations of the vocal cords occurring before and during the consonant burst, and the length of those vibrations are needed to identify them. Surprisingly, consonants are very quickly categorized through a quite mysterious form of invariant feature ex-traction. In contrast to consonants, vowels can be represented in a simple and transparent manner and that is because, amazingly, only two analog dimensions within a continuous space are essen-tially enough to characterize a vowel. The first dimension corresponds to the degree to which the vocal tract is open when producing the vowel and the second dimension is the location of the main occlusion. Surprisingly, these anatomically-defined production modes match very precisely the first two acoustically-defined formant frequencies, namely F1 and F2. While for some languages some additional features are necessary to specify a vowel, such as its length or roundedness, whose nature may be more discrete, for many others F1 and F2 are all there is to it. In this thesis, we use both behavioral (phoneme confusion frequencies) and neural measures (the spatio- temporal distribution of phoneme-evoked neural activation) to study the cross-linguistic organization of phoneme perception. In Chapter 2, we study the perception of consonants by repli-cating and extending a classical study on sub-phonemic features underlying perceptual differences between phonemes. Comparing the responses of native listeners to that of Italian, Turkish, Hebrew, and (Argentinian) Spanish listeners to a range of American English consonants, we look at the specific patterns of errors that speakers of different languages make by using the metric content index, which was previously used in entirely different contexts, with either discrete, e.g. in face space, or continuous representations, e.g. of the spatial environment. Beyond the analysis of percent correct score, and transmitted information, we frame the problem in terms of \u2018place attractors\u2019, in analogy to those which have been well studied in spatial memory. Through our experimental paradigm, we try to access distinct attractors in different languages. In the same chapter, we provide auditory evoked potentials of some consonant-vowel syllables, which hint at transparent processing of the vowels regulated by the first two formants that characterize them, and accordingly we then turn to investigating the vowel trajectories in the vowel manifold. We start our exploration of the vowel space in Chapter 3 by addressing a perceptually important third dimension for native Turkish speakers \u2013 that is rounding. Can native Turkish speakers navigate better vowel trajectories in which the second formant changes over a short time, to reflect rounding, compared to native Italian speakers, who are not required to make such fine discriminations on this dimension? We found no mother tongue effects. We have found, however, that rounding in vowels could be represented with similar efficiency by fine differences in a F2 peak frequency which is constant in time, or inverting the temporal dynamics of a changing F2, which then makes vowels not mere points in the space, but rather continuous trajectories.We walk through phoneme trajectories at every tens of milliseconds, it comes to us as nat-urally as walking in a room, if not more. Similar to spatial trajectories, we create equidistant continuous vowel trajectories in Chapter 4 on a vowel wheel positioned in the central region of the two-dimensional vowel space where in some languages like Italian there are no standard vowel categories, and in some other, like English, there are. Is the central region in languages like Italian to be regarded as a flat empty space with no attractors? Is there any reminiscence of their own phoneme memories? We ask whether this central region is flat, or can at least be flattened through extensive training. If so, would then we find a neural substrate that modulates the perception in the 2D vowel plane, similar to grid cell representation that is involved in the spatial navigation of empty 2D arenas? Our results are not suggestive of a grid-like representation, but rather points at the modulation of the neural signal by the position of Italian vowels around the outer contour of the wheel. Therefore in Chapter 5, we ask how our representation of the vowel space, not only in the central region but rather in the entirely of its linguistically relevant portion, is deformed by the presence of the standard categories of our vowel repertoire. We use \u2018belts\u2019, that are short stretches along which formant frequencies are varied quasi-continuously, to determine the local metric that best describes, for each language, the vowel manifold as a non-flat space constructed in our brain. As opposed to the \u2018consonant planes\u2019, that we constructed in Chapter 2, which appear to have a similar structure to a great extent, we find that the vowel plane is subjective and that it is language dependent. In light of language-specific transformations of the vowel plane, we wonder whether native bilinguals hold simultaneously multiple maps available and use one or the other to interpret linguistic sources depending on context. Or alternatively, we ask, do they construct and use a fusion of the two original maps, that allows them to efficiently discriminate vowel contrast that have to be discriminated in either language? The neural mechanisms underlying the physical map switch, known as remapping, have been well studied in rodent hippocampus; is the vowel map alternation governed by similar principles? We compare and show that the perceptual vowel maps of native Norwegian speakers, who are not bilingual but fluent in English, are unique, probably sculpted by their long-term memory codes, and we leave the curious case of bilinguals for future studies. Overall we attempt to investigate phoneme perception in a different framework compared to how it has been studied in the literature, which has been in the interest of a large community for many years, but largely disconnected from the study of cortical computation. Our aim is to demonstrate that insights about persisting questions in the field may be reached from another well explored part of cognition

    Categorization of regional and foreign accent in 5- to 7-year-old British children

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    This study examines children's ability to detect accent-related information in connected speech. British English children aged 5 and 7 years old were asked to discriminate between their home accent from an Irish accent or a French accent in a sentence categorization task. Using a preliminary accent rating task with adult listeners, it was first verified that the level of accentedness was similar across the two unfamiliar accents. Results showed that whereas the younger children group behaved just above chance level in this task, the 7-year-old group could reliably distinguish between these variations of their own language, but were significantly better at detecting the foreign accent than the regional accent. These results extend and replicate a previous study (Girard, Floccia, & Goslin, 2008) in which it was found that 5-year-old French children could detect a foreign accent better than a regional accent. The factors underlying the relative lack of awareness for a regional accent as opposed to a foreign accent in childhood are discussed, especially the amount of exposure, the learnability of both types of accents, and a possible difference in the amount of vowels versus consonants variability, for which acoustic measures of vowel formants and plosives voice onset time are provided. © 2009 The International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development

    Production and perception of speaker-specific phonetic detail at word boundaries

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    Experiments show that learning about familiar voices affects speech processing in many tasks. However, most studies focus on isolated phonemes or words and do not explore which phonetic properties are learned about or retained in memory. This work investigated inter-speaker phonetic variation involving word boundaries, and its perceptual consequences. A production experiment found significant variation in the extent to which speakers used a number of acoustic properties to distinguish junctural minimal pairs e.g. 'So he diced them'—'So he'd iced them'. A perception experiment then tested intelligibility in noise of the junctural minimal pairs before and after familiarisation with a particular voice. Subjects who heard the same voice during testing as during the familiarisation period showed significantly more improvement in identification of words and syllable constituents around word boundaries than those who heard different voices. These data support the view that perceptual learning about the particular pronunciations associated with individual speakers helps listeners to identify syllabic structure and the location of word boundaries

    An exploration of the rhythm of Malay

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    In recent years there has been a surge of interest in speech rhythm. However we still lack a clear understanding of the nature of rhythm and rhythmic differences across languages. Various metrics have been proposed as means for measuring rhythm on the phonetic level and making typological comparisons between languages (Ramus et al, 1999; Grabe & Low, 2002; Dellwo, 2006) but the debate is ongoing on the extent to which these metrics capture the rhythmic basis of speech (Arvaniti, 2009; Fletcher, in press). Furthermore, cross linguistic studies of rhythm have covered a relatively small number of languages and research on previously unclassified languages is necessary to fully develop the typology of rhythm. This study examines the rhythmic features of Malay, for which, to date, relatively little work has been carried out on aspects rhythm and timing. The material for the analysis comprised 10 sentences produced by 20 speakers of standard Malay (10 males and 10 females). The recordings were first analysed using rhythm metrics proposed by Ramus et. al (1999) and Grabe & Low (2002). These metrics (∆C, %V, rPVI, nPVI) are based on durational measurements of vocalic and consonantal intervals. The results indicated that Malay clustered with other so-called syllable-timed languages like French and Spanish on the basis of all metrics. However, underlying the overall findings for these metrics there was a large degree of variability in values across speakers and sentences, with some speakers having values in the range typical of stressed-timed languages like English. Further analysis has been carried out in light of Fletcher’s (in press) argument that measurements based on duration do not wholly reflect speech rhythm as there are many other factors that can influence values of consonantal and vocalic intervals, and Arvaniti’s (2009) suggestion that other features of speech should also be considered in description of rhythm to discover what contributes to listeners’ perception of regularity. Spectrographic analysis of the Malay recordings brought to light two parameters that displayed consistency and regularity for all speakers and sentences: the duration of individual vowels and the duration of intervals between intensity minima. This poster presents the results of these investigations and points to connections between the features which seem to be consistently regulated in the timing of Malay connected speech and aspects of Malay phonology. The results are discussed in light of current debate on the descriptions of rhythm

    Modelling the effects of speech rate variation for automatic speech recognition

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    Wrede B. Modelling the effects of speech rate variation for automatic speech recognition. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2002.In automatic speech recognition it is a widely observed phenomenon that variations in speech rate cause severe degradations of the speech recognition performance. This is due to the fact that standard stochastic based speech recognition systems specialise on average speech rate. Although many approaches to modelling speech rate variation have been made, an integrated approach in a substantial system still has be to developed. General approaches to rate modelling are based on rate dependent models which are trained with rate specific subsets of the training data. During decoding a signal based rate estimation is performed according to which the set of rate dependent models is selected. While such approaches are able to reduce the word error rate significantly, they suffer from shortcomings such as the reduction of training data and the expensive training and decoding procedure. However, phonetic investigations show that there is a systematic relationship between speech rate and the acoustic characteristics of speech. In fast speech a tendency of reduction can be observed which can be described in more detail as a centralisation effect and an increase in coarticulation. Centralisation means that the formant frequencies of vowels tend to shift towards the vowel space center while increased coarticulation denotes the tendency of the spectral features of a vowel to shift towards those of its phonemic neighbour. The goal of this work is to investigate the possibility to incorporate the knowledge of the systematic nature of the influence of speech rate variation on the acoustic features in speech rate modelling. In an acoustic-phonetic analysis of a large corpus of spontaneous speech it was shown that an increased degree of the two effects of centralisation and coarticulation can be found in fast speech. Several measures for these effects were developed and used in speech recognition experiments with rate dependent models. A thorough investigation of rate dependent models showed that with duration and coarticulation based measures significant increases of the performance could be achieved. It was shown that by the use of different measures the models were adapted either to centralisation or coarticulation. Further experiments showed that by a more detailed modelling with more rate classes a further improvement can be achieved. It was also observed that a general basis for the models is needed before rate adaptation can be performed. In a comparison to other sources of acoustic variation it was shown that the effects of speech rate are as severe as those of speaker variation and environmental noise. All these results show that for a more substantial system that models rate variations accurately it is necessary to focus on both, durational and spectral effects. The systematic nature of the effects indicates that a continuous modelling is possible