38 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Augmented Reality (AR) adalah teknologi yang menggabungkan antara lingkungan virtual ke dalam lingkungan nyata secara bersamaan dalam satu waktu. Penggunaan AR sebagai media pembelajaran di laboratorium fisika bukanlah hal yang baru namun bukan juga merupakan hal umum yang diketahui banyak orang, oleh karean itu penelitian mengenai media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi AR ini masih banyak berkembang hingga sekarang. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Bibliometrik. Populasi penelitian bersumber dari data base scopus dengan menggunakan tiga kata kuci yaitu AR and Physics, AR and Physics Education dan AR and Physics Laboratory. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu dokumentasi dan lima tahapan analisis Bibliometrik. Tujuan penelitian memberikan rekomendasi peluang penelitian dimasa mendatang mengenai penggunaan teknologi AR sebagai media pembelajaran di laboratorium fisika. Berdasarkan hasil penelusuran pada data base scopus dari tahun 2015-2021 kata kunci pertama ditemukan sebanyak 89 artikel, kata kunci kedua ditemukan sebanyak 13 artikel mulai dari tahun 2005- 2021, kata kunci ketiga ditemukan sebanyak 10 artikel mulai dari tahun 2014-2021 . Hasil pencarian disimpan dalam bentuk format CSV selanjutnya data diinput kedalam aplikasi Vosviewer dan diklasifikasi berdasarkan tipe analisis, unit anallisis dan jumlah kata kunci minimun kemunculan setelah itu data dianalisis menggunakan Vosviewer

    Analysis of Student's Answer Error on Understanding of Energy Concept in Conceptual Change Text (CCT)-Based Learning

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    Science learning has been considered a difficult subject for students. This study aims to analyze student error answers on students' science understanding abilities on energy concepts to find out students' difficulties in answering energy concept science questions through Conceptual Change Text (CCT) based learning. This CCT-based learning requires students to be more active in understanding concepts with the help of reading materials that have been provided by the teacher so that students can find concepts independently. The reading material given to students is in the form of reading material about energy. This research was conducted on third, fourth, and fifth-grade elementary school students to determine the level of difficulty at each level. This research method is a qualitative method using grounded theory. The instrument used is a test instrument. Student answer sheets to analyze the types of errors made by students in accordance with the energy concept learning indicators. Based on the results of the survey, data were collected on the average error rate of students in grades 3, 4, and 5 on energy concepts. The data shows that the third grade has an average error of 30.34%, the fourth-grade student's average error is 21.64%, and the fifth-grade student's average error is 14.39%.Science learning has been considered a difficult subject for students. This study aims to analyze student error answers on students' science understanding abilities on energy concepts to find out students' difficulties in answering energy concept science questions through Conceptual Change Text (CCT) based learning. This CCT-based learning requires students to be more active in understanding concepts with the help of reading materials that have been provided by the teacher so that students can find concepts independently. The reading material given to students is in the form of reading material about energy. This research was conducted on third, fourth, and fifth-grade elementary school students to determine the level of difficulty at each level. This research method is a qualitative method using grounded theory. The instrument used is a test instrument. Student answer sheets to analyze the types of errors made by students in accordance with the energy concept learning indicators. Based on the results of the study obtained, data on the average error rate of third, fourth, and fifth-grade students on the concept of energy. The data shows that the third grade has an average error of 30.34%, the fourth-grade student's average error is 21.64%, and the fifth-grade student's average error is 14.39%

    Usability Analysis Aplikasi Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) untuk Multimedia Pembelajaran Motherboard (Aplikasi AR-Mobo)

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    Currently, Augmented Reality (AR) technology has developed into an easy-to-use, efficient and effective technology for providing innovative educational media. Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) is an Augmented Reality technology that utilizes mobile devices, for example, smartphones. The MAR application for multimedia learning on the motherboard is seldom used in classroom learning so the effectiveness of learning is less than optimal. The research objective was to determine the level of usability of the MAR application system using the USE questionnaire. According to Arnold M. Lund, Usability analysis has 4 aspects: usefulness, ease of use, ease of learning, and satisfaction. The method used is usability testing with 90 engineering students participating as research subjects. This study uses a questionnaire as a data collection tool and uses descriptive statistical analysis. The results of this study, that the average usability analysis score is 86.22 is included in the very feasible category, based on the system feasibility category table. The developed MAR application shows that it has provided better user interaction. This research has the benefit of knowing the use of MAR applications on students, for specific purposes, namely effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. Lack of user motivation, and lack of features, will cause stress. This occurs when the system cannot meet the goals of its users.Augmented Reality has evolved into an ubiquitous, efficient and effective technology for providing innovative educational media. Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) is an Augmented Reality technology that utilizes mobile devices, such as smartphones. This study aims to determine the usefulness of the MAR application system using the USE Questionnaire. This research is a quasi-experimental research, 90 engineering students participated as research subjects, which were divided into control group and experimental group. The data collection tool used is a questionnaire. Analysis of the data used is descriptive statistics. The results showed that the average usability analysis score was 86.22 with a very decent category. The developed MAR application shows that it has provided better user interaction. The benefit of this research is knowing the use of the MAR application on students, for certain purposes, namely effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. If the system cannot meet the user's goals, it will cause stress, lack of features, increased cognitive load, and lack of user motivatio

    Penggunaan Chatbot Mela terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Kosa Kata Bahasa Indonesia Anak

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah  penggunaan chatbot mela untuk meningkatkan kosa kata bahasa Indonesia pada anak. Dalam chatbot mela anak belajar mengenai huruf dan kosa kata. Dalam artikel murhum ini peneliti menggunakan metode kuantitatif eksperimen dengan menggunakan desain pre-experimental design melalui pendekatan One Group Pretest-Post test Design. Pre experimental design. Teknik Analisa data statistik menggunakan uji Wilcoxon untuk mengetahui peningkatan bahasa pada anak sebelum dan sesudah diberikan treatmen. Observasi dilakukan di RA Darul Mu’minin Jakarta barat dengan 20 siswa kelas B. Hasil penelitian ini mendeskripsikan peningkatan kosa kata bahasa Indonesia pada siswa RA Darul Mu’minin  dengan hasil analisis uji statistik wilcoxon dengan memperoleh nilai Z= -3,948 berdasarkan dengan negative rank. Pengujian pada penelitian ini merupakan pengujian satu pihak maka nilai Sig.p-value (2-tailed) 0,001 akan dibagi dua . Karena nilai Sig.p value (1-tailed)  lebih kecil dari 0,05 maka artinya H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan kosa kata bahasa Indonesia siswa RA Darul Mu’minin sesudah menggunakan media pembelajaran melalui chatbot mela meningkat dibandingkan sebelum menggunakan media pembelajaran melalui chatbot mela


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    Abstrak: Laboratorium adalah menjadi tempat siswa untuk melakukan eksperimen. Banyak modifikasi laboratorium seperti mengubahnya menjadi laboratorium virtual atau berbasis komputer. Namun nyatanya ada temuan yang mengungkap bahwa tidak ada perbedaan laboratorium virtual dengan laboratorium tradisional. Tetapi, siswa yang tidak belajar berbasis kegiatan laboratorium menunjukkan hasil belajar yang lebih rendah. Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran berbasis laboratorium dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Desain eksperimen menggunakan pre-test post-test dilakukan terhadap 48 siswa sebagai grup eksperimen. Grup pengontrol sebanyak 48 siswa. Sampel siswa diambil menggunakan teknik cluster sampling. Data dikumpul dengan tes pilihan ganda. Analisis data temuan memakai uji t sampel bebas. Hasil riset mengungkap bahwa hasil belajar siswa meninggi di grup eksperimen. Hasil belajar siswa di grup kontrol lebih rendah dari grup eksperimen. Disimpulkan dalam temuan ini bahwa pembelajaran berbasis laboratorium dapat meninggikan hasil belajar siswa. Walaupun pencapaian belajar siswa dalam kelas tanpa pembelajaran laboratorium meningkat, tetapi tidak lebih baik dari siswa yang belajar berbasis laboratorium. Riset ini merekomendasikan bahwa pembelajaran laboratorium menjadi kegiatan pembelajaran yang bias digunakan untuk memperbaiki hasil belajar siswa. Abstract: A laboratory is a place for students to do experiments—many laboratory modifications include turning them into virtual or computer-based laboratories. But some researcher findings reveal that there is no difference between virtual laboratories and traditional laboratories. However, students who do not learn under student laboratory activities show lower learning outcomes. This study aims to determine the effect of laboratory-based learning on improving student learning outcomes. The experimental design used pre-test post-test was conducted on 48 students as an experimental group. The 48 learners consist entirely of the control condition. The samples were taken by using a technique of cluster sampling. Multiple-choice exams were also used to obtain data. The independent t-test was used for calculating data findings. The study found that in the experimental group, student learning outcomes increased. Student learning performances in the control group were lower than in the experimental group. It is concluded in these findings that laboratory-based learning can improve student learning outcomes. Although student learning outcomes in classes without laboratory learning have increased, it is not better than students who learn laboratory-based. This research recommends that laboratory learning be a learning activity that can empower the learner's learning outcomes

    FMCE-PHQ-9 Assessment with Rasch Model in Detecting Concept Understanding, Cheating, and Depression amid the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This research aims to see the ability of the FMCE-PHQ-9 test instrument amid the Covid-19 pandemic to measure conceptual understanding, cheating, and depression in students. The research was conducted on 64 physics education students at Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin State Islamic University Jambi. The instrument consists of 47 force and motion material items to fit the Winsteps 3.65.0 program. The analysis results using the Rasch Model showed that the MNSQ Outfit was 1.00 in the person column and 0.1 in the item column. Judging from the ZSTD value of 0.57 for the person and 0.1 for the item, the Points Measure value correlated with 0.4 to 0.85 while the item reliability value was 0.73 and the Cronbach's Alpha value was 0.56. therefore, the test instrument using the Rasch proclamation model found 31 fit items. The analysis results show that the concept ability was poor since, on average, the students could only answer questions with a low index of difficulty category. The research results on the level of cheating obtained data that 100 percent of students were not indicated to have the same pattern. Lastly, for the level of depression, only 16 percent of students did not experience depression, while 84 percent of students experienced it

    Digitale Kompetenz beim Modellieren und Experimentieren im Physikunterricht

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    Im Physikunterricht ist das Arbeiten mit Modellen ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Erkenntnisgewinnung, doch Schüler*innen bereitet das abstrakte Modellieren häufig Schwierigkeiten [1]. Mithilfe des Ansatzes der Augmented Reality (AR) können diese Schwierigkeiten durch die Kombination aus realem Experimentieren und gleichzeitigem, digitalen Modellieren möglicherweise überwunden werden. Da Lehrkräfte ihre eigenen digitalen Kompetenzen häufig als unzureichend einschätzen [2], wird im Rahmen des Projektes „diMEx“ ein Aus- bzw. Fortbildungskonzept für (angehende) Lehrkräfte entwickelt, in welchem die Nutzung von AR im experimentierbasierten Physikunterricht vermittelt werden soll. Das Konzept soll langfristig in die universitäre Ausbildung eingebunden werden und dient der Vernetzung der drei Phasen der Lehrkräfteausbildung.Das Projekt geht den Fragen nach, inwiefern sich Digitalisierungs- und Modellkompetenzen von (angehenden) Lehrkräften in einer Fort- und Ausbildung fördern lassen und wie die beschriebene Nutzung von AR den Umgang mit Modellen im Physikunterricht verbessern kann. Weiterhin wird erforscht, inwiefern sich die Einstellungen der Lehrkräfte hinsichtlich der Implementierung digitaler Modellierungen in ihrem Unterricht verändern. Die anhand einer quantitativen Bedarfsanalyse entwickelte Fortbildung erstreckt sich über mehrere Veranstaltungen und orientiert sich am DOIT-Modell [3]. Die geplante summative Evaluation wird nach dem Mixed-Methods-Ansatz erfolgen und sowohl quantitative als auch qualitative Elemente umfassen

    Digitale Kompetenz beim Modellieren und Experimentieren im Physikunterricht

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    Im Physikunterricht ist das Arbeiten mit Modellen ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Erkenntnisgewinnung, doch Schüler*innen bereitet das abstrakte Modellieren häufig Schwierigkeiten [1]. Mithilfe des Ansatzes der Augmented Reality (AR) können diese Schwierigkeiten durch die Kombination aus realem Experimentieren und gleichzeitigem, digitalen Modellieren möglicherweise überwunden werden. Da Lehrkräfte ihre eigenen digitalen Kompetenzen häufig als unzureichend einschätzen [2], wird im Rahmen des Projektes „diMEx“ ein Aus- bzw. Fortbildungskonzept für (angehende) Lehrkräfte entwickelt, in welchem die Nutzung von AR im experimentierbasierten Physikunterricht vermittelt werden soll. Das Konzept soll langfristig in die universitäre Ausbildung eingebunden werden und dient der Vernetzung der drei Phasen der Lehrkräfteausbildung.Das Projekt geht den Fragen nach, inwiefern sich Digitalisierungs- und Modellkompetenzen von (angehenden) Lehrkräften in einer Fort- und Ausbildung fördern lassen und wie die beschriebene Nutzung von AR den Umgang mit Modellen im Physikunterricht verbessern kann. Weiterhin wird erforscht, inwiefern sich die Einstellungen der Lehrkräfte hinsichtlich der Implementierung digitaler Modellierungen in ihrem Unterricht verändern. Die anhand einer quantitativen Bedarfsanalyse entwickelte Fortbildung erstreckt sich über mehrere Veranstaltungen und orientiert sich am DOIT-Modell [3]. Die geplante summative Evaluation wird nach dem Mixed-Methods-Ansatz erfolgen und sowohl quantitative als auch qualitative Elemente umfassen

    The ability of the Question and Answer (Q&A) Method With the Help of Learnin Videos Against Student Learning Outcomes Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    In learning physics, it is very necessary to have the ability to understand concepts, especially in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Education must continue to ensure the implementation of the learning process in accordance with their talents and interests and ensure student learning outcomes. The purpose of this research is to contribute to the teacher's contribution in improving the learning outcomes of class VIII Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pondok Pesantren Darul Arifin Jambi using the question and answer method assisted by video learning to improve student learning outcomes. This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) using 2 cycles. Each cycle has 4 stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The subjects in this study were all students of class VIII Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pondok Pesantren Darul Arifin Jambi City. The technique of collecting data is through observation and learning outcomes tests, with a minimum success indicator of 75% of students succeeding in the learning outcomes test. In the learning outcomes test, the average score of students is still low, namely 34.97 with a percentage of completeness of 5.88%, in the first cycle it increases to 63, with a completeness percentage of 52.94%, in the second cycle the average value becomes 76.47 with a completeness percentage of 82.35