255 research outputs found

    JustRun - Social GPS Running Game

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    With advances in technology allowing people to live more sedentary lives, more and more people are struggling to live a healthy active lifestyle. In the efforts to combat unhealthy styles of living, we wish to introduce a mobile app that takes advantage of motivational game mechanics to motivate players will make go on runs regularly

    Viewpoints of adolescents with overweight and obesity attending lifestyle obesity treatment interventions : a qualitative systematic review

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    Background Current UK guidance recommends that adolescents with obesity attend a family-based multi-component obesity intervention. However, these programmes suffer from low recruitment and high rates of attrition. Understanding the views of adolescents is necessary for developing future interventions. The aim of this systematic review was to synthesise and explore the views of adolescents who have attended an obesity intervention. Methods Published literature was identified by searching six databases. Studies of adolescents (12-17 years) who attended an obesity intervention were examined. Only studies that collected and analysed data qualitatively were included. Full-texts were analysed using thematic synthesis. Results Twenty-eight studies were included. Thirty-five analytical themes were developed that were broadly divided into seven domains. Key themes included ensuring adolescents receive a ‘tailored intervention’ that involves ‘active engagement’. Support from professionals, family and peers was valued highly. Adolescents expressed ‘prior fears of attending interventions’ and wanted ‘longer-term support’. ‘Enjoyment of sport and physical activity’ was evident and adolescents were strongly motivated by improving body image and social desirability. Discussion Considering the views of adolescents attending obesity interventions may help to inform policy makers in the development of future interventions. This may lead to an improvement in recruitment and attrition rates

    The potential of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to engage people with physical activity

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    Introduction: Sufficient physical activity (PA) reduces the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and improves physical and psychosocial health. The levels of PA in the UK and elsewhere in the world remain low for all age groups. Novel strategies for engaging people in PA are required to tackle the epidemic of inactivity. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) is computer-generated, interactive 3D environments that offer users unique immersive experiences of PA. / Aims: The aim of this mixed-methods, staged research project (vEngage) was to test the potential of VR and AR to engage people in PA. This work was a Medical Research Council (MRC) funded partnership between academic researchers (UCL, Coventry, and Anglia Ruskin Universities) and an industry partner ‘Six to Start’. / Methods: I surveyed and interviewed the users of the world’s most popular running app Zombies, Run! (ZR) (Studies 1 and 2). I then conducted a scoping review in a form of a qualitative analysis of game reviews on popular VR exercise games (exergames) and described positive and negative features, current players of VR exergames report, as important motivators for exergame playing (Study 3). In parallel, the vEngage team set up a steering committee of adolescents (13-17 years) and their parents and interviewed both groups about PA, VR, AR, and exergaming (Studies 4a and 4b). We used the results from these studies to inform our VR exergame intervention (a game called Walls - Study 5) which we developed together with expert games designers Six to Start. / Results: VR is a promising strategy for engaging adolescents in PA but barriers to use remain, including awareness, availability, affordability, and accessibility. The results showed people have a positive attitude to exergaming, with a preference for narratives (engaging story, role-play). This was particularly supported by both ZR studies, where the narrative was the most motivating factor for engagement in PA for all age groups. VR and AR exergaming can distract people from the negative aspects of performing PA such as pain or repetition. / Conclusions: This research project was the first VR study that used principles of co-design in creating a digital VR exergame intervention for adolescents, by engaging adolescents themselves in the exergame design. AR and VR exergaming has great potential to engage a wide range of people in PA and can be particularly useful as means for PA engagement in a time of world pandemics such as the recent Covid-19 pandemic, where gym and fitness facilities are not accessible for unspecified periods of time

    Exploring the effect of the Group Size and Feedback of non-player character spectators in virtual reality exergames

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    Despite the widespread interest in leveraging non-player characters (NPCs) to enhance gameplay experiences, there is a gap in understanding of how NPC spectators (i.e., those virtual characters in the scene that watch users' actions) affect players. For instance, the impact of NPC spectators' presence and feedback on players' performance and experience has not been studied, especially in virtual reality (VR) exergames. This paper aims to fill this gap and reports two user studies that assess their effect on such games. Study 1 explored the impact of having NPC spectators present and their feedback available in a gesture-based VR exergame and found having NPC spectators and their feedback could improve players' game performance, experience, and exertion. Based on Study 1's results, we further explored two characteristics of the spectators—their group size (small/large) and their feedback (with/without). The results show that (1) a large spectator number is more helpful since it improves the overall game experience (higher competence, flow, immersion), increases AvgHR% (the average heart rate percentage divided by the maximum heart rate), and enhances performance (improved players' combo performance and increased gesture success rate for particular gesture); (2) spectator feedback is instrumental in improving players' performance (higher gesture success rates, more combos performed successfully, more monster's combos prevented), enhancing game experience (positive affect, competence, flow, and immersion), and reducing negative game experience, increasing exertion (AvgHR% and burned more calories). Based on the results, we derived two main design recommendations for VR exergames that could pave the way for improving gameplay performance and game experience, especially among young adults

    Games for health for children - current status and needed research

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    Videogames for health (G4H) offer exciting, innovative, potentially highly effective methods for increasing knowledge, delivering persuasive messages, changing behaviors, and influencing health outcomes. Although early outcome results are promising, additional research is needed to determine the game design and behavior change procedures that best promote G4H effectiveness and to identify and minimize possible adverse effects. Guidelines for ideal use of different types of G4H by children and adolescents should be elucidated to enhance effectiveness and minimize adverse effects. G4H stakeholders include organizational implementers, policy makers, players and their families, researchers, designers, retailers, and publishers. All stakeholders should be involved in G4H development and have a voice in setting goals to capitalize on their insights to enhance effectiveness and use of the game. In the future, multiple targeted G4H should be available to meet a population's diverse health needs in developmentally appropriate ways. Substantial, consistent, and sophisticated research with appropriate levels of funding is needed to realize the benefits of G4H

    Wearable Computing for Health and Fitness: Exploring the Relationship between Data and Human Behaviour

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    Health and fitness wearable technology has recently advanced, making it easier for an individual to monitor their behaviours. Previously self generated data interacts with the user to motivate positive behaviour change, but issues arise when relating this to long term mention of wearable devices. Previous studies within this area are discussed. We also consider a new approach where data is used to support instead of motivate, through monitoring and logging to encourage reflection. Based on issues highlighted, we then make recommendations on the direction in which future work could be most beneficial

    Make Room for Video Games: Exergames and the "Ideal Woman".

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    This study, a textual analysis, examines the social and cultural construction of the ideal woman in the contemporary exergames ecology, during the years of 2006-2014. This time period has been called a “casual revolution,” where, beginning with the Nintendo Wii, casual video games have permeated our culture as a technology designed for everyone (Juul 2010). Exergames are a genre of casual games that are designed for the primary purpose of fitness and health. Today, video game culture is an exclusionary boy’s club, and studies have mainly focused on over displays of misogyny, overlooking more subtle displays. The following research questions are answered: How do contemporary, console-based exergames and related paratexts define what it means to be a woman in video game culture? What does this construction reveal about contemporary cultural ideals about women, technology, and domestic space? How does the socio-historical context inform this construction of womanhood? By examining exergames and related paratexts, including advertisements, game boxes, articles and reviews, this study found that exergames construct adult women through a complex and contradictory blend traditional and modern notions of womanhood. In particular, the ideal woman construct is a covert form of misogyny because it invites adult women to participate, but only a particular segment of women. This ultimately excludes the majority of women from gaming culture, narrowly defining who can and cannot participate. There are several reasons why this is the case. First, this is the result of the broader narratives in the misogynist, exclusionary gaming culture. In addition, this construct draws from traditional notions of gendered work and leisure within the home. Finally, this is a symptom of the socio-cultural context of the 2000s, in order to justify video games as a “good thing” for women and redress what the genre of video games has been blamed for in our culture.PhDCommunication StudiesUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111350/1/jglange_1.pd

    Contribution of Exergaming Behaviour to Physical Activity: Toward Better Understanding the Role of Motivation

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    Physical activity (PA) is associated with numerous health benefits. Because PA patterns established early in life track into adulthood, it is important that children develop and sustain healthy PA habits. Current guidelines recommend that youth accumulate ≄ 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity PA daily, but many youth do not attain this level. Evaluation of public health interventions that aim to promote PA provide little evidence of sustained positive effects over time. This could relate, at least in part, to interventions lacking a strong conceptual foundation and, in particular, to a lack of underpinnings that recognize the central role of motivation in PA. It is important that effective strategies to increase and sustain healthy PA levels in youth are identified. The Self-Determination Theory is used to explain why people adopt and maintain healthy PA behaviors and posits that sustained PA relates to natural or intrinsic tendencies or motivations to behave in healthy and effective ways. Positive PA experiences in school, at home and in community settings may foster an internal desire or motivation to sustain PA participation simply for its challenges or for enjoyment. Lack of sustained PA among youth could reflect a scarcity of enjoyable PA options that fit with the sophisticated technetronic expectations of youth today. PA interventions must “keep up with the times,” by acknowledging young peoples’ prevailing interests and by incorporating advancements in technology that heighten interest and motivation for PA. Exergaming, a type of non-sedentary videogame that requires players to be physically active in order to attain a series of incrementally challenging goals, is increasingly viewed as an enjoyable PA option among today’s technology-immersed youth. However, although critical to informing the design, implementation and sustainability of exergaming interventions, evidence on exergaming-related motivation, preferences, intentions and sustainability is lacking. Research in this domain is needed to ascertain whether exergaming interventions can help youth become and remain physically active, and which facets of exergaming hold the most promise in sustaining positive PA change. More specifically, using “gamified augmented reality” such as exergaming could help youth attain recommended PA levels and promote sustainable healthy behaviour, while at the same time contributing to enjoyment of PA. The three studies described in this thesis examine motivation and exergaming in-depth using SDT and its tenants as a theoretical guide and a common theme across studies. Thus, the role of motivation and intentions in exergaming behaviour and how they contribute to PA in the general population of youth is a key contribution of this dissertation. Study 1, a review of reviews on exergaming, provides background for the next two studies, each of which was conducted in population-based (as opposed to clinical or experimental) settings. Twenty-five reviews spanning 2009 to 2016 were retained, each of which incorporated between 5 and 100 articles. A positive relationship between exergaming and energy expenditure (EE) was well-documented, but whether exergaming increases PA or changes body composition was not established. There is however, evidence that exergaming (i.e., as a non-sedentary use of screens) is a healthy alternative to sedentary behaviour, that it improves cognitive function, that it is an interesting and enjoyable pastime in youth, that it shows promise as a PA option by adding variety and alternative PA forms in health and dietary interventions and finally that it is likely more health-promoting than traditional videogames because of higher EE and possibly improved physical fitness, body composition and cognitive health. However, more research and specifically, longitudinal studies are needed to assess whether exergaming can be sustained to obtain these benefits over time. Study 2 identified correlates of sustained exergaming. We reported that almost 50% of grade 9 students sustained exergaming for 2-3 years. Study results suggest that in non-clinical settings, exergaming may be a practical approach to help adolescents maintain PA during adolescence. Study 3 examined the psychometric properties of a new scale to assess reasons for exergaming (i.e., the Reasons to Exergame (RTEX) scale). This study also examined whether and how the scale relates to the timing, intensity and duration of past-month exergaming. RTEX items were developed in consultation with PA and exergaming experts and using key exergaming constructs, including PA, general interest in videogames and enjoyment of exergaming. RTEX was found to be a reliable and valid assessment of reasons to exergame. However, further studies should replicate these initial findings in larger, more diverse samples

    Working Together in a PhamilySpace: Facilitating Collaboration on Healthy Behaviors Over Distance

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    Studies have shown that interpersonal relationships such as families and friends are an important source of support and encouragement to those who seek to engage in healthier habits. However, challenges related to geographic distance may hinder those relationships from fully collaborating and engaging in healthy living together. To explore this domain, we developed and deployed a lightweight photo-based application called PhamilySpace with a week-long intervention. Our goal is to examine family members\u27 and friends\u27 engagement and awareness on healthy behaviors while living apart. Our analysis of the semi-structured interviews, pre/post-intervention instruments, and application logs suggests three main benefits of interventions for health promotion in this context: (1) increased awareness on acts of health; (2) reciprocal sharing of health information supports social accountability over distance; and (3) positive dialogue around health enhances support on healthy living. By providing insights into distributed family/friends interactions and experiences with the application, we identify benefits, challenges, and opportunities for future design interventions that promote healthy behaviors

    CorpOperatio: Game-inspired App for Encouraging Outdoor Physical Activity for People with Intellectual Disabilities

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    This thesis presents a serious mobile exergame for people with intellectual disabilities, to help people with intellectual disability be more physically active. Exergames are games with the purpose of physically engaging the user in the gameplay, and intervenes with sedentariness and repetitive behavior. The game is based around the use of augmented reality, which is described as bringing 3D virtual objects into a 3D real environment in real time. As the field of physical activity in people with intellectual disabilities is a low-research field, the project aims to create a technical solution to them improve their physical health. There are few solutions tailored for people with intellectual disabilities to aid in physical exercise, something we wanted to change. A physical activity mobile game was created using the Unity game engine and augmented reality. Requirements and design choices came through literature review, reference meetings and meetings with professional psychologists. The game was tested by intellectually disabled users in a controlled, randomized trial over the course of four days, with interviews after testing to get results. While evaluation of the application rvealed areas of potential improvement, the application is already usable for people with intellectual disabilities. Augmented reality proved to be challenging to understand initially, but also fun, once the concept was understood. We have created an application for encouraging physical activity for people with intellectual disabilities. The application shows promise, but also improvement points for it to be deployed to the public market
