12 research outputs found


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    This current research was conducted to design a teaching medium for teaching reading on narrative texts for grade X. The methodology applied in the research is a 'design research methodology' covering three phases: Preliminary Research; Design Phase; and Assessment Phase. Based on interview with the teacher, the needs could be identified as follow: there was no appropriate media used in teaching reading, the books used not sufficient for students to practice, e-bank can be applied in the class, reading text was needed narrative text, media can used offline, and provide 100 more exercise practice for e-bank. After getting information about the needs, the product was designed and developed based on them. After the prototype was created it was then validated by an expert. In general, the expert?s evaluation was concerned with: the grammatical error and adding more questions about main idea and generic structure. Besides it was also suggested to add sound in the text. The final stage was done through an assessment by the teacher (the end user of the product). The benefit of this research is to make it the teacher have alternative teaching materials and easy to access because they are too easily accessible via mobile phones. And also the students can use in practicing various questions about reading narrative text more easily.This current research was conducted to design a teaching medium for teaching reading on narrative texts for grade X. The methodology applied in the research is a 'design research methodology' covering three phases: Preliminary Research; Design Phase; and Assessment Phase. Based on interview with the teacher, the needs could be identified as follow: there was no appropriate media used in teaching reading, the books used not sufficient for students to practice, e-bank can be applied in the class, reading text was needed narrative text, media can used offline, and provide 100 more exercise practice for e-bank. After getting information about the needs, the product was designed and developed based on them. After the prototype was created it was then validated by an expert. In general, the expert?s evaluation was concerned with: the grammatical error and adding more questions about main idea and generic structure. Besides it was also suggested to add sound in the text. The final stage was done through an assessment by the teacher (the end user of the product). The benefit of this research is to make it the teacher have alternative teaching materials and easy to access because they are too easily accessible via mobile phones. And also the students can use in practicing various questions about reading narrative text more easily

    The Impact of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning on Developing EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Knowledge

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    Currently, a great variety of educational apps have been developed and extensively used by learners and instructors, making, as a result, mobile-assisted language learning one of the most prominent learning methods in enhancing the quality of language learning. However, despite the growing popularity of commonly used apps supporting second language acquisition, such as Kahoot and Quizlet, empirical research on the pedagogical role of other more recent applications in boosting L2 vocabulary is still scarce. Given this, this experimental study examines the effectiveness of a mobile application in enhancing Moroccan EFL secondary school students’ vocabulary knowledge. The study consisted of the control group (n = 30) and the experimental group (n = 30). While participants in the first group received traditional methods of teaching vocabulary, the experimental group integrated a mobile application (Flashcards World) during one semester. Data collection comprised vocabulary pre- and post-tests to compare the vocabulary learning of participants in both groups. To determine if there was a difference in the scores of the groups before and after the intervention, the findings were analysed using Independent-Samples T Tests (SPSS-26). The results revealed that the experimental group outscored the control group. Therefore, it was concluded that using Flashcard World application effectively improved vocabulary learning of secondary school students more than conventional teaching

    GEOLINDO: Aplicación móvil para el aprendizaje de idiomas basado en la localización del usuario

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    Treball final de Màster Universitari en Sistemes Intel.ligents (Pla de 2013). Codi: SIE043. Curs acadèmic 2017-2018Los objetivos a llevar a cabo con este proyecto se listan a continuación: 1. Estudiar las nuevas técnicas de aprendizaje en el sector educativo a través de dispositivos móviles mostrando especial interés en la tecnología utilizada para tener en cuenta la localización del usuario. 2. Desarrollar una aplicación como prueba de concepto a. Con la que se aprenda vocabulario relacionado con la localización del usuario. b. Que se ajuste a las necesidades y la capacidad de aprendizaje del usuario, enseñando palabras nuevas y afianzando las que ya sabe. c. Que evalúe el aprendizaje del usuario. 3. Comparar los efectos en el aprendizaje del usuario por la aplicación utilizando la conciencia del contexto actual del usuario y la misma aplicación utilizando el aprendizaje libre (sin tener en cuenta la ubicación)

    English Language Learners’ Attitude and Challenge Utilized M-Learning: Comparison Mobile Application Moodle and Google Classroom

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    Mobile learning became the alternative device and gadget in the online learning environment. Its implementation enabled English language learners to acquire and archive learning content regardless of their location or environment, ensuring that online learning is relevant. However, compact devices are restricted with various technicality challenges, and English lecturers and learners need their adaptation in university. The study aimed to measure and compare English language learners’ attitudes and challenge toward Moodle and Google Classroom mobile application (app). The study employed a quantitative descriptive approach applied to the survey research design cross-sectional. 149 English language learners were concerned as participants from South Jakarta Universities. The questioner findings revealed that the Google Classroom application had a moderately positive attitude toward mobile phones for language learning and teaching than Moodle Application. These findings suggest that the challenges of both platforms could be minimized by recognizing the comprehensive feature from both applications. The English language learners utilized and adopted to learn and develop their communicative capabilities in the Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) context. Its platforms could have the alternative device for conducting a comprehensive Learning Management System (LMS) rather than a personal computer or laptop interface. The characteristics of Moodle and Google Classroom mobile applications supported and enhanced both learners’ individual and social aspects of the online learning environment. The comparable parameters displayed Google Classroom application was more compatible with learning media than Moodle application. Nevertheless, the advance and complete feature would be accessed from Moodle application than Google Classroom

    Mobil Öğrenmenin Öğrencilerin Akademik Başarısı, Motivasyonu ve Tutumları Üzerine Etkisi: Bir Meta Analiz Çalışması

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    DergiPark: 581539tredYapılan bu araştırmada mobil öğrenme uygulamalarının öğrencilerin başarısı,motivasyonu ve tutumları üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Buamaçla veri tabanlarında yapılan tarama sonucunda ulaşılan 66 deneyselaraştırma ile meta analiz çalışması yürütülmüştür. Analiz sürecinde öncelikleyapılacak meta analiz yöntemini belirlemek adına homojenlik testi yapılmış veçalışmaların heterojen olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu nedenle analizlerderastgele erişim modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada her bir değişken ve her biraraştırma için ayrı olarak Hedge’s g etki düzeyi hesaplanmış, ardından geneletki düzeyleri ve anlamlılık değerleri belirlenmiştir. Yapılan analizlerdenelde edilen verilere göre mobil öğrenmenin öğrencilerin başarısını geniş orandaartırdığı (Hedge’s g=0,882 p lt;0,01), motivasyon (Hedge’s g=0,541 p lt;0,01)ve tutumlarını (Hedge’s g=0,515 p lt;0,01) ise orta düzeyde artırdığı sonucunaulaşılmıştır. Böylece mobil öğrenmenin öğrenmeye katkı sağlayan, öğrencilerinmotivasyonunu artıran bir ortam olarak eğitimde kullanılmasının oldukça yararlıolduğu ortaya koyulmuştur.

    Scitocin: Development of Science Mobile Learning App for Least Learned Competencies in Science 9

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    This designed research aimed to develop science mobile learning application for least learned competencies in science 9 particularly in Living Things and their Environment topics. The respondents of this study were grade 9 students and teachers, for the researcher-made test and acceptability of the mobile app, and five experts for the evaluation of the acceptability of the app. The data-gathering instruments were a researcher-made test, teachers’ evaluation sheet, students’, and experts’ evaluation questionnaires. Data analysis techniques employed were frequency count, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. This study employed design research because it aims to develop and validate the science mobile learning application utilizing Input-Process-Output (IPO) model. The data gathering instruments were the validated and reliability-tested researcher-made performance test in Living Things and their Environments topics and adopted questionnaire from state university for acceptability of the mobile application. The 50-item performance test was based on topics in Quarter One in Living Things and their Environment. Based on the findings there were 3 identified least learned competencies based on students’ performance test. The result based on students’ performance test was also corroborated with the result based on teachers’ perception. In this study, a Scitocin mobile application was developed and yielded a rating of “Very acceptable” which further suggested that the mobile learning application has excellently met the standards in terms of content, instructional quality, technical quality, presentation and organization, accuracy and up-to-datedness of information, and assessment among the end-users and experts. Furthermore, this Scitocin mobile learning application composed of different distinct features such as e-module, video lesson, and educational games. Thus, the mobile app indeed served its purpose to cater to the needs of the 21st-century learners of a technology-enhanced instructional material that is flexible, innovative, interesting, and acceptable which would facilitate their construction of knowledge through videos and coming to class prepared. It is recommended that further research be conducted to ascertain the effect of the developed mobile app on students’ academic performance and develop more mobile learning applications for relevant subjects

    Scitocin: Development of Science Mobile Learning App for Least Learned Competencies in Science 9

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    This designed research aimed to develop science mobile learning application for least learned competencies in science 9 particularly in Living Things and their Environment topics. The respondents of this study were grade 9 students and teachers, for the researcher-made test and acceptability of the mobile app, and five experts for the evaluation of the acceptability of the app. The data-gathering instruments were a researcher-made test, teachers’ evaluation sheet, students’, and experts’ evaluation questionnaires. Data analysis techniques employed were frequency count, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. This study employed design research because it aims to develop and validate the science mobile learning application utilizing Input-Process-Output (IPO) model. The data gathering instruments were the validated and reliability-tested researcher-made performance test in Living Things and their Environments topics and adopted questionnaire from state university for acceptability of the mobile application. The 50-item performance test was based on topics in Quarter One in Living Things and their Environment. Based on the findings there were 3 identified least learned competencies based on students’ performance test. The result based on students’ performance test was also corroborated with the result based on teachers’ perception. In this study, a Scitocin mobile application was developed and yielded a rating of “Very acceptable” which further suggested that the mobile learning application has excellently met the standards in terms of content, instructional quality, technical quality, presentation and organization, accuracy and up-to-datedness of information, and assessment among the end-users and experts. Furthermore, this Scitocin mobile learning application composed of different distinct features such as e-module, video lesson, and educational games

    A new conceptual framework of tawhidic based Islamic mobile application for developers (T-iMAD)

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    There are various mobile applications related to Islamic contents have been developed and available on the shelf. As Islamic content is extremely sensitive, therefore, issues to preserve its holiness are of major concern. Nevertheless, little attention is given on this matter and neither proper framework nor guidelines is available for developers to produce quality Islamic mobile apps. Therefore, this study proposes a new conceptual framework for Islamic mobile apps development based on Tawhidic paradigm. In relation to the Tawhidic paradigm, the framework adapted external and internal aspects from three sources which are Al-Ghazali Model of Human Nature, the essence of seven verses in Surah Al-Fatihah, and four Islamic working ethics: Taqwa, Ihsan, Al-Birr, and Masuliyyah. Through literature reviews and experts interview, a set of criteria and descriptions of Surah Al-Fatihah and the development guidelines were determined; followed by expert reviews to improve the framework. Then, a survey among Islamic developers was carried out to validate the framework. The Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using Partial Least Squares (PLS) method was utilized for data analysis via SmartPLS. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were employed to examine the multi-dimensionality of the criteria and to analyze their significance towards the developer intention to use. This study has successfully proposed a new conceptual framework of Tawhidic based Islamic Mobile Application for Developers (T-iMAD). The framework consists of internal and external aspects. The internal aspects are driven by Al-Fatihah: (i) Taqwa – intention, gratitude, sincerity, patience, and trust; and (ii) Ihsan – humility, and pure. Meanwhile, external aspects include engagement, functionality, and information criteria which derived from Al-Birr and Masuliyyah. The results from SEM-PLS show that the evaluated model fits the framework, further validating the framework. The main contribution this study is a framework that serves as a guideline for mobile apps developers in producing quality Islamic mobile apps. This study also provides empirical analysis on the significance of criteria towards developer intention to use

    Reading Academic English : a case study. StratApp - The Art of Learning

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    The aim of this dissertation is to describe the different issues that might help university students improve their reading academic English skills. This piece of research focuses on describing the importance of reading academic English; the different key skills and strategies which are crucial for academic reading; the features of academic English which are relevant to familiarise university students with the language academic texts have, and mobile learning. The present study illustrates its theoretical background together with a description of how to turn non-academic texts into academic ones (B1-B2 level) by describing a game-based mobile application: StratApp - The Art of Learning.L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és descriure els diferents factors que poden ajudar els estudiants universitaris a millorar la lectura de l'anglès acadèmic. Aquesta investigació se centra en descriure la importància que té la lectura d'anglès acadèmic; les diferents habilitats i estratègies clau per a la lectura acadèmica; les característiques de l'anglès acadèmic que són rellevants per familiaritzar els estudiants universitaris amb els textos acadèmics, i en l'aprenentatge mòbil. Aquest treball il·lustra els seu marc teòric descrivint com s'han adaptat els textos no acadèmics en textos acadèmics (nivell B1-B2) d'una aplicació mòbil: StratApp - The Art of Learning.El objetivo de esta tesis es describir los diferentes factores que pueden ayudar a los estudiantes universitarios a mejorar la lectura del inglés académico. Esta investigación se centra en describir la importancia que tiene la lectura de inglés académico; las diferentes habilidades y estrategias clave para la lectura académica; las características del inglés académico que son relevantes para familiarizar a los estudiantes universitarios con los textos académicos, y en el aprendizaje móvil. Este trabajo ilustra su marco teórico describiendo como se han adaptado los textos no académicos en textos académicos (nivel B1-B2) de una aplicación móvil: StratApp - The Art of Learning

    Effectiveness of mobile learning application in improving reading skills in Chinese language and towards post-attitudes

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    In this paper, a quasi-experimental research was conducted to investigate the effects of smartphone application on Chinese language reading skills and sought students' perception on the use of smartphone applications regarding motivation, interest, and confidence. Quantitative data were collected from oral pre and post-test, and a 4-point Likert scale questionnaire. Mann-Whitney U test was used to analyse whether there was a significant difference on the gain score between the control group (traditional method) and experimental groups (Integration of smartphone application). A total of 53 students participated in this study; the main results show that higher scores on tests after four consecutive weeks of intervention. Besides, from the findings, students were easier, and more prefer to learn the skills of reading with the use of smartphone applications in teaching and learning process if compared to traditional method. Furthermore, integration of smartphone application can leverage motivation and interest, but not confidence. Finally, the researchers discuss the implications of this study on the perspective of the potential of mobile learning