76 research outputs found

    Penerapan Naive Bayes untuk Mengurangi Data Noise pada Klasifikasi Multi Kelas dengan Decision Tree

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    Selama beberapa dekade terakhir, cukup banyak algoritma data mining yang telah diusulkan oleh peneliti kecerdasan komputasi untuk memecahkan masalah klasifikasi di dunia nyata. Di antara metode-metode data mining lainnya, Decision Tree (DT) memiliki berbagai keunggulan diantaranya sederhana untuk dipahami, mudah untuk diterapkan, membutuhkan sedikit pengetahuan, mampu menangani data numerik dan kategorikal, tangguh, dan dapat menangani dataset yang besar. Banyak dataset berukuran besar dan memiliki banyak kelas atau multi kelas yang ada di dunia memiliki noise atau mengandung error. Algoritma pengklasifikasi DT memiliki keunggulan dalam menyelesaikan masalah klasifikasi, namun data noise yang terdapat pada dataset berukuran besar dan memiliki banyak kelas atau multi kelas dapat mengurangi akurasi pada klasifikasinya. Masalah data noise pada dataset tersebut akan diselesaikan dengan menerapkan pengklasifikasi Naive Bayes (NB) untuk menemukan instance yang mengandung noise dan menghapusnya sebelum diproses oleh pengklasifikasi DT. Pengujian metode yang diusulkan dilakukan dengan delapan dataset uji dari UCI (University of California, Irvine) machine learning repository dan dibandingkan dengan algoritma pengklasifikasi DT. Hasil akurasi yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa algoritma yang diusulkan DT+NB lebih unggul dari algoritma DT, dengan nilai akurasi untuk masing-masing dataset uji seperti Breast Cancer 96.59% (meningkat 21,06%), Diabetes 92,32% (meningkat 18,49%), Glass 87,50% (meningkat 20,68%), Iris 97,22% (meningkat 1,22%), Soybean 95,28% (meningkat 3,77%), Vote 98,98% (meningkat 2,66%), Image Segmentation 99,10% (meningkat 3,36%), dan Tic-tac-toe 93,85% (meningkat 9,30%). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan NB terbukti dapat menangani data noise pada dataset berukuran besar dan memiliki banyak kelas atau multi kelas sehingga akurasi pada algoritma klasifikasi DT meningkat


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    Decision tree method is a classification method that has been widely used for the solution of problems of classification. Decision tree classification provides a rapid and effective method. The approach has been proven decision tree method can be applied in various fields of life. Capability classification is indicated by the decision tree method is what encourages authors to use decision tree methods approach to measure the performance of civil servants.  To build a decision tree induction algorithms used. In this study, the ID3 algorithm method is used to construct a decision tree. Starting with the data collecting training samples and then measuring the entropy and information gain. Information Gain value will be used as the root of a decision tree. And translates it into a decision tree classification rules.The results show that the decision tree method is used to produce classification rules into groups employee performance Good and Bad. The resulting rules are used to measure the performance of employees and classifying employees into two groups.The result to assist management in making more objective assessment process. Keywords: ID3 Algorithm, Decision Tree, Employee Performance

    JWalk: a tool for lazy, systematic testing of java classes by design introspection and user interaction

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    Popular software testing tools, such as JUnit, allow frequent retesting of modified code; yet the manually created test scripts are often seriously incomplete. A unit-testing tool called JWalk has therefore been developed to address the need for systematic unit testing within the context of agile methods. The tool operates directly on the compiled code for Java classes and uses a new lazy method for inducing the changing design of a class on the fly. This is achieved partly through introspection, using Java’s reflection capability, and partly through interaction with the user, constructing and saving test oracles on the fly. Predictive rules reduce the number of oracle values that must be confirmed by the tester. Without human intervention, JWalk performs bounded exhaustive exploration of the class’s method protocols and may be directed to explore the space of algebraic constructions, or the intended design state-space of the tested class. With some human interaction, JWalk performs up to the equivalent of fully automated state-based testing, from a specification that was acquired incrementally

    Synthesis Of Distributed Protocols From Scenarios And Specifications

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    Distributed protocols, typically expressed as stateful agents communicating asynchronously over buffered communication channels, are difficult to design correctly. This difficulty has spurred decades of research in the area of automated model-checking algorithms. In turn, practical implementations of model-checking algorithms have enabled protocol developers to prove the correctness of such distributed protocols. However, model-checking techniques are only marginally useful during the actual development of such protocols; typically as a debugging aid once a reasonably complete version of the protocol has already been developed. The actual development process itself is often tedious and requires the designer to reason about complex interactions arising out of concurrency and asynchrony inherent to such protocols. In this dissertation we describe program synthesis techniques which can be applied as an enabling technology to ease the task of developing such protocols. Specifically, the programmer provides a natural, but incomplete description of the protocol in an intuitive representation — such as scenarios or an incomplete protocol. This description specifies the behavior of the protocol in the common cases. The programmer also specifies a set of high-level formal requirements that a correct protocol is expected to satisfy. These requirements can include safety requirements as well as liveness requirements in the form of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas. We describe techniques to synthesize a correct protocol which is consistent with the common-case behavior specified by the programmer and also satisfies the high-level safety and liveness requirements set forth by the programmer. We also describe techniques for program synthesis in general, which serve to enable the solutions to distributed protocol synthesis that this dissertation explores

    Modeling Management Metrics for Monitoring Software Systems

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    Software systems are growing rapidly in size and complexity, and becoming more and more difficult and expensive to maintain exclusively by human operators. These systems are expected to be highly available, and failure in these systems is expensive. To meet availability and performance requirements within budget, automated and efficient approaches for systems monitoring are highly desirable. Autonomic computing is an effort in this direction, which promises systems that self-monitor, thus alleviating the burden of detailed operation oversight from human administrators. In particular, a solution is to develop automated monitoring systems that continuously collect monitoring data from target systems, analyze the data, detect errors and diagnose faults automatically. In this dissertation, we survey work based on management metrics and describe the common features of these current solutions. Based on observations of the advantages and drawbacks of these solutions, we present a general solution framework in four separate steps: metric modeling, system-health signature generation, system-state checking, and fault localization. Within our framework, we present two specific solutions for error detection and fault diagnosis in the system, one based on improved linear-regression modeling and the second based on summarizing the system state by an informationtheoretic measurement. We evaluate our monitoring solutions with fault-injection experiments in a J2EE benchmark and show the effectiveness and efficiency of our solutions

    Programming Language Abstractions for the Global Network

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    Increasing demand for Internet-based applications motivates the development of programming models that ease their implementation. With the research presented in this thesis, we aim to improve understanding of what is involved when programming applications for the global network, and in particular the Web. We are primarily concerned with the development of language-level programming abstractions that address issues arising from the failure and performance properties of the Web. Frequent failure and unpredictable performance are ever-present aspects of any Web computation, so we must bring the properties of the Web into the semantic domain of our program systems. Our primary goal is to enable concise and intuitive expression of failure semantics in the context of concurrency, which is necessary for efficient Web computation given the large overhead in every network access. The main scientific contribution of this thesis is the development of a Web programming model for which a major design goal is the integration of domain concepts, failure interpretation, concurrency, and a mechanism for flow of control after failure. Our model is the first to successfully achieve a clean integration. We develop a programming language called Focus, which incorporates two complimentary abstractions. Persistent relative observables allow reasoning about the dynamic behaviour of computations in the context of past behaviours. Examples of observables are the rate, elapsed time, and success probability of http fetches. The mechanics of our observables mechanism allows the generalisation of the observables concept to all computation, and not just Web fetches. This generalisation is key in our design approach to supervisors, which are abstractions over concurrency designed for the specification of failure semantics and concurrency for computations that contain Web fetches. In essence, supervisors monitor and control the behaviour of arbitrary concurrent computations, which are passed as parameters, while retaining a strict separation of computational logic and control logic. In conjunction with observables, supervisors allow the writing of general control functions, parameterisable both by value and computation. Observables are abstract values that fluctuate dynamically, and all computations export the same set of observables. Observables allow genericity in supervisor control, since the mechanism constrains the value of observables within a pattern of fluctuation around a single number. Whatever the activity of a computation, information about its behaviour can be obtained within a range of values in the observables. This means that supervisors can be applied independently of knowledge of the program logic for supervised computations. Supervisors and observables are useful in the context of the Web due to the multiplicity of possible failure modes, many of which require interpretation, and the need for complex flow of control in the presence of concurrency

    Foundations for programming and implementing effect handlers

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    First-class control operators provide programmers with an expressive and efficient means for manipulating control through reification of the current control state as a first-class object, enabling programmers to implement their own computational effects and control idioms as shareable libraries. Effect handlers provide a particularly structured approach to programming with first-class control by naming control reifying operations and separating from their handling. This thesis is composed of three strands of work in which I develop operational foundations for programming and implementing effect handlers as well as exploring the expressive power of effect handlers. The first strand develops a fine-grain call-by-value core calculus of a statically typed programming language with a structural notion of effect types, as opposed to the nominal notion of effect types that dominates the literature. With the structural approach, effects need not be declared before use. The usual safety properties of statically typed programming are retained by making crucial use of row polymorphism to build and track effect signatures. The calculus features three forms of handlers: deep, shallow, and parameterised. They each offer a different approach to manipulate the control state of programs. Traditional deep handlers are defined by folds over computation trees, and are the original con-struct proposed by Plotkin and Pretnar. Shallow handlers are defined by case splits (rather than folds) over computation trees. Parameterised handlers are deep handlers extended with a state value that is threaded through the folds over computation trees. To demonstrate the usefulness of effects and handlers as a practical programming abstraction I implement the essence of a small UNIX-style operating system complete with multi-user environment, time-sharing, and file I/O. The second strand studies continuation passing style (CPS) and abstract machine semantics, which are foundational techniques that admit a unified basis for implementing deep, shallow, and parameterised effect handlers in the same environment. The CPS translation is obtained through a series of refinements of a basic first-order CPS translation for a fine-grain call-by-value language into an untyped language. Each refinement moves toward a more intensional representation of continuations eventually arriving at the notion of generalised continuation, which admit simultaneous support for deep, shallow, and parameterised handlers. The initial refinement adds support for deep handlers by representing stacks of continuations and handlers as a curried sequence of arguments. The image of the resulting translation is not properly tail-recursive, meaning some function application terms do not appear in tail position. To rectify this the CPS translation is refined once more to obtain an uncurried representation of stacks of continuations and handlers. Finally, the translation is made higher-order in order to contract administrative redexes at translation time. The generalised continuation representation is used to construct an abstract machine that provide simultaneous support for deep, shallow, and parameterised effect handlers. kinds of effect handlers. The third strand explores the expressiveness of effect handlers. First, I show that deep, shallow, and parameterised notions of handlers are interdefinable by way of typed macro-expressiveness, which provides a syntactic notion of expressiveness that affirms the existence of encodings between handlers, but it provides no information about the computational content of the encodings. Second, using the semantic notion of expressiveness I show that for a class of programs a programming language with first-class control (e.g. effect handlers) admits asymptotically faster implementations than possible in a language without first-class control

    Proceedings of VVSS2007 - verification and validation of software systems, 23rd March 2007, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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    Proceedings of VVSS2007 - verification and validation of software systems, 23rd March 2007, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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