17,225 research outputs found

    Effective complexity of stationary process realizations

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    The concept of effective complexity of an object as the minimal description length of its regularities has been initiated by Gell-Mann and Lloyd. The regularities are modeled by means of ensembles, that is probability distributions on finite binary strings. In our previous paper we propose a definition of effective complexity in precise terms of algorithmic information theory. Here we investigate the effective complexity of binary strings generated by stationary, in general not computable, processes. We show that under not too strong conditions long typical process realizations are effectively simple. Our results become most transparent in the context of coarse effective complexity which is a modification of the original notion of effective complexity that uses less parameters in its definition. A similar modification of the related concept of sophistication has been suggested by Antunes and Fortnow.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    Extreme Quantum Advantage for Rare-Event Sampling

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    We introduce a quantum algorithm for efficient biased sampling of the rare events generated by classical memoryful stochastic processes. We show that this quantum algorithm gives an extreme advantage over known classical biased sampling algorithms in terms of the memory resources required. The quantum memory advantage ranges from polynomial to exponential and when sampling the rare equilibrium configurations of spin systems the quantum advantage diverges.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures; http://csc.ucdavis.edu/~cmg/compmech/pubs/eqafbs.ht

    Half-tapering strategy for conditional simulation with large datasets

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    Gaussian conditional realizations are routinely used for risk assessment and planning in a variety of Earth sciences applications. Conditional realizations can be obtained by first creating unconditional realizations that are then post-conditioned by kriging. Many efficient algorithms are available for the first step, so the bottleneck resides in the second step. Instead of doing the conditional simulations with the desired covariance (F approach) or with a tapered covariance (T approach), we propose to use the taper covariance only in the conditioning step (Half-Taper or HT approach). This enables to speed up the computations and to reduce memory requirements for the conditioning step but also to keep the right short scale variations in the realizations. A criterion based on mean square error of the simulation is derived to help anticipate the similarity of HT to F. Moreover, an index is used to predict the sparsity of the kriging matrix for the conditioning step. Some guides for the choice of the taper function are discussed. The distributions of a series of 1D, 2D and 3D scalar response functions are compared for F, T and HT approaches. The distributions obtained indicate a much better similarity to F with HT than with T.Comment: 39 pages, 2 Tables and 11 Figure

    Vector opinion dynamics in a model for social influence

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    We present numerical simulations of a model of social influence, where the opinion of each agent is represented by a binary vector. Agents adjust their opinions as a result of random encounters, whenever the difference between opinions is below a given threshold. Evolution leads to a steady state, which highly depends on the threshold and a convergence parameter of the model. We analyze the transition between clustered and homogeneous steady states. Results of the cases of complete mixing and small-world networks are compared.Comment: Latex file, 14 pages and 11 figures, Accepted in Physica

    Sum Spectral Efficiency Maximization in Massive MIMO Systems: Benefits from Deep Learning

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    This paper investigates the joint data and pilot power optimization for maximum sum spectral efficiency (SE) in multi-cell Massive MIMO systems, which is a non-convex problem. We first propose a new optimization algorithm, inspired by the weighted minimum mean square error (MMSE) approach, to obtain a stationary point in polynomial time. We then use this algorithm together with deep learning to train a convolutional neural network to perform the joint data and pilot power control in sub-millisecond runtime, making it suitable for online optimization in real multi-cell Massive MIMO systems. The numerical result demonstrates that the solution obtained by the neural network is 1%1\% less than the stationary point for four-cell systems, while the sum SE loss is 2%2\% in a nine-cell system.Comment: 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted by ICC 2019. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1901.0362

    Effect of risk perception on epidemic spreading in temporal networks

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    Many progresses in the understanding of epidemic spreading models have been obtained thanks to numerous modeling efforts and analytical and numerical studies, considering host populations with very different structures and properties, including complex and temporal interaction networks. Moreover, a number of recent studies have started to go beyond the assumption of an absence of coupling between the spread of a disease and the structure of the contacts on which it unfolds. Models including awareness of the spread have been proposed, to mimic possible precautionary measures taken by individuals that decrease their risk of infection, but have mostly considered static networks. Here, we adapt such a framework to the more realistic case of temporal networks of interactions between individuals. We study the resulting model by analytical and numerical means on both simple models of temporal networks and empirical time-resolved contact data. Analytical results show that the epidemic threshold is not affected by the awareness but that the prevalence can be significantly decreased. Numerical studies highlight however the presence of very strong finite-size effects, in particular for the more realistic synthetic temporal networks, resulting in a significant shift of the effective epidemic threshold in the presence of risk awareness. For empirical contact networks, the awareness mechanism leads as well to a shift in the effective threshold and to a strong reduction of the epidemic prevalence

    Fluctuation-Dissipation relations in Driven Granular Gases

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    We study the dynamics of a 2d driven inelastic gas, by means of Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) techniques, i.e. under the assumption of Molecular Chaos. Under the effect of a uniform stochastic driving in the form of a white noise plus a friction term, the gas is kept in a non-equilibrium Steady State characterized by fractal density correlations and non-Gaussian distributions of velocities; the mean squared velocity, that is the so-called {\em granular temperature}, is lower than the bath temperature. We observe that a modified form of the Kubo relation, which relates the autocorrelation and the linear response for the dynamics of a system {\em at equilibrium}, still holds for the off-equilibrium, though stationary, dynamics of the systems under investigation. Interestingly, the only needed modification to the equilibrium Kubo relation is the replacement of the equilibrium temperature with an effective temperature, which results equal to the global granular temperature. We present two independent numerical experiment, i.e. two different observables are studied: (a) the staggered density current, whose response to an impulsive shear is proportional to its autocorrelation in the unperturbed system and (b) the response of a tracer to a small constant force, switched on at time twt_w, which is proportional to the mean-square displacement in the unperturbed system. Both measures confirm the validity of Kubo's formula, provided that the granular temperature is used as the proportionality factor between response and autocorrelation, at least for not too large inelasticities.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, submitted for publicatio
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