14 research outputs found

    Mesazhi baritor si pjesë e rëndësishme e marrëdhënieve me publikun në institucionet fetare

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    Mesazhi baritor është një formë e pastër e komunikimit publik në institucionet fetare, si komunikim special që këto institucione klerikale reagojnë ndaj situatave të caktuara, festave, qëndrimeve apo ngjarjeve në shoqërinë shqiptare. Mesazhi i përmuajshëm, i përtremuajshëm apo specifik për situata e ndryshme, përbën një mesazh specifik në komunikimin me besimtarët nga ana e institucioneve fetare në Shqipëri. Mesazhi baritor është mbi të gjitha një thirrje për reflektim drejtuar besimtarëve, një qëndrim publik i mbajtur prej institucioneve fetare, një perspektivë e re në marrëdhëniet mes shoqërisë dhe institucioneve fetare, është një komunikim sqarues dhe mbi të gjitha është një komunikim shumë specifik ndërmjet fesë, besimtarëve dhe krejt shoqërisë. Në këtë punim do të mësojmë mjetet dhe organizimin e marrëdhënieve me publikun në institucionet fetare, pikërisht në Kishën Katolike, Kishën Ortodokse dhe Komunitetin Mysliman Shqiptar përgjatë vitit 2016-të. Do të merren në shqyrtim komunikimet publike si formë e mesazhit baritor që këto institucione fetare ua drejtojnë publikut fetar dhe mbarë shoqërisë në varësi të ngjarjeve apo festave të ndryshme fetare. Artikujt dhe reagimet e këtyre institucioneve do të qëmtohen imtësishëm në lidhje me natyrën e mesazhit baritor, duke parë kontekstin, duke parë artikuluesin dhe mbi të gjitha duke u fokusuar te situatat e caktuara që kanë shkaktuar sjelljen e këtij reagimi publik të institucioneve fetare. Gjithashtu do të shihet sesi funksionon dhe çfarë ndryshimi ka “mesazhi baritor” nga komunikimi i zakonshëm publik i institucioneve fetare

    Health Journalism Internships: A Social Marketing Strategy to Address Health Disparities

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    The USA seeks to eliminate health disparities by stimulating the rapid uptake of health-promoting behaviors within disadvantaged communities. A health journalism internship incorporates social marketing strategies to increase communities' access to cancer information, while helping the interns who are recruited from underrepresented communities gain admission to top graduate schools. Interns are taught basic health journalism skills that enable them to create immediate streams of cancer-related press releases for submission to community newspapers. Interns are charged with the social responsibility of continuing this dissemination process throughout their careers. Intermediate outcomes are measured as mediators of distal behavioral change goals

    The Ethics of Deontology in Corporate Communication

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    This paper seeks to provide guidelines on how to respond to the ethical challenges entailed in corporate communication. It argues for the need for an ethical grounding for the practitioner of corporate communication, before critically examining the two broad ethical theories - deontology and teleology - and their place in ethical judgment. The authors underscore the importance of deontological ethics in the practice of corporate communication. Key Words. Corporate communication, public relations, ethics, deontology, teleology   Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya (PAK)New Series, Vol.3 No.1, June 2011, pp.115-12

    Aktivitas Marketing Communications di PT Excursia Dhanapala Universal

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    PT Excursia Dhanapala Universal atau Edutravel Indonesia yang berada di bawah naungan PT Rajawali Pacific Internusa adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang wisata edukasi yang memiliki program-khusus di bidang pengembangan dan peningkatan sumber daya manusia yang dipadu dengan program wisata yang menyenangkan. Kebutuhan untuk memenangkan pasar di bidang pariwisata, menjadikan Edutravel Indonesia memiliki daya tarik khusus yaitu dari segi edukasi program yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah bagi pemerintah, mitra bisnis, dan sumber daya manusia di Indonesia. Social Media Marketing adalah aktivitas yang berkaitan untuk meningkatkan brand awareness dan reputasi dari sebuah perusahaan. Dalam aktivitas tersebut, seorang marketing communications bertugas untuk mengelola konten yang ada untuk menyuarakan pesan yang konsisten terkait brand di media sosial. Untuk melengkapi hal tersebut, tentunya diperlukan kemampuan Public Relations Writing, di mana segala tulisan kreatif yang dibuat harus dapat menyampaikan informasi atau mempersuasi publik, sehingga mencapai kesepakatan dan tindakan dari target yang telah dituju. Berdasarkan hal-hal yang dipaparkan tersebut, setiap aktivitas memerlukan peran dari seorang Marketing Communications sebagai kunci utama dari setiap penyampaian pesan yang ingin disampaikan oleh perusahaan kepada pihak eksternal seperti calon customer atau publik, sehingga memiliki kesepahaman yang sama dengan perusahaan. Marketing Communications juga tidak lepas dari berbagai aktivitas yang menunjang perusahaan. Ada pun aktivitas lainnya antara lain direct marketing dan produksi media public relations

    Is academic writing becoming more informal?

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    Informality has become something of a contemporary mantra as, from the denim-clad offices of internet startups to the pages of business reports, we are encouraged to shed old constraints and relax conventions. This paper explores the perception that since informality has now invaded a large range of written and spoken domains of discourse, academic writing has also followed this trend. It asks the question whether academics are now freer to construct less rigidly objective texts and craft a more inclusive relationship with their readers. Taking a corpus of 2.2 million words from the same leading journals in four disciplines at three periods over the past years, we explore changes in the use of ten key features regarded by applied linguists and style guide authors as representing informality. Our results show only a small increase in the use of these features, and that this is mainly accounted for by increases in the hard sciences rather than the social sciences. It is also largely restricted to increases in first person pronouns, unattended reference and sentences beginning with conjunctions. We discuss these results and argue they represent changes in rhetorical conventions which accommodate more obvious interpersonal interactions in the sciences

    Bahan edaran dan organisasi media : kajian di Utusan Sarawak dan RTM Sarawak

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    This study is about media materials received by RTM Sarawak and Utusan Sarawak in November and December 2012 from different individual or representative of an organization whether writen by public relations officer or non public relations officer. This study has the objective to identify the types as well as to analyze the content of materials received by two media organizations in the study period. COPR model used in the discussion of the theory and content analysis was used as a method to analyze the materials that have been received by a local Sarawak newspaper and a national TV and radio stations in Sarawak. These materials are divided into two major categories, namely statement to the media and the press releases. Organizations were more likely to send their materials to the electronic media as it has broader broadcast nationwide compared to the local daily newspapers which have limited circulation in the state. The study also found that most of the content of these materials were writen according to guidelines suggested by experts in the field of public relations. The results also improve the COPR model in terms of public relations officer and non public relations officer as an information provider, role of the media as a channel of information to the public and some of public are also a writer who provides information to the media

    Non-governmental Organizations and Neoliberalism: a Critical Discourse Analysis

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    Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärk on uurida rahvusvahelises avalikus sfääris tegutsevate mittetulundusühingute (MTÜ) diskursust ja nende suhtumist neoliberalismi, võttes aluseks MTÜde pressiteated, mis kirjeldavad G8 arengumaade abistamise initsiatiivi (G8 New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition) ja kommenteerivad avaliku ja erasektori tegevust selles valdkonnas. Töö koosneb sissejuhatusest, kolmest peatükist ja kokkuvõttest. Analüüsitav korpus koosneb seitsme Ühendkuningriigis või Ameerika Ühendriikides baseeruva mittetulundusühingu pressiteatest, mille analüüsi aluseks on Norman Fairclough kriitilise diskursusanalüüsi meetod. Sissejuhatus ja teooria peatükk keskenduvad neoliberalismile ja avalikule sfäärile, kasutades neoliberalismi teoreetikuid Michel Foucault, David Harvey ja Joseph Stiglitz ning Jürgen Habermasi avaliku sfääri teooriat. Lisatud on analüüs kriitilise diskursusanalüüsi meetoditest ja Norman Fairclough meetodi eripäradest, mille käesoleva töö jaoks kohandatud versioon on esitatud teises peatükis. Kolmas peatükk analüüsib korpust kirjelduse, tõlgenduse ja selgituse tasandil. MTÜd on suuremal või vähemal määral G8 initsiatiivi suhtes kriitilised ning vastandavad end G8 ning erasektori tegevusele. Siiski kasutavad nad üldiselt sõnavara, mis kuulub neoliberalistlikku diskursusesse, samas andes sellele teisi tähendusi. Võib täheldada, et sõnavara, mida neoliberalismis üldiselt riikide tegevuse kritiseerimiseks kasutatakse, on siin suunatud hoopis G8 ja erasektori vastu, kujutades viimast kui kohalike inimeste majandusliku ja poliitilise vabaduse piirajat ning kohaliku arengu takistajat. Seega positsioneerivad MTÜd end selgelt Habermasi rahvusvahelisse avalikku sfääri, olles samas ka selle loojad ja kujundajad: nad püüdlevad võrdse esindatuse poole, üritavad luua arusaama ühistest globaalsetest probleemides ning töötavad avaliku sfääri pideva laiendamise suunas, eelistades riikidevahelistele lepetele ÜRO rahvasteülest tasandit

    Health Promot Pract

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    Local media should be used to raise awareness of health promotion programs. In rural areas, local newspapers provide an opportunity to reach large numbers of residents. Although there are expert guidelines describing the process for successfully engaging local media, little has been documented regarding the range of responses that local, rural newspapers might have when approached about covering health promotion programs. This study describes the response of rural, local newspapers to a press release about a health promotion program taking place in 28 restaurants in different rural towns. The most common reason for not publishing a story was that it would constitute free advertising for the restaurant. Twenty-two stories were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The majority of the responding newspapers were weeklies, and 16 published the full press release verbatim. Three stories included photos, and five included quotes. Headlines typically included the name of the restaurant and the university partner. The overall response rate is encouraging; however, there is considerable room for improvement in terms of personalizing the story with photos or quotes. Greater efforts may be required to obtain this depth of coverage, including training for local journalists to increase their interest and confidence in covering health promotion issues.20122015-03-01T00:00:00ZP30 CA086862/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United StatesU48 DP001902/DP/NCCDPHP CDC HHS/United States1-U48DP001902-01/DP/NCCDPHP CDC HHS/United States23182860PMC4255713677

    Media relations in an evolving media landscape

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to test the viability of the media relations framework, Mediating the Media model (Pang, 2010), and ascertains its relevance to practitioners in a changing media landscape in Singapore where social media is emerging as an alternative source of information tool. Design/methodology/approach – In-depth interviews with 20 media relations practitioners who were former journalists. Practitioners with journalism experience were chosen as they perform better at media relations (Sallot and Johnson, 2006a; Sinaga and Callison, 2008). Findings – The model posits two sets of influences, i.e. internal (journalist mindset, journalist routines and newsroom routines) and external (extra-media forces and media ideology) in media relations. Internal influences were found to be more prevalent than external influences and journalist mindset was the most pervasive factor influencing media relations. Research limitations/implications – Findings are based solely on interviews and some claims cannot be corroborated. As this is a qualitative study situated in one country, it is also not generalizable. Practical implications – This study will serve useful insights for new practitioners to approach media relations in a holistic and systematic manner and for seasoned practitioners to re-evaluate their current media strategies. Originality/value – This inaugural test found rigor in the model, and affords an in-depth understanding of the dynamics of journalist-practitioner relationships in a changing media landscape. It also presents an intriguing opportunity for the model to be applied to countries where the media industry operates under vastly different environments so as to ensure that the model stands up to scrutiny as it seeks to be positioned as a viable model for media relations. </jats:sec

    An investigation of techniques and functions used by public relations practi-tioners at agencies in Durban, South Africa

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    Thesis (MTech (Public Relations Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2019This study investigates the techniques and functions used by public relations (PR) practitioners at agencies in Durban. Although PR techniques and functions are known, there is a lack of research on how they are being applied and how they assist current PR practitioners in conducting their activities. Using the constructivist approach and the reflective paradigm of PR as a conceptual theoretical framework, this research aims to provide a view of how the PR techniques and functions are being employed today as well as report back on current trends. Through interviews with various PR agencies in Durban, the findings revealed that practitioners are applying the tech-niques and functions correctly for the most part. However, the media landscape is changing and is affecting the role of the PR practitioner by demanding they play a larger role in creating journalistic content. In addition, the changes in the digital media space require PR practitioners to apply new tactics to keep up with the fast develop-ment, especially when it comes to working with influencers. Although the practitioners believe PR is perceived as a legitimate industry, it is still regarded as a marketing tool. A shift is required in this regard as this signifies that PR may not necessarily be seen as a standalone industry by corporate organisations. To improve the current state of PR, practitioners need to conduct adequate environmental scanning and research in order to gain access to the decision-making table and prove PRs value to senior management