19 research outputs found

    Tribun Putra

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    Criação de vídeos de divulgação da plataforma SAPO Campus

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    Mestrado em Comunicação MultimédiaO marketing online é um mercado em crescimento e em constante mudança por ser um local privilegiado para o contacto entre marcas e consumidores. Tanto as marcas já estabelecidas no mercado como as marcas em crescimento sentem necessidade de criar conteúdos audiovisuais que atraiam os consumidores e que os estimulem a falar da sua marca nas redes sociais ou, simplesmente, que fiquem com uma boa imagem da marca. Contudo, nem sempre a abordagem feita pelas marcas à plataforma web é a mais correta. Não sendo ainda consensual a produção de conteúdos específicos para a internet, há ainda um número significativo de vídeos que são produzidos para a TV e mais tarde adaptados para a web (Forbes & Sharethrough, 2012). Este projeto procura, numa primeira fase, identificar as principais caraterísticas associadas ao vídeo online, à transmissão de emoções e ao storytelling, assim como perceber a relação existente entre os mesmos tópicos. São ainda abordadas técnicas de pré-produção, produção e pós-produção que serviram de base ao desenvolvimento prático deste projeto. Com base na contextualização teórica desenvolveram-se cinco produtos audiovisuais que retratam a experiência de utilização da plataforma SAPO Campus por parte de alguns professores de várias escolas do país, de vários níveis de ensino. O presente documento descreve pormenorizadamente todo o processo de desenvolvimento desses produtos audiovisuais, incluindo a metodologia adoptada e ainda o processo de avaliação dos mesmos, através de aplicação de um inquérito por questionário online.Online marketing is a growing and changing market, as it is a great place for brands and customers to connect. Both established and on growing brands feel the need to create video content that will attract consumers and engage them to talk about that same brand on social networks or simply have a good opinion on them. However, the approach taken by the brands isn’t always the most accurate. There’s still no agreement on the specific type of content that should be produced for the internet, and there’s still a significant number of videos that are produced for television and later adapted for the web (Sharethrough & Forbes, 2012). This project’s purpose is, at first, to identify the main features related to online video, emotions communication and storytelling, as well as to identify the relationship between these topics. Also, pre-production, production and postproduction techniques are taken as a basis for the project development. Based on the first stage, five videos regarding to the personal experience of several teachers (from different schools and teaching degrees) with the SAPO Campus online platform, were produced. This document contains detailed information on those videos’ creation process, including the adopted methodology and the assessment process, taken through an online survey

    Tribun Putra

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    Supporting community engagement through teaching, student projects and research

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    The Education Acts statutory obligations for ITPs are not supported by the Crown funding model. Part of the statutory role of an ITP is “... promotes community learning and by research, particularly applied and technological research ...” [The education act 1989]. In relation to this a 2017 TEC report highlighted impaired business models and an excessive administrative burden as restrictive and impeding success. Further restrictions are seen when considering ITPs attract < 3 % of the available TEC funding for research, and ~ 20 % available TEC funding for teaching, despite having overall student efts of ~ 26 % nationally. An attempt to improve performance and engage through collaboration (community, industry, tertiary) at our institution is proving successful. The cross-disciplinary approach provides students high level experience and the technical stretch needed to be successful engineers, technologists and technicians. This study presents one of the methods we use to collaborate externally through teaching, student projects and research

    Naratif Naib Canselor Prof. Dr. Mohd. Roslan Sulaiman

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    Estrategias lúdicas y el proceso de memoria en niños de segundo básico en situación de post-pandemia Ecuador, 2022

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    La presente tesis recoge información relevante sobre los efectos sufridos postpandemia a nivel educativo en estudiantes del segundo año básico. El objetivo planteado fue: Determinar la relación entre estrategias lúdicas y el proceso de memoria en niños del segundo básico en situación de post-pandemia, Ecuador 2022. Para tal efecto; se empleó, un trabajo de investigación de tipo básico bajo un enfoque cuantitativo con diseño no experimental a nivel descriptivo correlacional. Por medio de los datos obtenidos y procesados se comprobó la hipótesis de investigación confirmando la existencia de relación entre las estrategias lúdicas y el proceso de memoria en niños del segundo año guardando relación entre las dimensiones juego y creatividad en el proceso de memoria

    Learning, becoming, being: The Journey from student teacher to full teacher registration.

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    This research aims to investigate the journey of student teachers as they complete their programme of study and begin their careers in the teaching profession. There is little documented evidence of what, if any, impact an initial teacher education programme can have on teachers as they move through the profession – from student to newly qualified teacher to fully certificated teacher. This project will explore this relationship and how graduates call on the knowledge acquired in their initial teacher education qualification to inform their practice as teachers. The Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand is currently undertaking a project examining Future Focussed Initial Teacher Education this project will complement this work as well as the Ministry of Education's Draft Strategic Plan for Early Learning. The aims of both of these pieces of work are to provide quality learning outcomes for all children and effective teaching strategies. This project will explore these aims and the relationship between an initial teacher education programme. The research is a longitudinal study with three phases. The first phase investigated graduates perceptions of preparedness to teach and as they enter the workforce how their field-based initial teacher education training has contributed to this. The next two phases will follow the newly qualified teachers as the transverse the induction and mentoring towards full certification. In these two phases of this research the participants will become teacher researchers. This presentation reports on the findings of the first phase which included a survey and semi-structured interview

    Aplicación móvil nativa en android basada en la gamificación para el aprendizaje matemático de niños entre 7 y 12 años en Colombia

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    Éste trabajo final trata de una aplicación nativa como un apoyo para el aprendizaje de las operaciones basicas en niños de primaria en el país (niños de 7 a 12 años de edad); la cual se aplican los conceptos de la gamificación para comprender las operaciones básicas (suma, resta, multiplicación y división) de una manera amigable a través de juegos y que se puede llevar un seguimiento basado en puntajes para evaluar los avances que el estudiante lleva a cabo al resolver las actividades.This final work deals is a native application as a support for learning basic operations in primary school children in the country (children 7 to 12 years of age); which apply the concepts of gamification to understand the basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) in a friendly way through games and that you can keep track based on scores to evaluate the progress that the student leads to out when solving activities

    Jefferson County - Bicentennial Edition

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    Bicentennial Edition of Jefferson Reporter about the history of Jefferson County and Louisville, Kentucky published on January 30 1973