465 research outputs found

    The Espoused Theories of IS: A Study of General Editorial Statements.

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    In the IS field there has been an ongoing tradition to study the publication output of the community in order to evaluate the current and potential situation of IS research. In this work, we follow a different strategy and study what IS research claims to be. We look at those so-called 'espoused theories of IS' as found in the General Editorials Statements (GES) of IS journals. Based on the AISWorld journal ranking, we collected GES for 30 leading IS journals for the years 1997 and 2007. We applied thematic, lexicometric, and factor analyses to the datasets of the 1997 and the 2007 GES. Our results show that the representation of IS research in the GES has changed little over the last decade.Espoused Theory; Information Systems (IS); Research; Expectations; General Editorial Statement (GES); IS Journals; Thematic Analysis; Lexicometric Analysis;

    McSweeney's and the challenges of the marketplace for independent publishing

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    In their article "McSweeney's and the Challenges of the Marketplace for Independent Publishing" Katrien Bollen, Stef Craps, and Pieter Vermeulen argue that the artistic projects of the US-American author, activist, and editor Dave Eggers are marked by a tension between the desire for independence and the demands of brand-building. The article offers a close analysis of the materiality and paratexts of one particular issue of McSweeney's, the literary magazine of which Eggers is the founding editor. Both the content and the apologetically aggressive tone of Eggers's editorial statements betray a deep unease with the inability to inhabit a cultural and economic position that is untainted by the compromises that publishing requires. Still, this disavowed complicity with the market in fact sustains Eggers's editorial practice in McSweeney's, which, in marked contrast to his explicit statements, thrives on a dynamic of commodification

    A reply to Kauffman. Letters.

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    We read with interest your editorial statements in two recent issues of EEQ (2:2 and 2:3). Your comments contain some most interesting elements and are alluring as intellectual exercises. We feel obligated, however, to respond to some of your perceptions of the current state of affairs in special education. In particular we are concerned with what you apparently believe to be a void of philosophical leadership in the field

    The Espoused Theories of IS: A Study of General Editorial Statements

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    In the IS field there has been the ongoing debate about a potential identity crisis, which has led researchers to study the output of the community in order to evaluate where IS research currently is and where it could potentially be. This has resulted in various proposals for IS research ‘in practice’. This research follows a different strategy and studies what IS research is claimed to be (the espoused theories of IS). The section of IS journals’ General Editorials Statements (GES), that is, the informative section offered by most journals where they position themselves with regard to potential authors, already contains the answer. Basing our study on the AISWorld journal ranking, we collected GES for a sample of 30 IS journals for the years 1997 and 2007. We applied thematic, lexicometric, and factor analyses to the datasets of the 1997 and the 2007 GES. The results of the analyses show how the institutionalized discourse about IS research has changed over the last decade

    Editorial statement: Lessons from Goodhart's law for the management of the journal

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    In this editorial statement we summarise some of the discussions we have had in the last months regarding the risks associated with the use of indicators for the measurement of research outputs, and how these risks should affect the management of the European Journal of Government and Economics. In particular, we focus on the consequences of the so-called Goodhart's law, which states that when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. We also explain the latest developments in the journal in the light of our previous editorial statements, and present our strategy for the upcoming years

    Norwegian Journal of History 1945–2020: Between the conservative and the innovative

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    Artikkelen kartlegg og analyserer utviklinga av Historisk tidsskrift frå det første nummeret etter krigen og fram til og med 2020. Dei 782 hovudartiklane i tidsskriftet blir handsama gjennom ei kvantitativ analyse knytt til eit knippe kategoriar: kjønn, historisk periode for undersøkinga, den romlege plasseringa av undersøkinga og saksområde eller tema. Tendensar og vendepunkt blir diskuterte i ljos av den overordna historiografiske utviklinga i etterkrigstida, og dessutan redaksjonelle føreord i tidsskriftet. The article presents and discusses historiographical tendencies in Historisk tidsskrift (Norwegian Journal of History) from the first volume after 1945 up until 2020. The tendencies are presented according to gender, historical period, geographical situation and thematic orientation, and are discussed partly by drawing on historiographical currents and partly by viewing them in relation to editorial statements of intention.publishedVersio

    Interpreting China: A Study of Five Issues of Arquitectura Viva about contemporary Chinese Architecture

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    Since2004,ArquitecturaViva,arenownedSpanisharchitecturaljournal,haspublished fiveissuesoncontemporaryarchitecturalpracticesinChina.Threeofthemofferdistinct perspectives through essays and projects,theseinclude:China Boom(AVMonografias 109-110) from 2004, Made in China (AV Monografias 150) from 2011, and Timeless China (Arquitectura Viva 180) published in 2015. Two more issues were devoted to the architecture of global events: Olympic Beijing (Arquitectura Viva 118-119) from 2008 and Shanghai 2010 (Arquitectura Viva 129) put out for the 2010 EXPO. Published over a span of a decade, these five issues interpret a contemporary image of China from different perspectives with respect to architectural practices while building a narrative based on the journal’s underlying value orientation. Based on a close reading of these five issues in respect to editorial statements, issue structure and project choice, as well as an interview with their editor-in-chief, this essay attempts to shed light on the journal’s latent value orientation, while simultaneously offering a reflection on these values

    Community on the watch: making sense of is research through the lens of espoused theories of is

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    Community on the Watch: Making Sense of IS Research through the Lens of Espoused Theories of IS In the IS field there has been an ongoing tradition to study the publication output of the community in order to evaluate the current and potential situation of IS research. In this work, we follow a different strategy and study what IS research claims to be. We look at those so-called 'espoused theories of IS' as found in the General Editorials Statements (GES) of IS journals. Based on the AISWorld journal ranking, we collected GES for 30 leading IS journals for the years 1997 and 2007. We applied thematic, lexicometric, and factor analyses to the datasets of the 1997 and the 2007 GES. Our results show that the representation of IS research in the GES has changed little over the last decade.: Espoused Theory, Information Systems (IS), Research, Expectations, General Editorial Statement (GES), IS Journals, Thematic Analysis, Lexicometric Analysis.

    Scoping review on interventions to improve adherence to reporting guidelines in health research

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    Objectives The goal of this study is to identify, analyse and classify interventions to improve adherence to reporting guidelines in order to obtain a wide picture of how the problem of enhancing the completeness of reporting of biomedical literature has been tackled so far. Design Scoping review. Search strategy We searched the MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane Library databases and conducted a grey literature search for (1) studies evaluating interventions to improve adherence to reporting guidelines in health research and (2) other types of references describing interventions that have been performed or suggested but never evaluated. The characteristics and effect of the evaluated interventions were analysed. Moreover, we explored the rationale of the interventions identified and determined the existing gaps in research on the evaluation of interventions to improve adherence to reporting guidelines. Results 109 references containing 31 interventions (11 evaluated) were included. These were grouped into five categories: (1) training on the use of reporting guidelines, (2) improving understanding, (3) encouraging adherence, (4) checking adherence and providing feedback, and (5) involvement of experts. Additionally, we identified lack of evaluated interventions (1) on training on the use of reporting guidelines and improving their understanding, (2) at early stages of research and (3) after the final acceptance of the manuscript. Conclusions This scoping review identified a wide range of strategies to improve adherence to reporting guidelines that can be taken by different stakeholders. Additional research is needed to assess the effectiveness of many of these interventionsPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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