110,225 research outputs found

    Mechanism, Analysis and Evolution of Jurisprudence on the Judicial Protection of European Union Agencies

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    The Editorial Team notifies the readers that the article “Mechanism, Analysis and Evolution of Jurisprudence on the Judicial Protection of European Union Agencies“ of author Dimitris Liakopoulos, published in  Acta Universitatis Danubius. Administratio, Vol. 11, No. 1 on September 2019, has been retracted. In March 2020, The Editorial Team received a claim of plagiarism, which proved to be true.In the view of The Editorial Team, the article is unacceptable for publication and therefore retracted.The retracted article remains online to maintain the scholarly record, but it is digitally watermarked on each page as “Retracted”.The Editorial Tea


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    Objetivo: relatar la experiencia de creación e implementación de un periódico científico en el área de enfermería y salud. Método: relato de experiencia de la creación e implementación de un periódico científico en el área de enfermería y salud, en el norte de Paraná, Brasil, entre octubre de 2018 y septiembre de 2019. Discusión: al delinear la misión, política editorial y alcance del periódico, además de la formación del Consejo Fundador y el reglamento interno, las normas, el cuerpo editorial, implementación de la versión electrónica, en el portal de periódicos de la universidad, redes sociales y el lanzamiento en un evento científico con la participación de la comunidad interna y externa de la universidad, se explícita la seriedad y rigor necesarios en este proceso. Conclusión: la creación e implementación ocurrió de manera sistemática, teniendo en cuenta padrones de calidad. El relato contribuye a que otros investigadores puedan estructurar nuevos periódicos, al retratar todos los pasos dados desde la planificación hasta la publicación del primer volumen.Objective: to report the experience of creating and implementing a scientific journal in the field of nursing and health.Method: experience report of the creation and implementation of a scientific journal in the nursing and health field, in northern Paraná, Brazil, from October 2018 to September 2019.Discussion: by outlining the journal’s mission, editorial policy, and scope, besides the creation of the Founding Board and the internal rules, standards, editorial board, implementation of the electronic version, on the university’s journal portal, social networks, and its launching in a scientific event with the participation of the internal and external community at the university, the seriousness and rigor required in this process are presented.Conclusion: the creation and implementation took place systematically, considering quality standards. The report helps other researchers to develop new journals, by portraying all the steps taken from planning to the first volume’s publication.Objetivo: relatar a experiência de criação e implementação de um periódico científico na área de enfermagem e saúde.Método: relato de experiência da criação e implementação de um periódico científico na área de enfermagem e saúde, no norte do Paraná, Brasil, entre outubro de 2018 e setembro de 2019.Discussão: ao delinear missão, política editorial e escopo do periódico, além da formação do Conselho Fundador e o regimento interno, normas, corpo editorial, implementação da versão eletrônica, no portal de periódicos da universidade, redes sociais e o lançamento em evento científico com participação da comunidade interna e externa à universidade, deixa-se explícita a seriedade e rigor necessários nesse processo.Conclusão: a criação e implementação ocorreu de forma sistemática, levando em consideração padrões de qualidade. O relato contribui para que outros pesquisadores possam estruturar novos periódicos, ao retratar todas as etapas percorridas desde o planejamento até a publicação do primeiro volume

    Experimenta punto es

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    En setiembre de 2019 pudimos conocer de primera mano, la revitalización de la Editorial Experimenta. Ésta, que había nacido en Madrid en el año 1988 con el objeto de impulsar la cultura del proyecto en España, durante los años de la crisis económica tuvo dificultades para seguir con su labor. Ahora, con la filosofía y visión altruista de sus mecenas, se retoma y dinamiza el proyecto editorial con el objetivo de proporcionar los mejores títulos sobre diseño que se han publicado y para la publicación de contenidos actuales.In September 2019 we were able to see first-hand, the revitalization of Editorial Experimenta. This, which was born in Madrid in 1988 with the aim of promoting the culture of the project in Spain, during the years of the economic crisis, had difficulties to continue with its work. Now, with the philosophy and altruistic vision of its patrons, the editorial project is revitalized in order to provide the best titles on design that have been published and for the publication of current content

    Editorial note: welcome to Volume 22 and the year 2019

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    On behalf of the Editorial Board of the African Journal of Nephrology (AJN), I wish all readers, contributors and reviewers a happy and successful 2019. We have successfully completed our third year as an online Journal.  We sincerely thank everyone who contributed to this achievement.  With your support, we will achieve more milestones.I wish to take this opportunity to remind all our readers and contributors that AJN is the official journal of the African Association of Nephrology (AFRAN).During 2019, AFRAN, in partnership with the Kenya Renal Association, will convene its biennial congress in Mombasa, Kenya, from 25–29 September. Let us give Professor Were, AFRAN President-Elect, and the Kenya Renal Association all the support they need.  Through our participation, we will ensure that the AFRAN congress is a great success.This year, the nephrology calendar is fully loaded. Besides various local and regional congresses, including the AFRAN Congress, at the global level the World Congress of Nephrology will be held in Melbourne, Australia, from 12–15 April 2019. World Kidney Day is also fast approaching. It will be celebrated as usual, on the second Thursday of March, 14 March 2019. The theme this year is “Kidney Health for Everyone Everywhere”.In Volume 21 in 2018, AJN published excellent original articles from various regions of Africa, including East, West and Southern Africa. The proceedings of the 2018 South African Renal Congress are also part of AJN Volume 21. Of note, also in Volume 21, the publication of the 2016 South Africa Renal Registry Annual Report gives a picture of renal replacement therapy in an African country.In 2019, in Volume 22, AJN expects to continue to publish excellent original articles as well as review articles to display research outputs from our contributors. We invite researchers to continue to submit their best work, and nephrology societies to submit the proceedings of their local and regional congresses.Once again, Happy 2019 and we look forward to seeing you in Melbourne in April and Mombasa in September!KARIBUNI SANA AFRAN Congress in Kenya!Alain G AssoungaEditor-in-Chie

    Num mar de palavras: relatório de estágio na Âncora Editora

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    Através das atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito do estágio curricular, realizado de setembro de 2018 a janeiro de 2019, na Âncora Editora, o presente relatório pretende delinear a viagem editorial que o livro – enquanto produto desta editora – percorre. Enquadrado no Mestrado em Estudos Editoriais da Universidade de Aveiro, este relatório procura ainda caraterizar e enquadrar a Âncora Editora no panorama editorial português, descrever as tarefas por mim concretizadas e apresentar, em função do exposto, uma reflexão crítica, à luz da bibliografia disponível.Through the activities developed during my curricular internship, from September 2018 to January 2019, at Âncora Editora, this report intends to describe the editorial journey that the book – as a product of this publisher – accomplishes. Integrated in the curriculum of the Master’s Degree in Publishing Studies at the University of Aveiro, this presentation also seeks to characterize and contextualize Âncora Editora in the portuguese publishing market, as well as to describe the tasks accomplished and analyse them critically, taking important bibliographic resources into account.Mestrado em Estudos Editoriai

    Priming of government policy: a case study of media coverage of the demonetisation of 1,000 bills by the nation and the standard

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    This study analyses the coverage of demonetisation of Kenyan currency in 2019 from a media priming theoretical framework. Four specific objectives guided the study. These were to: determine frequency of newspaper coverage of demonetisation stories, establish placement of demonetisation stories, analyse themes addressed with respect to demonetisation stories, and establish editorial considerations that were made in deciding the stories on demonetisation published by the print media in Kenya. The population was 244 copies printed from 2nd June 2019 to 1st October 2019 out of which 92 copies were included in the analysis with three interviews from business journalists. This study established that the media in Kenya did not adequately prime demonetisation stories. The study found that media houses considered demonetisation stories as complex for the audience, media managers were not very receptive to pitches involving demonetisation stories and they did not allocate enough space for publication of the stories. This study concludes that media houses could explore partnerships to build the capacity of journalists to cover complex emerging topics and that journalists need to do more research to produce quality stories on a specific government policy, frequently. This study recommends that more studies be done focusing on other media platforms such as television, radio, and online as well as the period after the 30th September 2019 deadline for the exchange of the old 1,000 currency notes

    Themenkonkurrenz in der Coronapandemie. Thematisierungsprozesse am Beispiel medialer Verdrängung der Themen «Klima» und «Geflüchtete» in der Coronakrise

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    In der vorgelegten Studie werden klassische Annahmen zur Drama-tisierungstendenz medialer Krisenberichterstattung bei gleichzeitiger Verdrängung übriger gesellschaftlich relevanter Themen auf den Prüfstand gestellt. Anwendungsbeispiel ist die Corona-Thematisierung (September 2019 bis Dezember 2020) und ihr Einfluss auf die Thema-tisierungsprozesse von «Klima» und «Geflüchtete». Anhand einer multivariat dynamischen Zeitreihenanalyse von 437 784 Onlineartikeln wird als übergeordnete Hypothese untersucht, ob Themenverdrän-gung festgestellt werden kann. Die Mechanismen der Verdrängung werden dann differenziert als phasenabhängige Aufmerksamkeits-verschiebung und als direkte also zeitgleiche Themenverdrängung untersucht. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die Annahme der Themen-konkurrenz und zeigen je nach Thematisierungsphase unterschiedliche Verdrängungsprozesse. Im Trend hat Corona die Thematisierung der beiden anderen Krisenphänomene zwar nicht komplett verdrängt, aber sehr deutlich reduziert. Bezüglich der direkten Verdrängung sind Effekte messbar, aber eher klein. Als Fazit zeigt sich Themenverdrän-gung im Onlinejournalismus hier also eher als Effekt der Fokusver-schiebung öffentlicher Aufmerksamkeit als ein Problem direkter Ver-drängung aufgrund beschränkten Berichterstattungsraums. In the following, classical hypotheses on the dramatization tendency of media crisis reporting and the assumed simultaneous suppression of other socially relevant topics are put to the test. For this case study, we rely on news reporting during the first year of the COVID19 pandemic (September 2019 to December 2020) to evaluate its influence on the thematization processes of «climate» and «refu-gees.» Based on a multivariate dynamic time series analysis of 437 784 online articles, we first confirm whether overall issue displace-ment can be detected and then delve deeper by differentiating into two possible mechanisms of displacement: 1) as a phase-dependent but global shift in attention and 2) as a direct i.e., simultaneous effect pointing toward editorial competition. Results from our analysis con-firm the overarching hypothesis of topic competition, clearly showing displacement processes depending on the thematization phase. Globally, while not being rendered invisible, media attention for the other two crisis phenomena was reduced significantly following the onset of the pandemic. Regarding direct displacement, effects are measurable, but rather small. We conclude that the displacement of media attention seems to be attributable more to a shift in public attention and overall trends than to classic assumptions based on limited resources in the editorial process

    Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care : Vol 18 No.3

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    Welcome to the third issue in Volume 18, and our final issue of 2019. If you were looking out for us in September, I should explain that we delayed publication because the CELCIS team was very busy supporting the Global Implementation Conference in Glasgow. The delay has allowed the editorial group to reassess our publication schedule; we have altered the publication dates, and we have three issues planned for 2020 – in February, June and November