271 research outputs found

    Edge Cache-based ISP-CP Collaboration Scheme for Content Delivery Services

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    With the explosive increase of mobile data traffic, content delivery issue in the Internet is a growing concern for both Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and content providers (CPs). To improve content transmission efficiency and reduce network delay, many ISP-CP cooperation schemes are designed, parts of which are trying to introduce the idea of in-network caching. However, the combination influence of edge cache and content popularity is largely ignored in the existing solutions. Therefore, we propose a novel edge cache-based ISP-CP collaboration model for content delivery services, where the two important factors are simultaneously taken into account. Then, the model is analyzed to obtain the maximal network profit from the perspective of online and offline, respectively. Simulation results show that the profit gains of the proposed solution over the existing Internet models only considering cooperation between ISPs and CPs in the heterogeneous network environments

    Online algorithms for content caching: an economic perspective

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    Content Caching at intermediate nodes, such that future requests can be served without going back to the origin of the content, is an effective way to optimize the operations of computer networks. Therefore, content caching reduces the delivery delay and improves the users’ Quality of Experience (QoE). The current literature either proposes offline algorithms that have complete knowledge of the request profile a priori, or proposes heuristics without provable performance. In this dissertation, online algorithms are presented for content caching in three different network settings: the current Internet Network, collaborative multi-cell coordinated network, and future Content Centric Networks (CCN). Due to the difficulty of obtaining a prior knowledge of contents’ popularities in real scenarios, an algorithm has to make a decision whether to cache a content or not when a request for the content is made, and without the knowledge of any future requests. The performance of the online algorithms is measured through a competitive ratio analysis, comparing the performance of the online algorithm to that of an omniscient optimal offline algorithm. Through theoretical analyses, it is shown that the proposed online algorithms achieve either the optimal or close to the optimal competitive ratio. Moreover, the algorithms have low complexity and can be implemented in a distributed way. The theoretical analyses are complemented with simulation-based experiments, and it is shown that the online algorithms have better performance compared to the state of the art caching schemes

    Predictive CDN Selection for Video Delivery Based on LSTM Network Performance Forecasts and Cost-Effective Trade-Offs

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    Owing to increasing consumption of video streams and demand for higher quality content and more advanced displays, future telecommunication networks are expected to outperform current networks in terms of key performance indicators (KPIs). Currently, content delivery networks (CDNs) are used to enhance media availability and delivery performance across the Internet in a cost-effective manner. The proliferation of CDN vendors and business models allows the content provider (CP) to use multiple CDN providers simultaneously. However, extreme concurrency dynamics can affect CDN capacity, causing performance degradation and outages, while overestimated demand affects costs. 5G standardization communities envision advanced network functions executing video analytics to enhance or boost media services. Network accelerators are required to enforce CDN resilience and efficient utilization of CDN assets. In this regard, this study investigates a cost-effective service to dynamically select the CDN for each session and video segment at the Media Server, without any modification to the video streaming pipeline being required. This service performs time series forecasts by employing a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network to process real time measurements coming from connected video players. This service also ensures reliable and cost-effective content delivery through proactive selection of the CDN that fits with performance and business constraints. To this end, the proposed service predicts the number of players that can be served by each CDN at each time; then, it switches the required players between CDNs to keep the (Quality of Service) QoS rates or to reduce the CP's operational expenditure (OPEX). The proposed solution is evaluated by a real server, CDNs, and players and delivering dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (MPEG-DASH), where clients are notified to switch to another CDN through a standard MPEG-DASH media presentation description (MPD) update mechanismThis work was supported in part by the EC projects Fed4Fire+, under Grant 732638 (H2020-ICT-13-2016, Research and Innovation Action), and in part by Open-VERSO project (Red Cervera Program, Spanish Government's Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology

    Mitigating interconnect and end host congestion in modern networks

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    One of the most critical building blocks of the Internet is the mechanism to mitigate network congestion. While existing congestion control approaches have served their purpose well in the last decades, the last few years saw a significant increase in new applications and user demand, stressing the network infrastructure to the extent that new ways of handling congestion are required. This dissertation identifies the congestion problems caused by the increased scale of the network usage, both in inter-AS connects and on end hosts in data centers, and presents abstractions and frameworks that allow for improved solutions to mitigate congestion. To mitigate inter-AS congestion, we develop Unison, a framework that allows an ISP to jointly optimize its intra-domain routes and inter-domain routes, in collaboration with content providers. The basic idea is to provide the ISP operator and the neighbors of the ISP with an abstraction of the ISP network in the form of a virtual switch (vSwitch). Unison allows the ISP to provide hints to its neighbors, suggesting alternative routes that can improve their performance. We investigate how the vSwitch abstraction can be used to maximize the throughput of the ISP. To mitigate end-host congestion in data center networks, we develop a backpressure mechanism for queuing architecture in congested end hosts to cope with tens of thousands of flows. We show that current end-host mechanisms can lead to high CPU utilization, high tail latency, and low throughput in cases of congestion of egress traffic. We introduce the design, implementation, and evaluation of zero-drop networking (zD) stack, a new architecture for handling congestion of scheduled buffers. Besides queue overflow, another cause of congestion is CPU resource exhaustion. The CPU cost of processing packets in networking stacks, however, has not been fully investigated in the literature. Much of the focus of the community has been on scaling servers in terms of aggregate traffic intensity, but bottlenecks caused by the increasing number of concurrent flows have received little attention. We conduct a comprehensive analysis on the CPU cost of processing packets and identify the root cause that leads to high CPU overhead and degraded performance in terms of throughput and RTT. Our work highlights considerations beyond packets per second for the design of future stacks that scale to millions of flows.Ph.D

    Content, Topology and Cooperation in In-network Caching

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    In-network caching aims at improving content delivery and alleviating pressures on network bandwidth by leveraging universally networked caches. This thesis studies the design of cooperative in-network caching strategy from three perspectives: content, topology and cooperation, specifically focuses on the mechanisms of content delivery and cooperation policy and their impacts on the performance of cache networks. The main contributions of this thesis are twofold. From measurement perspective, we show that the conventional metric hit rate is not sufficient in evaluating a caching strategy on non-trivial topologies, therefore we introduce footprint reduction and coupling factor, which contain richer information. We show cooperation policy is the key in balancing various tradeoffs in caching strategy design, and further investigate the performance impact from content per se via different chunking schemes. From design perspective, we first show different caching heuristics and smart routing schemes can significantly improve the caching performance and facilitate content delivery. We then incorporate well-defined fairness metric into design and derive the unique optimal caching solution on the Pareto boundary with bargaining game framework. In addition, our study on the functional relationship between cooperation overhead and neighborhood size indicates collaboration should be constrained in a small neighborhood due to its cost growing exponentially on general network topologies.Verkonsisäinen välimuistitallennus pyrkii parantamaan sisällöntoimitusta ja helpottamaan painetta verkon siirtonopeudessa hyödyntämällä universaaleja verkottuneita välimuisteja. Tämä väitöskirja tutkii yhteistoiminnallisen verkonsisäisen välimuistitallennuksen suunnittelua kolmesta näkökulmasta: sisällön, topologian ja yhteistyön kautta, erityisesti keskittyen sisällöntoimituksen mekanismeihin ja yhteistyökäytäntöihin sekä näiden vaikutuksiin välimuistiverkkojen performanssiin. Väitöskirjan suurimmat aikaansaannokset ovat kahdella saralla. Mittaamisen näkökulmasta näytämme, että perinteinen metrinen välimuistin osumatarkkuus ei ole riittävä ei-triviaalin välimuistitallennusstrategian arvioinnissa, joten esittelemme parempaa informaatiota sisältävät jalanjäljen pienentämisen sekä yhdistämistekijän. Näytämme, että yhteistyökäytäntö on avain erilaisten välimuistitallennusstrategian suunnitteluun liittyvien kompromissien tasapainotukseen ja tutkimme lisää sisällön erilaisten lohkomisjärjestelmien kautta aiheuttamaa vaikutusta performanssiin. Suunnittelun näkökulmasta näytämme ensin, kuinka erilaiset välimuistitallennuksen heuristiikat ja viisaan reitityksen järjestelmät parantavat merkittävästi välimuistitallennusperformanssia sekä helpottavat sisällön toimitusta. Sisällytämme sitten suunnitteluun hyvin määritellyn oikeudenmukaisuusmittarin ja johdamme uniikin optimaalin välimuistitallennusratkaisun Pareto-rintamalla neuvottelupelin kehyksissä. Lisäksi tutkimuksemme yhteistyökustannusten ja naapurustokoon funktionaalisesta suhteesta viittaa siihen, että yhteistyö on syytä rajoittaa pieneen naapurustoon sen kustannusten kasvaessa eksponentiaalisesti yleisessä verkkotopologiassa

    Towards secure message systems

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    Message systems, which transfer information from sender to recipient via communication networks, are indispensable to our modern society. The enormous user base of message systems and their critical role in information delivery make it the top priority to secure message systems. This dissertation focuses on securing the two most representative and dominant messages systems---e-mail and instant messaging (IM)---from two complementary aspects: defending against unwanted messages and ensuring reliable delivery of wanted messages.;To curtail unwanted messages and protect e-mail and instant messaging users, this dissertation proposes two mechanisms DBSpam and HoneyIM, which can effectively thwart e-mail spam laundering and foil malicious instant message spreading, respectively. DBSpam exploits the distinct characteristics of connection correlation and packet symmetry embedded in the behavior of spam laundering and utilizes a simple statistical method, Sequential Probability Ratio Test, to detect and break spam laundering activities inside a customer network in a timely manner. The experimental results demonstrate that DBSpam is effective in quickly and accurately capturing and suppressing e-mail spam laundering activities and is capable of coping with high speed network traffic. HoneyIM leverages the inherent characteristic of spreading of IM malware and applies the honey-pot technology to the detection of malicious instant messages. More specifically, HoneyIM uses decoy accounts in normal users\u27 contact lists as honey-pots to capture malicious messages sent by IM malware and suppresses the spread of malicious instant messages by performing network-wide blocking. The efficacy of HoneyIM has been validated through both simulations and real experiments.;To improve e-mail reliability, that is, prevent losses of wanted e-mail, this dissertation proposes a collaboration-based autonomous e-mail reputation system called CARE. CARE introduces inter-domain collaboration without central authority or third party and enables each e-mail service provider to independently build its reputation database, including frequently contacted and unacquainted sending domains, based on the local e-mail history and the information exchanged with other collaborating domains. The effectiveness of CARE on improving e-mail reliability has been validated through a number of experiments, including a comparison of two large e-mail log traces from two universities, a real experiment of DNS snooping on more than 36,000 domains, and extensive simulation experiments in a large-scale environment

    Technical analysis of content placement algorithms for content delivery network in cloud

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    Content placement algorithm is an integral part of the cloud-based content de-livery network. They are responsible for selecting a precise content to be re-posited over the surrogate servers distributed over a geographical region. Although various works are being already carried out in this sector, there are loopholes connected to most of the work, which doesn't have much disclosure. It is already known that quality of service, quality of experience, and the cost is always an essential objective targeting to be improved in existing work. Still, there are various other aspects and underlying reasons which are equally important from the design aspect. Therefore, this paper contributes towards reviewing the existing approaches of content placement algorithm over cloud-based content delivery network targeting to explore open-end re-search issues