28 research outputs found

    Atom, atom-type, and total linear indices of the "molecular pseudograph's atom adjacency matrix": Application to QSPR/QSAR studies of organic compounds

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    In this paper we describe the application in QSPR/QSAR studies of a new group of molecular descriptors: atom, atom-type and total linear indices of the molecular pseudograph's atom adjacency matrix. These novel molecular descriptors were used for the prediction of boiling point and partition coefficient (log P), specific rate constant (log k), and antibacterial activity of 28 alkyl-alcohols and 34 derivatives of 2-furylethylenes, respectively. For this purpose two quantitative models were obtained to describe the alkyl-alcohols' boiling points. The first one includes only two total linear indices and showed a good behavior from a statistical point of view (R2 = 0.984, s = 3.78, F = 748.57, q2 = 0.981, and scv = 3.91). The second one includes four variables [3 global and 1 local (heteroatom) linear indices] and it showed an improvement in the description of physical property (R 2 = 0.9934, s = 2.48, F = 871.96, q2 = 0.990, and s cv = 2.79). Later, linear multiple regression analysis was also used to describe log P and log k of the 2-furyl-ethylenes derivatives. These models were statistically significant [(R2 = 0.984, s = 0.143, and F = 113.38) and (R2 = 0.973, s = 0.26 and F = 161.22), respectively] and showed very good stability to data variation in leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation experiment [(q2 = 0.93.8 and scv = 0.178) and (q2 = 0.948 and scv = 0.33), respectively]. Finally, a linear discriminant model for classifying antibacterial activity of these compounds was also achieved with the use of the atom and atom-type linear indices. The global percent of good classification in training and external test set obtained was of 94.12% and 100.0%, respectively. The comparison with other approaches (connectivity indices, total and local spectral moments, quantum chemical descriptors, topographic indices and Estate/biomolecular encounter parameters) reveals a good behavior of our method. The approach described in this paper appears to be a very promising structural invariant, useful for QSPR/QSAR studies and computer-aided "rational" drug design.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas (INIFTA


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 船津 公人, 東京大学教授 酒井 康行, 東京大学准教授 杉山 弘和, 東京大学准教授 伊藤 大知, 京都大学特任教授 奧野 恭史, スイス連邦工科大学教授 Gisbert SchneiderUniversity of Tokyo(東京大学

    Methods for the Analysis of Matched Molecular Pairs and Chemical Space Representations

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    Compound optimization is a complex process where different properties are optimized to increase the biological activity and therapeutic effects of a molecule. Frequently, the structure of molecules is modified in order to improve their property values. Therefore, computational analysis of the effects of structure modifications on property values is of great importance for the drug discovery process. It is also essential to analyze chemical space, i.e., the set of all chemically feasible molecules, in order to find subsets of molecules that display favorable property values. This thesis aims to expand the computational repertoire to analyze the effect of structure alterations and visualize chemical space. Matched molecular pairs are defined as pairs of compounds that share a large common substructure and only differ by a small chemical transformation. They have been frequently used to study property changes caused by structure modifications. These analyses are expanded in this thesis by studying the effect of chemical transformations on the ionization state and ligand efficiency, both measures of great importance in drug design. Additionally, novel matched molecular pairs based on retrosynthetic rules are developed to increase their utility for prospective use of chemical transformations in compound optimization. Further, new methods based on matched molecular pairs are described to obtain preliminary SAR information of screening hit compounds and predict the potency change caused by a chemical transformation. Visualizations of chemical space are introduced to aid compound optimization efforts. First, principal component plots are used to rationalize a matched molecular pair based multi-objective compound optimization procedure. Then, star coordinate and parallel coordinate plots are introduced to analyze drug-like subspaces, where compounds with favorable property values can be found. Finally, a novel network-based visualization of high-dimensional property space is developed. Concluding, the applications developed in this thesis expand the methodological spectrum of computer-aided compound optimization

    Development and use of databases for ligand-protein interaction studies

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    This project applies structure-activity relationship (SAR), structure-based and database mining approaches to study ligand-protein interactions. To support these studies, we have developed a relational database system called EDinburgh University Ligand Selection System (EDULISS 2.0) which stores the structure-data files of +5.5 million commercially available small molecules (+4.0 million are recognised as unique) and over 1,500 various calculated molecular properties (descriptors) for each compound. A user-friendly web-based interface for EDULISS 2.0 has been established and is available at http://eduliss.bch.ed.ac.uk/. We have utilised PubChem bioassay data from an NMR based screen assay for a human FKBP12 protein (PubChem AID: 608). A prediction model using a Logistic Regression approach was constructed to relate the assay result with a series of molecular descriptors. The model reveals 38 descriptors which are found to be good predictors. These are mainly 3D-based descriptors, however, the presence of some predictive functional groups is also found to give a positive contribution to the binding interaction. The application of a neural network technique called Self Organising Maps (SOMs) succeeded in visualising the similarity of the PubChem compounds based on the 38 descriptors and clustering the 36 % of active compounds (16 out of 44) in a cluster and discriminating them from 95 % of inactive compounds. We have developed a molecular descriptor called the Atomic Characteristic Distance (ACD) to profile the distribution of specified atom types in a compound. ACD has been implemented as a pharmacophore searching tool within EDULISS 2.0. A structure-based screen succeeded in finding inhibitors for pyruvate kinase and the ligand-protein complexes have been successfully crystallised. This study also discusses the interaction of metal-binding sites in metalloproteins. We developed a database system and web-based interface to store and apply geometrical information of these metal sites. The programme is called MEtal Sites in Proteins at Edinburgh UniverSity (MESPEUS; http://eduliss.bch.ed.ac.uk/MESPEUS/). MESPEUS is an exceptionally versatile tool for the collation and abstraction of data on a wide range of structural questions. As an example we carried out a survey using this database indicating that the most common protein types which contain Mg-OATP-phosphate site are transferases and the most common pattern is linkage through the β- and γ-phosphate groups

    Machine Learning for Kinase Drug Discovery

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    Cancer is one of the major public health issues, causing several million losses every year. Although anti-cancer drugs have been developed and are globally administered, mild to severe side effects are known to occur during treatment. Computer-aided drug discovery has become a cornerstone for unveiling treatments of existing as well as emerging diseases. Computational methods aim to not only speed up the drug design process, but to also reduce time-consuming, costly experiments, as well as in vivo animal testing. In this context, over the last decade especially, deep learning began to play a prominent role in the prediction of molecular activity, property and toxicity. However, there are still major challenges when applying deep learning models in drug discovery. Those challenges include data scarcity for physicochemical tasks, the difficulty of interpreting the prediction made by deep neural networks, and the necessity of open-source and robust workflows to ensure reproducibility and reusability. In this thesis, after reviewing the state-of-the-art in deep learning applied to virtual screening, we address the previously mentioned challenges as follows: Regarding data scarcity in the context of deep learning applied to small molecules, we developed data augmentation techniques based on the SMILES encoding. This linear string notation enumerates the atoms present in a compound by following a path along the molecule graph. Multiplicity of SMILES for a single compound can be reached by traversing the graph using different paths. We applied the developed augmentation techniques to three different deep learning models, including convolutional and recurrent neural networks, and to four property and activity data sets. The results show that augmentation improves the model accuracy independently of the deep learning model, as well as of the data set size. Moreover, we computed the uncertainty of a model by using augmentation at inference time. In this regard, we have shown that the more confident the model is in its prediction, the smaller is the error, implying that a given prediction can be trusted and is close to the target value. The software and associated documentation allows making predictions for novel compounds and have been made freely available. Trusting predictions blindly from algorithms may have serious consequences in areas of healthcare. In this context, better understanding how a neural network classifies a compound based on its input features is highly beneficial by helping to de-risk and optimize compounds. In this research project, we decomposed the inner layers of a deep neural network to identify the toxic substructures, the toxicophores, of a compound that led to the toxicity classification. Using molecular fingerprints —vectors that indicate the presence or absence of a particular atomic environment —we were able to map a toxicity score to each of these substructures. Moreover, we developed a method to visualize in 2D the toxicophores within a compound, the so- called cytotoxicity maps, which could be of great use to medicinal chemists in identifying ways to modify molecules to eliminate toxicity. Not only does the deep learning model reach state-of-the-art results, but the identified toxicophores confirm known toxic substructures, as well as expand new potential candidates. In order to speed up the drug discovery process, the accessibility to robust and modular workflows is extremely advantageous. In this context, the fully open-source TeachOpenCADD project was developed. Significant tasks in both cheminformatics and bioinformatics are implemented in a pedagogical fashion, allowing the material to be used for teaching as well as the starting point for novel research. In this framework, a special pipeline is dedicated to kinases, a family of proteins which are known to be involved in diseases such as cancer. The aim is to gain insights into off-targets, i.e. proteins that are unintentionally affected by a compound, and that can cause adverse effects in treatments. Four measures of kinase similarity are implemented, taking into account sequence, and structural information, as well as protein-ligand interaction, and ligand profiling data. The workflow provides clustering of a set of kinases, which can be further analyzed to understand off-target effects of inhibitors. Results show that analyzing kinases using several perspectives is crucial for the insight into off-target prediction, and gaining a global perspective of the kinome. These novel methods can be exploited in the discovery of new drugs, and more specifically diseases involved in the dysregulation of kinases, such as cancer

    Symmetry in Graph Theory

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    This book contains the successful invited submissions to a Special Issue of Symmetry on the subject of ""Graph Theory"". Although symmetry has always played an important role in Graph Theory, in recent years, this role has increased significantly in several branches of this field, including but not limited to Gromov hyperbolic graphs, the metric dimension of graphs, domination theory, and topological indices. This Special Issue includes contributions addressing new results on these topics, both from a theoretical and an applied point of view