186 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Stoichiometric Bacteria-Algae Interactions in the Epilimnion

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    Application of FTIR spectroscopy for monitoring water quality in a hypertrophic aquatic ecosystem (Lake Auensee, Leipzig)

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    FTIR spectroscopy as molecular fingerprint has been used to assess macromolecular and ele-mental stoichiometry as well as growth rates of phytoplankton cells. Chemometric models have been developed to extract quantitative information from FTIR spectra to reveal macro-molecular composition (of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids), C:N ratio, and growth potential. In this study, we tested these chemometric models based on lab-cultured algal species in mon-itoring changes of phytoplankton community structure in a hypertrophic lake (Lake Auensee, Leipzig, Germany), where a seasonal succession of spring green algal bloom followed by cya-nobacterial dominance in summer can be commonly observed. Our results demonstrated that green algae reacted to environmental changes such as nitrogen limitation (due to imbalanced nitrogen and phosphorus supply) with restricted growth by changing carbon allocation from protein synthesis to storage carbohydrates and/or lipids, and increased C:N ratio. By contrast, cyanobacteria proliferated under nitrogen limiting conditions. Furthermore, the FTIR-based growth potential of green alga matched well with the population biomass determined by the Chl-a concentration. However, the predicted growth potential based on FTIR spectroscopy cannot describe the realistic growth development of cyanobacteria in this lake. These results revealed that green algae and cyanobacteria have different strategies of C-allocation stoichi-ometry and growth patterns in response to environmental changes. These taxon-specific re-sponses may explain at a molecular level why green algae bloomed in the spring under condi-tions with sufficient nutrient, lower pH and lower water temperature; while cyanobacteria overgrew green algae and dominated in the summer under conditions with limited nutrient availability, higher pH and higher water temperature. In addition, the applicability of these chemometric models for predicting field cyanobacterial growth is of limited value. This may be attributed to other special adaptation properties of cyanobacterial species under stress growth conditions. We used flow cytometry to isolate functional algal groups from the water samples. Despite some drawbacks of the flow cytometry combined FTIR spectroscopy tech-nique, this method provides prospects of monitoring water quality and early warning of harmful algal blooms

    Plankton vertical migrations - Implications for the pelagic ecosystem

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    Habitat selection is an important behavior of many organisms. The direction and strength of this behavior is often characterized as a result of a trade off between predator avoidance and obtaining resources. A characteristic example of this trade off may be seen in organisms in the pelagic ecosystem in the form of vertical migrations. Diel vertical migration (DVM) is a predator avoidance behavior of many zooplankton species, which is marked by a significant shift in the vertical distribution of the zooplankton where night time is spent in the epilimnion and day time in the hypolimnion While the causes of DVM and its ecophysiological consequences for the zooplankton are well studied, little is known about the consequences of DVM for the pelagic food ecosystem. Vertical migrations are not only restricted to zooplankton but are often exhibited by phytoplankton species, which respond to vertical gradients of light and nutrient availability. Many phytoplankton species cope with light and nutrient gradients by changing their position in the water column through active movement or buoyancy adjustment. The costs and consequences of this phytoplankton behavior are hardly studied. In my thesis, I studied the consequences of zooplankton DVM for the pelagic food web and the consequences of phytoplankton vertical migrations on individual growth and biomass composition through both field and laboratory experiments. I, Upward phosphorus transport by Daphnia DVM: During stagnation periods of the water column, physical upward transport processes are very unlikely and nutrients become scarce in the photic zone of many lakes. DVM of zooplankton could be a mechanism of nutrient repletion in the epilimnion. I experimentally examined the upward transport of phosphorus by Daphnia DVM. Results revealed that Daphnia DVM caused an upward nutrient transport. The amount of phosphorus transported and released by Daphnia in my study was within a biologically meaningful range: five percent of the estimated daily maximum phosphorus uptake of the phytoplankton community in the epilimnion. Therefore, nutrient transport by Daphnia DVM could be a significant mechanism in fuelling primary production in the phosphorus limited epilimnion. II, Daphnia DVM: implications beyond zooplankton: DVM creates a temporal and spatial predator-free niche for the phytoplankton, and theoretical models predict that parts of the phytoplankton community could use this niche. I experimentally investigated the influence of Daphnia DVM on the phytoplankton community of an oligotrophic lake in field mesocosms. My results suggest that Daphnia DVM had significant effects on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the phytoplankton community. Phytoplankton biomass was higher in “no DVM” treatments. DVM also increased diversity in the phytoplankton community. The analyses showed that the gelatinous green algae Planktosphaeria gelatinosa was the main species influencing phytoplankton dynamics in the experiment, and therefore the effects of Daphnia DVM were highly species specific. III, Initial size structure of natural phytoplankton communities determines the response to Daphnia DVM: Previous studies have shown that the direction and strength of phytoplankton responses to zooplankton DVM most likely depends on the size of the phytoplankton species. To examine the influence of DVM on different sized phytoplankton communities, I manipulated the size distribution of a natural phytoplankton community a priori in field mesocosms. The results reveal that DVM oppositely affected the two different phytoplankton communities. A comparison of “DVM” and “no DVM” treatments showed that nutrient availability and total phytoplankton biovolume was higher in “no DVM” treatments of phytoplankton communities consisting mainly of small algae, whereas it was higher in “DVM” treatments of phytoplankton communities with a wide size spectrum of algae. It seemed that two different mechanisms on how DVM can influence the phytoplankton community were at work. In communities of mainly small algae nutrient recycling was important, seemed to be important, whereas in communities with a wide size spectrum of algae the refuge effect played the dominant role. IV, Carbon sequestration and stoichiometry of motile and non-motile green algae: The ability to move actively should entail costs in terms of increased energy expenditure and the provision of specific cell structures for movement. In a laboratory experiment, I studied whether motile, flagellated and non-motile phytoplankton taxa differ with respect to their energetic costs, phosphorus requirements, and structural carbon requirements. The results show that flagellated taxa had higher respiration rates and higher light requirements for growth than non-motile taxa. Accordingly, both short-term photosynthetic rates and long-term biomass accrual were lower for flagellated than for non-motile taxa. My results point at significant costs of motility, which may explain why flagellated taxa are often outcompeted by non-motile taxa in turbulently mixed environments, where active motility is of little use. The data in this study also suggest that motility alone may not be sufficient to explain the lower C: P ratios of flagellates. In summary, my results show that migrating phytoplankton and zooplankton species can act as a vector transporting energy, organic matter and ecological interaction. The complex consequences for the pelagic ecosystem are thereby determined by the organisms® activity and characterized by their life history

    Stable isotopic insight into pelagic carbon cycling in Loch Lomond: a large, temperate latitude lake.

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    Lakes play an important role in biosphere carbon dynamics. Though proportionally they constitute a small surface feature on the planet, in many cases lakes are subject to significant subsidies of organic material from their catchments. This input of allochthonous organic material, in addition to autochthonous organic material, has shown that lakes, particularly in temperate and boreal zones, can be heterotrophic systems and as such are net producers of CO2. Thus, understanding the magnitude of fluxes of carbon through these limnetic systems is important if their contribution to ecosystem / global carbon dynamics is to be elucidated. In this research two separate field campaigns were undertaken with the goal of understanding if, and exactly how significant secondary (bacterial) production utilising allochthonous carbon is to overall pelagic production in Loch Lomond, Scotland. Stable isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), dissolved oxygen (DO), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), along with their respective concentrations, were measured in a temporal and spatial survey. Range in [DIC] and ÎŽ13CDIC was consistent with that predicted by the shifting balance between autotrophic and heterotrophic pathways. [DIC] peaked in the summer / autumn (0.27 ± 0.09 and 0.17 ± 0.05 mM, south and north basins respectively), reflecting a period when bacterial processing of allochthonous material is high, and thus so is CO2 production. This effect was more pronounced in the mesotrophic south basin of the lake, compared to the oligotrophic north. Surface waters in the south, middle and north basins were generally saturated in CO2 beyond atmospheric equilibrium and thus sources of CO2 to the atmosphere. ÎŽ13CDIC and ÎŽ18ODO exhibited seasonal and spatial variability, probably also a result of changing metabolic balance and inflow characteristics. Spring / summer peaks in ÎŽ13CDIC (-5.1‰ epilimnion maximum) are indicative of photosynthetic incorporation, and vice versa in the autumn / winter (-13‰ hypolimnion minimum) points towards respiratory dominance. ÎŽ18ODO is enriched during respiratory utilisation and peaks in the autumn / winter months. Depletion in ÎŽ13CDIC coupled to concurrent enrichment in ÎŽ18ODO observed with increasing depth (particularly during lake stratification) is assumed to again be a result of a shift in metabolic process dominance from autotrophic to heterotrophic (Myrbo and Shapley 2006). Spatial variability was consistent with the varying trophic states between basins, e.g., most enriched ÎŽ13CDIC was recorded in the more productive south basin compared to the middle or north. Dissolved organic carbon concentration also changed with position in the lake. Highest concentrations in the south basin were linked to a shallow gradient catchment, draining base rich soils and agricultural land, compared to the steep sloped, base-poor catchment in the north. The greater quantities of dissolved organic carbon in the south suggested that if bacterial processing of allochthonous material was significant it would likely be most prevalent in the south. During the spatial survey consistent and significant heterogeneity in DIC, DO and DOC was recorded. Although the same degree of variability may not be associated with other, more mophometrically / hydrologically simple lakes, this work has shown consideration of this possibility is advisable. The second field campaign used direct measurements of algal and bacterial productivity, using labelled stable isotope incorporation methods, to elucidate the balance between autotrophic and heterotrophic processes. Primary production (PP) followed a predictable seasonal pattern, peaking in the spring and remaining relatively high until autumn. During this period primary production generally exceeded bacterial production (BP) per litre. During the winter this pattern was reversed. Using integrated estimates of both PP and BP this work showed that BP exceeded PP in the pelagic zone for the majority of the year, and over much of the lake’s extent. Even in the epilimnion BP was regularly the more significant process through the water column, and thus it is concluded Loch Lomond is a heterotrophic system and a likely source of CO2 to the atmosphere. The PP: BP ratio ranged from 0.6 – 0.8 in the north basin, and 0.4 to 0.6 in the south. On average for the whole lake, bacterial production exceeded primary production by between 2,700 and 4,400 kg C day-1. In total it was estimated that PP processes approximately 970 tonnes of carbon per year and BP between 2,300 and 2,800 tonnes of carbon per year. The proportion of total pelagic production fuelled by bacterial utilisation of allochthonous carbon changed throughout the year. During peaks of PP in the spring and summer much of the bacterial carbon demand was met by autochthonous supply. During the autumn / winter allochthonous carbon utilisation dominated pelagic production and regularly contributed over 90% of total pelagic production. Combining estimated quantities of allochthonous carbon utilised in the north and south basins per m2 (the middle basin taken as an intermediate between the two) and combining it with GIS data on lake volume, the total quantity of terrestrially derived carbon processed in Loch Lomond was estimated at approximately 3,300 ± 2,100 kg Callo day-1. Both spatial and temporal surveys of natural abundance stable isotope ratios, along with concurrent measurements of algal and bacterial production, have provided substantial evidence for the importance of allochthonous carbon in Loch Lomond. Even minimum estimates imply a system dominated by bacterial production, fuelled by a proportionally high quantity of terrestrial material, thus producing excess CO2, and potentially fluxing CO2 to the atmosphere

    Advancing Knowledge on Cyanobacterial Blooms in Freshwaters

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    Cyanobacterial blooms are a water quality problem that is widely acknowledged to have detrimental ecological and economic effects in drinking and recreational water supplies and fisheries. There is increasing evidence that cyanobacterial blooms have increased globally and are likely to expand in water resources as a result of climate change. Of most concern are cyanotoxins, along with the mechanisms that induce their release and determine their fate in the aquatic environment. These secondary metabolites pose a potential hazard to human health and agricultural and aquaculture products that are intended for animal and human consumption; therefore, strict and reliable control of cyanotoxins is crucial for assessing risk. In this direction, a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that determine cyanobacterial bloom structure and toxin production has become the target of management practices. This Special Issue, entitled “Advancing Knowledge on Cyanobacterial Blooms in Freshwaters”, aims to bring together recent multi- and interdisciplinary research, from the field to the laboratory and back again, driven by working hypotheses based on any aspect of mitigating cyanobacterial blooms, from ecological theory to applied research

    Trophic Cascades, Nutrients, and Lake Productivity: Whole-Lake Experiments

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    Responses of zooplankton, pelagic primary producers, planktonic bacteria, and CO2 exchange with the atmosphere were measured in four lakes with contrasting food webs under a range of nutrient enrichments during a seven-year period. Prior to enrichment, food webs were manipulated to create contrasts between piscivore dominance and planktivore dominance. Nutrient enrichments of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus exhibited ratios of N:P \u3e 17:1, by atoms, to maintain P limitation. An unmanipulated reference lake, Paul Lake, revealed baseline variability but showed no trends that could confound the interpretation of changes in the nearby manipulated lakes. Herbivorous zooplankton of West Long Lake (piscivorous fishes) were large-bodied Daphnia spp., in contrast to the small-bodied grazers that predominated in Peter Lake (planktivorous fishes). At comparable levels of nutrient enrichment, Peter Lake\u27s areal chlorophyll and areal primary production rates exceeded those of West Long Lake by factors of approximately three and six, respectively. Grazers suppressed pelagic primary producers in West Long Lake, relative to Peter Lake, even when nutrient input rates were so high that soluble reactive phosphorus accumulated in the epilimnions of both lakes during summer. Peter Lake also had higher bacterial production (but not biomass) than West Long Lake. Hydrologic changes that accompanied manipulation of East Long Lake caused concentrations of colored dissolved organic carbon to increase, leading to considerable variability in fish and zooplankton populations. Both trophic cascades and water color appeared to inhibit the response of primary producers to nutrients in East Long Lake. Carbon dioxide was discharged to the atmosphere by Paul Lake in all years and by the other lakes prior to nutrient addition. During nutrient addition, only Peter Lake consistently absorbed CO2 from the atmosphere, due to high rates of carbon fixation by primary producers. In contrast, CO2 concentrations of West Long Lake shifted to near-atmospheric levels, and net fluxes were near zero, while East Long Lake continued to discharge CO2 to the atmosphere

    Eutrophication reduces the nutritional value of phytoplankton in boreal lakes

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    Eutrophication (as an increase in total phosphorus [TP]) increases harmful algal blooms and reduces the proportion of high-quality phytoplankton in seston and the content of ω-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA] and docosahexaenoic acid [DHA]) in fish. However, it is not well-known how eutrophication affects the overall nutritional value of phytoplankton. Therefore, we studied the impact of eutrophication on the production (as concentration; ÎŒg L−1) and content (ÎŒg mg C−1) of amino acids, EPA, DHA, and sterols, i.e., the nutritional value of phytoplankton in 107 boreal lakes. The lakes were categorized in seven TP concentration categories ranging from ultra-oligotrophic (50â€ŻÎŒg L−1). Phytoplankton total biomass increased with TP as expected, but in contrast to previous studies, the contribution of high-quality phytoplankton did not decrease with TP. However, the high variation reflected instability in the phytoplankton community structure in eutrophic lakes. We found that the concentration of amino acids increased in the epilimnion whereas the concentration of sterols decreased with increasing TP. In terms of phytoplankton nutritional value, amino acids, EPA, DHA, and sterols showed a significant quadratic relationship with the lake trophic status. More specifically, the amino acid contents were the same in the oligo- and mesotrophic lakes, but substantially lower in the eutrophic lakes (TP > 35â€ŻÎŒg L−1/1.13â€ŻÎŒmol L−1). The highest EPA and DHA content in phytoplankton was found in the mesotrophic lakes, whereas the sterol content was highest in the oligotrophic lakes. Based on these results, the nutritional value of phytoplankton reduces with eutrophication, although the contribution of high-quality algae does not decrease. Therefore, the results emphasize that eutrophication, as excess TP, reduces the nutritional value of phytoplankton, which may have a significant impact on the nutritional value of zooplankton, fish, and other aquatic animals at higher food web levels.peerReviewe

    Direct and indirect effects of vertical mixing, nutrients and ultraviolet radiation on the bacterioplankton metabolism in high-mountain lakes from southern Europe

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    As a consequence of global change, modifications in the interaction among abiotic stressors on aquatic ecosystems have been predicted. Among other factors, UVR transparency, nutrient inputs and shallower epilimnetic layers could alter the trophic links in the microbial food web. Currently, there are some evidences of higher sensitiveness of aquatic microbial organisms to UVR in opaque lakes. Our aim was to assess the interactive direct and indirect effects of UVR (through the excretion of organic carbon – EOC – by algae), mixing regime and nutrient input on bacterial metabolism. We performed in situ short-term experiments under the following treatments: full sunlight (UVR + PAR, >280 nm) vs. UVR exclusion (PAR only, >400 nm); ambient vs. nutrient addition (phosphorus (P; 30 ÎŒg PL−1) and nitrogen (N; up to final N : P molar ratio of 31)); and static vs. mixed regime. The experiments were conducted in three high-mountain lakes of Spain: Enol [LE], Las Yeguas [LY] and La Caldera [LC] which had contrasting UVR transparency characteristics (opaque (LE) vs. clear lakes (LY and LC)). Under ambient nutrient conditions and static regimes, UVR exerted a stimulatory effect on heterotrophic bacterial production (HBP) in the opaque lake but not in the clear ones. Under UVR, vertical mixing and nutrient addition HBP values were lower than under the static and ambient nutrient conditions, and the stimulatory effect that UVR exerted on HBP in the opaque lake disappeared. By contrast, vertical mixing and nutrient addition increased HBP values in the clear lakes, highlighting for a photoinhibitory effect of UVR on HBP. Mixed regime and nutrient addition resulted in negative effects of UVR on HBP more in the opaque than in the clear lakes. Moreover, in the opaque lake, bacterial respiration (BR) increased and EOC did not support the bacterial carbon demand (BCD). In contrast, bacterial metabolic costs did not increase in the clear lakes and the increased nutrient availability even led to higher HBP. Consequently, EOC satisfied BCD in the clear lakes, particularly in the clearest one [LC]. Our results suggest that the higher vulnerability of bacteria to the damaging effects of UVR may be particularly accentuated in the opaque lakes and further recognizes the relevance of light exposure history and biotic interactions on bacterioplankton metabolism when coping with fluctuating radiation and nutrient inputs.Fil: DurĂĄn, C.. Universidad de Granada; EspañaFil: Medina SĂĄnchez, J. M.. Universidad de Granada; EspañaFil: Herrera, G.. Universidad de Granada; EspañaFil: Villar Argaiz , M.. Universidad de Granada; EspañaFil: Villafañe, Virginia Estela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Centro Nacional PatagĂłnico; ArgentinaFil: Helbling, Eduardo Walter. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Centro Nacional PatagĂłnico; ArgentinaFil: Carrillo, P.. Universidad de Granada; Españ

    Dissolved CH4 coupled to photosynthetic picoeukaryotes in oxic waters and to cumulative chlorophyll a in anoxic waters of reservoirs

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    Methane (CH4) emissions from reservoirs are responsible for most of the atmospheric climatic forcing of these aquatic ecosystems, comparable to emissions from paddies or biomass burning. Primarily, CH4 is produced during the anaerobic mineralization of organic carbon in anoxic sediments by methanogenic archaea. However, the origin of the recurrent and ubiquitous CH4 supersaturation in oxic waters (i.e., the methane paradox) is still controversial. Here, we determined the dissolved CH4 concentration in the water column of 12 reservoirs during summer stratification and winter mixing to explore CH4 sources in oxic waters. Reservoir sizes ranged from 1.18 to 26.13 km(2). We found that dissolved CH4 in the water column varied by up to 4 orders of magnitude (0.02-213.64 mu mol L-1), and all oxic depths were consistently supersaturated in both periods. Phytoplanktonic sources appear to determine the concentration of CH4 in these reservoirs primarily. In anoxic waters, the depth-cumulative chlorophyll a concentration, a proxy for the phytoplanktonic biomass exported to sediments, was correlated to CH4 concentration. In oxic waters, the photosynthetic picoeukaryotes' abundance was significantly correlated to the dissolved CH4 concentration during both the stratification and the mixing. The mean depth of the reservoirs, as a surrogate of the vertical CH4 transport from sediment to the oxic waters, also contributed notably to the CH4 concentration in oxic waters. Our findings suggest that photosynthetic picoeukaryotes can play a significant role in determining CH4 concentration in oxic waters, although their role as CH4 sources to explain the methane paradox has been poorly explored
