2,077 research outputs found

    Prognostic and health management of critical aircraft systems and components: an overview

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Feature Papers in Fault Diagnosis & Sensors 2023Prognostic and health management (PHM) plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and reliability of aircraft systems. The process entails the proactive surveillance and evaluation of the state and functional effectiveness of crucial subsystems. The principal aim of PHM is to predict the remaining useful life (RUL) of subsystems and proactively mitigate future breakdowns in order to minimize consequences. The achievement of this objective is helped by employing predictive modeling techniques and doing real-time data analysis. The incorporation of prognostic methodologies is of utmost importance in the execution of condition-based maintenance (CBM), a strategic approach that emphasizes the prioritization of repairing components that have experienced quantifiable damage. Multiple methodologies are employed to support the advancement of prognostics for aviation systems, encompassing physics-based modeling, data-driven techniques, and hybrid prognosis. These methodologies enable the prediction and mitigation of failures by identifying relevant health indicators. Despite the promising outcomes in the aviation sector pertaining to the implementation of PHM, there exists a deficiency in the research concerning the efficient integration of hybrid PHM applications. The primary aim of this paper is to provide a thorough analysis of the current state of research advancements in prognostics for aircraft systems, with a specific focus on prominent algorithms and their practical applications and challenges. The paper concludes by providing a detailed analysis of prospective directions for future research within the field.European Union funding: 95568

    Evaluation Of Concrete Degradation Using Acoustic Emission: Data Filtering And Damage Detection

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    The prevalence of aging and deteriorating infrastructure in the U.S. has raised concerns regarding its level of serviceability, reliability, and vulnerability to natural disasters. This issue has gained attention recently and efforts are being conducted to accelerate the delivery of enhanced nondestructive testing (NDT) and structural health monitoring (SHM) methods. Acoustic emission (AE) is a strong candidate for these applications due to its high sensitivity and potential for damage detection in different materials. However, several challenges associated with the technique hinder the development of automated, reliable, real-time SHM using AE. This study aims to advance the use of AE for condition assessment of concrete structures by addressing two main challenges. The first is AE data filtering to exclude irrelevant noise and wave reflections. Effective filtering and data reduction enhances the quality of the data and lowers the cost of its transfer and analysis; ultimately increasing the reliability of the method. The second issue is detecting slow rate material degradation mechanisms in concrete. For example, alkali-silica reaction (ASR) affects civil infrastructure around the nation, and available condition assessment methods for this type of damage are either invasive or not feasible for field conditions. Despite the awareness of ASR concrete deterioration; there is lack of research investigating the ability of AE to detect and assess it. In addition, recent laboratory investigations have shown promising results in detecting and evaluating damage related to corrosion of steel in concrete using AE. However, the results have not been extended to field applications. This dissertation includes three studies that address the aforementioned issues. In the first study, wavelet analysis was used to study the distribution of energy in AE signals in the time-frequency domain. Criteria to differentiate between AE signals from artificial sources (pencil lead breaks) and wave reflections were developed. The results were tested and validated by applying the developed filters on data collected from actual cracking during load testing of a prestressed concrete beam. The second study presents a laboratory test conducted to assess the feasibility of using AE to detect ASR damage in concrete. Accelerated ASR testing was undertaken with a total of fifteen specimens tested; twelve ASR and three control specimens. The results of this study showed that AE has the potential to detect and classify ASR damage. Relatively good agreement was obtained with standard ASR measurements of length change and petrographic examination. The third study discusses a field application for long-term, remote monitoring of damage due to corrosion of reinforcing steel and potential thermal cracking in a decommissioned nuclear facility. The structure was monitored for approximately one year and AE damage detection and classification methods were successfully applied to assess the damage at the monitored regions. This study also included an accelerated corrosion test conducted on a concrete block cut from a representative structure. The studies included in this dissertation provide: 1) an innovative approach for filtering AE data collected during cracking of concrete, 2) a proof of concept study on detecting ASR damage using AE, and 3) field application on AE monitoring of corrosion damage in aging structure. The outcomes of this research demonstrate the ability of AE for condition assessment, structural health monitoring, and damage prognosis for in-service structures

    Chapter A Framework for Learning System for Complex Industrial Processes

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    Due to the intense price-based global competition, rising operating cost, rapidly changing economic conditions and stringent environmental regulations, modern process and energy industries are confronting unprecedented challenges to maintain profitability. Therefore, improving the product quality and process efficiency while reducing the production cost and plant downtime are matters of utmost importance. These objectives are somewhat counteracting, and to satisfy them, optimal operation and control of the plant components are essential. Use of optimization not only improves the control and monitoring of assets, but also offers better coordination among different assets. Thus, it can lead to extensive savings in the energy and resource consumption, and consequently offer reduction in operational costs, by offering better control, diagnostics and decision support. This is one of the main driving forces behind developing new methods, tools and frameworks. In this chapter, a generic learning system architecture is presented that can be retrofitted to existing automation platforms of different industrial plants. The architecture offers flexibility and modularity, so that relevant functionalities can be selected for a specific plant on an as-needed basis. Various functionalities such as soft-sensors, outputs prediction, model adaptation, control optimization, anomaly detection, diagnostics and decision supports are discussed in detail

    Rhythmogenic and Premotor Functions of Dbx1 Interneurons in the Pre-Bötzinger Complex and Reticular Formation: Modeling and Simulation Studies

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    Breathing in mammals depends on rhythms that originate from the preBötzinger complex (preBötC) of the ventral medulla and a network of brainstem and spinal premotor neurons. The rhythm-generating core of the preBötC, as well as some premotor circuits, consists of interneurons derived from Dbx1-expressing precursors but the structure and function of these networks remain incompletely understood. We previously developed a cell-specific detection and laser ablation system to interrogate respiratory network structure and function in a slice model of breathing that retains the preBötC, premotor circuits, and the respiratory related hypoglossal (XII) motor nucleus such that in spontaneously rhythmic slices, cumulative ablation of Dbx1 preBötC neurons decreased XII motor output by half after only a few cell deletions, and then decelerated and terminated rhythmic function altogether as the tally increased. In contrast, cumulatively deleting Dbx1 premotor neurons decreased XII motor output monotonically, but did not affect frequency nor stop functionality regardless of the ablation tally. This dissertation presents several network modeling and cellular modeling studies that would further our understanding of how respiratory rhythm is generated and transmitted to the XII motor nucleus. First, we propose that cumulative deletions of Dbx1 preBötC neurons preclude rhythm by diminishing the amount of excitatory inward current or disturbing the process of recurrent excitation rather than structurally breaking down the topological network. Second, we establish a feasible configuration for neural circuits including an Erdős-Rényi preBötC network and a small-world reticular premotor network with interconnections following an anti-preferential attachment rule, which is the only configuration that produces consistent outcomes with previous experimental benchmarks. Furthermore, since the performance of neuronal network simulations is, to some extent, affected by the nature of the cellular model, we aim to develop a more realistic cellular model based on the one we adopted in previous network studies, which would account for some recent experimental findings on rhythmogenic preBötC neurons

    Fault Diagnosis Of Sensor And Actuator Faults In Multi-Zone Hvac Systems

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    Globally, the buildings sector accounts for 30% of the energy consumption and more than 55% of the electricity demand. Specifically, the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system is the most extensively operated component and it is responsible alone for 40% of the final building energy usage. HVAC systems are used to provide healthy and comfortable indoor conditions, and their main objective is to maintain the thermal comfort of occupants with minimum energy usage. HVAC systems include a considerable number of sensors, controlled actuators, and other components. They are at risk of malfunctioning or failure resulting in reduced efficiency, potential interference with the execution of supervision schemes, and equipment deterioration. Hence, Fault Diagnosis (FD) of HVAC systems is essential to improve their reliability, efficiency, and performance, and to provide preventive maintenance. In this thesis work, two neural network-based methods are proposed for sensor and actuator faults in a 3-zone HVAC system. For sensor faults, an online semi-supervised sensor data validation and fault diagnosis method using an Auto-Associative Neural Network (AANN) is developed. The method is based on the implementation of Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis (NPCA) using a Back-Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) and it demonstrates notable capability in sensor fault and inaccuracy correction, measurement noise reduction, missing sensor data replacement, and in both single and multiple sensor faults diagnosis. In addition, a novel on-line supervised multi-model approach for actuator fault diagnosis using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) is developed for single actuator faults. It is based a data transformation in which the 1-dimensional data are configured into a 2-dimensional representation without the use of advanced signal processing techniques. The CNN-based actuator fault diagnosis approach demonstrates improved performance capability compared with the commonly used Machine Learning-based algorithms (i.e., Support Vector Machine and standard Neural Networks). The presented schemes are compared with other commonly used HVAC fault diagnosis methods for benchmarking and they are proven to be superior, effective, accurate, and reliable. The proposed approaches can be applied to large-scale buildings with additional zones

    An investigation on automatic systems for fault diagnosis in chemical processes

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    Plant safety is the most important concern of chemical industries. Process faults can cause economic loses as well as human and environmental damages. Most of the operational faults are normally considered in the process design phase by applying methodologies such as Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP). However, it should be expected that failures may occur in an operating plant. For this reason, it is of paramount importance that plant operators can promptly detect and diagnose such faults in order to take the appropriate corrective actions. In addition, preventive maintenance needs to be considered in order to increase plant safety. Fault diagnosis has been faced with both analytic and data-based models and using several techniques and algorithms. However, there is not yet a general fault diagnosis framework that joins detection and diagnosis of faults, either registered or non-registered in records. Even more, less efforts have been focused to automate and implement the reported approaches in real practice. According to this background, this thesis proposes a general framework for data-driven Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD), applicable and susceptible to be automated in any industrial scenario in order to hold the plant safety. Thus, the main requirement for constructing this system is the existence of historical process data. In this sense, promising methods imported from the Machine Learning field are introduced as fault diagnosis methods. The learning algorithms, used as diagnosis methods, have proved to be capable to diagnose not only the modeled faults, but also novel faults. Furthermore, Risk-Based Maintenance (RBM) techniques, widely used in petrochemical industry, are proposed to be applied as part of the preventive maintenance in all industry sectors. The proposed FDD system together with an appropriate preventive maintenance program would represent a potential plant safety program to be implemented. Thus, chapter one presents a general introduction to the thesis topic, as well as the motivation and scope. Then, chapter two reviews the state of the art of the related fields. Fault detection and diagnosis methods found in literature are reviewed. In this sense a taxonomy that joins both Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Process Systems Engineering (PSE) classifications is proposed. The fault diagnosis assessment with performance indices is also reviewed. Moreover, it is exposed the state of the art corresponding to Risk Analysis (RA) as a tool for taking corrective actions to faults and the Maintenance Management for the preventive actions. Finally, the benchmark case studies against which FDD research is commonly validated are examined in this chapter. The second part of the thesis, integrated by chapters three to six, addresses the methods applied during the research work. Chapter three deals with the data pre-processing, chapter four with the feature processing stage and chapter five with the diagnosis algorithms. On the other hand, chapter six introduces the Risk-Based Maintenance techniques for addressing the plant preventive maintenance. The third part includes chapter seven, which constitutes the core of the thesis. In this chapter the proposed general FD system is outlined, divided in three steps: diagnosis model construction, model validation and on-line application. This scheme includes a fault detection module and an Anomaly Detection (AD) methodology for the detection of novel faults. Furthermore, several approaches are derived from this general scheme for continuous and batch processes. The fourth part of the thesis presents the validation of the approaches. Specifically, chapter eight presents the validation of the proposed approaches in continuous processes and chapter nine the validation of batch process approaches. Chapter ten raises the AD methodology in real scaled batch processes. First, the methodology is applied to a lab heat exchanger and then it is applied to a Photo-Fenton pilot plant, which corroborates its potential and success in real practice. Finally, the fifth part, including chapter eleven, is dedicated to stress the final conclusions and the main contributions of the thesis. Also, the scientific production achieved during the research period is listed and prospects on further work are envisaged.La seguridad de planta es el problema más inquietante para las industrias químicas. Un fallo en planta puede causar pérdidas económicas y daños humanos y al medio ambiente. La mayoría de los fallos operacionales son previstos en la etapa de diseño de un proceso mediante la aplicación de técnicas de Análisis de Riesgos y de Operabilidad (HAZOP). Sin embargo, existe la probabilidad de que pueda originarse un fallo en una planta en operación. Por esta razón, es de suma importancia que una planta pueda detectar y diagnosticar fallos en el proceso y tomar las medidas correctoras adecuadas para mitigar los efectos del fallo y evitar lamentables consecuencias. Es entonces también importante el mantenimiento preventivo para aumentar la seguridad y prevenir la ocurrencia de fallos. La diagnosis de fallos ha sido abordada tanto con modelos analíticos como con modelos basados en datos y usando varios tipos de técnicas y algoritmos. Sin embargo, hasta ahora no existe la propuesta de un sistema general de seguridad en planta que combine detección y diagnosis de fallos ya sea registrados o no registrados anteriormente. Menos aún se han reportado metodologías que puedan ser automatizadas e implementadas en la práctica real. Con la finalidad de abordar el problema de la seguridad en plantas químicas, esta tesis propone un sistema general para la detección y diagnosis de fallos capaz de implementarse de forma automatizada en cualquier industria. El principal requerimiento para la construcción de este sistema es la existencia de datos históricos de planta sin previo filtrado. En este sentido, diferentes métodos basados en datos son aplicados como métodos de diagnosis de fallos, principalmente aquellos importados del campo de “Aprendizaje Automático”. Estas técnicas de aprendizaje han resultado ser capaces de detectar y diagnosticar no sólo los fallos modelados o “aprendidos”, sino también nuevos fallos no incluidos en los modelos de diagnosis. Aunado a esto, algunas técnicas de mantenimiento basadas en riesgo (RBM) que son ampliamente usadas en la industria petroquímica, son también propuestas para su aplicación en el resto de sectores industriales como parte del mantenimiento preventivo. En conclusión, se propone implementar en un futuro no lejano un programa general de seguridad de planta que incluya el sistema de detección y diagnosis de fallos propuesto junto con un adecuado programa de mantenimiento preventivo. Desglosando el contenido de la tesis, el capítulo uno presenta una introducción general al tema de esta tesis, así como también la motivación generada para su desarrollo y el alcance delimitado. El capítulo dos expone el estado del arte de las áreas relacionadas al tema de tesis. De esta forma, los métodos de detección y diagnosis de fallos encontrados en la literatura son examinados en este capítulo. Asimismo, se propone una taxonomía de los métodos de diagnosis que unifica las clasificaciones propuestas en el área de Inteligencia Artificial y de Ingeniería de procesos. En consecuencia, se examina también la evaluación del performance de los métodos de diagnosis en la literatura. Además, en este capítulo se revisa y reporta el estado del arte correspondiente al “Análisis de Riesgos” y a la “Gestión del Mantenimiento” como técnicas complementarias para la toma de medidas correctoras y preventivas. Por último se abordan los casos de estudio considerados como puntos de referencia en el campo de investigación para la aplicación del sistema propuesto. La tercera parte incluye el capítulo siete, el cual constituye el corazón de la tesis. En este capítulo se presenta el esquema o sistema general de diagnosis de fallos propuesto. El sistema es dividido en tres partes: construcción de los modelos de diagnosis, validación de los modelos y aplicación on-line. Además incluye un modulo de detección de fallos previo a la diagnosis y una metodología de detección de anomalías para la detección de nuevos fallos. Por último, de este sistema se desglosan varias metodologías para procesos continuos y por lote. La cuarta parte de esta tesis presenta la validación de las metodologías propuestas. Específicamente, el capítulo ocho presenta la validación de las metodologías propuestas para su aplicación en procesos continuos y el capítulo nueve presenta la validación de las metodologías correspondientes a los procesos por lote. El capítulo diez valida la metodología de detección de anomalías en procesos por lote reales. Primero es aplicada a un intercambiador de calor escala laboratorio y después su aplicación es escalada a un proceso Foto-Fenton de planta piloto, lo cual corrobora el potencial y éxito de la metodología en la práctica real. Finalmente, la quinta parte de esta tesis, compuesta por el capítulo once, es dedicada a presentar y reafirmar las conclusiones finales y las principales contribuciones de la tesis. Además, se plantean las líneas de investigación futuras y se lista el trabajo desarrollado y presentado durante el periodo de investigación

    On-line health monitoring of passive electronic components using digitally controlled power converter

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    This thesis presents System Identification based On-Line Health Monitoring to analyse the dynamic behaviour of the Switch-Mode Power Converter (SMPC), detect, and diagnose anomalies in passive electronic components. The anomaly detection in this research is determined by examining the change in passive component values due to degradation. Degradation, which is a long-term process, however, is characterised by inserting different component values in the power converter. The novel health-monitoring capability enables accurate detection of passive electronic components despite component variations and uncertainties and is valid for different topologies of the switch-mode power converter. The need for a novel on-line health-monitoring capability is driven by the need to improve unscheduled in-service, logistics, and engineering costs, including the requirement of Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) for electronic systems and components. The detection and diagnosis of degradations and failures within power converters is of great importance for aircraft electronic manufacturers, such as Thales, where component failures result in equipment downtime and large maintenance costs. The fact that existing techniques, including built-in-self test, use of dedicated sensors, physics-of-failure, and data-driven based health-monitoring, have yet to deliver extensive application in IVHM, provides the motivation for this research ... [cont.]

    Acoustic and Elastic Waves: Recent Trends in Science and Engineering

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    The present Special Issue intends to explore new directions in the field of acoustics and ultrasonics. The interest includes, but is not limited to, the use of acoustic technology for condition monitoring of materials and structures. Topics of interest (among others): • Acoustic emission in materials and structures (without material limitation) • Innovative cases of ultrasonic inspection • Wave dispersion and waveguides • Monitoring of innovative materials • Seismic waves • Vibrations, damping and noise control • Combination of mechanical wave techniques with other types for structural health monitoring purposes. Experimental and numerical studies are welcome

    Characterizing Signal Transduction Networks and Biological Responses Using Computer Simulations and Machine Learning

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    The use of computer simulations in biology is often limited due to the lack of experimentally measured parameters. In these scenarios, parameter exploration can be used to probe biological systems and refine understanding of biological mechanisms. For systems with few unknown parameters, parameter sweeps that concurrently vary all unknown parameters are tractable. In complex systems with many unknown parameters, supervised machine learning algorithms can be used to discover parameters leading to targeted system responses. In this thesis, we study three biological problems in which we use parameter exploration methods to gain mechanistic insights. We first explore the role of altered metabolism in cancer cells that reside in heterogeneous tumor microenvironments. We use a multiscale, hybrid cellular automaton model to evaluate tumor progression while varying malignant cell traits using a systematic parameter sweep. The results reveal distinct growth regimes associated with varied malignant cell traits. We then study kinetic mechanisms governing fixed-topology signal transduction networks and use evolutionary algorithms to discover kinetic parameters that produce specified network responses. We analyze the growth-response network in Arabidopsis with this supervised machine learning approach. This allows us to identify constraints on kinetic parameters that govern the observed responses. The evolved parameters are used to calculate the responses of individual network components, which are used to generate hypotheses that can be tested in vivo to help determine the network topology. We finally apply a similar approach to redesign signal transduction networks. We demonstrate that the T cell receptor network and an oscillator network show remarkable flexibility in generating altered responses to input, and we further use a nonlinear clustering method to identify design criteria for the underlying kinetic parameters. For each project, observations produced from in silico simulations lead to the formation of hypotheses that are experimentally testable

    Dynamic modelling of HLA-incompatible renal transplant donor specific antibodies

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    End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide and its prevalence is only projected to increase as the average age and global population rises. By far the most effective treatment for ESRD is kidney transplantation with fully compatible donor and recipient human leukocyte antigen (HLA). Practically however, full compatibility is not always possible. Where a mismatch in HLA occurs an immune response may take place, leading to the formation of donor specific antibodies (DSA) which target the kidney. In this thesis analysis is performed on 110 HLA incompatible kidney transplants performed between 2003 and 2014 at the University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire. The analysis aimed to address four main tasks: data processing, exploratory analysis, immune response classification, and dynamical modelling of DSA immune response. Under the exploratory analysis statistical techniques were utilised to investigate relationships between characteristic variables and daily posttransplant DSA levels with graft survival. Results of this work highlighted the significance of certain pre-transplant and post-transplant periods. For classification, a time series clustering technique was used to identify five early post-transplant DSA response types: no-response, fast-modulation, slow-modulation, rise-to-sustained and sustained. This discovery was a new contribution to literature and highlighted improved outcome for modulatory versus sustained outcome. Lastly, a set of parametric models were developed to describe the DSA post-transplant dynamic responses. Findings in this work reinforce the concept of higher DSA levels being associated with worse outcome, however, contribute further by suggesting that this relationship may be dependent on response type. Overall, these findings show that early period post-transplant monitoring can be a beneficial tool for clinicians in the monitoring of patient health. It has provided indicators towards the outcome of an incompatible kidney transplant. Future work should seek to validate these findings with a larger multi-centre cohort