8 research outputs found

    control variables and strategies for the optimization of a whr orc system

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    Abstract In this paper, the dynamic behavior of a WHR (Waste heat Recovery) ORC system with positive displacement rotary expander has been analyzed and an optimal control strategy was defined to increase the system efficiency and flexibility. Input heat flow was varied in time by varying the heat source mass flow and inlet temperature, according to two different load cycles. Three different control strategy were implemented and compared. The first strategy was sliding pressure, where expander speed was kept constant and system power output was controlled by evaporator pressure variations. The second control strategy was sliding velocity, where expander speed was varied to keep the evaporating temperature to a constant set point value. The third control strategy was a combination of sliding-pressure and sliding velocity: the set point of evaporating pressure varied according to a suitable function of easily measurable variables, with the objective of maximizing system efficiency. A function of the heat source admission temperature and of the product of the volume flow rate by the admission pressure was used to define the evaporating temperature set point. This function was evaluated in steady-state conditions from the model of the plant. Results showed that the last control strategy, maximized system efficiency and flexibility, and that the control parameter chosen were suitable to drive the set point variation

    Dynamic model of supercritical Organic Rankine Cycle waste heat recovery system for internal combustion engine

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    The supercritical Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) for the Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) from Internal Combustion (IC) engines has been a growing research area in recent years, driven by the aim to enhance the thermal efficiency of the ORC and engine. Simulation of a supercritical ORC-WHR system before a real-time application is important as high pressure in the system may lead to concerns about safety and availability of components. In the ORC-WHR system, the evaporator is the main contributor to thermal inertia of the system and is considered to be the critical component since the heat transfer of this device influences the efficiency of the system. Since the thermo-physical properties of the fluid at supercritical pressures are dependent on temperature, it is necessary to consider the variations in properties of the working fluid. The wellknown Finite Volume (FV) discretization method is generally used to take those property changes into account. However, a FV model of the evaporator in steady state condition cannot be used to predict the thermal inertia of the cycle when it is subjected to transient heat sources. In this paper, a dynamic FV model of the evaporator has been developed and integrated with other components in the ORC-WHR system. The stability and transient responses along with the performance of the ORC-WHR system for the transient heat source are investigated and are also included in this paper

    Investigation of waste heat recovery system at supercritical conditions with vehicle drive cycles

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    Waste heat recovery (WHR) for internal combustion engines in vehicles using Organic Rankine cycle (ORC) has been a promising technology. The operation of the ORC WHR system in supercritical conditions has a potential to generate more power output and thermal efficiency compared with the conventional subcritical conditions. However, in supercritical conditions, the heat transfer process in the evaporator, the key component of the ORC WHR system, becomes unpredictable as the thermo-physical properties of the working fluid change with the temperature. Furthermore, the transient heat source from the vehicle’s exhaust makes the operation of the WHR system difficult. We investigated the performance of the ORC WHR system at supercritical conditions with engine’s exhaust data from real city and highway drive cycles. The effects of operating variables, such as refrigerant flow rates, evaporator and condenser pressure, and evaporator outlet temperature, on the performance indicators of the WHR system in supercritical conditions were examined. Simulation of operating parameters and the boundary of the WHR system are also included in this paper

    Recent developments of control strategies for organic Rankine cycle (ORC) systems

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    Organic Rankine cycle (ORC) is one of the most rapidly growing approaches to utilizing low grade thermal energy. This paper deals with the main control problems existed in ORC systems and overviews the main approaches presented in literature. The main ORC operating modes are introduced, the control strategies of ORC systems are then surveyed. Thus, this paper presents a comprehensive review of overall control strategies for ORC energy conversion systems and points out research trend on ORC control systems

    Systematic Methods for Working Fluid Selection and the Design, Integration and Control of Organic Rankine Cycles—A Review

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    Efficient power generation from low to medium grade heat is an important challenge to be addressed to ensure a sustainable energy future. Organic Rankine Cycles (ORCs) constitute an important enabling technology and their research and development has emerged as a very active research field over the past decade. Particular focus areas include working fluid selection and cycle design to achieve efficient heat to power conversions for diverse hot fluid streams associated with geothermal, solar or waste heat sources. Recently, a number of approaches have been developed that address the systematic selection of efficient working fluids as well as the design, integration and control of ORCs. This paper presents a review of emerging approaches with a particular emphasis on computer-aided design methods

    Dynamic modeling and control strategies of organic Rankine cycle systems: Methods and challenges

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    Organic Rankine cycle systems are suitable technologies for utilization of low/medium-temperature heat sources, especially for small-scale systems. Waste heat from engines in the transportation sector, solar energy, and intermittent industrial waste heat are by nature transient heat sources, making it a challenging task to design and operate the organic Rankine cycle system safely and efficiently for these heat sources. Therefore, it is of crucial importance to investigate the dynamic behavior of the organic Rankine cycle system and develop suitable control strategies. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the previous studies in the area of dynamic modeling and control of the organic Rankine cycle system. The most common dynamic modeling approaches, typical issues during dynamic simulations, and different control strategies are discussed in detail. The most suitable dynamic modeling approaches of each component, solutions to common problems, and optimal control approaches are identified. Directions for future research are provided. The review indicates that the dynamics of the organic Rankine cycle system is mainly governed by the heat exchangers. Depending on the level of accuracy and computational effort, a moving boundary approach, a finite volume method or a two-volume simplification can be used for the modeling of the heat exchangers. From the control perspective, the model predictive controllers, especially improved model predictive controllers (e.g. the multiple model predictive control, switching model predictive control, and non-linear model predictive control approach), provide excellent control performance compared to conventional control strategies (e.g. proportional–integral controller, proportional–derivative controller, and proportional–integral–derivative controllers). We recommend that future research focuses on the integrated design and optimization, especially considering the design of the heat exchangers, the dynamic response of the system and its controllability

    Modélisation dynamique et commande optimale d'un systÚme de réfrigération à base d'éjecteur

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    Recently, the ejector-based refrigeration system (ERS) has been widely used in the cooling industry as an appropriate alternative to the compressor-based cooling systems. However, the advantages of ERS such as the reliable operation and low operation and maintenance costs are overshadowed by its low efficiency and design complexity. In this context, this thesis presents the efforts to develop a control model enabling the ERS to operate in its optimal operational conditions. The extensive experimental studies of ERS revealed that at a fixed condenser inlet condition, there exists an optimal primary stream mass flow rate (generating pressure) that simultaneously maximizes the compression ratio (Cr) and exergy efficiency and minimizes the evaporating pressure. Then, the steady state models of the heat exchangers were developed and used to investigate the influence of the increase in generating pressure on the coefficient of performance (COP) of the system and it showed that increasing the generating pressure reduces the COP, linearly. In order to predict the choking regime of the ejector and explain the reasons of observed physical phenomenon, the 1D model of a fixed geometry ejector installed within an R245fa ERS was developed. The developed model demonstrated that the ejector operates in the subcritical mode when the generating pressure is below the Cr optimum point, while it operates in critical mode at or above the optimum generating pressure. Next, a dynamic model of the ERS was built to evaluate the ERS transient response to an increase in the primary stream mass flow rate. Since the ERS dynamics is mainly dominated by the thermal dynamics of the heat exchangers, the dynamic models of the heat exchangers were developed using the moving boundary approach and connected to the developed models of the ejector and steady state models of the pump and expansion valve to build a single dynamic model of the system. The built dynamic model of an ERS was used to estimate the time response of the system in the absence of accurate experimental data of the system’s dynamics. Finally, a control model was designed to drive an ERS towards its optimal operation condition. A self-optimizing, model-free control strategy known as Extremum seeking control (ESC) was adopted to minimize evaporating pressure in a fixed condenser thermal fluid inlet condition. The innovative ESC model named batch phasor ESC (BPESC) was proposed based on estimating the gradient by evaluating the phasor of the output, in batch time. The simulation results indicated that the designed BPESC model can seek and find the optimum evaporating pressure with good performance in terms of predicting the steady state optimal values and the convergence rates.RĂ©cemment, le systĂšme de rĂ©frigĂ©ration Ă  Ă©jecteur (SRE) a Ă©tĂ© largement utilisĂ© dans l'industrie du refroidissement en tant que solution de remplacement appropriĂ©e aux systĂšmes de refroidissement Ă  compresseur. Cependant, les avantages du SRE, tels que le fonctionnement fiable et les faibles couts d'exploitation et de maintenance, sont Ă©clipsĂ©s par son faible rendement et sa complexitĂ© de conception. Dans ce contexte, ce projet de recherche de doctorat a dĂ©taillĂ© les efforts dĂ©ployĂ©s pour dĂ©velopper une stratĂ©gie de commande permettant au systĂšme de fonctionner dans ses conditions opĂ©rationnelles optimales. Les Ă©tudes expĂ©rimentales approfondies du SRE ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que, dans une condition d'entrĂ©e de condensateur constante, il existe un dĂ©bit massique optimal du flux primaire (gĂ©nĂ©rant une pression) qui maximise simultanĂ©ment le taux de compression (Cr) et l'efficacitĂ© exergĂ©tique, et minimise la pression d’évaporation. Ensuite, les modĂšles Ă  l’état d’équilibre des Ă©changeurs de chaleur ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s et utilisĂ©s pour Ă©tudier l’influence de l’augmentation de la pression gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©e sur le coefficient de performance (COP) du systĂšme et il en ressort que l'augmentation de la pression gĂ©nĂ©ratrice rĂ©duit le COP de maniĂšre linĂ©aire. Afin de prĂ©dire le rĂ©gime d'Ă©touffement de l'Ă©jecteur et d'expliquer les raisons du phĂ©nomĂšne physique observĂ©, le modĂšle 1D d'un Ă©jecteur Ă  gĂ©omĂ©trie fixe installĂ© dans un systĂšme SRE R245fa a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©. Le modĂšle dĂ©veloppĂ© a dĂ©montrĂ© que l'Ă©jecteur fonctionne en mode sous-critique lorsque la pression gĂ©nĂ©ratrice est infĂ©rieure au point optimal de Cr, alors qu'il fonctionne en mode critique Ă  une pression Ă©gale ou supĂ©rieure Ă  la pression gĂ©nĂ©ratrice optimale. Ensuite, un modĂšle dynamique du SRE a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© pour Ă©tudier la rĂ©ponse transitoire du SRE lors d’une augmentation du dĂ©bit massique du flux primaire. Puisque la dynamique du SRE est principalement dominĂ©e par la dynamique thermique des Ă©changeurs de chaleur, les modĂšles dynamiques des Ă©changeurs de chaleur ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s Ă  l'aide de l'approche des limites mobiles et connectĂ©s aux modĂšles dĂ©veloppĂ©s de l'Ă©jecteur et des modĂšles Ă  l'Ă©tat stationnaire de la pompe et de la vanne un seul modĂšle dynamique du systĂšme. En l’absence de donnĂ©es expĂ©rimentales prĂ©cises sur la dynamique d’un systĂšme SRE, le modĂšle dynamique dĂ©veloppĂ© du SRE a Ă©tĂ© simulĂ© numĂ©riquement pour Ă©tudier sa rĂ©ponse temporelle. Enfin, une stratĂ©gie de commande extrĂȘmale (ESC) a Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ© pour rĂ©gler automatiquement le SRE Ă  ses conditions de fonctionnement optimales, c’est-Ă -dire pour trouver la vitesse de la pompe qui minimise la pression dans des conditions d'entrĂ©e de condenseur fixes. Afin de proposer une ESC implĂ©mentable en temps discret sur une installation rĂ©elle sujette Ă  un bruit de mesure important et un traitement hors-ligne par trame, une nouvelle commande extrĂ©male basĂ©e sur une approche par phaseur avec une procĂ©dure de traitement de signal par trame (BPESC) a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e et simulĂ©e avec le modĂšle numĂ©rique. Les rĂ©sultats de la simulation ont indiquĂ© que le modĂšle BPESC peut trouver la vitesse optimale de la pompe avec de bonnes performances en termes de prĂ©cision et de vitesse de convergence