2,334 research outputs found

    Evaluation of automated decisionmaking methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation

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    A generic computer simulation for manipulator systems (ROBSIM) was implemented and the specific technologies necessary to increase the role of automation in various missions were developed. The specific items developed are: (1) capability for definition of a manipulator system consisting of multiple arms, load objects, and an environment; (2) capability for kinematic analysis, requirements analysis, and response simulation of manipulator motion; (3) postprocessing options such as graphic replay of simulated motion and manipulator parameter plotting; (4) investigation and simulation of various control methods including manual force/torque and active compliances control; (5) evaluation and implementation of three obstacle avoidance methods; (6) video simulation and edge detection; and (7) software simulation validation

    Hybrid motion/force control:a review

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    Robust Cooperative Manipulation without Force/Torque Measurements: Control Design and Experiments

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    This paper presents two novel control methodologies for the cooperative manipulation of an object by N robotic agents. Firstly, we design an adaptive control protocol which employs quaternion feedback for the object orientation to avoid potential representation singularities. Secondly, we propose a control protocol that guarantees predefined transient and steady-state performance for the object trajectory. Both methodologies are decentralized, since the agents calculate their own signals without communicating with each other, as well as robust to external disturbances and model uncertainties. Moreover, we consider that the grasping points are rigid, and avoid the need for force/torque measurements. Load distribution is also included via a grasp matrix pseudo-inverse to account for potential differences in the agents' power capabilities. Finally, simulation and experimental results with two robotic arms verify the theoretical findings

    Motion Planning of Uncertain Ordinary Differential Equation Systems

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    This work presents a novel motion planning framework, rooted in nonlinear programming theory, that treats uncertain fully and under-actuated dynamical systems described by ordinary differential equations. Uncertainty in multibody dynamical systems comes from various sources, such as: system parameters, initial conditions, sensor and actuator noise, and external forcing. Treatment of uncertainty in design is of paramount practical importance because all real-life systems are affected by it, and poor robustness and suboptimal performance result if it’s not accounted for in a given design. In this work uncertainties are modeled using Generalized Polynomial Chaos and are solved quantitatively using a least-square collocation method. The computational efficiency of this approach enables the inclusion of uncertainty statistics in the nonlinear programming optimization process. As such, the proposed framework allows the user to pose, and answer, new design questions related to uncertain dynamical systems. Specifically, the new framework is explained in the context of forward, inverse, and hybrid dynamics formulations. The forward dynamics formulation, applicable to both fully and under-actuated systems, prescribes deterministic actuator inputs which yield uncertain state trajectories. The inverse dynamics formulation is the dual to the forward dynamic, and is only applicable to fully-actuated systems; deterministic state trajectories are prescribed and yield uncertain actuator inputs. The inverse dynamics formulation is more computationally efficient as it requires only algebraic evaluations and completely avoids numerical integration. Finally, the hybrid dynamics formulation is applicable to under-actuated systems where it leverages the benefits of inverse dynamics for actuated joints and forward dynamics for unactuated joints; it prescribes actuated state and unactuated input trajectories which yield uncertain unactuated states and actuated inputs. The benefits of the ability to quantify uncertainty when planning the motion of multibody dynamic systems are illustrated through several case-studies. The resulting designs determine optimal motion plans—subject to deterministic and statistical constraints—for all possible systems within the probability space

    Gain scheduling for hybrid force/velocity control in contour tracking task

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    In this paper a gain scheduling approach is proposed for the hybrid force/velocity control of an industrial manipulator employed for the contour tracking of objects of unknown shape. The methodology allows to cope with the configuration dependent dynamics of the manipulator during a constrained motion and therefore a significant improvement of the performance results. Experimental results obtained with an industrial SCARA manipulator demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique

    AI based Robot Safe Learning and Control

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    Introduction This open access book mainly focuses on the safe control of robot manipulators. The control schemes are mainly developed based on dynamic neural network, which is an important theoretical branch of deep reinforcement learning. In order to enhance the safety performance of robot systems, the control strategies include adaptive tracking control for robots with model uncertainties, compliance control in uncertain environments, obstacle avoidance in dynamic workspace. The idea for this book on solving safe control of robot arms was conceived during the industrial applications and the research discussion in the laboratory. Most of the materials in this book are derived from the authors’ papers published in journals, such as IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, neurocomputing, etc. This book can be used as a reference book for researcher and designer of the robotic systems and AI based controllers, and can also be used as a reference book for senior undergraduate and graduate students in colleges and universities

    Keep Rollin' - Whole-Body Motion Control and Planning for Wheeled Quadrupedal Robots

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    We show dynamic locomotion strategies for wheeled quadrupedal robots, which combine the advantages of both walking and driving. The developed optimization framework tightly integrates the additional degrees of freedom introduced by the wheels. Our approach relies on a zero-moment point based motion optimization which continuously updates reference trajectories. The reference motions are tracked by a hierarchical whole-body controller which computes optimal generalized accelerations and contact forces by solving a sequence of prioritized tasks including the nonholonomic rolling constraints. Our approach has been tested on ANYmal, a quadrupedal robot that is fully torque-controlled including the non-steerable wheels attached to its legs. We conducted experiments on flat and inclined terrains as well as over steps, whereby we show that integrating the wheels into the motion control and planning framework results in intuitive motion trajectories, which enable more robust and dynamic locomotion compared to other wheeled-legged robots. Moreover, with a speed of 4 m/s and a reduction of the cost of transport by 83 % we prove the superiority of wheeled-legged robots compared to their legged counterparts.Comment: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letter

    Dynamics and controls for robot manipulators with open and closed kinematic chain mechanisms

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    This dissertation deals with dynamics and controls for robot manipulators with open and closed kinematic chain mechanisms;Part I of this dissertation considers the problem of designing a class of robust algorithms for the trajectory tracking control of unconstrained single robot manipulator. The general control structure consists of two parts: The nominal control laws are first introduced to stabilize the system in the absence of uncertainties, then a class of robust nonlinear control laws are adopted to compensate for both the structured uncertainties and the unstructured uncertainties by using deterministic approach. The possible upper bounds of uncertainties are assumed to be known for the nonadaptive version of robust nonlinear controls. If information on these bounds is not available, then the adaptive bound of the robust controller is presented to overcome possible time-varying uncertainties (i.e., decentralized adaptive control scheme);Part II of the dissertation presents the efficient methodology of formulating system dynamics and hybrid position/force control for a single robot manipulator under geometric end-effector constraints. In order to facilitate dynamic analysis and control synthesis, the original joint-space dynamics (or a set of DAEs) is transformed into the constraint-space model through nonlinear transformations. Using the transformed dynamic model, a class of hybrid control laws are presented to manipulate the position and contact force at the end-effector simultaneously and accurately: the modified computed torque method, the robust adaptive controller, and the adaptive hybrid impedance controller;Part III of the dissertation deals with a mathematical modeling and coordinated control of multiple robot manipulators holding and transporting a rigid common object on the constraint surfaces. First, the kinematics and dynamics of multiple robot systems containing the closed-chain mechanisms are formulated from a unified viewpoint. After a series of model transformations, a new combined dynamic model is derived for dynamic analysis and control synthesis. Next, a class of hybrid position/force controllers are developed. The control laws can be used to simultaneously control the position of the object along the constraint surfaces and the contact forces (the internal grasping forces and the external constraint forces)

    Task-space dynamic control of underwater robots

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    This thesis is concerned with the control aspects for underwater tasks performed by marine robots. The mathematical models of an underwater vehicle and an underwater vehicle with an onboard manipulator are discussed together with their associated properties. The task-space regulation problem for an underwater vehicle is addressed where the desired target is commonly specified as a point. A new control technique is proposed where the multiple targets are defined as sub-regions. A fuzzy technique is used to handle these multiple sub-region criteria effectively. Due to the unknown gravitational and buoyancy forces, an adaptive term is adopted in the proposed controller. An extension to a region boundary-based control law is then proposed for an underwater vehicle to illustrate the flexibility of the region reaching concept. In this novel controller, a desired target is defined as a boundary instead of a point or region. For a mapping of the uncertain restoring forces, a least-squares estimation algorithm and the inverse Jacobian matrix are utilised in the adaptive control law. To realise a new tracking control concept for a kinematically redundant robot, subregion tracking control schemes with a sub-tasks objective are developed for a UVMS. In this concept, the desired objective is specified as a moving sub-region instead of a trajectory. In addition, due to the system being kinematically redundant, the controller also enables the use of self-motion of the system to perform sub-tasks (drag minimisation, obstacle avoidance, manipulability and avoidance of mechanical joint limits)
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