21 research outputs found

    Supporting the Mobile Querying of Existing Online Semantic Web Data for Context-Aware Applications

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    [EN] Mobile devices are increasingly multifunctional and personal, providing mobile applications with the necessary user information to achieve personalization. At the same time, detection technologies let such devices find nearby physical entities and thus map the user's environment. By exploiting existing online Semantic Web sources about these detected entities, mobile applications can further improve personalization. SCOUT is a mobile application framework that supports linking physical entities to online semantic data sources. It provides applications with an integrated, query-able view on these sources and the user's environment. The authors developed a tailored data management approach to efficiently access these distributed online semantic sources.Sven Casteleyn is supported by EC Marie Curie grant FP7- PEOPLE-2009-IEF, number 254383.Van Woensel, W.; Casteleyn, S.; Paret, E.; De Troyer, O. (2011). Supporting the Mobile Querying of Existing Online Semantic Web Data for Context-Aware Applications. IEEE Internet Computing. 15(6):32-39. https://doi.org/10.1109/MIC.2011.108323915

    Towards autonomic pervasive systems: the PerLa context language

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    The property of context-awareness, inherent to a Pervasive System, requires a clear definition of context and of how the context parameter values must be extracted from the real world. Since often the same variables are common to the operational system and to the context it operates into, the usage of the same language to manage both the application and the context can lead to substantial savings in application development time and costs. In this paper we propose a context-management extension to the PerLa language and middleware that allows for declarative gathering of context data from the environment, feeding this data to the internal context model and, once a context is active, acting on the relevant resources of the pervasive system, according to the chosen contextual policy

    Topic Maps For Improving Services In Disaster Operations Management

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    Disaster operations management is an increasingly important application area for the developing techniques of service science. This paper examines the use of topic maps, a semantic technology, within this environment, and provides a preliminary discussion of the benefits that its implementation can provide in the capture and exchange of contextual information. The discussion is motivated by a look at the different phases of disaster operations management in a services context, and focuses on the need for effective and relevant information exchange as an important part of the services process. As the amount and complexity of information increases within such processes, semantic technologies are becoming increasingly important as a means representing and managing contextual information. This paper seeks to help further the understanding of the relevance of such tools as part of the study of service science

    Innovations Around Mobile Applications: Scope for Indian Developers

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    This paper explores innovations around mobile applications, globally, and brings out the scope for monetization of these trends, by Indian Application Developers. The paper is based on qualitative research and utilizes Content Analysis Technique for tabulating and reporting the data. A thorough literature review has been conducted to understand the innovations around mobile applications globally and to identify the top 5 categories of mobile applications. These categories serve as variables for understanding the scope for Indian mobile application developers. Data on Indian Mobile application market has been sourced from mass media: Top 3 English newspapers (Indian) and 6 online sources. Recommendations for Indian developers have been generated on the basis on data which was reported under 5 identified categories of mobile applications. Scope for Indian Mobile application developers is in (but not limited to) the following areas; Developing cloud enabled applications, developing customised Indian applications, working on innovations based on global acceptability through multi-language apps., synchronising data with backend systems and addressing security threats, reducing costs through prudent locations and newer API’s (Application Programming Interface), beta testing applications and appropriate keyword tagging for marketing and making applications oriented towards customer delight so that in the process of diffusion of the innovation, the application becomes an integral part of the customer’s life. Methodical content analysis brings out the scope for Indian application developers and offers them valuable insights on monetization tactics. Since the findings are based on published data from Indian Mass Media, it makes the paper very contemporary and the recommendations very implementable for the industry. Academicians working in this area too, will also find an avenue for further exploration. This research work is distinctive because of the lack of scholarly studies in this area, especially in the Indian context. Data from mass media and use of content analysis – a widely used qualitative analytic method for a scholarly study, increases its value by making the work recent, contemporary and worthy of further scholarly explorations

    Mobile API for linked data

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    david2012dThis report presents a mobile API for manipulating linked data under the Android platform

    Towards consolidated presence

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    hauswirth2010aInternational audiencePresence management, i.e., the ability to automatically identify the status and availability of communication partners, is becoming an invaluable tool for collaboration in enterprise contexts. In this paper, we argue for efficient presence management by means of a holistic view of both physical context and virtual presence in online communication channels. We sketch the components for enabling presence as a service integrating both online information as well as physical sensors, discussing benefits, possible applications on top, and challenges of establishing such a service

    Ontology based contextualization and context constraints management in web service processes

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    The flexibility and dynamism of service-based applications impose shifting the validation process to runtime; therefore, runtime monitoring of dynamic features attached to service-based systems is becoming an important direction of research that motivated the definition of our work. We propose an ontology based contextualization and a framework and techniques for managing context constraints in a Web service process for dynamic requirements validation monitoring at process runtime. Firstly, we propose an approach to define and model dynamic service context attached to composition and execution of services in a service process at run-time. Secondly, managing context constraints are defined in a framework, which has three main processes for context manipulation and reasoning, context constraints generation, and dynamic instrumentation and validation monitoring of context constraints. The dynamic requirements attached to service composition and execution are generated as context constraints. The dynamic service context modeling is investigated based on empirical analysis of application scenarios in the classical business domain and analysing previous models in the literature. The orientation of context aspects in a general context taxonomy is considered important. The Ontology Web Language (OWL) has many merits on formalising dynamic service context such as shared conceptualization, logical language support for composition and reasoning, XML based interoperability, etc. XML-based constraint representation is compatible with Web service technologies. The analysis of complementary case study scenarios and expert opinions through a survey illustrate the validity and completeness of our context model. The proposed techniques for context manipulation, context constraints generation, instrumentation and validation monitoring are investigated through a set of experiments from an empirical evaluation. The analytical evaluation is also used to evaluate algorithms. Our contributions and evaluation results provide a further step towards developing a highly automated dynamic requirements management system for service processes at process run-time

    Conception et développement d'un service Web de contexte spatial dédié aux téléphones intelligents dans le cadre de jeux éducatifs interactifs

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    Actuellement, avec l’essor de l’informatique ubiquitaire, un intĂ©rĂȘt grandissant est portĂ© Ă  l’exploitation du contexte de l’utilisateur pour une adaptation des applications et de leur contenu Ă  ses besoins et activitĂ©s en temps rĂ©el, dans divers domaines (tourisme, maisons intelligents, hĂŽpitaux). De cet intĂ©rĂȘt rĂ©sulte bon nombre de projets traitant la dĂ©finition et l’élaboration de modĂšles de contexte et de plateformes de gestion dudit contexte. Dans le cadre du projet GĂ©oÉduc3D, l’utilisation du contexte pour l’amĂ©lioration de l’aspect immersif et interactif de jeux Ă©ducatifs revĂȘt un intĂ©rĂȘt certain. Ce cadre applicatif (jeux Ă©ducatifs, rĂ©alitĂ© augmentĂ©e, tĂ©lĂ©phones intelligents) est complĂštement diffĂ©rent et amĂšne la question de l’interopĂ©rabilitĂ© peu abordĂ©e dans les prĂ©cĂ©dents travaux. Nos travaux ont donc pour objectif de concevoir et d’implĂ©menter une solution informatique dĂ©diĂ©e Ă  l’acquisition et Ă  la diffusion de contexte spatial dans un environnement multi-joueurs sur et pour des tĂ©lĂ©phones intelligents. Dans ce but, nous proposons tout d’abord une nouvelle dĂ©finition et une modĂ©lisation du contexte spatial adaptĂ© Ă  notre cadre particulier. Ensuite, nous prĂ©sentons l’architecture d’un systĂšme orientĂ© service pour la gestion de cette information contextuelle. Afin de tester notre approche, un prototype de service Web a Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ© selon trois fonctions principales : rĂ©cupĂ©ration des informations auprĂšs des tĂ©lĂ©phones intelligents ; enregistrement des donnĂ©es dans la base de donnĂ©es et interrogation flexible en mode synchrone ou asynchrone des donnĂ©es. Ce travail de recherche ouvre ainsi la voie Ă  la conception et au dĂ©veloppement d’applications de jeux Ă©ducatifs, destinĂ©es Ă  n’importe quel type de tĂ©lĂ©phone intelligent, sensible au contexte spatial des joueurs dans un environnement multi-joueurs.Currently, with the rise of ubiquitous computing, one is growing interest in using the user context, for adapting applications and their contents to users’ needs and activities in real time, in different fields (tourism, smart homes, and hospitals). Many projects dealing with the definition and context models and management platforms have emerged. In the GeoEduc3D project, exploiting the context to improve the immersive and interactive aspects of interactive educational games is to be explored. This particular application framework (serious games, augmented reality, smart phones) is completely different and brings the issue of interoperability, which was not really addressed in previous work. Therefore, our work aims to design and implement a solution dedicated to the acquisition and dissemination of spatial context in a multi-players environment on and for smart phones. For this purpose, we first propose a definition and modeling of spatial context. Then we define the architecture of a service-oriented system for managing that information. To test our approach, a Web service prototype was developed according to three main functions: retrieving information from smart phones, storing data in the database and query flexible synchronous or asynchronous data. This research opens the way for the design and development of context-aware serious games applications for any type of smart phone, in a multiplayer environment

    An Application of Context-sensitive Computing for Flexible Manufacturing System Optimization

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    Recent advancements in embedded systems, computing, networking, WS and SOA have opened the door for seamless integration of plant floor devices to higher enterprise level applications. Semantic web technologies, knowledge-based systems, context-sensitive computing and associated application development are widely explored in this regard. Ubiquitous and pervasive computing are the main domains of interest among many researchers so far. However, context-sensitive computing in manufacturing, particularly, relevant research and development in a production environment like FMS is relatively new and growing.Dynamic job (re)scheduling and dispatching are becoming an essential part of modern FMS controls. The foremost drive is to deal with the chaotic nature of the production environment while keeping plant performance indicators unaffected. Process plans in FMS need to consider several dynamic factors, like demand fluctuations, extreme product customizations and run time priority changes. To meet this plant level dynamism, complex control architectures are used to provide an automatic response to the unexpected events. These runtime responses deal with final moment change of the control parameters that eventually influences the key performance indicators (KPIs) like machine utilization rate and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). In response, plant controls are moving towards more decentralized and adaptive architectures, promoting integration of different support applications. The applications aim to optimize the plant operations in terms of autonomous decision making, adaptation to sudden failure, system (re) configuration and response to unexpected events for global factory optimization.The research work documented in this thesis presents the advantages of bridging the mentioned two domains of context-sensitive computing and FMS optimization, mainly to facilitate context management at factory floor for improved transparency and to better respond for real time optimization through context-based optimization support system.This manuscript presents a context-sensitive optimization approach for FMS, considering machine utilization rate and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) as the KPIs. Runtime contextual entities are used to monitor KPIs continuously to update an ontology-based context model, and subsequently convert it into business relevant information via context management. The delivered high level knowledge is further utilized by an optimization support system (OSS) to infer: optimal job (re) scheduling and dispatching, keeping a higher machine utilization rate at runtime. The proposed solution is presented as add-on functionality for FMS control, where a modular development of the overall approach provides the solution generic and extendable across other domains. The key components are functionally implemented to a practical FMS use-case within SOA and WS-based control architecture, resulting improvement of the machine utilization rate and the enhancement of the OEE at runtime