25 research outputs found

    The Existence of human resources employability to energize the power of competitive advantage of aqiqah Nurul Hayat Surabaya

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    This paper examines the importance of HR employability and their relationship with employment within the food industry in Indonesia, specifically in Aqiqah business services. This is a review of the literature related to the provision of HR empowerment program to sustain business competitiveness and economic growth in Aqiqah business services. The effects of organizational culture are examined to address the employees' behaviors concerning the fairness of treatment, trust, and delivery of promises. This review was undertaken to explore the significance of skill shortages and skill mismatches. The paper suggested that the role of HR Empowerment program schemes to ensure for employees' employability as dynamic capabilities action deeply, along with positive employment relationships, are the key to support Aqiqah business services in dealing with a competitive advantage Keywords: employability, competitive advantages, dynamic capabilitie


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    Swiss health care is confronted with fundamental changes. On the one hand, there are increasing costs in patient treatments, caused by innovative technology with new high-capacity medical devices, and a lack of effectiveness and efficiency in the organisation of a hospital. On the other hand, hospitals do have decreasing revenues with the introduction of the new patient classification and tariff system DRG (Diagnosis Related Groups) by 2012. For every DRG, hospitals will receive a fixed price, separate from the actual costs of the patient treatment. In this paper it was explored the case of 13 successful Swiss private acute hospitals which are also confronted with these pressures to reduce their costs of patient treatment and therefore to optimise their processes of care. This research focuses on dynamic capabilitie of the hospitals. Although dynamic capabilities are idiosyncratic in their details and path dependent in their emergence, they have significant ‘best practise’ across firms (Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000). The research is started with the evaluation of new trends, key customers’ needs, and capabilities, with questionnaires for attending physicians and hospital managers. The NGP approach gives hospital managers the enough crucial information for a strategy formulation in fundamental changing environments, which is the key contribution of this manuscript


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    Este estudio pretende explorar la relación entre capacidades dinámicas y marketing digital. A partir de la revisión de literatura sobre capacidades de marketing dinámico, capacidades de marketing y capacidades de marketing digital, se infiere que, sin considerar la denominación, todos ellos incluyen los factores componentes dinámicos. La revisión también resulta de la consideración de que estos recursos ya implican el uso de TICs y herramientas digitales para su desarrollo. Se concluye que el marketing digital soporta directamente las capacidades de marketing exigidas por el contexto y, por lo tanto, la estrategia de negocios dirigida a un mejor desempeño de las empresas

    The interaction between business models and business reality

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize the connection between business model and business reality. On this basis, the paper aims to put the business models on a solid conceptual ground and to build bridges to its neighboring disciplines. In this way, this paper is intended to contribute to more terminological and conceptual rigor of the business model construct. In addition, this paper aims to conceptualize the processes of constructing and using business models for decision-making. Design/methodology/approach – This is a conceptual paper; it introduces and specifies a new construct, the status quo, as realistic counterpart to the business model. Based on this, it develops a model of the interaction between business model and status quo. Findings – The key finding of this paper is that business model and status quo are shaped (and need to be described) by different characteristics. The characteristics of the status quo result from repetition (stability) and routinization (efficiency, low resistance, etc.). The characteristics of the business model result from observation, abstraction and simplification (purpose, observer perspective, etc.). Originality/value – This is the first paper to develop the status quo as an independent construct for management research. It also offers the first comprehensive model of the relation between business model and business reality.  Furthermore, it offers a new link between business model and routine. Keywords - business model; innovation; status quo; strategy; inertia; dynamic capabilitie

    Dynamic capabilities of Chinese small private vocational education and training institutions: a case-based research

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    China’s vocational education and training (VET) industry is undergoing rapid growth and transformation. Small private VET institutions face the dual dilemma of a shortage of educational resources and low market reputation. Thus, it is important to understand how these institutions may develop and sustain competitive advantages. This dissertation has analyzed the strategic development of ZK, a small private VET institution in China, using the dynamic capabilities framework. The company’s strategic success in the last years was due to its dynamic capabilities of sensing opportunities and threats, seizing opportunities, and managing threats and reconfiguring resources. The study has shown that ZK’s dynamic capability of sensing opportunities and threats has two micro-foundations, namely entrepreneurship and social capital at individual and organizational levels. Seizing capability were grounded on microfoundations such as the firm’s value chain positioning, integrating resources including complements, organizational flexibility, and commitment to implementation. The microfoundations of ZK’s dynamic capability of managing threats and reconfiguring resources were organizational learning and knowledge management. To support the future strategic development of ZK, four strategic initiatives were devised using the SWOT framework. The study contributes to management practice by increasing the understanding of the capabilities and microfoundations that can support the development of small private VET institutions in China. It also sheds light on the relationship between these capabilities and the obtention of competitive advantages in the Chinese market. Its conclusions are of interest to other VET institutions, government departments and other stakeholders, as well as foreign institutions interested in the Chinese VET industry.A indústria chinesa da educação e formação vocacional (inglês: Vocational Education and Traning ou VET) está em plena expansão e transformação. O estudo das estratégias das pequenas instituições de VET tem grande importância, no sentido de compreender como as mesmas podem se manter competitivas. Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de analisar o desenvolvimento estratégico da ZK, uma pequena instituição chinesa de VET, através da teoria de capacidades dinámicas. O éxito estratégico da ZK deveu-se ao seu dinamismo em antever oportunidades e riscos e reestruturar os seus recursos. Este dinamismo resultou de um forte espírito empresarial e de um elevado capital social, tanto ao nível individual como institucional. O aproveitamento das oportunidades deveu-se a cinco micro-fundamentos: o posicionamento da empresa na cadeia de valor, a integração de recursos, a inclusão de complementos, a flexibilidade organizacional e a dedicação na implementação. Por sua vez, a capacidade de minimizar riscos e reconfigurar recursos resultou de aprendizagem organizacional e de uma boa gestão da informação. Com base nas referidas capacidades dinâmicas, e através da matriz SWOT, foram desenvolvidas quatro linhas estratégicas para o desenvolvimento futuro da ZK. A dissertação contribui para uma melhor compreensão das capacidades dinámicas e dos micro-fundamentos que podem suportar o desenvolvimento das pequenas empresas de VET na China. Além disso, revela a íntima relação entre as referidas capacidades e as vantagens competitivas no mercado chinês. As conclusões são úteis para outras instituições de VET, departamentos governamentais relacionados, partes interessadas em VET na China e instituições estrangeiras interessadas nesse mercado


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    RESUMOEsse artigo discute teoricamente o valor do Big Data para aquisição de vantagens competitivas em contrapartida com a Visão Baseada em Recursos e a Teoria das Capacidades Dinâmicas. A conclusão da dialética apresentada nesta discussão propõe que apenas os recursos e as capacidades de Big Data não são suficientes para obtenção de vantagens competitivas ou ganhos de desempenhos. Sendo assim, outras capacidades e recursos são necessários para ativação do valor do Big Data.Palavra-Chave: Big Data; Competitividade; Visão Baseada em Recursos; Teoria das Capacidades DinâmicasABSTRACTThis article theoretically discusses the value of Big Data for the acquisition of competitive advantages in contrast with the Resource-Based View and the Theory of Dynamic Capabilities. The conclusion of the dialectic presented in this discussion proposes that Big Data resources and capabilities alone are not enough to obtain competitive advantages or performance gains. As such, other capabilities and resources are needed to unlock the value of Big Data. Keyword: Big Data; Competitiveness; Resource-Based View; Theory of Dynamic Capabilitie

    Responding to Changes in Environmental Turbulence - A Strategy to Driving Business Growth in Facing Economic Downturns

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    Society 5.0 focuses on people and changes from innovation to technological transformation through industrial automation 4.0. In this study, environmental turbulence refers to exogenous factors that give rise to an uncertain and volatile situation that impacts performance. This study was measured by asking respondents’ perceptions through explanatory studies and preliminary surveys about market predictability, innovation, and customer preference. Disruptive innovation and environmental turbulence are key creative drivers for reengineering businesses; however, only agile innovation can take advantage of the economic downturn. Exploratory case studies and literature reviews are using to test the antecedent of environmental turbulence, Distinctive Innovation Capabilities, through an innovative business model to firm performance. From a managerial perspective, this study provides a comprehensive view of environmental turbulence’s impact, how to develop a DIC strategy for developing an organization’s business model, how to achieve it, what variables contribute, and how to relate it to performance. This research’s authenticity lies in how management comes up with a practically oriented framework of how organizations shape to be innovative and competitive by constructing common business models. However, this study has limitations due to its qualitative nature and conceptual framework, which needs to be investigated further through large-scale surveys by quantitative research

    Role of Dynamic Capabilities for Digital Transformation : Developing Dynamic Capabilities Essential for Digital Transformation

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    Digital transformation pursued by firms is characterized by business distruptions and dynamic changes. Thus, the normal resource base and routine capabilitities are not adequate to manage these changes. ’Dynamic capabailities’, born out of strategic management studies are necessary to manage rapidly the distruptions to pursue the strategic objectives of digital transformation. In this study, 6 dynamic capabilities have been developed through strategic actions as creating and modifying the company’s resource base or integrating and reconfiguring its competences. They are identified either as ’first order’ or ’second order dynamic capabilties’. The results of this research further shows that firms that would have a strong resource base will have lesser firm specific ’second order dynamic capabilities’ while having more ’first order dynamic capabilities’ that would be more homogenous in the manufacturing industry at a higer level. The ’second order dynamic capabailties’ are extension of the ’first order’ and can be developed through the firm specific strategic actions performed to maintain the distruptions during digital transformation

    Humanizing B2B during crisis : a case study on Allianz

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    Nearing the end of 2021, and we're still coping with Covid-19. The pandemic, which began in 2020, had a wide-ranging impact on businesses. As a result, this case aims to examine how the insurance industry has fared in the face of the outbreak by focusing on the world's largest insurance company, Allianz. This case centers explicitly on the B2B market and how its needs have changed during this time. As a case study, this thesis follows a pedagogical structure, presenting a real-life situation for students to evaluate a company's crisis management strategies. It also intends to shed light on Dynamic Capabilities (DC) literature and B2B tactics for gaining a competitive advantage. To examine competitive advantage, different research methods were utilized, including secondary data and descriptive analysis, supported by financial data over various timeframes. Interviews with employees and experts enlighten on the industry insights and response to the outbreak. The findings laid out a foundation for three key results. Firstly, Allianz has modified its B2B marketing approach to be more humanized. Second, Allianz has maintained a competitive advantage over direct competitors during the crisis. Finally, Allianz's prior strategy aided its readiness for Covid-19. However, further research is needed to understand the extent to which the strategy supported Allianz and its benefits to other crises.Estamos chegando ao final de 2021, e ainda estamos lidando com Covid-19. A pandemia, que começou em 2020, teve um impacto abrangente nas empresas. Como resultado, este caso tem como objetivo examinar como a indústria de seguros se saiu em face do surto, concentrando se na maior seguradora do mundo, a Allianz. Este caso centra-se especificamente no mercado B2B e como suas necessidades mudaram durante esse tempo. A título de estudo de caso, esta dissertação segue uma estrutura pedagógica, apresentando uma situação da vida real para que os alunos avaliem as estratégias de gestão de crises de uma empresa. Ele também pretende lançar luz sobre a literatura Capacidades Dinâmicas (DC) e táticas B2B para obter uma vantagem competitiva. Diferentes métodos de pesquisa têm sido usados, incluindo dados secundários e análises descritivas, apoiados por dados financeiros ao longo de vários períodos de tempo, para examinar a vantagem competitiva. Entrevistas com funcionários e especialistas esclarecem as perceções do setor e a resposta ao surto. As descobertas estabeleceram a base para três resultados principais. Em primeiro lugar, a Allianz modificou sua abordagem de marketing B2B para ser mais humanizada. Em segundo lugar, a Allianz manteve uma vantagem competitiva sobre os concorrentes diretos durante a crise. Finalmente, a estratégia anterior da Allianz ajudou na preparação para a Covid-19. No entanto, pesquisas adicionais são necessárias para compreender até que ponto a estratégia é apoiada e seus benefícios para outras crises

    An implementation of dynamic fully compressed suffix trees

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaThis dissertation studies and implements a dynamic fully compressed suffix tree. Suffix trees are important algorithms in stringology and provide optimal solutions for myriads of problems. Suffix trees are used, in bioinformatics to index large volumes of data. For most aplications suffix trees need to be efficient in size and funcionality. Until recently they were very large, suffix trees for the 700 megabyte human genome spawn 40 gigabytes of data. The compressed suffix tree requires less space and the recent static fully compressed suffix tree requires even less space, in fact it requires optimal compressed space. However since it is static it is not suitable for dynamic environments. Chan et. al.[3] proposed the first dynamic compressed suffix tree however the space used for a text of size n is O(n log )bits which is far from the new static solutions. Our goal is to implement a recent proposal by Russo, Arlindo and Navarro[22] that defines a dynamic fully compressed suffix tree and uses only nH0 +O(n log ) bits of space