54 research outputs found

    An open source approach to serve a large number of computer users using block-level streaming

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    There are several options for providing a large number of computers to users for their daily tasks. A typical setup may consist of a large number of computers where each relies on an HDD consisting of the required software, sufficient RAM, a capable CPU that meets the software requirements, and a stable network connection. This thesis proposes the use of the open-source AoE protocol to stream an OS to a user computer from a central server. Since the streaming is done from a well-protected central storage, the AoE protocol is less prone to failures compared to the traditional approach based on having a local HDD. Furthermore, AoE being open source, it avoids the need to purchase per seat licenses for streaming. The expected outcome of the proposed design is to create a central system consisting of servers and storage components to serve a large number of end-user diskless clients efficiently

    High availability using virtualization

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    High availability has always been one of the main problems for a data center. Till now high availability was achieved by host per host redundancy, a highly expensive method in terms of hardware and human costs. A new approach to the problem can be offered by virtualization. Using virtualization, it is possible to achieve a redundancy system for all the services running on a data center. This new approach to high availability allows to share the running virtual machines over the servers up and running, by exploiting the features of the virtualization layer: start, stop and move virtual machines between physical hosts. The system (3RC) is based on a finite state machine with hysteresis, providing the possibility to restart each virtual machine over any physical host, or reinstall it from scratch. A complete infrastructure has been developed to install operating system and middleware in a few minutes. To virtualize the main servers of a data center, a new procedure has been developed to migrate physical to virtual hosts. The whole Grid data center SNS-PISA is running at the moment in virtual environment under the high availability system. As extension of the 3RC architecture, several storage solutions have been tested to store and centralize all the virtual disks, from NAS to SAN, to grant data safety and access from everywhere. Exploiting virtualization and ability to automatically reinstall a host, we provide a sort of host on-demand, where the action on a virtual machine is performed only when a disaster occurs.Comment: PhD Thesis in Information Technology Engineering: Electronics, Computer Science, Telecommunications, pp. 94, University of Pisa [Italy

    Cost-effective HPC clustering for computer vision applications

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    We will present a cost-effective and flexible realization of high performance computing (HPC) clustering and its potential in solving computationally intensive problems in computer vision. The featured software foundation to support the parallel programming is the GNU parallel Knoppix package with message passing interface (MPI) based Octave, Python and C interface capabilities. The implementation is especially of interest in applications where the main objective is to reuse the existing hardware infrastructure and to maintain the overall budget cost. We will present the benchmark results and compare and contrast the performances of Octave and MATLAB

    Thin clients and computers' recycling

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    This document shows the achieved results in the installation and testing of thin clients' networks (TCN), arranged with obsolete computers. This research topic arises from previous investigations and it is framed in a wider project which includes the use and compatibility of free and/or open source software (FLOSS1). In this paper, details of how the network was implemented are given; a list of specifications with minimal parameters for a suitable use in classroom is proposed; actions which improve the operation and some of the achieved results in the evaluation of the network are showed as well.Presentado en el IX Workshop Tecnología Informática aplicada en Educación (WTIAE)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    DHCPv6 Options for Network Boot

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    Integração de funções de rede virtualizadas e funções de rede físicas

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    Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN) have been in the center of network evolution, promising a more flexible and efficient way of managing networks through the on-demand instantiation of network functions (NFs) and reconfigurability of the network as necessary. Nevertheless, as new mechanisms are developed, such technologies require testing before their adoption into real-world deployments. This is where this dissertation contributes, by proposing and evaluating a system architecture that integrates a physical wireless testbed with a cloud-based environment. This allows physical wireless nodes to become part of the cloud environment, enabling its use and configuration as virtual NFs (VNFs). Results showcased the system feasibility, with the testbed being able to instantiate on-demand virtual and physical NFs, in the physical wireless nodes and in an OpenStack data-center.A Virtualização de Funções de Rede e as Redes Definidas por Software têm estado no centro da evolução das redes, prometendo uma forma mais flexível e eficiente de as gerenciar através da instanciação on-demand de Funções de Rede e da sua reconfiguração conforme o necessário. No entanto, à medida que novos mecanismos são desenvolvidos, é também necessário a realização de testes sobre estas tecnologias antes destas serem adotadas em implementações em contexto real. É aqui que esta dissertação contribui, propondo e avaliando uma arquitetura de sistema que integra um testbed físico sem fios, com um ambiente baseado em nuvem. Isto permite que os nós sem fios físicos se tornem parte do ambiente de nuvem, permitindo o seu uso e configuração como Funções de Rede Virtuais. Os resultados demonstraram a viabilidade do sistema, dada a capacidade da testbed em instanciar Funções de Rede virtuais e físicas quando requisitadas tanto nos nós sem fios físicos quanto no servidor OpenStack.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Skaalautuva IoT-liikennegeneraattori LTE-verkkoemulaattorilla

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    The number of networked devices will grow exponentially in the coming years. It is estimated that up to 50 billion devices will be connected to the internet by 2020 and most of the growth comes from Internet of Things (IoT). Along with growth, new IoT devices will use network in more diverse ways and new specialized networking technologies are needed to fulfill new requirements. Future networks are running more and more in programmable cloud environments which enable scalable provision of connections to new diverse devices and users. Though there are good estimations about the future, the practical solutions and standards are open. This thesis will implement a tool called LoadGenerator to model large future networks. LoadGenerator uses LTE network emulation software, thus it can create an emulated 3GPP compatible network which can be connected to external LTE entities. LoadGenerator scales horizontally in cloud environment and a large scale cellular IoT network is presented as a case study. This proves that cloud environments can be used to run large scale network emulations with decent performance. The modeling of future networks produces information which can be used in today's development work. Practical tests with a real size emulated network gives the possibility to try out new technologies which could solve the future problems. To test new scalable products, scalable testing methods are needed. Telecommunications is developing fast and there are new technologies to keep eye on so that updated research information is available. Technologies, like IoT and cloud, are driving the development towards more programmable world. To assist with the change, this thesis presents network emulation as a tool, which combines the best features from software and hardware for more realistic testing also in large scale.Verkotettujen laitteiden lukumäärä tulee kasvamaan räjähdysmäisesti tulevina vuosina. On arvioitu, että jopa 50 miljardia laitetta on yhdistettynä internetiin vuonna 2020 ja suurin osa kasvusta tulee esineiden internetistä (IoT). Kasvun lisäksi uudet IoT-laitteet käyttävät verkkoja hyvin moninaisiin tarkoituksiin, jolloin tarvitaan myös uusia erikoistuneita verkkotekniikoita vastaamaan muuttuneita tarpeita. Tulevaisuuden verkot toimivat yhä enemmän ohjelmoitavissa pilviympäristöissä, mikä antaa mahdollisuuden tuottaa yhteydet kasvavalle ja moninaistuvalle käyttäjäkunnalle. Tulevaisuudesta siis tiedetään melko paljon, mutta käytännön ratkaisuja ei ole vielä toteutettu eikä standardoitu. Tässä diplomityössä toteutetaan kuormageneraattori, LoadGenerator, jota käytetään tulevaisuuden verkkojen mallintamiseen. LoadGenerator hyödyntää LTE-verkkoemulaattoria 3GPP-yhteensopivan verkon tai sen osan luomiseen, ja se voidaan kytkeä ulkoisiin LTE-elementteihin. Kuormageneraattori skaalautuu horisontaalisesti pilviympäristössä ja esimerkkinä mallinnetaan matkapuhelinverkkoa sekä suurta määrää IoT-laitteita. Tämä osoittaa, että pilvessä on mahdollista suorittaa suuria verkkoemulaatioita kohtuullisella suorituskyvyllä. Tulevaisuuden verkkojen mallintaminen tuottaa tietoa, jota voidaan hyödyntää tämän päivän kehitystyössä. Käytännön kokeilut aidon kokoisessa emuloidussa verkossa antavat mahdollisuuden testata uusia tekniikoita, joilla tulevaisuuden ongelmia pyritään ratkaisemaan. Uusien skaalautuvien tuotteiden testaamiseen tarvitaan skaalautuvia testausmenetelmiä. Tietoliikenteen kehitys on nopeaa ja kehitystä on seurattava, jotta uusista teknologioista on saatavilla ajantasaista tietoa. Uudet teknologiat, kuten IoT ja pilvet, muuttavat maailmaa entistä enemmän ohjelmoitavaksi. Muutoksen tukemiseksi tämä diplomityö esittelee verkkoemulaation työkaluna, joka yhdistää ohjelmistojen ja laitteiden parhaat puolet mahdollistaen realistisemman testaamisen myös isossa mittakaavassa

    Leveraging LTSP to deploy a sustainable e-infrastructure for poor communities in South Africa

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    Poverty alleviation is one of the main challenges the South African government is facing. Information and knowledge are key strategic resources for both social and economic development, and nowadays they most often rely on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Poor communities have limited or no access to functioning e-infrastructure, which underpins ICT. The Siyakhula Living Lab (SLL) is a joint project between the universities of Rhodes and Fort Hare that has been running for over 15 years now. The SLL solution is currently implemented in schools in the Eastern Cape’s Dwesa-Mbhashe municipality as well as schools in Makhanda (formerly Grahamstown). Over the years, a number of blueprints for the meaningful connection of poor communities was developed. The research reported in this thesis sought to review and improve the Siyakhula Living Lab (SLL) blueprint regarding fixed computing infrastructure (as opposed to networking and applications). The review confirmed the viability of the GNU/Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP) based computing infrastructure deployed in schools to serve the surrounding community. In 2019 LTSP was redesigned and rewritten to improve on the previous version. Amongst other improvements, LTSP19+ has a smaller memory footprint and supports a graphical way to prepare and maintain the client’s image using virtual machines. These improvements increase the potential life of ICT projects implementing the SLL solution, increasing the participation of members of the community (especially teachers) to the maintenance of the computing installations. The review recommends the switching from thin clients deployments to full ("thick") clients deployments, still booting from the network and mounting their file systems on a central server. The switch is motivated by reasons that go from cost-effectiveness to the ability to survive the sudden unavailability of the central server. From experience in the previous deployment, electrical power surge protection should be mandatory. Also, UPS to protect the file system of the central server should be configured to start the shutdown immediately on electrical power loss in order to protect the life of the UPS battery (and make it possible to use cheaper UPS that report only on network power loss). The research study contributed to one real-life computing infrastructure deployment in the Ntsika school in Makhanda and one re-deployment in the Ngwane school in the Dwesa-Mbhashe area. For about two years, the research also supported continuous maintenance for the Ntsika, Ngwane and Mpume schools.Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Computer Science, 202

    Leveraging LTSP to deploy a sustainable e-infrastructure for poor communities in South Africa

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    Poverty alleviation is one of the main challenges the South African government is facing. Information and knowledge are key strategic resources for both social and economic development, and nowadays they most often rely on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Poor communities have limited or no access to functioning e-infrastructure, which underpins ICT. The Siyakhula Living Lab (SLL) is a joint project between the universities of Rhodes and Fort Hare that has been running for over 15 years now. The SLL solution is currently implemented in schools in the Eastern Cape’s Dwesa-Mbhashe municipality as well as schools in Makhanda (formerly Grahamstown). Over the years, a number of blueprints for the meaningful connection of poor communities was developed. The research reported in this thesis sought to review and improve the Siyakhula Living Lab (SLL) blueprint regarding fixed computing infrastructure (as opposed to networking and applications). The review confirmed the viability of the GNU/Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP) based computing infrastructure deployed in schools to serve the surrounding community. In 2019 LTSP was redesigned and rewritten to improve on the previous version. Amongst other improvements, LTSP19+ has a smaller memory footprint and supports a graphical way to prepare and maintain the client’s image using virtual machines. These improvements increase the potential life of ICT projects implementing the SLL solution, increasing the participation of members of the community (especially teachers) to the maintenance of the computing installations. The review recommends the switching from thin clients deployments to full ("thick") clients deployments, still booting from the network and mounting their file systems on a central server. The switch is motivated by reasons that go from cost-effectiveness to the ability to survive the sudden unavailability of the central server. From experience in the previous deployment, electrical power surge protection should be mandatory. Also, UPS to protect the file system of the central server should be configured to start the shutdown immediately on electrical power loss in order to protect the life of the UPS battery (and make it possible to use cheaper UPS that report only on network power loss). The research study contributed to one real-life computing infrastructure deployment in the Ntsika school in Makhanda and one re-deployment in the Ngwane school in the Dwesa-Mbhashe area. For about two years, the research also supported continuous maintenance for the Ntsika, Ngwane and Mpume schools.Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Computer Science, 202

    Cloud computing enhancements and private cloud management

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    Diseño e implementación de los circuitos electrónicos y software de un equipo para monitorización de fermentación Maleoláctica en la producción de vino. Se utiliza la medida de la variación de la velocidad de una onda de ultrasonido en el medio fermentado.The objective of this project is to implement a private cloud in a small datacenter network using MAAS server provisioning tool and Openstack software platform for cloud computing, leaving it ready to be interconnected it with an experimental SDN Network. The private cloud and Network will serve the telecommunications group undergraduate and post-graduate labs and it will be used both as a production Network and as a test bed for new research with the cloud being used to integrate several available computing resources in order to maximize the available computation power for research tasks.El objetivo de este proyecto es implementar una nube privada en una pequeña red de centro de datos usando la herramienta provisionadora de servidores MAAS y el proyecto de computación en la nuve Openstack para que posteriormente esta sea interconectada con una red SDN experimental. La nube privada y la red servirán a los laboratorios de pregrado y posgrado del grupo de telecomunicaciones de la Universidad y se utilizará tanto como una red de producción como un banco de pruebas para nuevas investigaciones, usando la nuve para integrar vários recursos informáticos disponibles para maximizar la computación disponible para las tareas de investigación.L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és implementar un núvol privat en una petita xarxa de centre de dades fent servir la eina d'aprovisionament de servidors MAAS el projecte de computació en el núvol Openstack per a que posteriorment aquesta sigui interconectada amb una xarxa SDN experimental. El núvol privat i la xarxa serviràn als laboratoris de pregrau i postgrau del grup de telecomunicacions de la Universitat i s'utilitzarà tant com una xarxa de producció com un banc de proves per a noves investigacions, fent servir el núvol per integrar diversos recursos informàtics disponibles per maximitzar la computació disponible per a tasques d'investigació