3,330 research outputs found

    Visualizing the decisions of the first boundary value problem for of the autonomous duffing equation with the use of the methods of the theory of branch

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    Mathematicalmodelsareusedtodescribephysicalprocessesinthetheoryofoscillations. The Duffing oscillator or an oscillator with a cubic nonlinearity is one of the most common models of the theory of oscillations. The Duffing Oscillator is the simplest one-dimensional nonlinear system. A feature of the Duffing oscillator is the possibility of obtaining chaotic dynamics

    Stability analysis of a noise-induced Hopf bifurcation

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    We study analytically and numerically the noise-induced transition between an absorbing and an oscillatory state in a Duffing oscillator subject to multiplicative, Gaussian white noise. We show in a non-perturbative manner that a stochastic bifurcation occurs when the Lyapunov exponent of the linearised system becomes positive. We deduce from a simple formula for the Lyapunov exponent the phase diagram of the stochastic Duffing oscillator. The behaviour of physical observables, such as the oscillator's mean energy, is studied both close to and far from the bifurcation.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Duffing Oscillator From Measurement Data

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    In this paper we aim to apply an adaptation of the recently developed technique of sparse identification of nonlinear dynamical systems on a Duffing experimental setup with cubic feedback of the output. The Duffing oscillator described by nonlinear differential equation which demonstrates chaotic behavior and bifurcations, has received considerable attention in recent years as it arises in many real-world engineering applications. Therefore its identification is of interest for numerous practical problems. To adopt the existing identification method to this application, the optimization process which identifies the most important terms of the model has been modified. In addition, the impact of changing the amount of regularization parameter on the mean square error of the fit has been studied. Selection of the true model is done via balancing complexity and accuracy using Pareto front analysis. This study provides considerable insight into the employment of sparse identification method on the real-world setups and the results show that the developed algorithm is capable of finding the true nonlinear model of the considered application including a nonlinear friction term.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, conference pape

    On artifact solutions of semi-analytic methods in nonlinear dynamics

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    Nonlinear dynamics is a topic of permanent interest in mechanics since decades. The authors have recently published some results on a very classical topic, the dynamics of a softening Duffing oscillator under harmonic excitation focusing especially on low-frequency excitation (von Wagner in Arch Appl Mech 86(8):1383–1390, 2016). In this paper, it was shown that classical tools like harmonic balance and perturbation analysis may produce artificial solutions when applied without extra carefulness with respect to parameter ranges in the case of perturbation analysis or prior knowledge about the type of solution in case of harmonic balance. In the present paper these results are shortly summarized as they give the starting point for the additional investigations described herein. First, the method of slowly changing phase and amplitude is reviewed with respect to its capability of determining asymptotic stability of stationary solutions. It is shown that this method can also produce artifact results when applied without extra carefulness. As next example an extended Duffing oscillator is investigated, which shows, if harmonic balance is applied, “islands” of solutions. Using the error criterion in harmonic balance as described in von Wagner (2016) again artifact solutions can be identified

    Comparisons between harmonic balance and nonlinear output frequency response function in nonlinear system analysis

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    By using the Duffing oscillator as a case study, this paper shows that the harmonic components in the nonlinear system response to a sinusoidal input calculated using the Nonlinear Output Frequency Response Functions (NOFRFs) are one of the solutions obtained using the Harmonic Balance Method (HBM). A comparison of the performances of the two methods shows that the HBM can capture the well-known jump phenomenon, but is restricted by computational limits for some strongly nonlinear systems and can fail to provide accurate predictions for some harmonic components. Although the NOFRFs cannot capture the jump phenomenon, the method has few computational restrictions. For the nonlinear damping systems, the NOFRFs can give better predictions for all the harmonic components in the system response than the HBM even when the damping system is strongly nonlinear

    Evolutionary-based sparse regression for the experimental identification of duffing oscillator

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    In this paper, an evolutionary-based sparse regression algorithm is proposed and applied onto experimental data collected from a Duffing oscillator setup and numerical simulation data. Our purpose is to identify the Coulomb friction terms as part of the ordinary differential equation of the system. Correct identification of this nonlinear system using sparse identification is hugely dependent on selecting the correct form of nonlinearity included in the function library. Consequently, in this work, the evolutionary-based sparse identification is replacing the need for user knowledge when constructing the library in sparse identification. Constructing the library based on the data-driven evolutionary approach is an effective way to extend the space of nonlinear functions, allowing for the sparse regression to be applied on an extensive space of functions. The results show that the method provides an effective algorithm for the purpose of unveiling the physical nature of the Duffing oscillator. In addition, the robustness of the identification algorithm is investigated for various levels of noise in simulation. The proposed method has possible applications to other nonlinear dynamic systems in mechatronics, robotics, and electronics

    Nonlinear Generalization of Den Hartog's Equal-Peak Method

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    This study addresses the mitigation of a nonlinear resonance of a mechanical system. In view of the narrow bandwidth of the classical linear tuned vibration absorber, a nonlinear absorber, termed the nonlinear tuned vibration absorber (NLTVA), is introduced in this paper. An unconventional aspect of the NLTVA is that the mathematical form of its restoring force is tailored according to the nonlinear restoring force of the primary system. The NLTVA parameters are then determined using a nonlinear generalization of Den Hartog's equal-peak method. The mitigation of the resonant vibrations of a Duffing oscillator is considered to illustrate the proposed developments

    High-Intensity Discharge Lamp and Duffing Oscillator - Similarities and Differences

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    The processes inside the arc tube of high-intensity discharge lamps are investigated by finite element simulations. The behavior of the gas mixture inside the arc tube is governed by differential equations describing mass, energy and charge conservation as well as the Helmholtz equation for the acoustic pressure and the Navier-Stokes equation for the flow driven by the buoyancy and the acoustic streaming force. The model is highly nonlinear and requires a recursion procedure to account for the impact of acoustic streaming on the temperature and other fields. The investigations reveal the presence of a hysteresis and the corresponding jump phenomenon, quite similar to a Duffing oscillator. The similarities and, in particular, the differences of the nonlinear behavior of the high-intensity discharge lamp to that of a Duffing oscillator are discussed. For large amplitudes the high-intensity discharge lamp exhibits a stiffening effect in contrast to the Duffing oscillator.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    The dynamics of the pendulum suspended on the forced Duffing oscillator

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    We investigate the dynamics of the pendulum suspended on the forced Duffing oscillator. The detailed bifurcation analysis in two parameter space (amplitude and frequency of excitation) which presents both oscillating and rotating periodic solutions of the pendulum has been performed. We identify the areas with low number of coexisting attractors in the parameter space as the coexistence of different attractors has a significant impact on the practical usage of the proposed system as a tuned mass absorber.Comment: Accepte