325 research outputs found

    Approaching the audio description of humour

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    Este artículo tiene como propósito principal ofrecer una introducción a la audiodescripción (AD) y realizar una aproximación a la cuestión de la AD, a la vez que se comenta brevemente la situación actual de esta práctica y se mencionan algunos de los trabajos más representativos de este campo. A continuación se presenta un estudio de caso cuyo principal objetivo consistió en analizar (desde una perspectiva descriptiva y centrando la atención en los chistes visuales) la AD de la comedia británica I want Candy (se muestran varios ejemplos con objeto de ilustar cómo se manejó el humor). Algunos de los resultados obtenidos son: 1) si bien se detectaron ciertos momentos puntuales y marginales en los que la descripción se superpuso al diálogo, en términos generales se respetó la regla de usar los espacios o silencios entre diálogos para incluir la descripción (lo que en ocasiones supuso la pérdida de elementos potencialmente humorísticos) y 2) casi dos quintas partes de los fragmentos visuales potencialmente humorísticos no se describieron, probablemente debido a las restricciones temporales. Por último se proponen algunas ideas de investigación futura.G.I. HUM 767 (ayudas a Grupos de Investigación de la Junta de Andalucía) / Editorial Comares (colección interlingua

    Exploring the values of film script translation

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    This paper endeavours to analyse the function and effectiveness of the translation process as applied to the relatively new genres of dubbing and subtitling. It must be admitted that modern translation theory cannot be applied in its present state to translating a script for the purpose of dubbing or subtitling. The non-textual nature of film implies that a different approach should be adopted in converting the Source Script into the target languag

    The Power of Film Translation in Cameroon: Dubbing or Subtitling?

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    This study is aimed at demonstrating the capacity of film translation through dubbing and subtitling in Cameroon. The objective is to show how powerful dubbing and subtitling as film translation modes are, as well as, propose the best and suitable mode for the country. The methodology involved basically, a critical review of some relevant studies carried out in film translation. This includes the evaluation of the various film and cinema translation modes currently in use; a classification of countries by translation modes and a brief history outline of film translation. The various reasons which may encourage certain countries to adopt dubbing or subtitling as a mode of film translation and factors determining the choice of dubbing and subtitling are also highlighted and analysed. Findings indicate that subtitling is the choice for Cameroon

    The Transfer Of Humour In Comedy Animations From English Into Persian Dubbed And Subtitled Versions

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    The study examines the degree of the adequate transference of humorous linguistic and cultural expressions and humorous expressions that are based on Extralinguistic and Cultural References (ECRs) in the dubbed and subtitled versions of seventeen comedy animations from English into Persian. The study also analyses the employed translation procedures in the transfer of those humorous expressions, and consequently identifies the most effective translation procedures utilized to transfer the source message. The study aims to identify which technique (dubbing or subtitling) transfers the humorous expressions in the comedy animations more adequately. The study was carried out by identifying the humorous linguistic, cultural and ECRs-based expression in the source texts. Next, they are classified into eight groups based on the selected classification of humour by Nedergaard Larsen (1993). Finally, a comparison was made to identify the equivalence of the humorous linguistic, cultural and ECRs expressions in the Persian dubbed and subtitled versions, in order to examine whether they were transferred adequately or not. The employed translation procedures were analysed using selected translation procedures chosen for the current study and Pedersen`s (2011) translation strategies for subtitling ECRs. The most effective translation procedures were then identified through functional theory by Reiss and Vermeer (1984), and a better technique that transferred the humorous expressions more adequately into the target texts was identified. The findings show that translators employed a target-oriented approach in the dubbed versions and a source-oriented approach in the subtitled versions. However both techniques could not retain the humorous criteria of the source text. At the same time, the findings reveal that the quantity of the humorous expressions in the dubbed versions is more than the subtitled versions. Finally, the study finds that substitution is a practical strategy in the transfer of the humorous linguistic, cultural and humorous ECRs expressions in the comedy animations from English into the Persian dubbed and subtitled versions

    The Third Language in Dubbing

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    Si tenim en compte que el procés de traducció és un procés complex, el procés de traducció d'un text audiovisual encara ho és més. A part dels problemes tècnics com per exemple la sincronització labial i temporal hi ha altres factors a tenir en compte com és l'ús d'estructures lingüístiques i textuals específiques d'aquest canal de comunicació. Moltes de les pel·lícules que sovint podem veure a la pantalla estan produïdes als Estats Units, i per tant estan en anglès, i hi ha una necessitat imperiosa de traduir-les al català i castellà. A part d'això, en algunes ocasions el text audiovisual original conté més d'una llengua; aquest és el cas de Raid on Rommel i Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, entre d'altres. En aquests casos, ens trobem amb una nova dificultat: el traductor ha de traduir aquesta tercera llengua (o dialecte) a la corresponent cultura d'arribada. Aquest article vol presentar i exposar alguns exemples d'aquest tipus de dificultats així com també les diferents solucions que s'han aportat davant una "tercera" llengua

    Introduction: Exploring the Many Ways of Audiovisual Translation. Retranslated, Simultaneous, Indirect, Mediated or What?

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    Over the last decade, a growing number of Translation Studies scholars has focused on the many aspects of AVT, as demonstrated by the proliferation of research papers in journals, essay collections and monographs devoted to this topic (e.g. Chiaro 2007; Díaz Cintas 2012; Chaume, 2012; Pérez González 2014, 2018; Maszerowska, Matamala and Orero 2014; Di Giovanni and Gambier 2018; Baños 2018 just to name a few). This has certainly enabled AVT to develop “its very own theoretical and methodological approaches, allowing it to claim the status of a scholarly area of research in its own right” (Díaz-Cintas 2009: 7). One of the interesting consequences of the rapid advances in the production of audiovisual content and the availability of its many translated versions (e.g. dubbed, (fan)subtitled, in respeaking or audio-described) is that the traditional separation between ‘dubbing’ and ‘subtitling’ countries by now appears obsolete (Gambier 2003; Chaume 2013; Sandrelli, this volume). It is probably time we overcame “the frequently futile debate over the pros and cons of dubbing and subtitling, generally simplified to subjective and pseudo-intellectual arguments” (Chaume 2012: 13). Scholarly research on AVT may fare better at exploring the intricacies and resulting phenomena that the current mediascape brings about so as to continue to contribute fruitfully to the advances in theory and practice

    Dubbing versus subtitling yet again? An empirical study on user comprehension and preferences in Spain

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    The dubbing versus subtitling debate has been a recurrent topic in the audiovisual translation literature, but empirical research into the reception of both modes is still lacking. This article presents the results of an experiment that aimed to investigate to what extent comprehension, memory, and enjoyment of a film differ in a dubbed and a subtitled version in a country that traditionally uses dubbing, like Spain. Fifty-one young Spanish adults participated in the study, which measured general comprehension, dialogue recognition, face-name association and visual scene recognition, as well as evaluative measures including film appreciation, self-reported effort related to film viewing, and metacognitive judgments of memor

    Teaching media accessibility : three case-studies

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    Media access and information access have been part of a proactive policy at different UAB sectors, from student's welfare office, building administration and architecture to research and training. The aim of this paper is to present three experiences related to the teaching of media accessibility at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, focusing on student's cooperative work and lecture organisation. The focus will be on a newly-created MA course on Accessibility and Interactivity within the MA in Multimedia Ambient Intelligence, an online MA in Audiovisual Translation, and an undergraduate course in Audiovisual Translation and Localisation

    Video in the translation class

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    Un nuovo approccio integrato per la valutazione empirica della traduzione audiovisiva

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    This paper describes the theoretical and methodological foundations of a scientific research project (FRA 2013) funded by the University of Trieste and aimed at studying audiovisual translation in a receptive perspective. Specifically, through a new approach in the field, the project aims to empirically identify what are the real (vs. supposed) advantages and disadvantages of dubbing and subtitling. It also wishes to assess whether these vary when the two methods are used in countries accustomed to one translation method or the other and when they are seen by viewers of different ages (younger vs. older). The project also plans to examine the robustness of the results with respect to the characteristics of audiovisual material by varying its structural and linguistic complexity, and by monitoring the cognitive and emotional processes during film viewing. To do so, it will resort to behavioral questionnaires and sessions of eye movement recording. Using this new approach, the project aims to synergistically combine theoretical and methodological contributions from different disciplines such as translation, linguistics and psychology. This will provide a more comprehensive picture of audiovisual translation reception. The consolidation of the integrated model that we wish to accomplish has the ultimate aim of making it reusable for new applications and in future projects