118 research outputs found

    Phased-Array Antenna Calibration and Cross-polarization improvement of an X-band Weather Radar

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    Modifications and updates to an existing X-band dual-polarization phased-array weather radar. Efforts to improve the polarization isolation of the antenna. Characterization via near-field range and field measurements.Dual-polarized phased-array radars used for weather retrieval purposes is an emerging tendency over the last few years. The dual-polarization technology provides an expanded range of weather products and the reliability of these polarimetric products rely on the beam shape quality of the system under use and its polarization isolation. This thesis presents the calibration process of a one-dimensional scanning phased-array radar to assure its beamforming quality. A cross-polarization cancellation technique, with no additional hardware requirements, is tested and appeared to optimize the array settings for an improved isolation and therefore, for a better data quality.Radares formados por agrupaciones de antenas que trabajan con dos polarizaciones con la intención de tomar medidas meteorológicas es una tendencia a la alza en los últimos años. El hecho de utilizar dos polarizaciones ofrece una gama ampliada de productos meteorológicos y la fiabilidad de estos dependerá de la cualidad del haz radiado por el radar y del aislamiento entre las polarizaciones de éstos. Esta tesis presenta el proceso de calibración de un radar, formado por una agrupación de antenas que escanean en una dimension, con tal de garantir la calidad de los haces producidos. Una técnica para cancelar la polarización no deseada, sin la necesidad de ningún hardware adicional, ha sido probada y ha mostrado que puede mejorar la configuración de la agrupación para obtener una mejora del aislamiento y mejorar así, la cualidad de los datos.Radars formats per agrupacions d’antenes que treballen amb dues polarizations amb l’intenció de mesurar paràmetres meteorològics és una tendencia que va en augment en els últims anys. El fet d’utilitzar dues polarizations ofereix una gama ampliada de productes meteorològics i la fiabilitat d’aquests dependrà de la qualitat que tinguin els feixos radiats pel radar així com de l’aïllament entre les polaritzacions d’aquests. Aquesta tesis presenta el procés de calibració d’un radar, format per una agrupació d’antenes que escanejen en una dimensió, per tal de garantir la qualitat dels feixos produïts. Una tècnica per cancelar la polarització no desitjada, sense la necessitat de hardware adicional, ha estat provada i ha mostrat que pot millorar la configuració de l’agrupació per tal d’obtenir una millora en el l’aïllament i així millorar-ne la qualitat de les dades


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    A desirable candidate for future weather observation is a polarimetric phased array radar (PPAR), which is capable of both using polarimetry for multi-parameter measurements and the fast-scan proficiency of the PAR. However, it is challenging to collect high-quality polarimetric radar data of weather with a planar PPAR (PPPAR), whose beam and polarization characteristics change with the electronic beam direction, causing geometrically induced cross-polarization coupling, sensitivity losses, and measurement biases when the PPPAR beam is steered away from the broadside. As an alternative to PPPAR, the concept of cylindrical polarimetric phased array radar (CPPAR) was proposed, which has scan-invariant beam characteristics in azimuth and polarization purity in all directions using commutating scan, thus enables high quality polarimetric weather measurements. To validate the CPPAR concept, a small-scale CPPAR demonstrator has been jointly developed by the Advanced Radar Research Center (ARRC) at the University of Oklahoma (OU) and the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) of NOAA. This dissertation presents the results of initial weather measurements, shows the performance of the CPPAR demonstrator, and evaluates the polarimetric data quality that has been achieved. The system specifications and field tests of the CPPAR demonstrator are provided, including system overview, waveform design and verification, pattern optimization and far-field tests. In addition, three methods of system calibration are introduced and compared, including calibration with an external source, calibration with weather measurements of mechanical scan, and calibration with ground clutter. It is found that calibration with weather measurements of mechanical scan has the best performance and it is applied on the CPPAR demonstrator for the first time, which effectively improved the beam-to-beam consistency and radar data quality in commutating beam electronic scan by minimizing gain and beamwidth variations. Performance of the CPPAR is assessed through system simulation and weather measurements. The CPPAR is evaluated through an end-to-end phased array radar system simulator (PASIM). The simulation framework, weather returns modeling, antenna pattern, channel electronics, and simulation results of CPPAR, as well as comparison with those that would be obtained with a PPPAR, are provided. Also, weather measurements of a few convective precipitation cases and a stratiform precipitation case made with the CPPAR, employing the single beam mechanical scan and commutating beam electronic scan respectively, are presented. First, a qualitative comparison is made between the CPPAR and a nearby operational NEXRAD. Then a quantitative comparison is conducted between the mechanical scan and electronic scan, and error statistics are estimated and discussed. In addition, a theoretical explanation of a feature of the commutating beam electronic scan in clutter detection that is different from mechanical scan is presented and verified by measurements in clear air conditions with the CPPAR. Moreover, clutter detection results based on multi-lag phase structure function, dual-scan cross-correlation coefficient, copolar correlation coefficient, and differential reflectivity obtained from both electronic scan and mechanical scan modes of the CPPAR are compared


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    Active phased arrays suffer the inherent problem of excitation errors, i.e., incorrect phase and amplitude excitation of the antenna elements. Excitation errors degrade critical performance parameters since they increase sidelobe level and reduce antenna gain and beam pointing accuracy. To ensure the correct operation of the array, it is necessary to quantify and compensate the phase and amplitude errors of each antenna element. The compensation is accomplished by calibrating the phased array radar. Calibration challenges include the quantification and compensation of errors initially, as well as maintenance of the calibration state once the system is fielded. This dissertation presents research on improving the calibration of the active phased array front-end for radar systems. A combination of custom-made instrumentation with initial and in-situ calibration techniques is proposed to calibrate an active array test-bed. The test-bed consists of an 8×\times8 elements C-band array, and was developed in collaboration with NCAR-EOL to provide software and hardware features that enable the proposed calibration schemes. Different calibration techniques were experimentally tested. First, an initial calibration technique for phased array prototypes is proposed. The technique employs a planar NF scanner to sample the excitation of each antenna element, and also to scan the embedded element antenna patterns of the prototype. The novelty of the approach is that it combines the collected excitation data with the scanned embedded elements to allow the prediction of both the co- and cross-polar pattern components of the array. On the other hand, to explore techniques that do not rely on external equipment and use built-in feedback mechanisms instead, mutual coupling-based calibration is reviewed and implemented. Two techniques were tested: an initial type, proposed by Bekers et al., and a proposed in-situ type, conceived specifically for analog architectures, to track errors during fielded operation. It was found that mutual coupling calibration techniques are excellent options for in-situ applications, with a root mean squared error (RMSE) in phase and amplitude of 0.75^\circ and 0.12 dB, respectively. Whereas, for initial type calibration, the tested mutual coupling-based technique yields a RMSE of 2.5^\circ and \geq 1 dB, respectively, which is not accurate enough to replace conventional park and probe for initial calibration of small arrays. Finally, to complement calibration theory, the required calibration instrumentation is reviewed, and more importantly, a novel scanner, designed exclusively for phased array front-end characterization, is introduced

    Solid Earth science in the 1990s. Volume 3: Measurement techniques and technology

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    Reports are contained from the NASA Workshop on Solid Earth Science in the 1990s. The techniques and technologies needed to address the program objectives are discussed. The Measurement Technique and Technology Panel identified (1) candidate measurement systems for each of the measurements required for the Solid Earth Science Program that would fall under the NASA purview; (2) the capabilities and limitations of each technique; and (3) the developments necessary for each technique to meet the science panel requirements. In nearly all cases, current technology or a development path with existing technology was identified as capable of meeting the requirements of the science panels. These technologies and development paths are discussed