9,852 research outputs found

    The "Dryopteris dilatata complex in Macaronesia and the Iberian Peninsula

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    Diploid and tetraploid species of the Dryopteris dilatata complex are found in Spain and Portugal. In an attempt to determine the relationships between species the cytology of both wild and synthetised hybrids has been investigated, and the results obtained so far will be described.Se han encontrado especies diploides y tetraploides del complejo Dryopteris dilatata en España y Portugal. Para determinar el parentesco entre las especies se ha estudiado la citología de los híbridos tanto naturales como artificiales, exponiéndose finalmente los resultados obtenidos


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi tumbuhan dryopteris di lingkungan Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah (UNIMUDA) Sorong. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif presentase meliputi analisis persentasi tumbuhan dryopteris. Hasil penelitian di lingkungan Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong terdapat 4 spesies dalam 3 famili. Jenis-jenis tersebut adalah dari famili Cytopteridaceae yaitu Gymnocarpium dryopteris, famili Nephrolepidaceae yaitu Dryopteris filix-mas, dan famili Dryopteridaceae yaitu Dryopteris cristata dan Dryopteris marginalis

    Floristic Status of Log Ferns (Dryopteris) in Arkansas

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    The fern flora of Arkansas consists of 96 taxa, including five species and three hybrids of the Log Fern genus Dryopteri This report summarizes a twenty year floristic and ecologic study of their distribution and abundance in Arkansas. Historica data are presented to review the slow accumulation of taxa reported in floras of Arkansas from early collectors to 1980 and the rapid accumulation of taxa since 1980 employing modern field techniques. Chorological data and floristic data are presented based on field, herbarium, and literature studies to correct the record and document the known localities of the eight Arkansas taxa: Dryopteris carthusiana at three localities in three counties; Dryopteris celsa at 23 localities in five counties; Dryopteris goldiana at one locality in one county; Dryopteris ludoviciana at one locality in one county; Dryopteris marginalis at numerous localities in 38 counties; Dryopteris Xaustralis at nine localities in four counties; Dryopteris Xleedsii at two localities in two counties; Dryopteri celsa Xgoldiana at one locality in one county. Floristic data are presented to exclude from the state flora two species and two hybrids of the genus Dryopteris: D. cristata, D.intermedia, D.Xneo-wherryi, and D. Xseparabilis. Arkansas has more localities and county occurrences of Dryopteris Xaustralis than any state in the hybrid\u27s range. One locality inBaxter Co. supports a genu community of Dryopteris comprised of three species and three hybrids

    Distribution, Abundance, Status, and Phytogeography of Log Ferns (Dryopteris: Woodsiaceae) in Arkansas

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    A study of the distribution, abundance, status, and phytogeography of the six taxa of Log Ferns {Dryopteris: Woodsiaceae) that are known to occur in Arkansas was conducted from 1981 -1986. Five of these ferns are generally quite rare in Arkansas. Except for D. marginalis, all exist in Arkansas as small, peripheral populations that are marginal, outlier populations to the west and south or west and north of their metropolis. Two sterile, triploid hybrid taxa (D. X australls and D. X leedsii each occur at only one locality, and there with but one of their parent taxa. The population of the putatively sterile hybrid D. Xaustralis has a large number of juvenile plants that were not asexually produced byrhizome expansion. The microhabitat of D. Xaustralls is suggested to favor gametophyte establishment. It is speculated that some level of pseudomeiotic spore production and/or apogamy may be involved in the production of numerous juvenile sporophytes


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    Index v.2 (1990-1995

    The family "Thelypteridaceae" in Europe

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    Thelypteridaceae are mainly tropical ferns, the total number of species is about one thousand. The five European species represent five different groups, each of which has recently been accorded generic status. Thelypteris palustris Schott (including three varieties) extends throughout north temperate regions, with a closely allied species south of the equator; chromosome number n=35. Phaegopteris connectilis (Michx) Watt (triploid with base number 30) and Oreopteris limbosperma (All.) Holub (n=34) are members of small genera confined to north temperate regions. Stegnogramma pozoi (Lag.) K. Iwats. (n=36) represents a genus of 12-15 species, mainly in Africa and Asia, with one in Mexico. Christella dentata (Forsk.) Brownsey & Jermy is a wide-ranging and variable tetraploid species of a pantropic genus (c. 60 spp) the centre of distribution of wich appears to be Burma-Assam (base number 36).The genus Cyclosurus (s. str.) comprises a small pantropic group of species with grow (like Thelypteris) in open permanently swampy ground; I belive Cyclosorus and Thelypteris to be closely related genera. Stegnogramma is related to Sphaerostephanos which (in arrangement of Holttum) is the most diversified genus in the Old World with c. 140 spp. in Malesia . Christella is probably also related to Sphaerostephanos though less nearly than Stegnogramma.Las Thelypteridaceae son helechos principalmente tropicales, comprende aproximadamente mil especies. Las cinco especies europeas representan cinco grupos diferentes cada uno de los cuales ha recibido recientemente un estatus genérico. Thelypteris palustris Schott (incluyendo tres variedades) se extiende por las regiones templadas del norte, con un conjunto de especies próximas al sur del ecuador; el número cromosómico es n=35. Phegopteris connectilis (Michx) Watt (triploide con número básico 30) y Oreopteris limbosperma (All.) Holub (n=34), son miembros de pequeños géneros confinados a las regiones templadas del norte.Stegnogramma pozoi (Lag.) K. Iwats. (n=36) representa un género de 12-15 especies principalmente de Africa y Asia con una en Méjico. Christe lla dentata (Forsk.) Brownsey & Jermy es una variable especie tetraploide de amplia distribución cuyo género pantropical (cerca de 60 especies) parece tener su centro de distribución en Burma-Assam (número básico 36).El género Cyclosorus (s. str.) comprende un pequeño grupo de especies pantropicales que viven en llanuras permanentemente pantanosas. Creemos que Cyclosorus y Thelypteris son géneros muy emparentados. Stegnogramma está relacionado con Sphaerostephanos, el cual (en la ordenación de Holttum) es el género más diversificado en el viejo mundo con cerca de 140 especies en Malasia Christella esta tambien relacionada,probablemente, con Sphaerostephanos aunque su proximidad es menor que la mantenida con Stegnogramma

    Impact of Land Use Changes and Dynamic Vegetation Changes on Vascular Flora Diversity in Małków-Bartochów (The Warta River Valley)

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    The paper presents the changes of vascular plant flora in the Małków-Bartochów peatland area (the Warta River valley) which took place over a 40-year period. Vanishing, permanent and new components of the flora are presented with a special focus on valuable (protected by the law, threatened and locally rare) species. Changes in the share of ecological groups are estimated and discussed. Anthropogenic and natural factors, directly or indirectly influencing (in the past and at present) flora composition, are noted and analyzed

    Taxonomic results of the Bryotrop expedition to Zaire and Rwanda : 3., description of dollecting sites, the vegetation of Kahuzi-Biega-National Park/Zaire, Nyungwe Forest and Virunga volcanoes/Rwanda

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    During the BRYOTROP-Expedition in 1991, 71 collecting sites could be visited. These are situated in the Kahuzi-Biega-National Park/Zaire, the Nyungwe Forest and the Virunga volcanoes/Rwanda. This paper provides a short description of the vegetation in these three areas and a detailed list of all collecting sites