5,740 research outputs found

    Efficient optical quantum state engineering

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    We discuss a novel method of efficiently producing multi-photon states using repeated spontaneous parametric downconversion. Specifically, by attempting downconversion several times, we can pseudo-deterministically add photons to a mode, producing various several-photon states. We discuss both expected performance and experimental limitations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Programmable purification of type-I polarization-entanglement

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    We suggest and demonstrate a scheme to compensate spatial and spectral decoherence effects in the generation of polarization entangled states by type-I parametric downconversion. In our device a programmable spatial light modulator imposes a polarization dependent phase-shift on different spatial sections of the overall downconversion output and this effect is exploited to realize an effective purification technique for polarization entanglement.Comment: published versio

    Pure single photon generation by type-I PDC with backward-wave amplification

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    We explore a promising method of generating pure heralded single photons. Our approach is based on parametric downconversion in a periodically-poled waveguide. However, unlike conventional downconversion sources, the photon pairs are counter-propagating: one travels with the pump beam in the forward direction while the other is backpropagating towards the laser source. Our calculations reveal that these downconverted two-photon states carry minimal spectral correlations within each photon-pair. This approach offers the possibility to employ a new range of downconversion processes and materials like PPLN (previously considered unsuitable due to their unfavorable phasematching properties) to herald pure single photons over a broad frequency range.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, minor text changes and reformattin

    Quantum Zeno effect in a probed downconversion process

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    The distorsion of a spontaneous downconvertion process caused by an auxiliary mode coupled to the idler wave is analyzed. In general, a strong coupling with the auxiliary mode tends to hinder the downconversion in the nonlinear medium. On the other hand, provided that the evolution is disturbed by the presence of a phase mismatch, the coupling may increase the speed of downconversion. These effects are interpreted as being manifestations of quantum Zeno or anti-Zeno effects, respectively, and they are understood by using the dressed modes picture of the device. The possibility of using the coupling as a nontrivial phase--matching technique is pointed out.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Intensity correlations, entanglement properties and ghost imaging in multimode thermal-seeded parametric downconversion: Theory

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    We address parametric-downconversion seeded by multimode pseudo-thermal fields. We show that this process may be used to generate multimode pairwise correlated states with entanglement properties that can be tuned by controlling the seed intensities. Multimode pseudo-thermal fields seeded parametric-downconversion represents a novel source of correlated states, which allows one to explore the classical-quantum transition in pairwise correlations and to realize ghost imaging and ghost diffraction in regimes not yet explored by experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    A wavelength-tunable fiber-coupled source of narrowband entangled photons

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    We demonstrate a wavelength-tunable, fiber-coupled source of polarization-entangled photons with extremely high spectral brightness and quality of entanglement. Using a 25 mm PPKTP crystal inside a polarization Sagnac interferometer we detect a spectral brightness of 273000 pairs/(s mW nm), a factor of 28 better than comparable previous sources while state tomography showed the two-photon state to have a tangle of T=0.987. This improvement was achieved by use of a long crystal, careful selection of focusing parameters and single-mode fiber coupling. We demonstrate that, due to the particular geometry of the setup, the signal and idler wavelengths can be tuned over a wide range without loss of entanglement.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Article rewritten, added Fig.(1a-1b). Published in Optics Express, comments welcom

    Bandwidth compression of noisy signals with square-wave subcarrier

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    This article discusses a method for downconverting the square-wave subcarrier of spacecraft signals, such as the one from Galileo, which results in a compression bandwidth that lowers the sample rate significantly. The study is focused on three issues. The first is the selection of an adequate down-mixing signal for the resulting signal to have a format similar to that of the original signal, except at a lower subcarrier frequency. The second is the control of the noise level so that the signal to noise ratio is not degraded due to the downconversion. The third is to determine the bandwidth of the downconverted signal considering the uncertainty of the residual carrier frequency

    Advanced Algorithms for Satellite Communication Signal Processing

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    Dizertační práce je zaměřena na softwarově definované přijímače určené k úzkopásmové družicové komunikaci. Komunikační kanály družicových spojů zahrnujících komunikaci s hlubokým vesmírem jsou zatíženy vysokými úrovněmi šumu, typicky modelovaného AWGN, a silným Dopplerovým posuvem signálu způsobeným mimořádnou rychlostí pohybu objektu. Dizertační práce představuje možné postupy řešení výpočetně efektivní digitální downkonverze úzkopásmových signálů a systému odhadu kmitočtu nosné úzkopásmových signálů zatížených Dopplerovým posuvem v řádu násobků šířky pásma signálu. Popis navrhovaných algoritmů zahrnuje analytický postup jejich vývoje a tam, kde je to možné, i analytické hodnocení jejich chování. Algoritmy jsou modelovány v prostředí MATLAB Simulink a tyto modely jsou využity pro ověření vlastností simulacemi. Modely byly také využity k experimentálním testům na reálném signálu přijatém z družice PSAT v laboratoři experimentálních družic na ústavu radioelektroniky.The dissertation is focused on software defined receivers intended for narrowband satellite communication. The satellite communication channel including deep space communication suffers from a high level of noise, typically modeled by AWGN, and from a strong Doppler shift of a signal caused by the unprecedented speed of an object in motion. The dissertation shows possible approaches to the issues of computationally efficient digital downconversion of narrowband signals and the carrier frequency estimation of narrowband signals distorted by the Doppler shift in the order of multiples of the signal bandwidth. The description of the proposed algorithms includes an analytical approach of its development and, if possible, the analytical performance assessment. The algorithms are modeled in MATLAB Simulink and the models are used for validating the performance by the simulation. The models were also used for experimental tests on the real signal received from the PSAT satellite at the laboratory of experimental satellites at the department of radio electronics.