88 research outputs found


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    Doctoral studies are the first stage of an academic career, which applies to both the academic doctoral study programme and the professional doctoral programme. Over the past two decades, the role and tasks of doctoral studies have changed dramatically, especially in Europe. Doctoral studies have become an important link between the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area and its main task is to provide those with doctoral degrees with the best qualifications for the creation, implementation and diffusion of new knowledge and innovations. Interdisciplinarity is trending. Nowadays scientists, researchers, professionals face up with the global problems. This global problem usually is unsolvable and complex by individual fields of science. Therefore, interdisciplinarity is vital in educational process as well as n science. Interdisciplinary approach in thus field is challenging tasks for researchers and persons involved in educational process. Nevertheless, if Doctoral Programme is designed based on Interdisciplinarity, doctoral level studies in areas that cannot be accommodated in one of the departmental doctoral programs, could give broader and more unique research results. Interdisciplinary approach on doctoral level programme helps as well meet the individually designed interests or researcher. Bridging many disciplines together there is possible to provide novel and significant researches


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    The doctorate studies are one of the highest degrees given by a university. Doctoral studies provide students with training in research techniques. The doctoral studies involves the presentation and preparation of the most value activity named as doctoral thesis. There are a lot of doctoral programmes whose specific objectives are to train researchers to successfully address the challenges of new researched science ECT. Nevertheless the global tendency shows that doctoral studies must be transformed to promote innovative and comprehensive research degree and the particular system of the doctoral study process. The aim of the study is to research the key issues of the quality of doctoral studies from the perspective of innovation and digitalization era in educational system in Europe as a whole and in Latvia. 

    Įsitraukę, išsekę ar abejingi? Studijų aplinkos charakteristikos ir doktorantų gerovė

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    Creating decent conditions for doctoral students is a challenge that higher education institutions do not always manage to cope with. This tendency is also indirectly seen in the indicators of the well-being of doctoral students. The purpose of this study was to distinguish different well-being groups of doctoral students and to identify predictors of belonging to them. 633 doctoral students from various fields of science participated in the study, and were asked to answer questions about their study engagement, exhaustion, and the main study environment characteristics (demands and resources). The applied cluster analysis revealed that according to study engagement and burnout, four groups of doctoral students’ well-being can be distinguished, i.e., successful, exhausted, burned-out and indifferent doctoral students. Regression analysis made it possible to distinguish four study environmental characteristics that differentiate different groups of doctoral students’ well-being. Fewer opportunities for development, lack of support from the dissertation supervisor, higher study load, and more frequent encounters with conflicting expectations were associated with a lower probability of belonging to the group of doctoral students of the highest well-being. The results show that the antecedents for the well-being of doctoral students should be sought in the institutional environment, which facilitates or complicates the implementation of the tasks. The article also discusses suggestions based on the research results to improve the process of training doctoral students.Sudaryti doktorantams palankias sąlygas yra nelengvas uždavinys, su kuriuo aukštojo mokslo institucijoms ne visada pavyksta susitvarkyti. Tai netiesiogiai atspindi ir prasti doktorantų gerovės rodikliai. Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo išskirti skirtingos gerovės doktorantų grupes ir identifikuoti priklausymo joms prognozinius veiksnius. Tyrime dalyvavo 633 įvairių mokslo sričių doktorantai, kurie buvo prašomi atsakyti į klausimus apie jų įsitraukimą į studijas, išsekimą ir pagrindines studijų aplinkos charakteristikas (reikalavimus ir išteklius). Taikyta klasterinė analizė atskleidė, kad pagal įsitraukimą į studijas ir išsekimą galima skirti keturias doktorantų gerovės grupes, t. y. įsitraukusius, išsekusius, perdegusius ir abejingus doktorantus. Regresinė analizė leido išskirti keturias studijų aplinkos charakteristikas, kurios diferencijuoja skirtingas doktorantų gerovės grupes. Mažesnės galimybės tobulėti, disertacijos vadovo paramos stygius, didesnis studijų krūvis ir dažnesnis susidūrimas su prieštaringais lūkesčiais buvo susiję su mažesne tikimybe priklausyti didžiausia gerove pasižyminčių doktorantų grupei. Rezultatai rodo, kad doktorantų gerovės prielaidų verta ieškoti studijų aplinkoje, kuri palengvina arba pasunkina iš(si)keltų uždavinių įgyvendinimą. Straipsnyje taip pat aptariami tyrimo rezultatais pagrįsti siūlymai, kaip tobulinti doktorantų rengimo procesą

    Studiji nakladništva na trećoj razini: slučaj Litve

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    Under the umbrella of Book Science, research in publishing has a long tradition in Lithuania and is today perceived as an independent branch of scholarship within the Communication and Information Sciences. On the basis of original sources, the aim of this article is to analyse the work conducted by the Institute of Book Science and Documentation of Vilnius University in implementing third level publishing studies (meaning PhD level) and to outline the merits, weak points, opportunities and threats in the planning of further training of scholars within this particular branch. The key research sources are documentation governing doctoral studies in Lithuania, at Vilnius University and the field of Communication and Information Sciences, as well as Communication and Information Sciences doctoral study programmes and descriptions of disciplines, PhD student lists, students’ publication indexes and different archival documents of doctoral studies at the Institute of Book Science and Documentation of the Faculty of Communication of Vilnius University.Nakladnička istraživanja, u sklopu znanosti o knjizi, imaju dugu tradiciju u Litvi, a danas se smatraju neovisnom znanstvenom granom unutar komunikacijskih i informacijskih znanosti. Cilj ovoga rada je, na temelju izvora, analizirati rad Instituta za proučavanje knjige i dokumentacije (Institute of Book Science and Documentation) na Sveučilištu Vilnius u pokretanju studija nakladništva na doktorskoj razini te istaknuti postignuća, slabe točke, mogućnosti i prijetnje u planiranju budućeg usavršavanja znanstvenika unutar te grane. Glavni istraživački resurs predstavlja dokumentacija relevantna za doktorske studije u Litvi na Sveučilištu Vilnius i za polje komunikacijskih i informacijskih znanosti, kao i doktorski studijski programi unutar komunikacijskih i informacijskih znanosti, opis discipline, popisi studenata doktorskih studija, kazala studentskih publikacija i drugi arhivski dokumenti doktorskih studija na Institutu za znanost o knjizi i dokumentaciji Fakulteta za komunikaciju (Faculty of Communication) Sveučilišta Vilnius


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    The research in Book Science, Bibliography Science, History of Script and Wri­ting, Documentology and Archivistics has a long tradition in Lithuania and today is perceived as an independent scientific branch of the Communication and Information Sciences. The main academic institution, engaged in publishing research and preparation of scholars con­cerned with these issues, today is the Institute of Book Science and Documentation of Vilnius University. Since 1991 it is a part of the Faculty of Communication, a new academic body/ construct of the university, which is responsible for developing doctoral studies in the field of Communication and Information Sciences. The objective of this article is to analyse the input of the Institute of Book Science and Documentation in the third cycle degree studies and to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats while planning future training of scholars. The key research sources are: documentation governing doctoral studies (Law of the Repu­blic of Lithuania on Education and Studies, regulations governing doctoral studies at Vilnius Univer­sity, rules governing doctoral studies in the field of Communication and Information Sciences (CIS), CIS doctoral study programmes and descriptions of disciplines, PhD student lists, they publication indexes and different archival documents of doctoral studies at the Institute of Book Science and Do­cumentation and the Faculty of Communication. The conclusions of the report are based on the exa­mination of the data collected from primary sources and the SWOT analysis of the phenomenon in question. The analysis of the experience acquired through several decades reveals achievements and limitations of the third level degree studies in publishing as well as the peculiarities of development of research schools in Communication and Information Sciences in Lithuania.Vilniaus universiteto Knygotyros ir dokumentotyros institutasUniversiteto 3, LT-0153 Vilnius, LietuvaEl. paštas: [email protected] ir dokumentotyros doktorantūra Vilniaus universitete įkurta 1991 m. ir yra glaudžiai susijusi su komunikacijos ir informacijos mokslų krypties tapsmu. Per kelis dešimtmečius sukauptos patirties analizė ir apibendrinimas leidžia atskleisti tiek krypties mokslinių mokyklų formavimosi savitumus, tiek trečiosios pakopos studijų pasiekimus ir trūkumus, išskirti tolesnę jų raidą skatinančius ar stabdančius veiksnius. Straipsnio tikslas ‒ remiantis pirminiais šaltiniais išanalizuoti Knygotyros ir dokumentotyros instituto įdirbį vykdant trečiosios pakopos studijas, įvardyti stiprybes, silpnybes, galimybes ir grėsmes planuojant tolesnį šimtmečių istoriją turinčių knygotyros, bibliografijos ir kitų dokumentinės komunikacijos mokslams priskiriamų šakų mokslininkų rengimą


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    Lietuvos matematikų draugijos veikla 2018–2021 metais

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    The article gives a survey of mathematical life and activities of the Lithuanian Mathematical Society during the past four years.Apžvelgiamas matematinis gyvenimas Lietuvoje ir LMD veikla per paskutiniuosius keturius metus