1,196 research outputs found

    Non-ideal iris recognition

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    Of the many biometrics that exist, iris recognition is finding more attention than any other due to its potential for improved accuracy, permanence, and acceptance. Current iris recognition systems operate on frontal view images of good quality. Due to the small area of the iris, user co-operation is required. In this work, a new system capable of processing iris images which are not necessarily in frontal view is described. This overcomes one of the major hurdles with current iris recognition systems and enhances user convenience and accuracy. The proposed system is designed to operate in two steps: (i) preprocessing and estimation of the gaze direction and (ii) processing and encoding of the rotated iris image. Two objective functions are used to estimate the gaze direction. Later, the off-angle iris image undergoes geometric transformations involving the estimated angle and is further processed as if it were a frontal view image. Two methods: (i) PCA and (ii) ICA are used for encoding. Three different datasets are used to quantify performance of the proposed non-ideal recognition system

    Multi-Modal Biometrics: Applications, Strategies and Operations

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    The need for adequate attention to security of lives and properties cannot be over-emphasised. Existing approaches to security management by various agencies and sectors have focused on the use of possession (card, token) and knowledge (password, username)-based strategies which are susceptible to forgetfulness, damage, loss, theft, forgery and other activities of fraudsters. The surest and most appropriate strategy for handling these challenges is the use of naturally endowed biometrics, which are the human physiological and behavioural characteristics. This paper presents an overview of the use of biometrics for human verification and identification. The applications, methodologies, operations, integration, fusion and strategies for multi-modal biometric systems that give more secured and reliable human identity management is also presented

    Biometric Systems

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    Biometric authentication has been widely used for access control and security systems over the past few years. The purpose of this book is to provide the readers with life cycle of different biometric authentication systems from their design and development to qualification and final application. The major systems discussed in this book include fingerprint identification, face recognition, iris segmentation and classification, signature verification and other miscellaneous systems which describe management policies of biometrics, reliability measures, pressure based typing and signature verification, bio-chemical systems and behavioral characteristics. In summary, this book provides the students and the researchers with different approaches to develop biometric authentication systems and at the same time includes state-of-the-art approaches in their design and development. The approaches have been thoroughly tested on standard databases and in real world applications

    Mixing Biometric Data For Generating Joint Identities and Preserving Privacy

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    Biometrics is the science of automatically recognizing individuals by utilizing biological traits such as fingerprints, face, iris and voice. A classical biometric system digitizes the human body and uses this digitized identity for human recognition. In this work, we introduce the concept of mixing biometrics. Mixing biometrics refers to the process of generating a new biometric image by fusing images of different fingers, different faces, or different irises. The resultant mixed image can be used directly in the feature extraction and matching stages of an existing biometric system. In this regard, we design and systematically evaluate novel methods for generating mixed images for the fingerprint, iris and face modalities. Further, we extend the concept of mixing to accommodate two distinct modalities of an individual, viz., fingerprint and iris. The utility of mixing biometrics is demonstrated in two different applications. The first application deals with the issue of generating a joint digital identity. A joint identity inherits its uniqueness from two or more individuals and can be used in scenarios such as joint bank accounts or two-man rule systems. The second application deals with the issue of biometric privacy, where the concept of mixing is used for de-identifying or obscuring biometric images and for generating cancelable biometrics. Extensive experimental analysis suggests that the concept of biometric mixing has several benefits and can be easily incorporated into existing biometric systems

    Visible, near infrared and thermal hand-based image biometric recognition

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    Biometric Recognition refers to the automatic identification of a person based on his or her anatomical characteristic or modality (i.e., fingerprint, palmprint, face) or behavioural (i.e., signature) characteristic. It is a fundamental key issue in any process concerned with security, shared resources, network transactions among many others. Arises as a fundamental problem widely known as recognition, and becomes a must step before permission is granted. It is supposed that protects key resources by only allowing those resources to be used by users that have been granted authority to use or to have access to them. Biometric systems can operate in verification mode, where the question to be solved is Am I who I claim I am? or in identification mode where the question is Who am I? Scientific community has increased its efforts in order to improve performance of biometric systems. Depending on the application many solutions go in the way of working with several modalities or combining different classification methods. Since increasing modalities require some user inconvenience many of these approaches will never reach the market. For example working with iris, face and fingerprints requires some user effort in order to help acquisition. This thesis addresses hand-based biometric system in a thorough way. The main contributions are in the direction of a new multi-spectral hand-based image database and methods for performance improvement. The main contributions are: A) The first multi-spectral hand-based image database from both hand faces: palmar and dorsal. Biometric database are a precious commodity for research, mainly when it offers something new like visual (VIS), near infrared (NIR) and thermography (TIR) images at a time. This database with a length of 100 users and 10 samples per user constitute a good starting point to check algorithms and hand suitability for recognition. B) In order to correctly deal with raw hand data, some image preprocessing steps are necessary. Three different segmentation phases are deployed to deal with VIS, NIR and TIR images specifically. Some of the tough questions to address: overexposed images, ring fingers and the cuffs, cold finger and noise image. Once image segmented, two different approaches are prepared to deal with the segmented data. These two approaches called: Holistic and Geometric define the main focus to extract the feature vector. These feature vectors can be used alone or can be combined in some way. Many questions can be stated: e.g. which approach is better for recognition?, Can fingers alone obtain better performance than the whole hand? and Is thermography hand information suitable for recognition due to its thermoregulation properties? A complete set of data ready to analyse, coming from the holistic and geometric approach have been designed and saved to test. Some innovative geometric approach related to curvature will be demonstrated. C) Finally the Biometric Dispersion Matcher (BDM) is used in order to explore how it works under different fusion schemes, as well as with different classification methods. It is the intention of this research to contrast what happen when using other methods close to BDM like Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). At this point, some interesting questions will be solved, e.g. by taking advantage of the finger segmentation (as five different modalities) to figure out if they can outperform what the whole hand data can teach us.El Reconeixement Biomètric fa referència a la identi cació automàtica de persones fent us d'alguna característica o modalitat anatòmica (empremta digital) o d'alguna característica de comportament (signatura). És un aspecte fonamental en qualsevol procés relacionat amb la seguretat, la compartició de recursos o les transaccions electròniques entre d'altres. És converteix en un pas imprescindible abans de concedir l'autorització. Aquesta autorització, s'entén que protegeix recursos clau, permeten així, que aquests siguin utilitzats pels usuaris que han estat autoritzats a utilitzar-los o a tenir-hi accés. Els sistemes biomètrics poden funcionar en veri cació, on es resol la pregunta: Soc jo qui dic que soc? O en identi cació on es resol la qüestió: Qui soc jo? La comunitat cientí ca ha incrementat els seus esforços per millorar el rendiment dels sistemes biomètrics. En funció de l'aplicació, diverses solucions s'adrecen a treballar amb múltiples modalitats o combinant diferents mètodes de classi cació. Donat que incrementar el número de modalitats, representa a la vegada problemes pels usuaris, moltes d'aquestes aproximacions no arriben mai al mercat. La tesis contribueix principalment en tres grans àrees, totes elles amb el denominador comú següent: Reconeixement biometric a través de les mans. i) La primera d'elles constitueix la base de qualsevol estudi, les dades. Per poder interpretar, i establir un sistema de reconeixement biomètric prou robust amb un clar enfocament a múltiples fonts d'informació, però amb el mínim esforç per part de l'usuari es construeix aquesta Base de Dades de mans multi espectral. Les bases de dades biomètriques constitueixen un recurs molt preuat per a la recerca; sobretot si ofereixen algun element nou com es el cas. Imatges de mans en diferents espectres electromagnètics: en visible (VIS), en infraroig (NIR) i en tèrmic (TIR). Amb un total de 100 usuaris, i 10 mostres per usuari, constitueix un bon punt de partida per estudiar i posar a prova sistemes multi biomètrics enfocats a les mans. ii) El segon bloc s'adreça a les dues aproximacions existents en la literatura per a tractar les dades en brut. Aquestes dues aproximacions, anomenades Holística (tracta la imatge com un tot) i Geomètrica (utilitza càlculs geomètrics) de neixen el focus alhora d'extreure el vector de característiques. Abans de tractar alguna d'aquestes dues aproximacions, però, és necessària l'aplicació de diferents tècniques de preprocessat digital de la imatge per obtenir les regions d'interès desitjades. Diferents problemes presents a les imatges s'han hagut de solucionar de forma original per a cadascuna de les tipologies de les imatges presents: VIS, NIR i TIR. VIS: imatges sobre exposades, anells, mànigues, braçalets. NIR: Ungles pintades, distorsió en forma de soroll en les imatges TIR: Dits freds La segona àrea presenta aspectes innovadors, ja que a part de segmentar la imatge de la ma, es segmenten tots i cadascun dels dits (feature-based approach). Així aconseguim contrastar la seva capacitat de reconeixement envers la ma de forma completa. Addicionalment es presenta un conjunt de procediments geomètrics amb la idea de comparar-los amb els provinents de l'extracció holística. La tercera i última àrea contrasta el procediment de classi cació anomenat Biometric Dispersion Matcher (BDM) amb diferents situacions. La primera relacionada amb l'efectivitat respecte d'altres mètode de reconeixement, com ara l'Anàlisi Lineal Discriminant (LDA) o bé mètodes com KNN o la regressió logística. Les altres situacions que s'analitzen tenen a veure amb múltiples fonts d'informació, quan s'apliquen tècniques de normalització i/o estratègies de combinació (fusió) per millorar els resultats. Els resultats obtinguts no deixen lloc per a la confusió, i són certament prometedors en el sentit que posen a la llum la importància de combinar informació complementària per obtenir rendiments superiors

    Robust gait recognition under variable covariate conditions

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    PhDGait is a weak biometric when compared to face, fingerprint or iris because it can be easily affected by various conditions. These are known as the covariate conditions and include clothing, carrying, speed, shoes and view among others. In the presence of variable covariate conditions gait recognition is a hard problem yet to be solved with no working system reported. In this thesis, a novel gait representation, the Gait Flow Image (GFI), is proposed to extract more discriminative information from a gait sequence. GFI extracts the relative motion of body parts in different directions in separate motion descriptors. Compared to the existing model-free gait representations, GFI is more discriminative and robust to changes in covariate conditions. In this thesis, gait recognition approaches are evaluated without the assumption on cooperative subjects, i.e. both the gallery and the probe sets consist of gait sequences under different and unknown covariate conditions. The results indicate that the performance of the existing approaches drops drastically under this more realistic set-up. It is argued that selecting the gait features which are invariant to changes in covariate conditions is the key to developing a gait recognition system without subject cooperation. To this end, the Gait Entropy Image (GEnI) is proposed to perform automatic feature selection on each pair of gallery and probe gait sequences. Moreover, an Adaptive Component and Discriminant Analysis is formulated which seamlessly integrates the feature selection method with subspace analysis for fast and robust recognition. Among various factors that affect the performance of gait recognition, change in viewpoint poses the biggest problem and is treated separately. A novel approach to address this problem is proposed in this thesis by using Gait Flow Image in a cross view gait recognition framework with the view angle of a probe gait sequence unknown. A Gaussian Process classification technique is formulated to estimate the view angle of each probe gait sequence. To measure the similarity of gait sequences across view angles, the correlation of gait sequences from different views is modelled using Canonical Correlation Analysis and the correlation strength is used as a similarity measure. This differs from existing approaches, which reconstruct gait features in different views through 2D view transformation or 3D calibration. Without explicit reconstruction, the proposed method can cope with feature mis-match across view and is more robust against feature noise

    A Multimodal and Multi-Algorithmic Architecture for Data Fusion in Biometric Systems

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    Software di autenticazione basato su tratti biometric

    Envisioning technology through discourse: a case study of biometrics in the National Identity Scheme in the United Kingdom

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    Around the globe, governments are pursuing policies that depend on information technology (IT). The United Kingdom’s National Identity Scheme was a government proposal for a national identity system, based on biometrics. These proposals for biometrics provide us with an opportunity to explore the diverse and shifting discourses that accompany the attempted diffusion of a controversial IT innovation. This thesis offers a longitudinal case study of these visionary discourses. I begin with a critical review of the literature on biometrics, drawing attention to the lack of in-depth studies that explore the discursive and organizational dynamics accompanying their implementation on a national scale. I then devise a theoretical framework to study these speculative and future-directed discourses based on concepts and ideas from organizing visions theory, the sociology of expectations, and critical approaches to studying the public’s understanding of technology. A methodological discussion ensues in which I explain my research approach and methods for data collection and analysis, including techniques for critical discourse analysis. After briefly introducing the case study, I proceed to the two-part analysis. First is an analysis of government actors’ discourses on biometrics, revolving around formal policy communications; second is an analysis of media discourses and parliamentary debates around certain critical moments for biometrics in the Scheme. The analysis reveals how the uncertain concept of biometrics provided a strategic rhetorical device whereby government spokespeople were able to offer a flexible yet incomplete vision for the technology. I contend that, despite being distinctive and offering some practical value to the proposals for national identity cards, the government’s discourses on biometrics remained insufficiently intelligible, uninformative, and implausible. The concluding discussion explains the unraveling visions for biometrics in the case, offers a theoretical contribution based on the case analysis, and provides insights about discourses on the ‘publics’ of new technology such as biometrics

    Biometric Systems

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    Because of the accelerating progress in biometrics research and the latest nation-state threats to security, this book's publication is not only timely but also much needed. This volume contains seventeen peer-reviewed chapters reporting the state of the art in biometrics research: security issues, signature verification, fingerprint identification, wrist vascular biometrics, ear detection, face detection and identification (including a new survey of face recognition), person re-identification, electrocardiogram (ECT) recognition, and several multi-modal systems. This book will be a valuable resource for graduate students, engineers, and researchers interested in understanding and investigating this important field of study
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