12,161 research outputs found

    Galactic Winds and the Photo-chemical Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies: The Classic Model Revisited

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    We consider the simultaneous chemical, photometric, and gaseous thermal energy evolution of elliptical galaxies. The evolution of chemical abundances in the intracluster medium (ICM) is set by the differing timescales for gas ejection, via supernovae (SNe)-driven winds, from dwarf, normal, and giant ellipticals, and is monitored concurrently. Emphasis is placed upon the influence of, and sensitivity to, the underlying stellar initial mass function (IMF), star formation efficiency, supernovae Type Ia rates, supernovae remnant (SNR) dynamics, and the most recent advances in stellar nucleosynthesis. Unlike many previous studies, we adhere to a wide range of optical (e.g. colour-metallicity-luminosity relationship) and x-ray (e.g. recent ASCA ICM abundance measurements) observational constraints. IMFs biased toward high mass stars, at least during the early phases of star formation, are implicated in order to satisfy all the observational constraints.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, also available at http://msowww.anu.edu.au/~gibson/publications.html, MNRAS, in pres

    A Categorical Framework for Quantum Theory

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    Underlying any theory of physics is a layer of conceptual frames. They connect the mathematical structures used in theoretical models with physical phenomena, but they also constitute our fundamental assumptions about reality. Many of the discrepancies between quantum physics and classical physics (including Maxwell's electrodynamics and relativity) can be traced back to these categorical foundations. We argue that classical physics corresponds to the factual aspects of reality and requires a categorical framework which consists of four interdependent components: boolean logic, the linear-sequential notion of time, the principle of sufficient reason, and the dichotomy between observer and observed. None of these can be dropped without affecting the others. However, in quantum theory the reduction postulate also addresses the "status nascendi" of facts, i.e., their coming into being. Therefore, quantum phyics requires a different conceptual framework which will be elaborated in this article. It is shown that many of its components are already present in the standard formalisms of quantum physics, but in most cases they are highlighted not so much from a conceptual perspective but more from their mathematical structures. The categorical frame underlying quantum physics includes a profoundly different notion of time which encompasses a crucial role for the present.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figur

    Dipoles in the Sky

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    We perform observational tests of statistical isotropy using data from large-scale structure surveys spanning a wide range of wavelengths. Using data from 2MASS, 2MRS, and NVSS galaxies, and BATSE gamma-ray bursts, we constrain the amplitude and direction of dipolar modulations in the number count of sources projected along the line of sight. We pay particular attention to the treatment of systematic errors and selection effects, and carefully distinguish between different sources of dipole signal previously considered in the literature. Dipole signals detected in these surveys are consistent with the standard, statistically isotropic expectation, except for the NVSS result, which is likely biased by remaining systematics in the data. We place constraints on the amplitude of any intrinsic dipole driven by novel physics in the early universe.Comment: 36 pages, 20 figures. v3: minor additions to theory section; matches the published MNRAS versio

    Magnification effect on the detection of primordial non-Gaussianity from photometric surveys

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    We present forecast results for constraining the primordial non-Gaussianity from photometric surveys through a large-scale enhancement of the galaxy clustering amplitude. In photometric surveys, the distribution of observed galaxies at high redshifts suffers from the gravitational-lensing magnification, which systematically alters the number density for magnitude-limited galaxy samples. We estimate size of the systematic bias in the best-fit cosmological parameters caused by the magnification effect, particularly focusing on the primordial non-Gaussianity. For upcoming deep and/or wide photometric surveys like HSC, DES and LSST, the best-fit value of the non-Gaussian parameter, fNL, obtained from the galaxy count data is highly biased, and the true values of fNL would typically go outside the 3-sigma error of the biased confidence region, if we ignore the magnification effect in the theoretical template of angular power spectrum. The additional information from cosmic shear data helps not only to improve the constraint, but also to reduce the systematic bias. As a result, the size of systematic bias on fNL would become small enough compared to the expected 1-sigma error for HSC and DES, but it would be still serious for deep surveys with z_m > 1.5, like LSST. Tomographic technique improves the constraint on fNL by a factor of 2-3 compared to the one without tomography, but the systematic bias would increase.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Forecasting the Cosmological Constraints with Anisotropic Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from Multipole Expansion

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    Baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs) imprinted in the galaxy power spectrum can be used as a standard ruler to determine angular diameter distance and Hubble parameter at high redshift galaxies. Combining redshift distortion effect which apparently distorts the galaxy clustering pattern, we can also constrain the growth rate of large-scale structure formation. Usually, future forecast for constraining these parameters from galaxy redshift surveys has been made with a full 2D power spectrum characterized as function of wavenumber kk and directional cosine μ\mu between line-of-sight direction and wave vector, i.e., P(k,μ)P(k,\mu). Here, we apply the multipole expansion to the full 2D power spectrum, and discuss how much cosmological information can be extracted from the lower-multipole spectra, taking a proper account of the non-linear effects on gravitational clustering and redshift distortion. The Fisher matrix analysis reveals that compared to the analysis with full 2D spectrum, a partial information from the monopole and quadrupole spectra generally degrades the constraints by a factor of 1.3\sim1.3 for each parameter. The additional information from the hexadecapole spectrum helps to improve the constraints, which lead to an almost comparable result expected from the full 2D spectrum.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Matched filters for coalescing binaries detection on massively parallel computers

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    We discuss some computational problems associated to matched filtering of experimental signals from gravitational wave interferometric detectors in a parallel-processing environment. We then specialize our discussion to the use of the APEmille and apeNEXT processors for this task. Finally, we accurately estimate the performance of an APEmille system on a computational load appropriate for the LIGO and VIRGO experiments, and extrapolate our results to apeNEXT.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Detecting compact binary coalescences with seedless clustering

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    Compact binary coalescences are a promising source of gravitational waves for second-generation interferometric gravitational-wave detectors. Although matched filtering is the optimal search method for well-modeled systems, alternative detection strategies can be used to guard against theoretical errors (e.g., involving new physics and/or assumptions about spin/eccentricity) while providing a measure of redundancy. In previous work, we showed how "seedless clustering" can be used to detect long-lived gravitational-wave transients in both targeted and all-sky searches. In this paper, we apply seedless clustering to the problem of low-mass (Mtotal10MM_\text{total}\leq10M_\odot) compact binary coalescences for both spinning and eccentric systems. We show that seedless clustering provides a robust and computationally efficient method for detecting low-mass compact binaries