11 research outputs found

    A comprehensive survey on deep active learning and its applications in medical image analysis

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    Deep learning has achieved widespread success in medical image analysis, leading to an increasing demand for large-scale expert-annotated medical image datasets. Yet, the high cost of annotating medical images severely hampers the development of deep learning in this field. To reduce annotation costs, active learning aims to select the most informative samples for annotation and train high-performance models with as few labeled samples as possible. In this survey, we review the core methods of active learning, including the evaluation of informativeness and sampling strategy. For the first time, we provide a detailed summary of the integration of active learning with other label-efficient techniques, such as semi-supervised, self-supervised learning, and so on. Additionally, we also highlight active learning works that are specifically tailored to medical image analysis. In the end, we offer our perspectives on the future trends and challenges of active learning and its applications in medical image analysis.Comment: Paper List on Github: https://github.com/LightersWang/Awesome-Active-Learning-for-Medical-Image-Analysi

    Constructive Approximation and Learning by Greedy Algorithms

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    This thesis develops several kernel-based greedy algorithms for different machine learning problems and analyzes their theoretical and empirical properties. Greedy approaches have been extensively used in the past for tackling problems in combinatorial optimization where finding even a feasible solution can be a computationally hard problem (i.e., not solvable in polynomial time). A key feature of greedy algorithms is that a solution is constructed recursively from the smallest constituent parts. In each step of the constructive process a component is added to the partial solution from the previous step and, thus, the size of the optimization problem is reduced. The selected components are given by optimization problems that are simpler and easier to solve than the original problem. As such schemes are typically fast at constructing a solution they can be very effective on complex optimization problems where finding an optimal/good solution has a high computational cost. Moreover, greedy solutions are rather intuitive and the schemes themselves are simple to design and easy to implement. There is a large class of problems for which greedy schemes generate an optimal solution or a good approximation of the optimum. In the first part of the thesis, we develop two deterministic greedy algorithms for optimization problems in which a solution is given by a set of functions mapping an instance space to the space of reals. The first of the two approaches facilitates data understanding through interactive visualization by providing means for experts to incorporate their domain knowledge into otherwise static kernel principal component analysis. This is achieved by greedily constructing embedding directions that maximize the variance at data points (unexplained by the previously constructed embedding directions) while adhering to specified domain knowledge constraints. The second deterministic greedy approach is a supervised feature construction method capable of addressing the problem of kernel choice. The goal of the approach is to construct a feature representation for which a set of linear hypotheses is of sufficient capacity — large enough to contain a satisfactory solution to the considered problem and small enough to allow good generalization from a small number of training examples. The approach mimics functional gradient descent and constructs features by fitting squared error residuals. We show that the constructive process is consistent and provide conditions under which it converges to the optimal solution. In the second part of the thesis, we investigate two problems for which deterministic greedy schemes can fail to find an optimal solution or a good approximation of the optimum. This happens as a result of making a sequence of choices which take into account only the immediate reward without considering the consequences onto future decisions. To address this shortcoming of deterministic greedy schemes, we propose two efficient randomized greedy algorithms which are guaranteed to find effective solutions to the corresponding problems. In the first of the two approaches, we provide a mean to scale kernel methods to problems with millions of instances. An approach, frequently used in practice, for this type of problems is the Nyström method for low-rank approximation of kernel matrices. A crucial step in this method is the choice of landmarks which determine the quality of the approximation. We tackle this problem with a randomized greedy algorithm based on the K-means++ cluster seeding scheme and provide a theoretical and empirical study of its effectiveness. In the second problem for which a deterministic strategy can fail to find a good solution, the goal is to find a set of objects from a structured space that are likely to exhibit an unknown target property. This discrete optimization problem is of significant interest to cyclic discovery processes such as de novo drug design. We propose to address it with an adaptive Metropolis–Hastings approach that samples candidates from the posterior distribution of structures conditioned on them having the target property. The proposed constructive scheme defines a consistent random process and our empirical evaluation demonstrates its effectiveness across several different application domains

    From pixels to people : recovering location, shape and pose of humans in images

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    Humans are at the centre of a significant amount of research in computer vision. Endowing machines with the ability to perceive people from visual data is an immense scientific challenge with a high degree of direct practical relevance. Success in automatic perception can be measured at different levels of abstraction, and this will depend on which intelligent behaviour we are trying to replicate: the ability to localise persons in an image or in the environment, understanding how persons are moving at the skeleton and at the surface level, interpreting their interactions with the environment including with other people, and perhaps even anticipating future actions. In this thesis we tackle different sub-problems of the broad research area referred to as "looking at people", aiming to perceive humans in images at different levels of granularity. We start with bounding box-level pedestrian detection: We present a retrospective analysis of methods published in the decade preceding our work, identifying various strands of research that have advanced the state of the art. With quantitative exper- iments, we demonstrate the critical role of developing better feature representations and having the right training distribution. We then contribute two methods based on the insights derived from our analysis: one that combines the strongest aspects of past detectors and another that focuses purely on learning representations. The latter method outperforms more complicated approaches, especially those based on hand- crafted features. We conclude our work on pedestrian detection with a forward-looking analysis that maps out potential avenues for future research. We then turn to pixel-level methods: Perceiving humans requires us to both separate them precisely from the background and identify their surroundings. To this end, we introduce Cityscapes, a large-scale dataset for street scene understanding. This has since established itself as a go-to benchmark for segmentation and detection. We additionally develop methods that relax the requirement for expensive pixel-level annotations, focusing on the task of boundary detection, i.e. identifying the outlines of relevant objects and surfaces. Next, we make the jump from pixels to 3D surfaces, from localising and labelling to fine-grained spatial understanding. We contribute a method for recovering 3D human shape and pose, which marries the advantages of learning-based and model- based approaches. We conclude the thesis with a detailed discussion of benchmarking practices in computer vision. Among other things, we argue that the design of future datasets should be driven by the general goal of combinatorial robustness besides task-specific considerations.Der Mensch steht im Zentrum vieler Forschungsanstrengungen im Bereich des maschinellen Sehens. Es ist eine immense wissenschaftliche Herausforderung mit hohem unmittelbarem Praxisbezug, Maschinen mit der Fähigkeit auszustatten, Menschen auf der Grundlage von visuellen Daten wahrzunehmen. Die automatische Wahrnehmung kann auf verschiedenen Abstraktionsebenen erfolgen. Dies hängt davon ab, welches intelligente Verhalten wir nachbilden wollen: die Fähigkeit, Personen auf der Bildfläche oder im 3D-Raum zu lokalisieren, die Bewegungen von Körperteilen und Körperoberflächen zu erfassen, Interaktionen einer Person mit ihrer Umgebung einschließlich mit anderen Menschen zu deuten, und vielleicht sogar zukünftige Handlungen zu antizipieren. In dieser Arbeit beschäftigen wir uns mit verschiedenen Teilproblemen die dem breiten Forschungsgebiet "Betrachten von Menschen" gehören. Beginnend mit der Fußgängererkennung präsentieren wir eine Analyse von Methoden, die im Jahrzehnt vor unserem Ausgangspunkt veröffentlicht wurden, und identifizieren dabei verschiedene Forschungsstränge, die den Stand der Technik vorangetrieben haben. Unsere quantitativen Experimente zeigen die entscheidende Rolle sowohl der Entwicklung besserer Bildmerkmale als auch der Trainingsdatenverteilung. Anschließend tragen wir zwei Methoden bei, die auf den Erkenntnissen unserer Analyse basieren: eine Methode, die die stärksten Aspekte vergangener Detektoren kombiniert, eine andere, die sich im Wesentlichen auf das Lernen von Bildmerkmalen konzentriert. Letztere übertrifft kompliziertere Methoden, insbesondere solche, die auf handgefertigten Bildmerkmalen basieren. Wir schließen unsere Arbeit zur Fußgängererkennung mit einer vorausschauenden Analyse ab, die mögliche Wege für die zukünftige Forschung aufzeigt. Anschließend wenden wir uns Methoden zu, die Entscheidungen auf Pixelebene betreffen. Um Menschen wahrzunehmen, müssen wir diese sowohl praezise vom Hintergrund trennen als auch ihre Umgebung verstehen. Zu diesem Zweck führen wir Cityscapes ein, einen umfangreichen Datensatz zum Verständnis von Straßenszenen. Dieser hat sich seitdem als Standardbenchmark für Segmentierung und Erkennung etabliert. Darüber hinaus entwickeln wir Methoden, die die Notwendigkeit teurer Annotationen auf Pixelebene reduzieren. Wir konzentrieren uns hierbei auf die Aufgabe der Umgrenzungserkennung, d. h. das Erkennen der Umrisse relevanter Objekte und Oberflächen. Als nächstes machen wir den Sprung von Pixeln zu 3D-Oberflächen, vom Lokalisieren und Beschriften zum präzisen räumlichen Verständnis. Wir tragen eine Methode zur Schätzung der 3D-Körperoberfläche sowie der 3D-Körperpose bei, die die Vorteile von lernbasierten und modellbasierten Ansätzen vereint. Wir schließen die Arbeit mit einer ausführlichen Diskussion von Evaluationspraktiken im maschinellen Sehen ab. Unter anderem argumentieren wir, dass der Entwurf zukünftiger Datensätze neben aufgabenspezifischen Überlegungen vom allgemeinen Ziel der kombinatorischen Robustheit bestimmt werden sollte

    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volum

    On the Principles of Evaluation for Natural Language Generation

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    Natural language processing is concerned with the ability of computers to understand natural language texts, which is, arguably, one of the major bottlenecks in the course of chasing the holy grail of general Artificial Intelligence. Given the unprecedented success of deep learning technology, the natural language processing community has been almost entirely in favor of practical applications with state-of-the-art systems emerging and competing for human-parity performance at an ever-increasing pace. For that reason, fair and adequate evaluation and comparison, responsible for ensuring trustworthy, reproducible and unbiased results, have fascinated the scientific community for long, not only in natural language but also in other fields. A popular example is the ISO-9126 evaluation standard for software products, which outlines a wide range of evaluation concerns, such as cost, reliability, scalability, security, and so forth. The European project EAGLES-1996, being the acclaimed extension to ISO-9126, depicted the fundamental principles specifically for evaluating natural language technologies, which underpins succeeding methodologies in the evaluation of natural language. Natural language processing encompasses an enormous range of applications, each with its own evaluation concerns, criteria and measures. This thesis cannot hope to be comprehensive but particularly addresses the evaluation in natural language generation (NLG), which touches on, arguably, one of the most human-like natural language applications. In this context, research on quantifying day-to-day progress with evaluation metrics lays the foundation of the fast-growing NLG community. However, previous works have failed to address high-quality metrics in multiple scenarios such as evaluating long texts and when human references are not available, and, more prominently, these studies are limited in scope, given the lack of a holistic view sketched for principled NLG evaluation. In this thesis, we aim for a holistic view of NLG evaluation from three complementary perspectives, driven by the evaluation principles in EAGLES-1996: (i) high-quality evaluation metrics, (ii) rigorous comparison of NLG systems for properly tracking the progress, and (iii) understanding evaluation metrics. To this end, we identify the current state of challenges derived from the inherent characteristics of these perspectives, and then present novel metrics, rigorous comparison approaches, and explainability techniques for metrics to address the identified issues. We hope that our work on evaluation metrics, system comparison and explainability for metrics inspires more research towards principled NLG evaluation, and contributes to the fair and adequate evaluation and comparison in natural language processing

    Assessing, testing, and challenging the computational power of quantum devices

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    Randomness is an intrinsic feature of quantum theory. The outcome of any measurement will be random, sampled from a probability distribution that is defined by the measured quantum state. The task of sampling from a prescribed probability distribution therefore seems to be a natural technological application of quantum devices. And indeed, certain random sampling tasks have been proposed to experimentally demonstrate the speedup of quantum over classical computation, so-called “quantum computational supremacy”. In the research presented in this thesis, I investigate the complexity-theoretic and physical foundations of quantum sampling algorithms. Using the theory of computational complexity, I assess the computational power of natural quantum simulators and close loopholes in the complexity-theoretic argument for the classical intractability of quantum samplers (Part I). In particular, I prove anticoncentration for quantum circuit families that give rise to a 2-design and review methods for proving average-case hardness. I present quantum random sampling schemes that are tailored to large-scale quantum simulation hardware but at the same time rise up to the highest standard in terms of their complexity-theoretic underpinning. Using methods from property testing and quantum system identification, I shed light on the question, how and under which conditions quantum sampling devices can be tested or verified in regimes that are not simulable on classical computers (Part II). I present a no-go result that prevents efficient verification of quantum random sampling schemes as well as approaches using which this no-go result can be circumvented. In particular, I develop fully efficient verification protocols in what I call the measurement-device-dependent scenario in which single-qubit measurements are assumed to function with high accuracy. Finally, I try to understand the physical mechanisms governing the computational boundary between classical and quantum computing devices by challenging their computational power using tools from computational physics and the theory of computational complexity (Part III). I develop efficiently computable measures of the infamous Monte Carlo sign problem and assess those measures both in terms of their practicability as a tool for alleviating or easing the sign problem and the computational complexity of this task. An overarching theme of the thesis is the quantum sign problem which arises due to destructive interference between paths – an intrinsically quantum effect. The (non-)existence of a sign problem takes on the role as a criterion which delineates the boundary between classical and quantum computing devices. I begin the thesis by identifying the quantum sign problem as a root of the computational intractability of quantum output probabilities. It turns out that the intricate structure of the probability distributions the sign problem gives rise to, prohibits their verification from few samples. In an ironic twist, I show that assessing the intrinsic sign problem of a quantum system is again an intractable problem

    27th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms: ESA 2019, September 9-11, 2019, Munich/Garching, Germany

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