166 research outputs found

    Non-Interactive Location Surveying for Sensor Networks with Mobility-Differentiated ToA

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    Design of advanced benchmarks and analytical methods for RF-based indoor localization solutions

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    Bluetooth Low Energy based proximity detection and localization in smart communities

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    Internet of things will bring connected devices to a new level of pervasiveness, where any tangible thing of our daily life may embed some electronics. From a sophisticated smartwatch that embeds complex sensing and communication technologies, to the use of a basic electronic component to implement a digital signature, such as RFIDs. All these smart things worn or distributed around us enables multiple functionalities, when they can interact with each other. In this thesis, I describe the design, characterization and validation of a monitoring system based on Internet of Things technologies, for managing groups moving together in a city. Communication and energy efficiency aspects are firstly explored, to identify Bluetooth Low Energy as a promising protocol enabling scalable and energy efficient networks of things. In the thesis, the protocol has been stressed to demonstrate trade-offs between throughput, energy efficiency, scalability and the possibility to perform multi-hop communication. The potential of the protocol has been exploited within the framework of the CLIMB project. Here, the application requirements and constraints fostered the use of Bluetooth for localization and proximity detection, leading to the investigation of novel strategies to improve accuracy without affecting power consumption and ease of use

    Software-Defined Lighting.

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    For much of the past century, indoor lighting has been based on incandescent or gas-discharge technology. But, with LED lighting experiencing a 20x/decade increase in flux density, 10x/decade decrease in cost, and linear improvements in luminous efficiency, solid-state lighting is finally cost-competitive with the status quo. As a result, LED lighting is projected to reach over 70% market penetration by 2030. This dissertation claims that solid-state lighting’s real potential has been barely explored, that now is the time to explore it, and that new lighting platforms and applications can drive lighting far beyond its roots as an illumination technology. Scaling laws make solid-state lighting competitive with conventional lighting, but two key features make solid-state lighting an enabler for many new applications: the high switching speeds possible using LEDs and the color palettes realizable with Red-Green-Blue-White (RGBW) multi-chip assemblies. For this dissertation, we have explored the post-illumination potential of LED lighting in applications as diverse as visible light communications, indoor positioning, smart dust time synchronization, and embedded device configuration, with an eventual eye toward supporting all of them using a shared lighting infrastructure under a unified system architecture that provides software-control over lighting. To explore the space of software-defined lighting (SDL), we design a compact, flexible, and networked SDL platform to allow researchers to rapidly test new ideas. Using this platform, we demonstrate the viability of several applications, including multi-luminaire synchronized communication to a photodiode receiver, communication to mobile phone cameras, and indoor positioning using unmodified mobile phones. We show that all these applications and many other potential applications can be simultaneously supported by a single lighting infrastructure under software control.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111482/1/samkuo_1.pd

    Real-Time Localization Using Software Defined Radio

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    Service providers make use of cost-effective wireless solutions to identify, localize, and possibly track users using their carried MDs to support added services, such as geo-advertisement, security, and management. Indoor and outdoor hotspot areas play a significant role for such services. However, GPS does not work in many of these areas. To solve this problem, service providers leverage available indoor radio technologies, such as WiFi, GSM, and LTE, to identify and localize users. We focus our research on passive services provided by third parties, which are responsible for (i) data acquisition and (ii) processing, and network-based services, where (i) and (ii) are done inside the serving network. For better understanding of parameters that affect indoor localization, we investigate several factors that affect indoor signal propagation for both Bluetooth and WiFi technologies. For GSM-based passive services, we developed first a data acquisition module: a GSM receiver that can overhear GSM uplink messages transmitted by MDs while being invisible. A set of optimizations were made for the receiver components to support wideband capturing of the GSM spectrum while operating in real-time. Processing the wide-spectrum of the GSM is possible using a proposed distributed processing approach over an IP network. Then, to overcome the lack of information about tracked devices’ radio settings, we developed two novel localization algorithms that rely on proximity-based solutions to estimate in real environments devices’ locations. Given the challenging indoor environment on radio signals, such as NLOS reception and multipath propagation, we developed an original algorithm to detect and remove contaminated radio signals before being fed to the localization algorithm. To improve the localization algorithm, we extended our work with a hybrid based approach that uses both WiFi and GSM interfaces to localize users. For network-based services, we used a software implementation of a LTE base station to develop our algorithms, which characterize the indoor environment before applying the localization algorithm. Experiments were conducted without any special hardware, any prior knowledge of the indoor layout or any offline calibration of the system

    Indoor Positioning and Navigation

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    In recent years, rapid development in robotics, mobile, and communication technologies has encouraged many studies in the field of localization and navigation in indoor environments. An accurate localization system that can operate in an indoor environment has considerable practical value, because it can be built into autonomous mobile systems or a personal navigation system on a smartphone for guiding people through airports, shopping malls, museums and other public institutions, etc. Such a system would be particularly useful for blind people. Modern smartphones are equipped with numerous sensors (such as inertial sensors, cameras, and barometers) and communication modules (such as WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC, LTE/5G, and UWB capabilities), which enable the implementation of various localization algorithms, namely, visual localization, inertial navigation system, and radio localization. For the mapping of indoor environments and localization of autonomous mobile sysems, LIDAR sensors are also frequently used in addition to smartphone sensors. Visual localization and inertial navigation systems are sensitive to external disturbances; therefore, sensor fusion approaches can be used for the implementation of robust localization algorithms. These have to be optimized in order to be computationally efficient, which is essential for real-time processing and low energy consumption on a smartphone or robot

    Decentralized cooperative trajectory estimation for autonomous underwater vehicles

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    Autonomous agents that can communicate and make relative measurements of each other can improve their collective localization accuracies. This is referred to as cooperative localization (CL). Autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) CL is constrained by the low throughput, high latency, and unreliability of of the acoustic channel used to communicate when submerged. Here we propose a CL algorithm specifically designed for full trajectory, or maximum a posteriori, estimation for AUVs. The method is exact and has the advantage that the broadcast packet sizes increase only linearly with the number of AUVs in the collective and do not grow at all in the case of packet loss. The approach allows for AUV missions to be achieved more efficiently since: 1) vehicles waste less time surfacing for GPS fixes, and 2) payload data is more accurately localized through the smoothing approach.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of CanadaDefense Research and Development CanadaUnited States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-13-1-0588

    Self-Calibration Methods for Uncontrolled Environments in Sensor Networks: A Reference Survey

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    Growing progress in sensor technology has constantly expanded the number and range of low-cost, small, and portable sensors on the market, increasing the number and type of physical phenomena that can be measured with wirelessly connected sensors. Large-scale deployments of wireless sensor networks (WSN) involving hundreds or thousands of devices and limited budgets often constrain the choice of sensing hardware, which generally has reduced accuracy, precision, and reliability. Therefore, it is challenging to achieve good data quality and maintain error-free measurements during the whole system lifetime. Self-calibration or recalibration in ad hoc sensor networks to preserve data quality is essential, yet challenging, for several reasons, such as the existence of random noise and the absence of suitable general models. Calibration performed in the field, without accurate and controlled instrumentation, is said to be in an uncontrolled environment. This paper provides current and fundamental self-calibration approaches and models for wireless sensor networks in uncontrolled environments

    Self-localization in Ad Hoc Indoor Acoustic Networks

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    The increasing use of mobile technology in everyday life has aroused interest into developing new ways of utilizing the data collected by devices such as mobile phones and wearable devices. Acoustic sensors can be used to localize sound sources if the positions of spatially separate sensors are known or can be determined. However, the process of determining the 3D coordinates by manual measurements is tedious especially with increasing number of sensors. Therefore, the localization process has to be automated. Satellite based positioning is imprecise for many applications and requires line-of-sight to the sky. This thesis studies localization methods for wireless acoustic sensor networks and the process is called self-localization.This thesis focuses on self-localization from sound, and therefore the term acoustic is used. Furthermore, the development of the methods aims at utilizing ad hoc sensor networks, which means that the sensors are not necessarily installed in the premises like meeting rooms and other purpose-built spaces, which often have dedicated audio hardware for spatial audio applications. Instead of relying on such spaces and equipment, mobile devices are used, which are combined to form sensor networks.For instance, a few mobile phones laid on a table can be used to create a sensor network built for an event and it is inherently dismantled once the event is over, which explains the use of the term ad hoc. Once positions of the devices are estimated, the network can be used for spatial applications such as sound source localization and audio enhancement via spatial ïŹltering. The main purpose of this thesis is to present the methods for self-localization of such an ad hoc acoustic sensor network. Using off-the-shelf ad hoc devices to establish sensor networks enables implementation of many spatial algorithms basically in any environment.Several acoustic self-localization methods have been introduced over the years. However, they often rely on specialized hardware and calibration signals. This thesis presents methods that are passive and utilize environmental sounds such as speech from which, by using time delay estimation, the spatial information of the sensor network can be determined. Many previous self-localization methods assume that audio captured by the sensors is synchronized. This assumption cannot be made in an ad hoc sensor network, since the different sensors are unaware of each other without speciïŹc signaling that is not available without special arrangement.The methods developed in this thesis are evaluated with simulations and real data recordings. Scenarios in which the targets of positioning are stationary and in motion are studied. The real world recordings are made in closed spaces such as meeting rooms. The targets are approximately 1 – 5 meters apart. The positioning accuracy is approximately ïŹve centimeters in a stationary scenario, and ten centimeters in a moving-target scenario on average. The most important result of this thesis is presenting the ïŹrst self-localization method that uses environmental sounds and off-the-shelf unsynchronized devices, and allows the targets of self-localization to move

    On aspects of indoor localization

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    One of the key issues of emerging mobile computing and robotics is to obtain knowledge of the position of persons, vehicles and objects in an indoor environment. In order to enable a pervasive coverage, this must be achieved at low cost. Due to the importance of this problem, numerous solutions have been proposed. In this thesis two important localization techniques are discussed and major improvements are developed to address their weaknesses. A common approach for the position estimation problem is hyperbolic localization. This method is based on time difference of arrival (TDOA) measurements of signals transmitted from the mobile unit, i.e. the unit that is to be located, to a set of fixed reference units. A key requirement of this technique is that the clocks of the reference devices are synchronized. Unfortunately, if electromagnetic signals are used that travel at the speed of light even a very small clock deviation results in a tremendous inaccuracy of the computed location. Therefore, a highly precise time measurement and synchronization is mandatory for these systems. However, clocks operating at the required resolution and precision are complex and thus expensive. In this thesis, a localization approach based on TDOA measurements that implies clock synchronization is proposed and discussed. It allows for the usage of low cost oscillators that operate at a moderate frequency in the order of 100 MHz. The impact of short and long term instabilities like jitter or clock drift are inherently delimited. The approach can be applied to radio or infrared as well as ultrasound based systems. The main advantage of this approach is that common synchronization mechanisms that require a significant amount of processing and/or hardware resources can be neglected. Hence, this method is well suited for applications where the mobile unit must be very low cost and thus, of low complexity. An alternative to hyperbolic localization is triangulation, which requires the measurement of angles among fixed reference units and the mobile target. In this work, an infrared detector array for angle of arrival measurement is presented. The array consists of multiple sensing elements that are orientated in different directions. First, the arrangement is described by a sampling system. However, it is shown that low cost integrated receivers yield various aberrations, and thus the sampling approach fails. Subsequently, a new approach named virtual filter interpolation is proposed and discussed. This approach can handle individual sensitivity characteristics of each sensor element and therefore outperforms the sampling approach. The proposed technique is qualified for extremely low cost localization, e.g. for robot navigation
