1,866 research outputs found

    Automatic production and integration of knowledge to the support of the decision and planning activities in medical-clinical diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.

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    El concepto de procedimiento médico se refiere al conjunto de actividades seguidas por los profesionales de la salud para solucionar o mitigar el problema de salud que afecta a un paciente. La toma de decisiones dentro del procedimiento médico ha sido, por largo tiempo, uno de las áreas más interesantes de investigación en la informática médica y el contexto de investigación de esta tesis. La motivación para desarrollar este trabajo de investigación se basa en tres aspectos fundamentales: no hay modelos de conocimiento para todas las actividades médico-clínicas que puedan ser inducidas a partir de datos médicos, no hay soluciones de aprendizaje inductivo para todas las actividades de la asistencia médica y no hay un modelo integral que formalice el concepto de procedimiento médico. Por tanto, nuestro objetivo principal es desarrollar un modelo computable basado en conocimiento que integre todas las actividades de decisión y planificación para el diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico médico-clínicos. Para alcanzar el objetivo principal, en primer lugar, explicamos el problema de investigación. En segundo lugar, describimos los antecedentes del problema de investigación desde los contextos médico e informático. En tercer lugar, explicamos el desarrollo de la propuesta de investigación, basada en cuatro contribuciones principales: un nuevo modelo, basado en datos y conocimiento, para la actividad de planificación en el diagnóstico y tratamiento médico-clínicos; una novedosa metodología de aprendizaje inductivo para la actividad de planificación en el diagnóstico y tratamiento médico-clínico; una novedosa metodología de aprendizaje inductivo para la actividad de decisión en el pronóstico médico-clínico, y finalmente, un nuevo modelo computable, basado en datos y conocimiento, que integra las actividades de decisión y planificación para el diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico médico-clínicos.The concept of medical procedure refers to the set of activities carried out by the health care professionals to solve or mitigate the health problems that affect a patient. Decisions making within a medical procedure has been, for a long time, one of the most interesting research areas in medical informatics and the research context of this thesis. The motivation to develop this research work is based on three main aspects: Nowadays there are not knowledge models for all the medical-clinical activities that can be induced from medical data, there are not inductive learning solutions for all the medical-clinical activities, and there is not an integral model that formalizes the concept of medical procedure. Therefore, our main objective is to develop a computable model based in knowledge that integrates all the decision and planning activities for the medical-clinical diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. To achieve this main objective: first, we explain the research problem. Second, we describe the background of the work from both the medical and the informatics contexts. Third, we explain the development of the research proposal based on four main contributions: a novel knowledge representation model, based in data, to the planning activity in medical-clinical diagnosis and treatment; a novel inductive learning methodology to the planning activity in diagnosis and medical-clinical treatment; a novel inductive learning methodology to the decision activity in medical-clinical prognosis, and finally, a novel computable model, based on data and knowledge, which integrates the decision and planning activities of medical-clinical diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

    Clinical text data in machine learning: Systematic review

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    Background: Clinical narratives represent the main form of communication within healthcare providing a personalized account of patient history and assessments, offering rich information for clinical decision making. Natural language processing (NLP) has repeatedly demonstrated its feasibility to unlock evidence buried in clinical narratives. Machine learning can facilitate rapid development of NLP tools by leveraging large amounts of text data. Objective: The main aim of this study is to provide systematic evidence on the properties of text data used to train machine learning approaches to clinical NLP. We also investigate the types of NLP tasks that have been supported by machine learning and how they can be applied in clinical practice. Methods: Our methodology was based on the guidelines for performing systematic reviews. In August 2018, we used PubMed, a multi-faceted interface, to perform a literature search against MEDLINE. We identified a total of 110 relevant studies and extracted information about the text data used to support machine learning, the NLP tasks supported and their clinical applications. The data properties considered included their size, provenance, collection methods, annotation and any relevant statistics. Results: The vast majority of datasets used to train machine learning models included only hundreds or thousands of documents. Only 10 studies used tens of thousands of documents with a handful of studies utilizing more. Relatively small datasets were utilized for training even when much larger datasets were available. The main reason for such poor data utilization is the annotation bottleneck faced by supervised machine learning algorithms. Active learning was explored to iteratively sample a subset of data for manual annotation as a strategy for minimizing the annotation effort while maximizing predictive performance of the model. Supervised learning was successfully used where clinical codes integrated with free text notes into electronic health records were utilized as class labels. Similarly, distant supervision was used to utilize an existing knowledge base to automatically annotate raw text. Where manual annotation was unavoidable, crowdsourcing was explored, but it remains unsuitable due to sensitive nature of data considered. Beside the small volume, training data were typically sourced from a small number of institutions, thus offering no hard evidence about the transferability of machine learning models. The vast majority of studies focused on the task of text classification. Most commonly, the classification results were used to support phenotyping, prognosis, care improvement, resource management and surveillance. Conclusions: We identified the data annotation bottleneck as one of the key obstacles to machine learning approaches in clinical NLP. Active learning and distant supervision were explored as a way of saving the annotation efforts. Future research in this field would benefit from alternatives such as data augmentation and transfer learning, or unsupervised learning, which does not require data annotation

    Big data analytics for preventive medicine

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    © 2019, Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature. Medical data is one of the most rewarding and yet most complicated data to analyze. How can healthcare providers use modern data analytics tools and technologies to analyze and create value from complex data? Data analytics, with its promise to efficiently discover valuable pattern by analyzing large amount of unstructured, heterogeneous, non-standard and incomplete healthcare data. It does not only forecast but also helps in decision making and is increasingly noticed as breakthrough in ongoing advancement with the goal is to improve the quality of patient care and reduces the healthcare cost. The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive and structured overview of extensive research on the advancement of data analytics methods for disease prevention. This review first introduces disease prevention and its challenges followed by traditional prevention methodologies. We summarize state-of-the-art data analytics algorithms used for classification of disease, clustering (unusually high incidence of a particular disease), anomalies detection (detection of disease) and association as well as their respective advantages, drawbacks and guidelines for selection of specific model followed by discussion on recent development and successful application of disease prevention methods. The article concludes with open research challenges and recommendations

    Analyzing Data Mining Statistical Models of Bio Medical

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    The main goal of this thesis is to investigate the preformance of different data mining models on Biomedical datasets (heart disease data). I used different data mining models as, neural networks, support vector machine and logictic regression will be executed on these datasets. Some performance metrics such as accurary, precision and recall will be calculated and recorded. I compare the data mining models by using the recorded values of the performance metrics to find the best model for the datasets

    A Novel Ontology and Machine Learning Driven Hybrid Clinical Decision Support Framework for Cardiovascular Preventative Care

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    Clinical risk assessment of chronic illnesses is a challenging and complex task which requires the utilisation of standardised clinical practice guidelines and documentation procedures in order to ensure consistent and efficient patient care. Conventional cardiovascular decision support systems have significant limitations, which include the inflexibility to deal with complex clinical processes, hard-wired rigid architectures based on branching logic and the inability to deal with legacy patient data without significant software engineering work. In light of these challenges, we are proposing a novel ontology and machine learning-driven hybrid clinical decision support framework for cardiovascular preventative care. An ontology-inspired approach provides a foundation for information collection, knowledge acquisition and decision support capabilities and aims to develop context sensitive decision support solutions based on ontology engineering principles. The proposed framework incorporates an ontology-driven clinical risk assessment and recommendation system (ODCRARS) and a Machine Learning Driven Prognostic System (MLDPS), integrated as a complete system to provide a cardiovascular preventative care solution. The proposed clinical decision support framework has been developed under the close supervision of clinical domain experts from both UK and US hospitals and is capable of handling multiple cardiovascular diseases. The proposed framework comprises of two novel key components: (1) ODCRARS (2) MLDPS. The ODCRARS is developed under the close supervision of consultant cardiologists Professor Calum MacRae from Harvard Medical School and Professor Stephen Leslie from Raigmore Hospital in Inverness, UK. The ODCRARS comprises of various components, which include: (a) Ontology-driven intelligent context-aware information collection for conducting patient interviews which are driven through a novel clinical questionnaire ontology. (b) A patient semantic profile, is generated using patient medical records which are collated during patient interviews (conducted through an ontology-driven context aware adaptive information collection component). The semantic transformation of patients’ medical data is carried out through a novel patient semantic profile ontology in order to give patient data an intrinsic meaning and alleviate interoperability issues with third party healthcare systems. (c) Ontology driven clinical decision support comprises of a recommendation ontology and a NICE/Expert driven clinical rules engine. The recommendation ontology is developed using clinical rules provided by the consultant cardiologist from the US hospital. The recommendation ontology utilises the patient semantic profile for lab tests and medication recommendation. A clinical rules engine is developed to implement a cardiac risk assessment mechanism for various cardiovascular conditions. The clinical rules engine is also utilised to control the patient flow within the integrated cardiovascular preventative care solution. The machine learning-driven prognostic system is developed in an iterative manner using state of the art feature selection and machine learning techniques. A prognostic model development process is exploited for the development of MLDPS based on clinical case studies in the cardiovascular domain. An additional clinical case study in the breast cancer domain is also carried out for the development and validation purposes. The prognostic model development process is general enough to handle a variety of healthcare datasets which will enable researchers to develop cost effective and evidence based clinical decision support systems. The proposed clinical decision support framework also provides a learning mechanism based on machine learning techniques. Learning mechanism is provided through exchange of patient data amongst the MLDPS and the ODCRARS. The machine learning-driven prognostic system is validated using Raigmore Hospital's RACPC, heart disease and breast cancer clinical case studies

    Acute myocardial infarction patient data to assess healthcare utilization and treatments.

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    The goal of this study is to use a data mining framework to assess the three main treatments for acute myocardial infarction: thrombolytic therapy, percutaneous coronary intervention (percutaneous angioplasty), and coronary artery bypass surgery. The need for a data mining framework in this study arises because of the use of real world data rather than highly clean and homogenous data found in most clinical trials and epidemiological studies. The assessment is based on determining a profile of patients undergoing an episode of acute myocardial infarction, determine resource utilization by treatment, and creating a model that predicts each treatment resource utilization and cost. Text Mining is used to find a subset of input attributes that characterize subjects who undergo the different treatments for acute myocardial infarction as well as distinct resource utilization profiles. Classical statistical methods are used to evaluate the results of text clustering. The features selected by supervised learning are used to build predictive models for resource utilization and are compared with those features selected by traditional statistical methods for a predictive model with the same outcome. Sequence analysis is used to determine the sequence of treatment of acute myocardial infarction. The resulting sequence is used to construct a probability tree that defines the basis for cost effectiveness analysis that compares acute myocardial infarction treatments. To determine effectiveness, survival analysis methodology is implemented to assess the occurrence of death during the hospitalization, the likelihood of a repeated episode of acute myocardial infarction, and the length of time between reoccurrence of an episode of acute myocardial infarction or the occurrence of death. The complexity of this study was mainly based on the data source used: administrative data from insurance claims. Such data source was not originally designed for the study of health outcomes or health resource utilization. However, by transforming record tables from many-to-many relations to one-to-one relations, they became useful in tracking the evolution of disease and disease outcomes. Also, by transforming tables from a wide-format to a long-format, the records became analyzable by many data mining algorithms. Moreover, this study contributed to field of applied mathematics and public health by implementing a sequence analysis on consecutive procedures to determine the sequence of events that describe the evolution of a hospitalization for acute myocardial infarction. This same data transformation and algorithm can be used in the study of rare diseases whose evolution is not well understood