52 research outputs found

    Efficient Dense Registration, Segmentation, and Modeling Methods for RGB-D Environment Perception

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    One perspective for artificial intelligence research is to build machines that perform tasks autonomously in our complex everyday environments. This setting poses challenges to the development of perception skills: A robot should be able to perceive its location and objects in its surrounding, while the objects and the robot itself could also be moving. Objects may not only be composed of rigid parts, but could be non-rigidly deformable or appear in a variety of similar shapes. Furthermore, it could be relevant to the task to observe object semantics. For a robot acting fluently and immediately, these perception challenges demand efficient methods. This theses presents novel approaches to robot perception with RGB-D sensors. It develops efficient registration, segmentation, and modeling methods for scene and object perception. We propose multi-resolution surfel maps as a concise representation for RGB-D measurements. We develop probabilistic registration methods that handle rigid scenes, scenes with multiple rigid parts that move differently, and scenes that undergo non-rigid deformations. We use these methods to learn and perceive 3D models of scenes and objects in both static and dynamic environments. For learning models of static scenes, we propose a real-time capable simultaneous localization and mapping approach. It aligns key views in RGB-D video using our rigid registration method and optimizes the pose graph of the key views. The acquired models are then perceived in live images through detection and tracking within a Bayesian filtering framework. An assumption frequently made for environment mapping is that the observed scene remains static during the mapping process. Through rigid multi-body registration, we take advantage of releasing this assumption: Our registration method segments views into parts that move independently between the views and simultaneously estimates their motion. Within simultaneous motion segmentation, localization, and mapping, we separate scenes into objects by their motion. Our approach acquires 3D models of objects and concurrently infers hierarchical part relations between them using probabilistic reasoning. It can be applied for interactive learning of objects and their part decomposition. Endowing robots with manipulation skills for a large variety of objects is a tedious endeavor if the skill is programmed for every instance of an object class. Furthermore, slight deformations of an instance could not be handled by an inflexible program. Deformable registration is useful to perceive such shape variations, e.g., between specific instances of a tool. We develop an efficient deformable registration method and apply it for the transfer of robot manipulation skills between varying object instances. On the object-class level, we segment images using random decision forest classifiers in real-time. The probabilistic labelings of individual images are fused in 3D semantic maps within a Bayesian framework. We combine our object-class segmentation method with simultaneous localization and mapping to achieve online semantic mapping in real-time. The methods developed in this thesis are evaluated in experiments on publicly available benchmark datasets and novel own datasets. We publicly demonstrate several of our perception approaches within integrated robot systems in the mobile manipulation context.Effiziente Dichte Registrierungs-, Segmentierungs- und Modellierungsmethoden fĂŒr die RGB-D Umgebungswahrnehmung In dieser Arbeit beschĂ€ftigen wir uns mit Herausforderungen der visuellen Wahrnehmung fĂŒr intelligente Roboter in Alltagsumgebungen. Solche Roboter sollen sich selbst in ihrer Umgebung zurechtfinden, und Wissen ĂŒber den Verbleib von Objekten erwerben können. Die Schwierigkeit dieser Aufgaben erhöht sich in dynamischen Umgebungen, in denen ein Roboter die Bewegung einzelner Teile differenzieren und auch wahrnehmen muss, wie sich diese Teile bewegen. Bewegt sich ein Roboter selbstĂ€ndig in dieser Umgebung, muss er auch seine eigene Bewegung von der VerĂ€nderung der Umgebung unterscheiden. Szenen können sich aber nicht nur durch die Bewegung starrer Teile verĂ€ndern. Auch die Teile selbst können ihre Form in nicht-rigider Weise Ă€ndern. Eine weitere Herausforderung stellt die semantische Interpretation von Szenengeometrie und -aussehen dar. Damit intelligente Roboter unmittelbar und flĂŒssig handeln können, sind effiziente Algorithmen fĂŒr diese Wahrnehmungsprobleme erforderlich. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir effiziente Methoden zur ReprĂ€sentation und Registrierung von RGB-D Messungen. ZunĂ€chst stellen wir Multi-Resolutions-OberflĂ€chenelement-Karten (engl. multi-resolution surfel maps, MRSMaps) als eine kompakte ReprĂ€sentation von RGB-D Messungen vor, die unseren effizienten Registrierungsmethoden zugrunde liegt. Bilder können effizient in dieser ReprĂ€sentation aggregiert werde, wobei auch mehrere Bilder aus verschiedenen Blickpunkten integriert werden können, um Modelle von Szenen und Objekte aus vielfĂ€ltigen Ansichten darzustellen. FĂŒr die effiziente, robuste und genaue Registrierung von MRSMaps wird eine Methode vorgestellt, die Rigidheit der betrachteten Szene voraussetzt. Die Registrierung schĂ€tzt die Kamerabewegung zwischen den Bildern und gewinnt ihre Effizienz durch die Ausnutzung der kompakten multi-resolutionalen Darstellung der Karten. Die Registrierungsmethode erzielt hohe Bildverarbeitungsraten auf einer CPU. Wir demonstrieren hohe Effizienz, Genauigkeit und Robustheit unserer Methode im Vergleich zum bisherigen Stand der Forschung auf VergleichsdatensĂ€tzen. In einem weiteren Registrierungsansatz lösen wir uns von der Annahme, dass die betrachtete Szene zwischen Bildern statisch ist. Wir erlauben nun, dass sich rigide Teile der Szene bewegen dĂŒrfen, und erweitern unser rigides Registrierungsverfahren auf diesen Fall. Unser Ansatz segmentiert das Bild in Bereiche einzelner Teile, die sich unterschiedlich zwischen Bildern bewegen. Wir demonstrieren hohe Segmentierungsgenauigkeit und Genauigkeit in der BewegungsschĂ€tzung unter Echtzeitbedingungen fĂŒr die Verarbeitung. Schließlich entwickeln wir ein Verfahren fĂŒr die Wahrnehmung von nicht-rigiden Deformationen zwischen zwei MRSMaps. Auch hier nutzen wir die multi-resolutionale Struktur in den Karten fĂŒr ein effizientes Registrieren von grob zu fein. Wir schlagen Methoden vor, um aus den geschĂ€tzten Deformationen die lokale Bewegung zwischen den Bildern zu berechnen. Wir evaluieren Genauigkeit und Effizienz des Registrierungsverfahrens. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich der Verwendung unserer KartenreprĂ€sentation und Registrierungsmethoden fĂŒr die Wahrnehmung von Szenen und Objekten. Wir verwenden MRSMaps und unsere rigide Registrierungsmethode, um dichte 3D Modelle von Szenen und Objekten zu lernen. Die rĂ€umlichen Beziehungen zwischen SchlĂŒsselansichten, die wir durch Registrierung schĂ€tzen, werden in einem Simultanen Lokalisierungs- und Kartierungsverfahren (engl. simultaneous localization and mapping, SLAM) gegeneinander abgewogen, um die Blickposen der SchlĂŒsselansichten zu schĂ€tzen. FĂŒr das Verfolgen der Kamerapose bezĂŒglich der Modelle in Echtzeit, kombinieren wir die Genauigkeit unserer Registrierung mit der Robustheit von Partikelfiltern. Zu Beginn der Posenverfolgung, oder wenn das Objekt aufgrund von Verdeckungen oder extremen Bewegungen nicht weiter verfolgt werden konnte, initialisieren wir das Filter durch Objektdetektion. Anschließend wenden wir unsere erweiterten Registrierungsverfahren fĂŒr die Wahrnehmung in nicht-rigiden Szenen und fĂŒr die Übertragung von ObjekthandhabungsfĂ€higkeiten von Robotern an. Wir erweitern unseren rigiden Kartierungsansatz auf dynamische Szenen, in denen sich rigide Teile bewegen. Die Bewegungssegmente in SchlĂŒsselansichten werden zueinander in Bezug gesetzt, um Äquivalenz- und Teilebeziehungen von Objekten probabilistisch zu inferieren, denen die Segmente entsprechen. Auch hier liefert unsere Registrierungsmethode die Bewegung der Kamera bezĂŒglich der Objekte, die wir in einem SLAM Verfahren optimieren. Aus diesen Blickposen wiederum können wir die Bewegungssegmente in dichten Objektmodellen vereinen. Objekte einer Klasse teilen oft eine gemeinsame Topologie von funktionalen Elementen, die durch Formkorrespondenzen ermittelt werden kann. Wir verwenden unsere deformierbare Registrierung, um solche Korrespondenzen zu finden und die Handhabung eines Objektes durch einen Roboter auf neue Objektinstanzen derselben Klasse zu ĂŒbertragen. Schließlich entwickeln wir einen echtzeitfĂ€higen Ansatz, der Kategorien von Objekten in RGB-D Bildern erkennt und segmentiert. Die Segmentierung basiert auf Ensemblen randomisierter EntscheidungsbĂ€ume, die Geometrie- und Texturmerkmale zur Klassifikation verwenden. Wir fusionieren Segmentierungen von Einzelbildern einer Szene aus mehreren Ansichten in einer semantischen Objektklassenkarte mit Hilfe unseres SLAM-Verfahrens. Die vorgestellten Methoden werden auf öffentlich verfĂŒgbaren VergleichsdatensĂ€tzen und eigenen DatensĂ€tzen evaluiert. Einige unserer AnsĂ€tze wurden auch in integrierten Robotersystemen fĂŒr mobile Objekthantierungsaufgaben öffentlich demonstriert. Sie waren ein wichtiger Bestandteil fĂŒr das Gewinnen der RoboCup-Roboterwettbewerbe in der RoboCup@Home Liga in den Jahren 2011, 2012 und 2013

    Tracking interacting targets in multi-modal sensors

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    PhDObject tracking is one of the fundamental tasks in various applications such as surveillance, sports, video conferencing and activity recognition. Factors such as occlusions, illumination changes and limited field of observance of the sensor make tracking a challenging task. To overcome these challenges the focus of this thesis is on using multiple modalities such as audio and video for multi-target, multi-modal tracking. Particularly, this thesis presents contributions to four related research topics, namely, pre-processing of input signals to reduce noise, multi-modal tracking, simultaneous detection and tracking, and interaction recognition. To improve the performance of detection algorithms, especially in the presence of noise, this thesis investigate filtering of the input data through spatio-temporal feature analysis as well as through frequency band analysis. The pre-processed data from multiple modalities is then fused within Particle filtering (PF). To further minimise the discrepancy between the real and the estimated positions, we propose a strategy that associates the hypotheses and the measurements with a real target, using a Weighted Probabilistic Data Association (WPDA). Since the filtering involved in the detection process reduces the available information and is inapplicable on low signal-to-noise ratio data, we investigate simultaneous detection and tracking approaches and propose a multi-target track-beforedetect Particle filtering (MT-TBD-PF). The proposed MT-TBD-PF algorithm bypasses the detection step and performs tracking in the raw signal. Finally, we apply the proposed multi-modal tracking to recognise interactions between targets in regions within, as well as outside the cameras’ fields of view. The efficiency of the proposed approaches are demonstrated on large uni-modal, multi-modal and multi-sensor scenarios from real world detections, tracking and event recognition datasets and through participation in evaluation campaigns

    A Methodology for Extracting Human Bodies from Still Images

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    Monitoring and surveillance of humans is one of the most prominent applications of today and it is expected to be part of many future aspects of our life, for safety reasons, assisted living and many others. Many efforts have been made towards automatic and robust solutions, but the general problem is very challenging and remains still open. In this PhD dissertation we examine the problem from many perspectives. First, we study the performance of a hardware architecture designed for large-scale surveillance systems. Then, we focus on the general problem of human activity recognition, present an extensive survey of methodologies that deal with this subject and propose a maturity metric to evaluate them. One of the numerous and most popular algorithms for image processing found in the field is image segmentation and we propose a blind metric to evaluate their results regarding the activity at local regions. Finally, we propose a fully automatic system for segmenting and extracting human bodies from challenging single images, which is the main contribution of the dissertation. Our methodology is a novel bottom-up approach relying mostly on anthropometric constraints and is facilitated by our research in the fields of face, skin and hands detection. Experimental results and comparison with state-of-the-art methodologies demonstrate the success of our approach

    Exploring Topological Environments

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    Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) addresses the task of incrementally building a map of the environment with a robot while simultaneously localizing the robot relative to that map. SLAM is generally regarded as one of the most important problems in the pursuit of building truly autonomous mobile robots. This thesis considers the SLAM problem within a topological framework, in which the world and its representation are modelled as a graph. A topological framework provides a useful model within which to explore fundamental limits to exploration and mapping. Given a topological world, it is not, in general, possible to map the world deterministically without resorting to some type of marking aids. Early work demonstrated that a single movable marker was sufficient but is this necessary? This thesis shows that deterministic mapping is possible if both explicit place and back-link information exist in one vertex. Such 'directional lighthouse' information can be established in a number of ways including through the addition of a simple directional immovable marker to the environment. This thesis also explores non-deterministic approaches that map the world with less marking information. The algorithms are evaluated through performance analysis and experimental validation. Furthermore, the basic sensing and locomotion assumptions that underlie these algorithms are evaluated using a differential drive robot and an autonomous visual sensor

    Exploring Topological Environments

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    Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) addresses the task of incrementally building a map of the environment with a robot while simultaneously localizing the robot relative to that map. SLAM is generally regarded as one of the most important problems in the pursuit of building truly autonomous mobile robots. This thesis considers the SLAM problem within a topological framework, in which the world and its representation are modelled as a graph. A topological framework provides a useful model within which to explore fundamental limits to exploration and mapping. Given a topological world, it is not, in general, possible to map the world deterministically without resorting to some type of marking aids. Early work demonstrated that a single movable marker was sufficient but is this necessary? This thesis shows that deterministic mapping is possible if both explicit place and back-link information exist in one vertex. Such 'directional lighthouse' information can be established in a number of ways including through the addition of a simple directional immovable marker to the environment. This thesis also explores non-deterministic approaches that map the world with less marking information. The algorithms are evaluated through performance analysis and experimental validation. Furthermore, the basic sensing and locomotion assumptions that underlie these algorithms are evaluated using a differential drive robot and an autonomous visual sensor

    Robotic Crop Interaction in Agriculture for Soft Fruit Harvesting

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    Autonomous tree crop harvesting has been a seemingly attainable, but elusive, robotics goal for the past several decades. Limiting grower reliance on uncertain seasonal labour is an economic driver of this, but the ability of robotic systems to treat each plant individually also has environmental benefits, such as reduced emissions and fertiliser use. Over the same time period, effective grasping and manipulation (G&M) solutions to warehouse product handling, and more general robotic interaction, have been demonstrated. Despite research progress in general robotic interaction and harvesting of some specific crop types, a commercially successful robotic harvester has yet to be demonstrated. Most crop varieties, including soft-skinned fruit, have not yet been addressed. Soft fruit, such as plums, present problems for many of the techniques employed for their more robust relatives and require special focus when developing autonomous harvesters. Adapting existing robotics tools and techniques to new fruit types, including soft skinned varieties, is not well explored. This thesis aims to bridge that gap by examining the challenges of autonomous crop interaction for the harvesting of soft fruit. Aspects which are known to be challenging include mixed obstacle planning with both hard and soft obstacles present, poor outdoor sensing conditions, and the lack of proven picking motion strategies. Positioning an actuator for harvesting requires solving these problems and others specific to soft skinned fruit. Doing so effectively means addressing these in the sensing, planning and actuation areas of a robotic system. Such areas are also highly interdependent for grasping and manipulation tasks, so solutions need to be developed at the system level. In this thesis, soft robotics actuators, with simplifying assumptions about hard obstacle planes, are used to solve mixed obstacle planning. Persistent target tracking and filtering is used to overcome challenging object detection conditions, while multiple stages of object detection are applied to refine these initial position estimates. Several picking motions are developed and tested for plums, with varying degrees of effectiveness. These various techniques are integrated into a prototype system which is validated in lab testing and extensive field trials on a commercial plum crop. Key contributions of this thesis include I. The examination of grasping & manipulation tools, algorithms, techniques and challenges for harvesting soft skinned fruit II. Design, development and field-trial evaluation of a harvester prototype to validate these concepts in practice, with specific design studies of the gripper type, object detector architecture and picking motion for this III. Investigation of specific G&M module improvements including: o Application of the autocovariance least squares (ALS) method to noise covariance matrix estimation for visual servoing tasks, where both simulated and real experiments demonstrated a 30% improvement in state estimation error using this technique. o Theory and experimentation showing that a single range measurement is sufficient for disambiguating scene scale in monocular depth estimation for some datasets. o Preliminary investigations of stochastic object completion and sampling for grasping, active perception for visual servoing based harvesting, and multi-stage fruit localisation from RGB-Depth data. Several field trials were carried out with the plum harvesting prototype. Testing on an unmodified commercial plum crop, in all weather conditions, showed promising results with a harvest success rate of 42%. While a significant gap between prototype performance and commercial viability remains, the use of soft robotics with carefully chosen sensing and planning approaches allows for robust grasping & manipulation under challenging conditions, with both hard and soft obstacles

    Human-competitive automatic topic indexing

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    Topic indexing is the task of identifying the main topics covered by a document. These are useful for many purposes: as subject headings in libraries, as keywords in academic publications and as tags on the web. Knowing a document's topics helps people judge its relevance quickly. However, assigning topics manually is labor intensive. This thesis shows how to generate them automatically in a way that competes with human performance. Three kinds of indexing are investigated: term assignment, a task commonly performed by librarians, who select topics from a controlled vocabulary; tagging, a popular activity of web users, who choose topics freely; and a new method of keyphrase extraction, where topics are equated to Wikipedia article names. A general two-stage algorithm is introduced that first selects candidate topics and then ranks them by significance based on their properties. These properties draw on statistical, semantic, domain-specific and encyclopedic knowledge. They are combined using a machine learning algorithm that models human indexing behavior from examples. This approach is evaluated by comparing automatically generated topics to those assigned by professional indexers, and by amateurs. We claim that the algorithm is human-competitive because it chooses topics that are as consistent with those assigned by humans as their topics are with each other. The approach is generalizable, requires little training data and applies across different domains and languages

    Multimedia Forensics

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    This book is open access. Media forensics has never been more relevant to societal life. Not only media content represents an ever-increasing share of the data traveling on the net and the preferred communications means for most users, it has also become integral part of most innovative applications in the digital information ecosystem that serves various sectors of society, from the entertainment, to journalism, to politics. Undoubtedly, the advances in deep learning and computational imaging contributed significantly to this outcome. The underlying technologies that drive this trend, however, also pose a profound challenge in establishing trust in what we see, hear, and read, and make media content the preferred target of malicious attacks. In this new threat landscape powered by innovative imaging technologies and sophisticated tools, based on autoencoders and generative adversarial networks, this book fills an important gap. It presents a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art forensics capabilities that relate to media attribution, integrity and authenticity verification, and counter forensics. Its content is developed to provide practitioners, researchers, photo and video enthusiasts, and students a holistic view of the field

    Multimedia Forensics

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    This book is open access. Media forensics has never been more relevant to societal life. Not only media content represents an ever-increasing share of the data traveling on the net and the preferred communications means for most users, it has also become integral part of most innovative applications in the digital information ecosystem that serves various sectors of society, from the entertainment, to journalism, to politics. Undoubtedly, the advances in deep learning and computational imaging contributed significantly to this outcome. The underlying technologies that drive this trend, however, also pose a profound challenge in establishing trust in what we see, hear, and read, and make media content the preferred target of malicious attacks. In this new threat landscape powered by innovative imaging technologies and sophisticated tools, based on autoencoders and generative adversarial networks, this book fills an important gap. It presents a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art forensics capabilities that relate to media attribution, integrity and authenticity verification, and counter forensics. Its content is developed to provide practitioners, researchers, photo and video enthusiasts, and students a holistic view of the field

    Improving efficiency and resilience in large-scale computing systems through analytics and data-driven management

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    Applications running in large-scale computing systems such as high performance computing (HPC) or cloud data centers are essential to many aspects of modern society, from weather forecasting to financial services. As the number and size of data centers increase with the growing computing demand, scalable and efficient management becomes crucial. However, data center management is a challenging task due to the complex interactions between applications, middleware, and hardware layers such as processors, network, and cooling units. This thesis claims that to improve robustness and efficiency of large-scale computing systems, significantly higher levels of automated support than what is available in today's systems are needed, and this automation should leverage the data continuously collected from various system layers. Towards this claim, we propose novel methodologies to automatically diagnose the root causes of performance and configuration problems and to improve efficiency through data-driven system management. We first propose a framework to diagnose software and hardware anomalies that cause undesired performance variations in large-scale computing systems. We show that by training machine learning models on resource usage and performance data collected from servers, our approach successfully diagnoses 98% of the injected anomalies at runtime in real-world HPC clusters with negligible computational overhead. We then introduce an analytics framework to address another major source of performance anomalies in cloud data centers: software misconfigurations. Our framework discovers and extracts configuration information from cloud instances such as containers or virtual machines. This is the first framework to provide comprehensive visibility into software configurations in multi-tenant cloud platforms, enabling systematic analysis for validating the correctness of software configurations. This thesis also contributes to the design of robust and efficient system management methods that leverage continuously monitored resource usage data. To improve performance under power constraints, we propose a workload- and cooling-aware power budgeting algorithm that distributes the available power among servers and cooling units in a data center, achieving up to 21% improvement in throughput per Watt compared to the state-of-the-art. Additionally, we design a network- and communication-aware HPC workload placement policy that reduces communication overhead by up to 30% in terms of hop-bytes compared to existing policies.2019-07-02T00:00:00
