7 research outputs found

    Execution Speed up of Image Rotation Matrix Using Parallel Technique

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    In computer graphic science rotating a vertex in an image around a specific point in any direction is a time consuming mission. The rotation of a vertex depends on multiplying it's coordinates by graphic geometric transformation matrices, this multiplication requires a considerable time. In this paper the acceleration of image rotation is achieved by using parallel techniques such as using Multicore Core Central Processing Unit (CPU) or General Purpose Graphic Processing Unit (GPGPU) or even both. The results show a significant increase in computation speed when rotating a large number of vertices by using CPU. A considerable acceleration is achieved when GPU is used to make image rotation. However the speedup is limited by the number of processing units available for parallel processing

    GPU-Based Data Processing for 2-D Microwave Imaging on MAST

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    The Synthetic Aperture Microwave Imaging (SAMI) diagnostic is a Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST) diagnostic based at Culham Centre for Fusion Energy. The acceleration of the SAMI diagnostic data-processing code by a graphics processing unit is presented, demonstrating acceleration of up to 60 times compared to the original IDL (Interactive Data Language) data-processing code. SAMI will now be capable of intershot processing allowing pseudo-real-time control so that adjustments and optimizations can be made between shots. Additionally, for the first time the analysis of many shots will be possible

    Revisiting the high-performance reconfigurable computing for future datacenters

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    Modern datacenters are reinforcing the computational power and energy efficiency by assimilating field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The sustainability of this large-scale integration depends on enabling multi-tenant FPGAs. This requisite amplifies the importance of communication architecture and virtualization method with the required features in order to meet the high-end objective. Consequently, in the last decade, academia and industry proposed several virtualization techniques and hardware architectures for addressing resource management, scheduling, adoptability, segregation, scalability, performance-overhead, availability, programmability, time-to-market, security, and mainly, multitenancy. This paper provides an extensive survey covering three important aspects-discussion on non-standard terms used in existing literature, network-on-chip evaluation choices as a mean to explore the communication architecture, and virtualization methods under latest classification. The purpose is to emphasize the importance of choosing appropriate communication architecture, virtualization technique and standard language to evolve the multi-tenant FPGAs in datacenters. None of the previous surveys encapsulated these aspects in one writing. Open problems are indicated for scientific community as well

    Real-time video scene analysis with heterogeneous processors

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    Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) allow acceleration and real-time processing of computationally intensive computer vision algorithms. The decision to use either architecture in any application is determined by task-specific priorities such as processing latency, power consumption and algorithm accuracy. This choice is normally made at design time on a heuristic or fixed algorithmic basis; here we propose an alternative method for automatic runtime selection. In this thesis, we describe our PC-based system architecture containing both platforms; this provides greater flexibility and allows dynamic selection of processing platforms to suit changing scene priorities. Using the Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) algorithm for pedestrian detection, we comprehensively explore algorithm implementation on FPGA, GPU and a combination of both, and show that the effect of data transfer time on overall processing performance is significant. We also characterise performance of each implementation and quantify tradeoffs between power, time and accuracy when moving processing between architectures, then specify the optimal architecture to use when prioritising each of these. We apply this new knowledge to a real-time surveillance application representative of anomaly detection problems: detecting parked vehicles in videos. Using motion detection and car and pedestrian HOG detectors implemented across multiple architectures to generate detections, we use trajectory clustering and a Bayesian contextual motion algorithm to generate an overall scene anomaly level. This is in turn used to select the architectures to run the compute-intensive detectors for the next frame on, with higher anomalies selecting faster, higher-power implementations. Comparing dynamic context-driven prioritisation of system performance against a fixed mapping of algorithms to architectures shows that our dynamic mapping method is 10% more accurate at detecting events than the power-optimised version, at the cost of 12W higher power consumption

    A Model-based Design Framework for Application-specific Heterogeneous Systems

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    The increasing heterogeneity of computing systems enables higher performance and power efficiency. However, these improvements come at the cost of increasing the overall complexity of designing such systems. These complexities include constructing implementations for various types of processors, setting up and configuring communication protocols, and efficiently scheduling the computational work. The process for developing such systems is iterative and time consuming, with no well-defined performance goal. Current performance estimation approaches use source code implementations that require experienced developers and time to produce. We present a framework to aid in the design of heterogeneous systems and the performance tuning of applications. Our framework supports system construction: integrating custom hardware accelerators with existing cores into processors, integrating processors into cohesive systems, and mapping computations to processors to achieve overall application performance and efficient hardware usage. It also facilitates effective design space exploration using processor models (for both existing and future processors) that do not require source code implementations to estimate performance. We evaluate our framework using a variety of applications and implement them in systems ranging from low power embedded systems-on-chip (SoC) to high performance systems consisting of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components. We show how the design process is improved, reducing the number of design iterations and unnecessary source code development ultimately leading to higher performing efficient systems

    KALYPSO, a novel detector system for high-repetition rate and real-time beam diagnostics

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    A Practical Hardware Implementation of Systemic Computation

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    It is widely accepted that natural computation, such as brain computation, is far superior to typical computational approaches addressing tasks such as learning and parallel processing. As conventional silicon-based technologies are about to reach their physical limits, researchers have drawn inspiration from nature to found new computational paradigms. Such a newly-conceived paradigm is Systemic Computation (SC). SC is a bio-inspired model of computation. It incorporates natural characteristics and defines a massively parallel non-von Neumann computer architecture that can model natural systems efficiently. This thesis investigates the viability and utility of a Systemic Computation hardware implementation, since prior software-based approaches have proved inadequate in terms of performance and flexibility. This is achieved by addressing three main research challenges regarding the level of support for the natural properties of SC, the design of its implied architecture and methods to make the implementation practical and efficient. Various hardware-based approaches to Natural Computation are reviewed and their compatibility and suitability, with respect to the SC paradigm, is investigated. FPGAs are identified as the most appropriate implementation platform through critical evaluation and the first prototype Hardware Architecture of Systemic computation (HAoS) is presented. HAoS is a novel custom digital design, which takes advantage of the inbuilt parallelism of an FPGA and the highly efficient matching capability of a Ternary Content Addressable Memory. It provides basic processing capabilities in order to minimize time-demanding data transfers, while the optional use of a CPU provides high-level processing support. It is optimized and extended to a practical hardware platform accompanied by a software framework to provide an efficient SC programming solution. The suggested platform is evaluated using three bio-inspired models and analysis shows that it satisfies the research challenges and provides an effective solution in terms of efficiency versus flexibility trade-off