434 research outputs found

    Dimension Reduction Using Quantum Wavelet Transform on a High-Performance Reconfigurable Computer

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.The high resolution of multidimensional space-time measurements and enormity of data readout counts in applications such as particle tracking in high-energy physics (HEP) is becoming nowadays a major challenge. In this work, we propose combining dimension reduction techniques with quantum information processing for application in domains that generate large volumes of data such as HEP. More specifically, we propose using quantum wavelet transform (QWT) to reduce the dimensionality of high spatial resolution data. The quantum wavelet transform takes advantage of the principles of quantum mechanics to achieve reductions in computation time while processing exponentially larger amount of information. We develop simpler and optimized emulation architectures than what has been previously reported, to perform quantum wavelet transform on high-resolution data. We also implement the inverse quantum wavelet transform (IQWT) to accurately reconstruct the data without any losses. The algorithms are prototyped on an FPGA-based quantum emulator that supports double-precision floating-point computations. Experimental work has been performed using high-resolution image data on a state-of-the-art multinode high-performance reconfigurable computer. The experimental results show that the proposed concepts represent a feasible approach to reducing dimensionality of high spatial resolution data generated by applications such as particle tracking in high-energy physics

    FPGAs for Domain Experts

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    Towards Complete Emulation of Quantum Algorithms using High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing

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    Quantum computing is a promising technology that can potentially demonstrate supremacy over classical computing in solving specific classically-intractable problems. However, in its current nascent stage, quantum computing faces major challenges. Two of the main challenges are quantum state decoherence and low scalability of current quantum devices. Decoherence is a process in which the state of the quantum computer is destroyed by interaction with the environment. Decoherence places constraints on the realistic applicability of quantum algorithms as real-life applications usually require complex equivalent quantum circuits to be realized. For example, encoding classical data on quantum computers for solving I/O and data-intensive applications generally requires complex quantum circuits that violate decoherence constraints. In addition, current quantum devices are of intermediate scale, having low quantum bit (qubit) counts and often producing inaccurate or noisy measurements. Consequently, benchmarking of existing quantum algorithms and the investigation of new applications are heavily dependent on classical simulations that use costly, resource-intensive computing platforms. Hardware-based emulation has been alternatively proposed as a more cost-effective and power-efficient approach. Hardware-based emulation methods can take advantage of hardware parallelism and acceleration to produce results at a higher throughput and lower power requirements.This work proposes a hardware-based emulation methodology for quantum algorithms, using cost-effective Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology. The proposed methodology consists of three components that are required for complete emulation of quantum algorithms; the first component models classical-to-quantum (C2Q) data encoding, the second emulates the behavior of quantum algorithms, and the third models the process of measuring the quantum state and extracting classical information, i.e., quantum-to-classical (Q2C) data decoding. The proposed emulation methodology is used to investigate and optimize methods for C2Q/Q2C data encoding/decoding, as well as several important quantum algorithms such as Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT), Quantum Haar Transform (QHT), and Quantum Grover’s Search (QGS). This work delivers contributions in terms of reducing complexities of quantum circuits, extending and optimizing quantum algorithms, and developing new quantum applications. For example, decoherence-optimized circuits for C2Q/Q2C data encoding/decoding are proposed and evaluated using the proposed emulation methodology. Multi-level decomposable forms of optimized QHT circuits are presented and used to demonstrate dimension reduction of high-resolution data. Additionally, a novel extension to the QGS algorithm is proposed to enable search for dynamically changing multi-patterns of unordered data. Finally, a novel quantum application is presented that combines QHT and dynamic multi-pattern QGS to perform pattern recognition using dimension reduction on high-resolution spatio-spectral data. For higher emulation performance and scalability of the framework, hardware design techniques and hardware architectural optimizations are investigated and proposed. The emulation architectures are designed and implemented on a high-performance reconfigurable computer (HPRC). For reference and comparison, implementations of the proposed quantum circuits are also performed on a state-of-the-art quantum computer. Experimental results show that the proposed hardware architectures enable emulation of quantum algorithms with higher scalability, higher accuracy, and higher throughput, compared to existing hardware-based emulators. As a case study, quantum image processing using multi-spectral images is considered for the experimental evaluations. The analysis and results of this work demonstrate that quantum computers and methodologies based on quantum algorithms will be highly useful in realistic data-intensive domains such as remote-sensing hyperspectral imagery and high-energy physics (HEP)

    Spatial Light Modulation as a Flexible Platform for Optical Systems

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    Spatial light modulation is a technology with a demonstrated wide range of applications, especially in optical systems. Among the various spatial light modulator (SLM) technologies, e.g., liquid crystal (LC), magneto-optic, deformable mirror, multiple quantum well, and acoustic-optic Bragg cells, the ones based on liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS) have been gaining importance and relevance in a plethora of optical contexts, namely, in telecom, metrology, optical storage, and microdisplays. Their implementation in telecom has enabled the development of high-capacity optical components in system functionalities as multiplexing/demultiplexing, switching and optical signal processing. This technology combines the unique light-modulating properties of LC with the high-performance silicon complementary metal oxide semiconductor properties. Different types of modulation, i.e., phase, amplitude or combination of the two, can be achieved. In this book chapter, we address the most relevant applications of phase-only LCoS SLM for optical telecom purposes and the employment of SLM technology in photonic integrated circuits (PICs) (e.g., field-programmable silicon photonic (SiP) circuits and integrated SLM application to create versatile reconfigurable elements). Furthermore, a new SLM-based flexible coupling platform with applications in spatial division multiplexing (SDM) systems (e.g., to efficiently excite different cores in MCF) and characterization/testing of photonic integrated processors will be described

    Intelligent OFDM telecommunication system. Part 1. Model of complex and quaternion systems

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    In this paper, we aim to investigate the superiority and practicability of many-parameter transforms (MPTs) from the physical layer security (PHY-LS) perspective. We propose novel Intelligent OFDM-telecommunication systems based on complex and quaternion MPTs. The new systems use inverse MPT (IMPT) for modulation at the transmitter and MPT for demodulation at the receiver. The purpose of employing the MPT is to improve: 1) the PHY-LS of wireless transmissions against to the wide-band anti-jamming and anti-eavesdropping communication; 2) the bit error rate (BER) performance with respect to the conventional OFDM-TCS; 3) the peak to average power ratio (PAPR). Each MPT depends on finite set of independent parameters (angles). When parameters are changed, many-parametric transform is also changed taking form of a set known (and unknown) orthogonal (or unitary) transforms. For this reason, the concrete values of parameters are specific "key" for entry into OFDM-TCS. Vector of parameters belong to multi-dimension torus space. Scanning of this space for find out the "key" (the concrete values of parameters) is hard problem. MPT has the form of the product of the Jacobi rotation matrixes and it describes a fast algorithm for MPT. The main advantage of using MPT in OFDM TCS is that it is a very flexible anti-eavesdropping and anti-jamming Intelligent OFDM TCS. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that utilizes the MPT theory to facilitate the PHY-LS through parameterization of unitary transforms. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

    Otimização de soluções de fotónica integrada para sistemas óticos de nova geração

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    Next generation optical systems can highly benefit from optimized photonic integrated solutions. Photonic integrated circuits (PIC) appear as a promising technology under the current demand for flexibility/reconfigurability in optical systems and telecommunications networks. PIC-based optical systems offer an efficient and cost-effective solution to data transmission increasing claims. In order to contribute to the development of integrated photonic technology, optimized PIC solutions addressing different steps of the PIC development chain, mainly design, testing, and packaging processes, are investigated. Optical signal data compression techniques are progressing to sustain the fast processing/storing of large amounts of bandwidth demanding data, with the advantage of resorting to photonic integrated solutions for the implementation of optical transforms, e.g., Haar transform (HT). This demand motivated the research of an optimized PIC design solution in silicon nitride (Si3N4) based platform comprising a two-level HT network for compression, and a switching network as a framework that supplies all logical inputs of the HT network for testing/characterization purposes. Optimized design models for the multimode interference key building block structure of the PIC design solution, are proposed. Additionally, a first test and characterization of PIC solutions implementing the HT for compression applications in indium phosphide (InP) based platform and in a new organic-inorganic hybrid material were realized. Taking advantage of a tunable lattice filter dispersion compensator in Si3N4-based integrated platform, it was demonstrated a real-time extended reach PAM-4 transmission over 40 km enabled by the photonic integrated dispersion compensator, with application in data center interconnects. Under photonic integrated high-Q resonators need for accurate performance measurement, a technique based on RF calibrated Mach-Zehnder interferometer, and Brillouin gain measurements through Lorentzian fitting analysis were successfully attained. Finally, as technical and functional requirements of PIC demand a thorough characterization/testing to provide an accurate prediction of its performance, and current testing platforms can be expensive and have low flexibility, a proof of concept of a new soft-packaging flexible platform for photonic integrated processors and spatial division multiplexing systems, based in spatial light modulation operation principle is proposed.Os sistemas óticos de nova geração beneficiam com a otimização de fotónica integrada. Com os circuitos de fotónica integrada (PIC) avançados a surgir como uma tecnologia promissora, dentro da crescente procura por flexibilidade/ reconfigurabilidade dos sistemas óticos e redes de telecomunicações. Os sistemas óticos baseados em PIC oferecem soluções eficientes e rentáveis em resposta às necessidades crescentes de transmissão de dados. De modo a contribuir para o desenvolvimento tecnológico associado à fotónica integrada, são investigados no âmbito desta dissertação diferentes soluções otimizadas de PIC, abordando diferentes estágios do seu desenvolvimento, nomeadamente projeto/design, teste e encapsulamento. Técnicas de compressão de sinais óticos estão a progredir no sentido de apoiar a expansão de velocidade de processamento e quantidade de armazenamento com elevada largura de banda associada. São esperadas vantagens recorrendo a PIC para a implementação de transformadas óticas, e.g., transformada de Haar (HT). Esta necessidade motivou a investigação de soluções de PIC com design otimizado, desenvolvidas em plataforma integrada de nitreto de silício (Si3N4). O PIC desenhado é constituído por uma rede 2D a executar a HT para fins de compressão e uma rede de comutação para produzir todas as entradas lógicas esperadas para teste e caracterização. São propostos modelos de design otimizados para a estrutura elementar que compõe o PIC, i.e., componente de interferência multimodal. Adicionalmente, foi realizado o primeiro teste e caracterização experimental de um PIC implementando a HT para fins de compressão, numa plataforma integrada de fosfato de índio (InP) e num material orgânico-inorgânico híbrido. Tirando partido de um filtro sintonizável para compensação de dispersão, desenvolvido em plataforma integrada de Si3N4, foi demostrado um link de transmissão alargada (40 km) em modulação PAM-4, com possível aplicação em centros de processamento de dados de interconexão. A necessidade de medições precisas de desempenho para a caracterização efetiva de soluções integradas de ressoadores de elevado fator de qualidade, motivou a implementação de uma técnica de medição eficaz. Esta é baseada num interferómetro de Mach-Zehnder calibrado em rádio frequência e na realização de mediações de ganho de Brillouin por análise Lorentziana de ajuste de curva. Por fim, tendo em conta os rigorosos requisitos técnicos e funcionais associados ao teste/caracterização precisa de PIC e o facto de as atuais soluções serem dispendiosas e pouco flexíveis. Uma prova de conceito de uma nova plataforma flexível de encapsulamento por software é proposta com aplicação em processadores PIC e sistemas com multiplexagem por divisão espacial.Programa Doutoral em Telecomunicaçõe

    Pathological Brain Detection Using Weiner Filtering, 2D-Discrete Wavelet Transform, Probabilistic PCA, and Random Subspace Ensemble Classifier

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    Accurate diagnosis of pathological brain images is important for patient care, particularly in the early phase of the disease. Although numerous studies have used machine-learning techniques for the computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) of pathological brain, previous methods encountered challenges in terms of the diagnostic efficiency owing to deficiencies in the choice of proper filtering techniques, neuroimaging biomarkers, and limited learning models. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is capable of providing enhanced information regarding the soft tissues, and therefore MR images are included in the proposed approach. In this study, we propose a new model that includes Wiener filtering for noise reduction, 2D-discrete wavelet transform (2D-DWT) for feature extraction, probabilistic principal component analysis (PPCA) for dimensionality reduction, and a random subspace ensemble (RSE) classifier along with the K-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm as a base classifier to classify brain images as pathological or normal ones. The proposed methods provide a significant improvement in classification results when compared to other studies. Based on 5×5 cross-validation (CV), the proposed method outperforms 21 state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of classification accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity for all four datasets used in the study

    Subwavelength Engineering of Silicon Photonic Waveguides

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    The dissertation demonstrates subwavelength engineering of silicon photonic waveguides in the form of two different structures or avenues: (i) a novel ultra-low mode area v-groove waveguide to enhance light-matter interaction; and (ii) a nanoscale sidewall crystalline grating performed as physical unclonable function to achieve hardware and information security. With the advancement of modern technology and modern supply chain throughout the globe, silicon photonics is set to lead the global semiconductor foundries, thanks to its abundance in nature and a mature and well-established industry. Since, the silicon waveguide is the heart of silicon photonics, it can be considered as the core building block of modern integrated photonic systems. Subwavelength structuring of silicon waveguides shows immense promise in a variety of field of study, such as, tailoring electromagnetic near fields, enhancing light-matter interactions, engineering anisotropy and effective medium effects, modal and dispersion engineering, nanoscale sensitivity etc. In this work, we are going to exploit the boundary conditions of modern silicon photonics through subwavelength engineering by means of novel ultra-low mode area v-groove waveguide to answer long-lasting challenges, such as, fabrication of such sophisticated structure while ensuring efficient coupling of light between dissimilar modes. Moreover, physical unclonable function derived from our nanoscale sidewall crystalline gratings should give us a fast and reliable optical security solution with improved information density. This research should enable new avenues of subwavelength engineered silicon photonic waveguide and answer to many unsolved questions of silicon photonics foundries

    Multi-Antenna OFDM System Using Coded Wavelet with Weighted Beamforming

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    yesA major drawback in deploying beamforming scheme in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is to obtain the optimal weights that are associated with information beams. Two beam weighting methods, namely co-phasing and singular vector decomposition (SVD), are considered to maximize the signal beams for such beamforming scheme. Initially the system performance with and without interleaving is investigated using coded fast Fourier transform (FFT)-OFDM and wavelet-based OFDM. The two beamforming schemes are applied to the wavelet-based OFDM as confirmed to perform better than the FFT-OFDM. It is found that the beam-weight by SVD improves the performance of the system by about 2dB at the expense of the co-phasing method. The capacity performances of the weighting methods are also compared and discussed