708 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Distortion in Wideband Radio Receivers and Analog-to-Digital Converters: Modeling and Digital Suppression

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    Emerging wireless communications systems aim to flexible and efficient usage of radio spectrum in order to increase data rates. The ultimate goal in this field is a cognitive radio. It employs spectrum sensing in order to locate spatially and temporally vacant spectrum chunks that can be used for communications. In order to achieve that, flexible and reconfigurable transceivers are needed. A software-defined radio can provide these features by having a highly-integrated wideband transceiver with minimum analog components and mostly relying on digital signal processing. This is also desired from size, cost, and power consumption point of view. However, several challenges arise, from which dynamic range is one of the most important. This is especially true on receiver side where several signals can be received simultaneously through a single receiver chain. In extreme cases the weakest signal can be almost 100 dB weaker than the strongest one. Due to the limited dynamic range of the receiver, the strongest signals may cause nonlinear distortion which deteriorates spectrum sensing capabilities and also reception of the weakest signals. The nonlinearities are stemming from the analog receiver components and also from analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). This is a performance bottleneck in many wideband communications and also radar receivers. The dynamic range challenges are already encountered in current devices, such as in wideband multi-operator receiver scenarios in mobile networks, and the challenges will have even more essential role in the future.This thesis focuses on aforementioned receiver scenarios and contributes to modeling and digital suppression of nonlinear distortion. A behavioral model for direct-conversion receiver nonlinearities is derived and it jointly takes into account RF, mixer, and baseband nonlinearities together with I/Q imbalance. The model is then exploited in suppression of receiver nonlinearities. The considered method is based on adaptive digital post-processing and does not require any analog hardware modification. It is able to extract all the necessary information directly from the received waveform in order to suppress the nonlinear distortion caused by the strongest blocker signals inside the reception band.In addition, the nonlinearities of ADCs are considered. Even if the dynamic range of the analog receiver components is not limiting the performance, ADCs may cause considerable amount of nonlinear distortion. It can originate, e.g., from undeliberate variations of quantization levels. Furthermore, the received waveform may exceed the nominal voltage range of the ADC due to signal power variations. This causes unintentional signal clipping which creates severe nonlinear distortion. In this thesis, a Fourier series based model is derived for the signal clipping caused by ADCs. Furthermore, four different methods are considered for suppressing ADC nonlinearities, especially unintentional signal clipping. The methods exploit polynomial modeling, interpolation, or symbol decisions for suppressing the distortion. The common factor is that all the methods are based on digital post-processing and are able to continuously adapt to variations in the received waveform and in the receiver itself. This is a very important aspect in wideband receivers, especially in cognitive radios, when the flexibility and state-of-the-art performance is required

    Auxiliary-Path-Assisted Digital Linearization of Wideband Wireless Receivers

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    Wireless communication systems in recent years have aimed at increasing data rates by ensuring flexible and efficient use of the radio spectrum. The dernier cri in this field has been in the area of carrier aggregation and cognitive radio. Carrier aggregation is a major component of LTE-Advanced. With carrier aggregation, a number of separate LTE carriers can be combined, by mobile network operators, to increase peak data rates and overall network capacity. Cognitive radios, on the other hand, allow efficient spectrum usage by locating and using spatially vacant spectral bands. High monolithic integration in these application fields can be achieved by employing receiver architectures such as the wideband direct conversion receiver topology. This is advantageous from the view point of cost, power consumption and size. However, many challenges exist, of particular importance is nonlinear distortion arising from analog front-end components such as low noise amplifiers (LNA). Nonlinear distortions especially become severe when several signals of varying amplitudes are received simultaneously. In such cases, nonlinear distortions stemming from strong signals may deteriorate the reception of the weaker signals, and also impair the receiver’s spectrum sensing capabilities. Nonlinearity, usually a consequence of dynamic range limitation, degrades performance in wideband multi-operator communications systems, and it will have a notable role in future wireless communication system design. This thesis presents a digital domain linearization technique that employs a very nonlinear auxiliary receiver path for nonlinear distortion cancellation. The proposed linearization technique relies on one-time adaptively-determined linearization coefficients for cancelling nonlinear distortions. Specifically, we take a look at canceling the troublesome in-band third order intermodulation products using the proposed technique. The proposed technique can be extended to cancel out both even and higher order odd intermodulation products. Dynamic behavioral models are used to account for RF nonlinearities, including memory effects which cannot be ignored in the wideband scenario. Since the proposed linearization technique involves the use of two receiver paths, techniques for correcting phase delays between the two paths are also introduced. Simplicity is the hallmark of the proposed linearization technique. It can achieve up to +30 dBm in IIP3 performance with ADC resolution being a major performance bottleneck. It also shows strong tolerance to strong blocker nonlinearities

    Design and Realization of Fully-digital Microwave and Mm-wave Multi-beam Arrays with FPGA/RF-SOC Signal Processing

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    There has been a constant increase in data-traffic and device-connections in mobile wireless communications, which led the fifth generation (5G) implementations to exploit mm-wave bands at 24/28 GHz. The next-generation wireless access point (6G and beyond) will need to adopt large-scale transceiver arrays with a combination of multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) theory and fully digital multi-beam beamforming. The resulting high gain array factors will overcome the high path losses at mm-wave bands, and the simultaneous multi-beams will exploit the multi-directional channels due to multi-path effects and improve the signal-to-noise ratio. Such access points will be based on electronic systems which heavily depend on the integration of RF electronics with digital signal processing performed in Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA)/ RF-system-on-chip (SoC). This dissertation is directed towards the investigation and realization of fully-digital phased arrays that can produce wideband simultaneous multi-beams with FPGA or RF-SoC digital back-ends. The first proposed approach is a spatial bandpass (SBP) IIR filter-based beamformer, and is based on the concepts of space-time network resonance. A 2.4 GHz, 16-element array receiver, has been built for real-time experimental verification of this approach. The second and third approaches are respectively based on Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) theory, and a lens plus focal planar array theory. Lens based approach is essentially an analog model of DFT. These two approaches are verified for a 28 GHz 800 MHz mm-wave implementation with RF-SoC as the digital back-end. It has been shown that for all proposed multibeam beamformer implementations, the measured beams are well aligned with those of the simulated. The proposed approaches differ in terms of their architectures, hardware complexity and costs, which will be discussed as this dissertation opens up. This dissertation also presents an application of multi-beam approaches for RF directional sensing applications to explore white spaces within the spatio-temporal spectral regions. A real-time directional sensing system is proposed to capture the white spaces within the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi band. Further, this dissertation investigates the effect of electro-magnetic (EM) mutual coupling in antenna arrays on the real-time performance of fully-digital transceivers. Different algorithms are proposed to uncouple the mutual coupling in digital domain. The first one is based on finding the MC transfer function from the measured S-parameters of the antenna array and employing it in a Frost FIR filter in the beamforming backend. The second proposed method uses fast algorithms to realize the inverse of mutual coupling matrix via tridiagonal Toeplitz matrices having sparse factors. A 5.8 GHz 32-element array and 1-7 GHz 7-element tightly coupled dipole array (TCDA) have been employed to demonstrate the proof-of-concept of these algorithms

    Reconfigurable Receiver Front-Ends for Advanced Telecommunication Technologies

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    The exponential growth of converging technologies, including augmented reality, autonomous vehicles, machine-to-machine and machine-to-human interactions, biomedical and environmental sensory systems, and artificial intelligence, is driving the need for robust infrastructural systems capable of handling vast data volumes between end users and service providers. This demand has prompted a significant evolution in wireless communication, with 5G and subsequent generations requiring exponentially improved spectral and energy efficiency compared to their predecessors. Achieving this entails intricate strategies such as advanced digital modulations, broader channel bandwidths, complex spectrum sharing, and carrier aggregation scenarios. A particularly challenging aspect arises in the form of non-contiguous aggregation of up to six carrier components across the frequency range 1 (FR1). This necessitates receiver front-ends to effectively reject out-of-band (OOB) interferences while maintaining high-performance in-band (IB) operation. Reconfigurability becomes pivotal in such dynamic environments, where frequency resource allocation, signal strength, and interference levels continuously change. Software-defined radios (SDRs) and cognitive radios (CRs) emerge as solutions, with direct RF-sampling receivers offering a suitable architecture in which the frequency translation is entirely performed in digital domain to avoid analog mixing issues. Moreover, direct RF- sampling receivers facilitate spectrum observation, which is crucial to identify free zones, and detect interferences. Acoustic and distributed filters offer impressive dynamic range and sharp roll off characteristics, but their bulkiness and lack of electronic adjustment capabilities limit their practicality. Active filters, on the other hand, present opportunities for integration in advanced CMOS technology, addressing size constraints and providing versatile programmability. However, concerns about power consumption, noise generation, and linearity in active filters require careful consideration.This thesis primarily focuses on the design and implementation of a low-voltage, low-power RFFE tailored for direct sampling receivers in 5G FR1 applications. The RFFE consists of a balun low-noise amplifier (LNA), a Q-enhanced filter, and a programmable gain amplifier (PGA). The balun-LNA employs noise cancellation, current reuse, and gm boosting for wideband gain and input impedance matching. Leveraging FD-SOI technology allows for programmable gain and linearity via body biasing. The LNA's operational state ranges between high-performance and high-tolerance modes, which are apt for sensitivityand blocking tests, respectively. The Q-enhanced filter adopts noise-cancelling, current-reuse, and programmable Gm-cells to realize a fourth-order response using two resonators. The fourth-order filter response is achieved by subtracting the individual response of these resonators. Compared to cascaded and magnetically coupled fourth-order filters, this technique maintains the large dynamic range of second-order resonators. Fabricated in 22-nm FD-SOI technology, the RFFE achieves 1%-40% fractional bandwidth (FBW) adjustability from 1.7 GHz to 6.4 GHz, 4.6 dB noise figure (NF) and an OOB third-order intermodulation intercept point (IIP3) of 22 dBm. Furthermore, concerning the implementation uncertainties and potential variations of temperature and supply voltage, design margins have been considered and a hybrid calibration scheme is introduced. A combination of on-chip and off-chip calibration based on noise response is employed to effectively adjust the quality factors, Gm-cells, and resonance frequencies, ensuring desired bandpass response. To optimize and accelerate the calibration process, a reinforcement learning (RL) agent is used.Anticipating future trends, the concept of the Q-enhanced filter extends to a multiple-mode filter for 6G upper mid-band applications. Covering the frequency range from 8 to 20 GHz, this RFFE can be configured as a fourth-order dual-band filter, two bandpass filters (BPFs) with an OOB notch, or a BPF with an IB notch. In cognitive radios, the filter’s transmission zeros can be positioned with respect to the carrier frequencies of interfering signals to yield over 50 dB blocker rejection

    Integrated Filters and Couplers for Next Generation Wireless Tranceivers

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    The main focus of this thesis is to investigate the critical nonlinear distortion issues affecting RF/Microwave components such as power amplifiers (PA) and develop new and improved solutions that will improve efficiency and linearity of next generation RF/Microwave mobile wireless communication systems. This research involves evaluating the nonlinear distortions in PA for different analog and digital signals which have been a major concern. The second harmonic injection technique is explored and used to effectively suppress nonlinear distortions. This method consists of simultaneously feeding back the second harmonics at the output of the power amplifier (PA) into the input of the PA. Simulated and measured results show improved linearity results. However, for increasing frequency bandwidth, the suppression abilities reduced which is a limitation for 4G LTE and 5G networks that require larger bandwidth (above 5 MHz). This thesis explores creative ways to deal with this major drawback. The injection technique was modified with the aid of a well-designed band-stop filter. The compact narrowband notch filter designed was able to suppress nonlinear distortions very effectively when used before the PA. The notch filter is also integrated in the injection technique for LTE carrier aggregation (CA) with multiple carriers and significant improvement in nonlinear distortion performance was observed. This thesis also considers maximizing efficiency alongside with improved linearity performance. To improve on the efficiency performance of the PA, the balanced PA configuration was investigated. However, another major challenge was that the couplers used in this configuration are very large in size at the desired operating frequency. In this thesis, this problem was solved by designing a compact branch line coupler. The novel coupler was simulated, fabricated and measured with performance comparable to its conventional equivalent and the coupler achieved substantial size reduction over others. The coupler is implemented in the balanced PA configuration giving improved input and output matching abilities. The proposed balanced PA is also implemented in 4G LTE and 5G wireless transmitters. This thesis provides simulation and measured results for all balanced PA cases with substantial efficiency and linearity improvements observed even for higher bandwidths (above 5 MHz). Additionally, the coupler is successfully integrated with rectifiers for improved energy harvesting performance and gave improved RF-dc conversion efficienc

    Quadrature sigma-delta modulators for reconfigurable A/D interface and dynamic spectrum access: analysis, design principles and digital post-processing

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    In the course of development of wireless communications and its modern applications, such as cloud technologies and increased consumption and sharing of multimedia, the radio spectrum has become increasingly congested. However, temporarily and spatially underused spectrum exists at the same time. For increasing the efficiency of spectrum usage, the concept of dynamic spectrum access (DSA) has been proposed. Ultimately, the DSA principle should be exploited also in cognitive radio (CR) receivers. Herein, this paradigm is approached from the receiver architecture point-of-view, considering software-defined radio (SDR) as a platform for the future DSA and CR devices. Particularly, an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) architecture exploiting quadrature ΣΔ modulator (QΣΔM) is studied in detail and proposed as a solution for the A/D interface, being identified as a performance bottleneck in SDRs. By exploiting a complex valued noise transfer function (NTF) enabled by the QΣΔM, the quantization precision of the ADC can be efficiently and flexibly focused on the frequency channels and the signals to be received and detected. At the same time, with a traditional non-noise-shaping ADC, the precision is distributed equally for the whole digitized frequency band containing also noninteresting signals. With a single QΣΔM, it is also possible to design a multiband NTF, allowing reception of multiple noncontiguous frequency channels without parallel receiver chains. Furthermore, with the help of digital control, the QΣΔM response can be reconfigured during operation. These capabilities fit in especially well with the above mentioned DSA and CR schemes, where the temporarily and spatially available channels might be scattered in frequency. From the implementation point-of-view, the effects of inherent implementation inaccuracies in the QΣΔM design need to be thoroughly understood. In this thesis, novel closed-form matrix-algebraic expressions are presented for analyzing the transfer functions of a general multistage QΣΔM with arbitrary number of arbitrary-order stages. Altogether, the signal response of an I/Q mismatched QΣΔM has four components. These are the NTF, an image noise transfer function, a signal transfer function (STF) and an image signal transfer function. The image transfer functions are provoked by the I/Q mismatches and define the frequency profile of the generated mirror-frequency interference (MFI), potentially deteriorating the quality of the received signal. This contribution of the thesis increases the understanding of different QΣΔM structures and allows the designers to study the effects of the implementation inaccuracies in closed form. In order to mitigate the MFI and improve the signal reception, a mirror-frequency rejecting STF design is proposed herein. This design is found to be effective against I/Q mismatches taking place in the feedback branches of the QΣΔM. This is shown with help of the closed-form analysis and confirmed with computer simulations on realistic reception scenarios. When a mismatch location independent MFI suppression is the desired option, it is a logical choice to do this processing in a digital domain, after the whole analog receiver front-end. However, this sets demands for the information to be digitized, i.e., the source of the MFI should be available also in the digital domain. For this purpose, a novel multiband transfer function design is proposed herein. In addition, a QΣΔM specific digital MFI compensation algorithm is developed. The compensation performance is illustrated in practical single- and multiband reception scenarios, considering desired signal bandwidths up to 20 MHz. In the multiband scenario, allowing reception and detection of noncontiguous frequency channels with a single receiver chain, the digital compensation processing is done sub-bandwise, securing reliable functionality also under strongly frequency-selective interference. In the applied single- and multistage QΣΔM architectures, the I/Q mismatches are considered in all the QΣΔM branches as well as in the preceding receiver front-end, modeling the challenging and realistic scenario where the whole receiver chain includes cascaded in-phase/quadrature (I/Q) mismatch sources. As a whole, developing digital MFI compensation is a significant step towards practical receiver implementations with QΣΔM ADCs. In consequence, this allows the exploitation of the multiband and reconfigurability properties. The proposed design can be implemented without additional analog components and is straightforwardly reconfigurable in dynamic signal conditions typical for DSA and CR systems, e.g., in case of frequency hand-off because of a primary user appearance. In addition, the digital post-compensation of the MFI eases the strict demands for the matching of the analog circuits in SDRs

    Auxiliary-Path-Assisted Digital Linearization of Wideband Wireless Receivers

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    Wireless communication systems in recent years have aimed at increasing data rates by ensuring flexible and efficient use of the radio spectrum. The dernier cri in this field has been in the area of carrier aggregation and cognitive radio. Carrier aggregation is a major component of LTE-Advanced. With carrier aggregation, a number of separate LTE carriers can be combined, by mobile network operators, to increase peak data rates and overall network capacity. Cognitive radios, on the other hand, allow efficient spectrum usage by locating and using spatially vacant spectral bands. High monolithic integration in these application fields can be achieved by employing receiver architectures such as the wideband direct conversion receiver topology. This is advantageous from the view point of cost, power consumption and size. However, many challenges exist, of particular importance is nonlinear distortion arising from analog front-end components such as low noise amplifiers (LNA). Nonlinear distortions especially become severe when several signals of varying amplitudes are received simultaneously. In such cases, nonlinear distortions stemming from strong signals may deteriorate the reception of the weaker signals, and also impair the receiver’s spectrum sensing capabilities. Nonlinearity, usually a consequence of dynamic range limitation, degrades performance in wideband multi-operator communications systems, and it will have a notable role in future wireless communication system design. This thesis presents a digital domain linearization technique that employs a very nonlinear auxiliary receiver path for nonlinear distortion cancellation. The proposed linearization technique relies on one-time adaptively-determined linearization coefficients for cancelling nonlinear distortions. Specifically, we take a look at canceling the troublesome in-band third order intermodulation products using the proposed technique. The proposed technique can be extended to cancel out both even and higher order odd intermodulation products. Dynamic behavioral models are used to account for RF nonlinearities, including memory effects which cannot be ignored in the wideband scenario. Since the proposed linearization technique involves the use of two receiver paths, techniques for correcting phase delays between the two paths are also introduced. Simplicity is the hallmark of the proposed linearization technique. It can achieve up to +30 dBm in IIP3 performance with ADC resolution being a major performance bottleneck. It also shows strong tolerance to strong blocker nonlinearities

    Radio-Communications Architectures

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    Wireless communications, i.e. radio-communications, are widely used for our different daily needs. Examples are numerous and standard names like BLUETOOTH, WiFI, WiMAX, UMTS, GSM and, more recently, LTE are well-known [Baudoin et al. 2007]. General applications in the RFID or UWB contexts are the subject of many papers. This chapter presents radio-frequency (RF) communication systems architecture for mobile, wireless local area networks (WLAN) and connectivity terminals. An important aspect of today's applications is the data rate increase, especially in connectivity standards like WiFI and WiMAX, because the user demands high Quality of Service (QoS). To increase the data rate we tend to use wideband or multi-standard architecture. The concept of software radio includes a self-reconfigurable radio link and is described here on its RF aspects. The term multi-radio is preferred. This chapter focuses on the transmitter, yet some considerations about the receiver are given. An important aspect of the architecture is that a transceiver is built with respect to the radio-communications signals. We classify them in section 2 by differentiating Continuous Wave (CW) and Impulse Radio (IR) systems. Section 3 is the technical background one has to consider for actual applications. Section 4 summarizes state-of-the-art high data rate architectures and the latest research in multi-radio systems. In section 5, IR architectures for Ultra Wide Band (UWB) systems complete this overview; we will also underline the coexistence and compatibility challenges between CW and IR systems

    Characterization and modelling of software defined radio front-ends

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaO presente trabalho tem por objectivo estudar a caracterização e modelação de arquitecturas de rádio frequência para aplicações em rádios definidos por software e rádios cognitivos. O constante aparecimento no mercado de novos padrões e tecnologias para comunicações sem fios têm levantado algumas limitações à implementação de transceptores rádio de banda larga. Para além disso, o uso de sistemas reconfiguráveis e adaptáveis baseados no conceito de rádio definido por software e rádio cognitivo assegurará a evolução para a próxima geração de comunicações sem fios. A ideia base desta tese passa por resolver alguns problemas em aberto e propor avanços relevantes, tirando para isso partido das capacidades providenciadas pelos processadores digitais de sinal de forma a melhorar o desempenho global dos sistemas propostos. Inicialmente, serão abordadas várias estratégias para a implementação e projecto de transceptores rádio, concentrando-se sempre na aplicabilidade específica a sistemas de rádio definido por software e rádio cognitivo. Serão também discutidas soluções actuais de instrumentação capaz de caracterizar um dispositivo que opere simultaneamente nos domínios analógico e digital, bem como, os próximos passos nesta área de caracterização e modelação. Além disso, iremos apresentar novos formatos de modelos comportamentais construídos especificamente para a descrição e caracterização não-linear de receptores de amostragem passa-banda, bem como, para sistemas nãolineares que utilizem sinais multi-portadora. Será apresentada uma nova arquitectura suportada na avaliação estatística dos sinais rádio que permite aumentar a gama dinâmica do receptor em situações de multi-portadora. Da mesma forma, será apresentada uma técnica de maximização da largura de banda de recepção baseada na utilização do receptor de amostragem passa-banda no formato complexo. Finalmente, importa referir que todas as arquitecturas propostas serão acompanhadas por uma introdução teórica e simulações, sempre que possível, sendo após isto validadas experimentalmente por protótipos laboratoriais.This work investigates the characterization and modeling of radio frequency front-ends for software defined radio and cognitive radio applications. The emergence of new standards and technologies in the wireless communications market are raising several issues to the implementation of wideband transceiver systems. Also, reconfigurable and adaptable systems based on software defined and cognitive radio models are paving the way for the next generation of wireless systems. In this doctoral thesis the fundamental idea is to address the particular open issues and propose appropriate advancements by exploring and taking profit from new capabilities of digital signal processors in a way to improve the overall performance of the novel schemes. Receiver and transmitter strategies for radio communications are summarized by concentrating on the usability for software defined radio and cognitive radio systems. Available instrumentation and next steps for analog and digital radio frequency hardware characterization is also discussed. Wideband behavioral model formats are proposed for nonlinear description and characterization of bandpass sampling receivers, as well as, for multi-carrier nonlinear systems operation. The proposed models share a great flexibility and have the freedom to be simply expanded to other fields. A new design for receiver dynamic range improvement in multi-carrier scenarios is proposed, which is supported on the useful wireless signals statistical evaluation. Additionally, receiver-side bandwidth maximization based on higher-order bandpass sampling approaches is evaluated. All the proposed designs and modeling strategies are accompanied by theoretical backgrounds and simulations whenever possible, being then experimentally validated by laboratory prototypes