24,268 research outputs found

    Towards Comprehensive Security Related Pedagogy : An Approach to Learning and Resilience

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    The indent of this study is in progress of comprehensive security related pedagogy in the forms of national-international information sharing and knowledge management with the shared policy developing, collaboration in externally funded research consortiums, structures of security and safety organisations, and integration of strategic research and development (R&D) agenda with higher education functions. The study includes multiple case study analysis of integration of R&D projects and higher education functions, revised viewpoints to comprehensive security pedagogy and R&D related learning, and an approach to adaptive change process and resilience. The main contribution of study addresses to the progress of emergent educational aspects for the security related interactions, pedagogy, integration of higher education R&D, and collective research with national and European Commission research programmes

    The Digital Scholar Revisited

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    The book The Digital Scholar was published in 2011, and used Boyer’s framework of scholarship to examine the possible impact of digital, networked technology on scholarly practice. In 2011 the general attitude towards digital scholarship was cautious, although areas of innovative practice were emerging. Using this book as a basis, the author considers changes in digital scholarship since its publication. Five key themes are identified: mainstreaming of digital scholarship, so that it is a widely accepted and encouraged practice; the shift to open, with the emphasis on the benefits that open practice brings rather than the digital or networked aspects; policy implementation, particularly in areas of educational technology platforms, open access policies and open educational resources; network identity, emphasising the development of academic identity through social media and other tools; criticality of digital scholarship, which examines the negative issues associated with online abuse, privacy and data usage. Each of these themes is explored, and their impact in terms of Boyer’s original framing of scholarly activity considered. Boyer’s four scholarly activities of discovery, integration, application and teaching can be viewed from the perspective of these five themes. In conclusion what has been realised does not constitute a revolution in academic practice, but rather a gradual acceptance and utilisation of digital scholarship techniques, practices and values. It is simultaneously true that both radical change has taken place, and nothing has fundamentally altered. Much of the increased adoption in academia mirrors the wider penetration of social media tools amongst society in general, so academics are more likely to have an identity in such places that mixes professional and personal

    Educating the academic librarian as a blended professional : a review and case study

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    Educating the academic librarian as a blended professional: a review and case study

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    Purpose This paper aims to explore the phenomenon of the hybrid information specialist in the academic library setting. It does this in relation to curriculum development for preparatory and continuing professional education for librarianship and makes particular reference to the contemporary iSchools movement. Design/methodology/approach The paper reviews trends and developments in academic information services and the information science academy in the context of continuing technological advances and educational change. It presents a case study of curriculum development and portfolio renewal, using the specialist roles of digital library manager and information literacy educator to show how the principles of interactive planning can be applied in articulating an academic strategy to meet the changing demands of educational institutions, professional bodies and employers. Findings There are significant parallels between professional education and professional practice in the shifting boundaries, expanded portfolios and challenged identities evident in the current information marketplace. A combination of continuous incremental development with periodic fundamental review enables professional educators to meet the changing mandates of different stakeholder groups. When combined with a strong professional focus, the breadth and depth of multidisciplinary expertise found in a researchled iSchool facilitates the design of specialised pathways and programmes for practitioners moving into blended roles. Practical implications Practitioners intent on careers in academic libraries should consider the opportunities and demands of hybrid blended roles when choosing educational programmes and pathways. Originality/value The paper provides a conceptual framework to illustrate the nature of emergent professional roles and current challenges facing professional educators. Ackoff's interactive planning theory is used to illuminate the problem of academic planning in complex pluralist contexts. © 2010, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. All rights reserved


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    Use of modern knowledge and technologies determines market development which grows with high rates. Today's business environment cause changes that affect the formation of the modern technologies, including business models, which generates changes not only the competencies, but I soft skills, including emotional capital, as a factor influencing the development of modern companies. Article investigates configuration during company growth process. Researching relevance and justification, the purpose of work is conception of factors, which positively influenced development of the entity, organization developments influencing on the productive direction. The aim of the article is to provide the competence concept and its components to identify interrelationship with knowledge and skills which is related to emotional intelligence as a part of emotional capital . And as the result, the emotional equity as element of competence, acting as the regulator, carries out a role of positive feedback within strategic management

    Creating New Ventures: A review and research agenda

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    Creating new ventures is one of the most central topics to entrepreneurship and is a critical step from which many theories of management, organizational behavior, and strategic management build. Therefore, this review and proposed research agenda is not only relevant to entrepreneurship scholars but also other management scholars who wish to challenge some of the implicit assumptions of their current streams of research and extend the boundaries of their current theories to earlier in the organization’s life. Given that the last systematic review of the topic was published 16 years ago, and that the topic has evolved rapidly over this time, an overview and research outlook are long overdue. From our review, we inductively generated ten sub-topics: (1) Lead founder, (2) Founding team, (3) Social relationships, (4) Cognitions, (5) Emergent organizing, (6) New venture strategy, (7) Organizational emergence, (8) New venture legitimacy, (9) Founder exit, and (10) Entrepreneurial environment. These sub-topics are then organized into three major stages of the entrepreneurial process—co-creating, organizing, and performing. Together, the framework provides a cohesive story of the past and a road map for future research on creating new ventures, focusing on the links connecting these sub-topics

    Social Bots and Fake News as (not) seen from the Viewpoint of Digital Education Frameworks

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    In den letzten Jahren haben internationale Organisationen wie die EU und die UNESCO eine Reihe von VorschlĂ€gen und Strategiepapieren zur Bildung und Ausbildung im Zusammenhang mit digitalen Medien entwickelt. Mit den dabei entstandenen Rahmenkonzepten der EU (Digital Competence, DigComp) sowie der UNESCO (Media and Information Literacy, MIL) werden im Kern zwei zusammenhĂ€ngende Ziele verfolgt: (i) digitale Bildung bzw. digitale Kompetenzen, FĂ€higkeiten und zugehörige Einstellungen umfassend zu kartographieren sowie (ii) ĂŒber die dabei konzipierten edukativ-politischen Rahmenkonzepte Projektförderungen, Bildungs- bzw. Ausbildungsinitiativen sowie Gesetzesvorlagen anzustossen. TatsĂ€chlich sind DigComp und MIL bereits dabei, auf internationaler Ebene einen prĂ€genden Einfluss zu nahezu allen Fragen der Bildung und Ausbildung im Bereich digitaler Medien auszuĂŒben. Beide Initiativen haben innerhalb der genannten Organisationen Leuchtturmcharakter, werden bislang aber von der allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit und der medienpĂ€dagogischen Fachöffentlichkeit kaum wahrgenommen. Dessen ungeachtet verbindet sich mit DigComp und MIL jeweils ein impliziter Anspruch auf einen – im Bedarfsfall zu aktualisierenden – Gesamtentwurf zur Analyse und Gestaltung medienpĂ€dagogischer Bildung und Ausbildung. Dies gilt fĂŒr Gesetzesvorlagen, Regulierungen, ForschungsaktivitĂ€ten. Sind diese Rahmenkonzepte anschlussfĂ€hig an medienpĂ€dagogische Debatten ĂŒber disruptive Versuche, in via soziale Medien gefĂŒhrte öffentliche Debatten einzugreifen, die sich ĂŒber social bots, fake news oder andere Formen der Einflussnahme manifestieren? Erschliessen sie dazu ReflexionsrĂ€ume und Handlungsoptionen? Geleitet von diesen Fragen betrachtet der vorliegende Aufsatz, die Rahmenkonzepte der EU und UNESCO, DigComp and MIL. Dabei zeigt sich, dass beide Rahmenkonzepte von Schieflagen gekennzeichnet sind. DigComp und MIL ĂŒberbetonen die instrumentelle, auf Verwertung am Arbeitsmarkt bezogene Sicht auf digitale Medien - allerdings ist diese Gewichtung bei DigComp stĂ€rker ausgeprĂ€gt als bei MIL. Obgleich emphatische Appelle zu einem kritischen und reflektierten Umgang mit digitalen Medien weder bei DigComp noch MIL fehlen, bleibt die Ausgestaltung in dieser Hinsicht blass und hat bislang kaum konkretisierende FolgeaktivitĂ€ten nach sich gezogen. Bei allen GesamtentwurfsansprĂŒchen verkennen sowohl MIL und noch stĂ€rker DigComp die Rolle sozialer Medien bei der Ermöglichung eines öffentlichen Diskurses sowie ihres Zusammenhanges mit medienpĂ€dagogischen Fragen.Over recent years, international organisations like the EU and UNESCO have set up a number of proposals, models and frameworks that seek (i) to map and to conceptualize digital literacy and related concepts, e. g. information, digital or media literacy, digital competence, digital skills and (ii) to formulate policies and recommendations based on the conceptualizations developed. The resulting frameworks, such as Digital Competence (DigComp) developed by the EU, or Media and Information Literacy (MIL) developed by UNESCO, have a strong formative power on a global scale. Affected are policies, laws, regulations, research activities, and academic disciplines like media pedagogy and mindsets. Do these frameworks consider the effects of disruptive attempts by digital media to intervene in public debates e. g. social bots, fake news and other manifestations of biased or false information online? Do they offer avenues for reflection and action to address them? Guided by these questions, this paper studies the flagship frameworks on digital education of the EU and UNESCO, DigComp and MIL. It finds biases in both frameworks. To different degrees, both tend to overemphasize the practical and instrumental use of digital literacy
