63 research outputs found

    A Gaussian-mixed Fuzzy Clustering Model on Valence-Arousal-related fMRI Data-Set

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    Previous medical experiments illustrated that Valence and Arousal were high corresponded to brain response by amygdala and orbital frontal cortex through observation by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In this paper, Valence-Arousal related fMRI data-set were acquired from the picture stimuli experiments, and finally the relative Valence -Arousal feature values for a given word that corresponding to a given picture stimuli were calculated. Gaussian bilateral filter and independent components analysis (ICA) based Gaussian component method were applied for image denosing and segmenting; to construct the timing signals of Valence and Arousal from fMRI data-set separately, expectation maximal of Gaussian mixed model was addressed to calculate the histogram, and furthermore, Otsu curve fitting algorithm was introduced to scale the computational complexity; time series based Valence -Arousal related curve were finally generated. In Valence-Arousal space, a fuzzy c-mean method was applied to get typical point that represented the word relative to the picture. Analyzed results showed the effectiveness of the proposed methods by comparing with other algorithms for feature extracting operations on fMRI data-set including power spectrum density (PSD), spline, shape-preserving and cubic fitting methods

    Conservative and disruptive modes of adolescent change in human brain functional connectivity

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    Adolescent changes in human brain function are not entirely understood. Here, we used multiecho functional MRI (fMRI) to measure developmental change in functional connectivity (FC) of resting-state oscillations between pairs of 330 cortical regions and 16 subcortical regions in 298 healthy adolescents scanned 520 times. Participants were aged 14 to 26 y and were scanned on 1 to 3 occasions at least 6 mo apart. We found 2 distinct modes of age-related change in FC: “conservative” and “disruptive.” Conservative development was characteristic of primary cortex, which was strongly connected at 14 y and became even more connected in the period from 14 to 26 y. Disruptive development was characteristic of association cortex and subcortical regions, where connectivity was remodeled: connections that were weak at 14 y became stronger during adolescence, and connections that were strong at 14 y became weaker. These modes of development were quantified using the maturational index (MI), estimated as Spearman’s correlation between edgewise baseline FC (at 14 y, FC14) and adolescent change in FC (ΔFC14−26), at each region. Disruptive systems (with negative MI) were activated by social cognition and autobiographical memory tasks in prior fMRI data and significantly colocated with prior maps of aerobic glycolysis (AG), AG-related gene expression, postnatal cortical surface expansion, and adolescent shrinkage of cortical thickness. The presence of these 2 modes of development was robust to numerous sensitivity analyses. We conclude that human brain organization is disrupted during adolescence by remodeling of FC between association cortical and subcortical areas

    Specific Frontostriatal Circuits for Impaired Cognitive Flexibility and Goal-Directed Planning in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Evidence From Resting-State Functional Connectivity.

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    BACKGROUND: A recent hypothesis has suggested that core deficits in goal-directed behavior in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are caused by impaired frontostriatal function. We tested this hypothesis in OCD patients and control subjects by relating measures of goal-directed planning and cognitive flexibility to underlying resting-state functional connectivity. METHODS: Multiecho resting-state acquisition, combined with micromovement correction by blood oxygen level-dependent sensitive independent component analysis, was used to obtain in vivo measures of functional connectivity in 44 OCD patients and 43 healthy comparison subjects. We measured cognitive flexibility (attentional set-shifting) and goal-directed performance (planning of sequential response sequences) by means of well-validated, standardized behavioral cognitive paradigms. Functional connectivity strength of striatal seed regions was related to cognitive flexibility and goal-directed performance. To gain insights into fundamental network alterations, graph theoretical models of brain networks were derived. RESULTS: Reduced functional connectivity between the caudate and the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex was selectively associated with reduced cognitive flexibility. In contrast, goal-directed performance was selectively related to reduced functional connectivity between the putamen and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in OCD patients, as well as to symptom severity. Whole-brain data-driven graph theoretical analysis disclosed that striatal regions constitute a cohesive module of the community structure of the functional connectome in OCD patients as nodes within the basal ganglia and cerebellum were more strongly connected to one another than in healthy control subjects. CONCLUSIONS: These data extend major neuropsychological models of OCD by providing a direct link between intrinsically abnormal functional connectivity within dissociable frontostriatal circuits and those cognitive processes underlying OCD symptoms.This research was funded by a Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award (104631/Z/14/Z) awarded to T.W. Robbins. Work was completed at the Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, supported by a joint award from the Medical Research Council and Wellcome Trust (G00001354). M.M. Vaghi is supported by a Pinsent Darwin Scholarship in Mental Pathology and a Cambridge Home and EU Scholarship Scheme (CHESS) studentship. P.E. VĂ©rtes is supported by the Medical Research Council (grant no. MR/K020706/1). A.M. Apergis-Schoute is supported by the Wellcome Trust above. V. Voon is a Wellcome Trust Fellow

    Effects of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury on Resting State Brain Network Connectivity in Older Adults

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    Older age is associated with worsened outcome after mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and a higher risk of developing persistent post-traumatic complaints. However, the effects of mTBI sequelae on brain connectivity at older age and their association with post-traumatic complaints remain understudied. We analyzed multi-echo resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data from 25 older adults with mTBI (mean age: 68 years, SD: 5 years) in the subacute phase (mean injury to scan interval: 38 days, SD: 9 days) and 20 age-matched controls. Severity of complaints (e.g. fatigue, dizziness) was assessed using self-reported questionnaires. Group independent component analysis was used to identify intrinsic connectivity networks (ICNs). The effects of group and severity of complaints on ICNs were assessed using spatial maps intensity (SMI) as a measure of within-network connectivity, and (static) functional network connectivity (FNC) as a measure of between-network connectivity. Patients indicated a higher total severity of complaints than controls. Regarding SMI measures, we observed hyperconnectivity in left-mid temporal gyrus (cognitive-language network) and hypoconnectivity in the right-fusiform gyrus (visual-cerebellar network) that were associated with group. Additionally, we found interaction effects for SMI between severity of complaints and group in the visual(-cerebellar) domain. Regarding FNC measures, no significant effects were found. In older adults, changes in cognitive-language and visual(-cerebellar) networks are related to mTBI. Additionally, group-dependent associations between connectivity within visual(-cerebellar) networks and severity of complaints might indicate post-injury (mal)adaptive mechanisms, which could partly explain post-traumatic complaints (such as dizziness and balance disorders) that are common in older adults during the subacute phase. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11682-022-00662-5

    Effects of a randomised trial of 5-week heart rate variability biofeedback intervention on mind wandering and associated brain function

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    Previous research suggests that excessive negative self-related thought during mind wandering involves the default mode network (DMN) core subsystem and the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). Heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback, which involves slow paced breathing to increase HRV, is known to promote emotional well-being. However, it remains unclear whether it has positive effects on mind wandering and associated brain function. We conducted a study where young adults were randomly assigned to one of two 5-week interventions involving daily biofeedback that either increased heart rate oscillations via slow paced breathing (Osc+ condition) or had little effect on heart rate oscillations (active control or Osc- condition). The two intervention conditions did not differentially affect mind wandering and DMN core-OFC functional connectivity. However, the magnitude of participants’ heart rate oscillations during daily biofeedback practice was associated with pre-to-post decreases in mind wandering and in DMN core-OFC functional connectivity. Furthermore, the reduction in the DMN core-OFC connectivity was associated with a decrease in mind wandering. Our results suggested that daily sessions involving high amplitude heart rate oscillations may help reduce negative mind wandering and associated brain function.</p

    Connectome analysis for pre-operative brain mapping in neurosurgery.

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    OBJECT: Brain mapping has entered a new era focusing on complex network connectivity. Central to this is the search for the connectome or the brains 'wiring diagram'. Graph theory analysis of the connectome allows understanding of the importance of regions to network function, and the consequences of their impairment or excision. Our goal was to apply connectome analysis in patients with brain tumours to characterise overall network topology and individual patterns of connectivity alterations. METHODS: Resting-state functional MRI data were acquired using multi-echo, echo planar imaging pre-operatively from five participants each with a right temporal-parietal-occipital glioblastoma. Complex networks analysis was initiated by parcellating the brain into anatomically regions amongst which connections were identified by retaining the most significant correlations between the respective wavelet decomposed time-series. RESULTS: Key characteristics of complex networks described in healthy controls were preserved in these patients, including ubiquitous small world organization. An exponentially truncated power law fit to the degree distribution predicted findings of general network robustness to injury but with a core of hubs exhibiting disproportionate vulnerability. Tumours produced a consistent reduction in local and long-range connectivity with distinct patterns of connection loss depending on lesion location. CONCLUSIONS: Connectome analysis is a feasible and novel approach to brain mapping in individual patients with brain tumours. Applications to pre-surgical planning include identifying regions critical to network function that should be preserved and visualising connections at risk from tumour resection. In the future one could use such data to model functional plasticity and recovery of cognitive deficits.S. J. P. received funding for this study through a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) (UK) – Clinician Scientist Award (Ref: NIHR/CS/009/011). M. G. H. is funded by the Wellcome Trust Neuroscience in Psychiatry Network with additional support from the National Institute for Health Research Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. This paper presents independent research funded by the NIHR.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Taylor & Francis via http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02688697.2016.120880

    Investigating White Matter Lesion Load, Intrinsic Functional Connectivity, and Cognitive Abilities in Older Adults

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    Changes to the while matter of the brain disrupt neural communication between spatially distributed brain regions and are associated with cognitive changes in later life. While approximately 95% of older adults experience these brain changes, not everyone who has significant white matter damage displays cognitive impairment. Few studies have investigated the association between white matter changes and cognition in the context of functional brain network integrity. This study used a data-driven, multivariate analytical model to investigate intrinsic functional connectivity patterns associated with individual variability in white matter lesion load as related to fluid and crystallized intelligence in a sample of healthy older adults (n = 84). Several primary findings were noted. First, a reliable pattern emerged associating whole-brain resting-state functional connectivity with individual variability in measures of white matter lesion load, as indexed by total white matter lesion volume and number of lesions. Secondly, white matter lesion load was associated with increased network disintegration and dedifferentiation. Specifically, lower white matter lesion load was associated with greater within- versus between-network connectivity. Higher white matter lesion load was associated with greater between-network connectivity compared to within. These associations between intrinsic functional connectivity and white matter lesion load were not reliably associated with crystallized and fluid intelligence performance. These results suggest that changes to the white matter of the brain in typically aging older adults are characterized by increased functional brain network dedifferentiation. The findings highlight the role of white matter lesion load in altering the functional network architecture of the brain

    A resting-state fMRI pattern of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 and comparison with F-18-FDG PET

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    Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) is a rare genetic neurodegenerative disease. The neurobiological basis of SCA3 is still poorly understood, and up until now resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) has not been used to study this disease. In the current study we investigated (multi-echo) rs-fMRI data from patients with genetically confirmed SCA3 (n = 17) and matched healthy subjects (n = 16). Using independent component analysis (ICA) and subsequent regression with bootstrap resampling, we identified a pattern of differences between patients and healthy subjects, which we coined the fMRI SCA3 related pattern (fSCA3-RP) comprising cerebellum, anterior striatum and various cortical regions. Individual fSCA3-RP scores were highly correlated with a previously published F-18-FDG PET pattern found in the same sample (rho = 0.78, P = 0.0003). Also, a high correlation was found with the Scale for Assessment and Rating of Ataxia scores (r = 0.63, P = 0.007). No correlations were found with neuropsychological test scores, nor with levels of grey matter atrophy. Compared with the F-18-FDG PET pattern, the fSCA3-RP included a more extensive contribution of the mediofrontal cortex, putatively representing changes in default network activity. This rs-fMRI identification of additional regions is proposed to reflect a consequence of the nature of the BOLD technique, enabling measurement of dynamic network activity, compared to the more static F-18-FDG PET methodology. Altogether, our findings shed new light on the neural substrate of SCA3, and encourage further validation of the fSCA3-RP to assess its potential contribution as imaging biomarker for future research and clinical use

    Automatic analysis (aa): efficient neuroimaging workflows and parallel processing using Matlab and XML.

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    Recent years have seen neuroimaging data sets becoming richer, with larger cohorts of participants, a greater variety of acquisition techniques, and increasingly complex analyses. These advances have made data analysis pipelines complicated to set up and run (increasing the risk of human error) and time consuming to execute (restricting what analyses are attempted). Here we present an open-source framework, automatic analysis (aa), to address these concerns. Human efficiency is increased by making code modular and reusable, and managing its execution with a processing engine that tracks what has been completed and what needs to be (re)done. Analysis is accelerated by optional parallel processing of independent tasks on cluster or cloud computing resources. A pipeline comprises a series of modules that each perform a specific task. The processing engine keeps track of the data, calculating a map of upstream and downstream dependencies for each module. Existing modules are available for many analysis tasks, such as SPM-based fMRI preprocessing, individual and group level statistics, voxel-based morphometry, tractography, and multi-voxel pattern analyses (MVPA). However, aa also allows for full customization, and encourages efficient management of code: new modules may be written with only a small code overhead. aa has been used by more than 50 researchers in hundreds of neuroimaging studies comprising thousands of subjects. It has been found to be robust, fast, and efficient, for simple-single subject studies up to multimodal pipelines on hundreds of subjects. It is attractive to both novice and experienced users. aa can reduce the amount of time neuroimaging laboratories spend performing analyses and reduce errors, expanding the range of scientific questions it is practical to address

    Functional heterogeneity in the left lateral posterior parietal cortex during visual and haptic crossmodal dot-surface matching

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    Background Vision and touch are thought to contribute information to object perception in an independent but complementary manner. The left lateral posterior parietal cortex (LPPC) has long been associated with multisensory information processing, and it plays an important role in visual and haptic crossmodal information retrieval. However, it remains unclear how LPPC subregions are involved in visuo‐haptic crossmodal retrieval processing. Methods In the present study, we used an fMRI experiment with a crossmodal delayed match‐to‐sample paradigm to reveal the functional role of LPPC subregions related to unimodal and crossmodal dot‐surface retrieval. Results The visual‐to‐haptic condition enhanced the activity of the left inferior parietal lobule relative to the haptic unimodal condition, whereas the inverse condition enhanced the activity of the left superior parietal lobule. By contrast, activation of the left intraparietal sulcus did not differ significantly between the crossmodal and unimodal conditions. Seed‐based resting connectivity analysis revealed that these three left LPPC subregions engaged distinct networks, confirming their different functions in crossmodal retrieval processing. Conclusion Taken together, the findings suggest that functional heterogeneity of the left LPPC during visuo‐haptic crossmodal dot‐surface retrieval processing reflects that the left LPPC does not simply contribute to retrieval of past information; rather, each subregion has a specific functional role in resolving different task requirements
