48 research outputs found

    Dawah and Rejection in Surat Al-Imran: A Demonstration of the Freedom of Religion in Islam

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    This study is a general review of Surat Al-Imran (3rd Chapter of Quran) with regard to the contrast between Islamic Dawah (the call to embrace Islam) on the one hand and the Rejection of Dawah on the other hand. It examines the definition of Islam and the basic principles of Islamic Dawah and logical argumentation. It also examines the stages, reasons and consequences of the rejection of Dawah, and Islam's position on this rejection. This study explores some Quranic principles of dealing with argumentative disputes, denial of given facts, and refusal of accepting Allah's religion. It also tackles on the nature of relationship between Muslims and Non-Muslims. Finally, it proves that Quran calls for freedom of thought, justice, tolerance, security, coexistence, unity and steadfastness. Keywords: Islam, Religion, Freedom, Tolerance, Dawah, Rejection, Quran, Surat Al-Imran. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-22-05 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Annotating topics, stance, argumentativeness and claims in Dutch social media comments : a pilot study

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    One of the major challenges currently facing the field of argumentation mining is the lack of consensus on how to analyse argumentative user-generated texts such as online comments. The theoretical motivations underlying the annotation guidelines used to generate labelled corpora rarely include motivation for the use of a particular theoretical basis. This pilot study reports on the annotation of a corpus of 100 Dutch user comments made in response to politically-themed news articles on Facebook. The annotation covers topic and aspect labelling, stance labelling, argumentativeness detection and claim identification. Our IAA study reports substantial agreement scores for argumentativeness detection (0.76 Fleiss’ kappa) and moderate agreement for claim labelling (0.45 Fleiss’ kappa). We provide a clear justification of the theories and definitions underlying the design of our guidelines. Our analysis of the annotations signal the importance of adjusting our guidelines to include allowances for missing context information and defining the concept of argumentativeness in connection with stance. Our annotated corpus and associated guidelines are made publicly available

    Irony and Cognitive Operations

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    In memoriam Douglas N. Walton: the influence of Doug Walton on AI and law

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    Doug Walton, who died in January 2020, was a prolific author whose work in informal logic and argumentation had a profound influence on Artificial Intelligence, including Artificial Intelligence and Law. He was also very interested in interdisciplinary work, and a frequent and generous collaborator. In this paper seven leading researchers in AI and Law, all past programme chairs of the International Conference on AI and Law who have worked with him, describe his influence on their work

    La construcción dialógica del placer en el «De vero bono» de Lorenzo Valla

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    El propósito de este artículo es analizar la estructura dialógica del De vero bono (también conocido como De voluptate y De vero falsoque bono, los títulos de su primera y segunda versión respectivamente) de Lorenzo Valla (c.1407-1457), con la intención de comprender cómo se construyen y representan en este texto distintas concepciones sobre el placer. Observaremos entonces los vínculos que presenta con la tradición pagana (con especial énfasis en el epicureísmo, escuela filosófica que estaba siendo reevaluada por los humanistas en el período en el que se compuso la obra) y cristiana, tanto en relación con la construcción formal del diálogo como con las posiciones en pugnas sobre el placer. Además, nos detendremos en la representación que aparece en el De vero bono de tres enfoques diferentes sobre el lenguaje: el retórico, el poético y el filosófico. Por último, analizaremos el uso de distintos recursos retóricos, en particular, el uso de los relatos.The purpose of this article is to analyze the dialogic structure of the De vero bono (also known as De vero falsoque bono and De voluptate, the titles of its first and second version respectively) of Lorenzo Valla (c.1407-1457), with the objective of understanding how different conceptions of pleasure are represented in this text. We will observe the links with the pagan tradition (with special emphasis on Epicureanism, a philosophical school that was being re-evaluated by the humanists in the period in which the work was composed) and with the Christian tradition, both in relation to the formal construction of the dialogue and to the debates about pleasure. In addition, we identify three different approaches to language in the De vero bono: rhetoric, poetic and philosophical. Finally, we discuss the use of various rhetorical devices, in particular, the use of narrative

    La construcción dialógica del placer en el «De vero bono» de Lorenzo Valla

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze the dialogic structure of the De vero bono (also known as De vero falsoque bono and De voluptate, the titles of its first and second version respectively) of Lorenzo Valla (c.1407-1457), with the objective of understanding how different conceptions of pleasure are represented in this text. We will observe the links with the pagan tradition (with special emphasis on Epicureanism, a philosophical school that was being re-evaluated by the humanists in the period in which the work was composed) and with the Christian tradition, both in relation to the formal construction of the dialogue and to the debates about pleasure. In addition, we identify three different approaches to language in the De vero bono: rhetoric, poetic and philosophical. Finally, we discuss the use of various rhetorical devices, in particular, the use of narrative.El propósito de este artículo es analizar la estructura dialógica del De vero bono (también conocido como De voluptate y De vero falsoque bono, los títulos de su primera y segunda versión respectivamente) de Lorenzo Valla (c.1407-1457), con la intención de comprender cómo se construyen y representan en este texto distintas concepciones sobre el placer. Observaremos entonces los vínculos que presenta con la tradición pagana (con especial énfasis en el epicureísmo, escuela filosófica que estaba siendo reevaluada por los humanistas en el período en el que se compuso la obra) y cristiana, tanto en relación con la construcción formal del diálogo como con las posiciones en pugnas sobre el placer. Además, nos detendremos en la representación que aparece en el De vero bono de tres enfoques diferentes sobre el lenguaje: el retórico, el poético y el filosófico. Por último, analizaremos el uso de distintos recursos retóricos, en particular, el uso de los relatos

    The Role of Argumentation in Hypothetico-Deductive Reasoning During Problem-Based Learning in Medical Education: A Conceptual Framework

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    One of the important goals of problem-based learning (PBL) in medical education is to enhance medical students’ clinical reasoning—hypothetico-deductive reasoning (HDR) in particular—through small group discussions. However, few studies have focused on explicit strategies for promoting students’ HDR during group discussions in PBL. This paper proposes a novel conceptual framework that integrates Toulmin’s argumentation model (1958) into Barrows’s HDR process (1994). This framework explains the structure of argumentation (a claim, data, and a warrant) contextualized in each phase of HDR during PBL. This paper suggests four instructional strategies—understanding argument structures, questioning, elaborating on structural knowledge, and assessing argumentation—for promoting medical students’ argumentation in relation to HDR processes. Further implications of the proposed framework for other disciplines, such as science, legal, and engineering education, are also discussed

    Argumentation Mining in User-Generated Web Discourse

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    The goal of argumentation mining, an evolving research field in computational linguistics, is to design methods capable of analyzing people's argumentation. In this article, we go beyond the state of the art in several ways. (i) We deal with actual Web data and take up the challenges given by the variety of registers, multiple domains, and unrestricted noisy user-generated Web discourse. (ii) We bridge the gap between normative argumentation theories and argumentation phenomena encountered in actual data by adapting an argumentation model tested in an extensive annotation study. (iii) We create a new gold standard corpus (90k tokens in 340 documents) and experiment with several machine learning methods to identify argument components. We offer the data, source codes, and annotation guidelines to the community under free licenses. Our findings show that argumentation mining in user-generated Web discourse is a feasible but challenging task.Comment: Cite as: Habernal, I. & Gurevych, I. (2017). Argumentation Mining in User-Generated Web Discourse. Computational Linguistics 43(1), pp. 125-17

    Diálogo examinativo: proposta de um modelo dialético para a promoção do pensamento crítico em sala de aula

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    Critical thinking can be defined as a reasonable and reflective kind of thinking about what to do or believe. Its insertion and promotion in schools and universities consists of an ideal supported by philosophers of education since, at least, the beginning of the 20th century. The ideal critical thinker, an archetype designed to represent the individual who ideally thinks critically when it is appropriate and does it well, can be characterized by his abilities and dispositions. A dissonance arises when we contrast the dispositions of what would be the ideal critical thinker and its viability as an educational goal with evidence from empirical studies that suggest tendencies to cognitive biases and other reasoning flaws characteristic of humans when evaluating and arriving at judgments and operating logically. Although, despite such evidence, there are good reasons to consider the development of critical thinking as a achievable and valid goal to to be pursued educationally, the available literature lacks pragmatic models that contribute to the exercise of such dispositions in an environment of classroom. This papper defends the interpretation of a dialectical structure, the examination dialogue, as a valid and effective pedagogical tool in the exercise and development of some dispositions of someone who thinks critically. I will argue that this model supports the acquisition of habits suitable to the environment that favors dialogue and articulation of ideas characteristic of educational contexts that seek critical thinking as one of its paradigms.   O pensamento crítico pode ser definido como o pensamento razoável e reflexivo acerca do que fazer ou em que acreditar. Sua inserção e fomento nas escolas e universidades consiste em um ideal defendido por filósofos da educação desde, pelo menos, o início do séc. XX. O pensador crítico ideal, arquétipo desenvolvido para representar o indivíduo que idealmente pensa criticamente quando é apropriado e o faz bem, pode ser caracterizado por suas habilidades e disposições. Uma dissonância surge ao contrastar as disposições do que seria o pensador crítico ideal e sua viabilidade como objetivo educacional com evidências provindas de estudos empíricos as quais sugerem tendências a vieses cognitivos e a outras falhas de raciocínio características do ser humano ao avaliar e construir juízos e operar logicamente. Embora, não obstante a essas evidências, haja boas razões para considerar o desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico uma meta viável de ser alcançada e válida de ser perseguida educacionalmente, a literatura disponível carece de modelos pragmáticos que contribuam para o exercício de tais disposições em um ambiente de sala de aula. Este artigo defende a interpretação de uma estrutura dialética, o diálogo examinativo, como uma ferramenta pedagógica válida e eficaz no exercício e no desenvolvimento de algumas disposições daquele que pensa criticamente. Argumentarei que esse modelo propicia a formação de hábitos convenientes ao ambiente de diálogo e articulação de ideias característico de contextos educacionais que buscam o pensamento crítico como um de seus paradigmas