73 research outputs found

    Induction motor diagnosis by advanced notch FIR filters and the wigner-ville distribution

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    During the last years, several time-frequency decomposition tools have been applied for the diagnosis of induction motors, for those cases in which the traditional procedures, such as motor current signature analysis, cannot yield the necessary response. Among them, the Cohen distributions have been widely selected to study transient and even stationary operation due to their high-resolution and detailed information provided at all frequencies. Their main drawback, the cross-terms, has been tackled either modifying the distribution, or carrying out a pretreatment of the signal before computing its time-frequency decomposition. In this paper, a filtering process is proposed that uses advanced notch filters in order to remove constant frequency components present in the current of an induction motor, prior to the computation of its distribution, to study rotor asymmetries and mixed eccentricities. In transient operation of machines directly connected to the grid, this procedure effectively eliminates most of the artifacts that have prevented the use of these tools, allowing a wideband analysis and the definition of a precise quantification parameter able to follow the evolution of their state. © 1982-2012 IEEE

    Wavelet Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor

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    Rotor-Bar Breakage Mechanism and Prognosis in an Induction Motor

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    [EN] This paper proposes a condition-based maintenance and prognostics and health management (CBM/ PHM) procedure for a rotor bar in an induction motor. The methodology is based on the results of a fatigue test intended to reproduce in the most natural way a bar breakage in order to carry out a comparison between transient and stationary diagnosis methods for incipient fault detection. Newly developed techniques in stator-current transient analysis have allowed tracking the developing fault during the last part of the test, identifying the failure mechanism, and establishing a physical model of the process. This nonlinear failure model is integrated in a particle filtering algorithm to diagnose the defect at an early stage and predict the remaining useful life of the bar. An initial generalization of the results to conditions differing from the ones under which the fatigue test was developed is studied.Climente Alarcon, V.; Antonino-Daviu, J.; Strangas, EG.; Riera-Guasp, M. (2015). Rotor-Bar Breakage Mechanism and Prognosis in an Induction Motor. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 62(3):1814-1825. doi:10.1109/TIE.2014.2336604S1814182562

    Transformada wavelet para análisis del motor de inducción: revisión

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    This study makes a revision of the most recent investigations that have implemented the wavelet transform by analyzing the electrical and mechanical variables of the induction motors. The investigations can be grouped into three main topics: diagnosis and detection of faults, control and detection systems and the classification of electromagnetic disturbances.Este trabajo realiza una revisión de las investigaciones más recientes que han implementado la transformada wavelet analizando las variables eléctricas y mecánicas de los motores de inducción. Las investigaciones se pueden agrupar en tres temas principales: diagnóstico y detección de fallas; sistemas de control y detección y la clasificación de perturbaciones electromagnéticas

    Advanced signal processing methods for condition monitoring

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    Condition monitoring of induction motors (IM) among with the predictive maintenance concept are currently among the most promising research topics of manufacturing industry. Production efficiency is an important parameter of every manufacturing plant since it directly influences the final price of products. This research article presents a comprehensive overview of conditional monitoring techniques, along with classification techniques and advanced signal processing techniques. Compared methods are either based on measurement of electrical quantities or nonelectrical quantities that are processed by advanced signal processing techniques. This article briefly compares individual techniques and summarize results achieved by different research teams. Our own testbed is briefly introduced in the discussion section along with plans for future dataset creation. According to the comparison, Wavelet Transform (WT) along with Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Park's Vector Approach (PVA) provides the most interesting results for real deployment and could be used for future experiments.Web of Scienc

    Induction Motors

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    AC motors play a major role in modern industrial applications. Squirrel-cage induction motors (SCIMs) are probably the most frequently used when compared to other AC motors because of their low cost, ruggedness, and low maintenance. The material presented in this book is organized into four sections, covering the applications and structural properties of induction motors (IMs), fault detection and diagnostics, control strategies, and the more recently developed topology based on the multiphase (more than three phases) induction motors. This material should be of specific interest to engineers and researchers who are engaged in the modeling, design, and implementation of control algorithms applied to induction motors and, more generally, to readers broadly interested in nonlinear control, health condition monitoring, and fault diagnosis

    Diagnosis of electric induction machines in non-stationary regimes working in randomly changing conditions

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    Tradicionalmente, la detección de faltas en máquinas eléctricas se basa en el uso de la Transformada Rápida de Fourier ya que la mayoría de las faltas pueden ser diagnosticadas con ella con seguridad si las máquinas operan en condiciones de régimen estacionario durante un intervalo de tiempo razonable. Sin embargo, para aplicaciones en las que las máquinas operan en condiciones de carga y velocidad fluctuantes (condiciones no estacionarias) como por ejemplo los aerogeneradores, el uso de la Transformada Rápida de Fourier debe ser reemplazado por otras técnicas. La presente tesis desarrolla una nueva metodología para el diagnóstico de máquinas de inducción de rotor de jaula y rotor bobinado operando en condiciones no estacionarias, basada en el análisis de las componentes de falta de las corrientes en el plano deslizamiento frecuencia. La técnica es aplicada al diagnóstico de asimetrías estatóricas, rotóricas y también para la falta de excentricidad mixta. El diagnóstico de las máquinas eléctricas en el dominio deslizamiento-frecuencia confiere un carácter universal a la metodología ya que puede diagnosticar máquinas eléctricas independientemente de sus características, del modo en el que la velocidad de la máquina varía y de su modo de funcionamiento (motor o generador). El desarrollo de la metodología conlleva las siguientes etapas: (i) Caracterización de las evoluciones de las componentes de falta de asimetría estatórica, rotórica y excentricidad mixta para las máquinas de inducción de rotores de jaula y bobinados en función de la velocidad (deslizamiento) y la frecuencia de alimentación de la red a la que está conectada la máquina. (ii) Debido a la importancia del procesado de la señal, se realiza una introducción a los conceptos básicos del procesado de señal antes de centrarse en las técnicas actuales de procesado de señal para el diagnóstico de máquinas eléctricas. (iii) La extracción de las componentes de falta se lleva a cabo a través de tres técnicas de filtrado diferentes: filtros basados en la Transformada Discreta Wavelet, en la Transformada Wavelet Packet y con una nueva técnica de filtrado propuesta en esta tesis, el Filtrado Espectral. Las dos primeras técnicas de filtrado extraen las componentes de falta en el dominio del tiempo mientras que la nueva técnica de filtrado realiza la extracción en el dominio de la frecuencia. (iv) La extracción de las componentes de falta, en algunos casos, conlleva el desplazamiento de la frecuencia de las componentes de falta. El desplazamiento de la frecuencia se realiza a través de dos técnicas: el Teorema del Desplazamiento de la Frecuencia y la Transformada Hilbert. (v) A diferencia de otras técnicas ya desarrolladas, la metodología propuesta no se basa exclusivamente en el cálculo de la energía de la componente de falta sino que también estudia la evolución de la frecuencia instantánea de ellas, calculándola a través de dos técnicas diferentes (la Transformada Hilbert y el operador Teager-Kaiser), frente al deslizamiento. La representación de la frecuencia instantánea frente al deslizamiento elimina la posibilidad de diagnósticos falsos positivos mejorando la precisión y la calidad del diagnóstico. Además, la representación de la frecuencia instantánea frente al deslizamiento permite realizar diagnósticos cualitativos que son rápidos y requieren bajos requisitos computacionales. (vi) Finalmente, debido a la importancia de la automatización de los procesos industriales y para evitar la posible divergencia presente en el diagnóstico cualitativo, tres parámetros objetivos de diagnóstico son desarrollados: el parámetro de la energía, el coeficiente de similitud y los parámetros de regresión. El parámetro de la energía cuantifica la severidad de la falta según su valor y es calculado en el dominio del tiempo y en el dominio de la frecuencia (consecuencia de la extracción de las componentes de falta en el dominio de la frecuencia). El coeficiente de similitud y los parámetros de regresión son parámetros objetivos que permiten descartar diagnósticos falsos positivos aumentando la robustez de la metodología propuesta. La metodología de diagnóstico propuesta se valida experimentalmente para las faltas de asimetría estatórica y rotórica y para el fallo de excentricidad mixta en máquinas de inducción de rotor de jaula y rotor bobinado alimentadas desde la red eléctrica y desde convertidores de frecuencia en condiciones no estacionarias estocásticas.Vedreño Santos, FJ. (2013). Diagnosis of electric induction machines in non-stationary regimes working in randomly changing conditions [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/34177TESI

    Current-, force-, and vibration-based techniques for induction motor condition monitoring

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    The aim of this research was to discover the best indicators of induction motor faults, as well as suitable techniques for monitoring the condition of induction motors. Numerical magnetic field analysis was used with the objective of generating reliable virtual data to be analysed with modern signal processing and soft-computing techniques. In the first part of the research, a fuzzy system, based on the amplitudes of the motor current, was implemented for online detection of stator faults. Later on, from the simulation studies and using support vector machine (SVM), the electromagnetic force was shown to be the most reliable indicator of motor faults. Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) was applied to the stator current during the start-up transient, showing how the evolution of some frequency components allows the identification and discrimination of induction motor faults. Predictive filtering was applied to separate the harmonic components from the main current signal. The second part of the research was devoted to the development of a mechanical model to study the effects of electromagnetic force on the vibration pattern when the motor is working under fault conditions. The third part of this work, following the indications given by the second part, is concerned with a method that allows the prediction of the effect of the electromechanical faults in the force distribution and vibration pattern of the induction machines. The FEM computations show the existence of low-frequency and low-order force distributions acting on the stator of the electrical machine when it is working under an electrical fault. It is shown that these force components are able to produce forced vibration in the stator of the machine. This is corroborated by vibration measurements. These low-frequency components could constitute the primary indicator in a condition monitoring system. During the research, extensive measurements of current, flux and vibration were carried out in order to supply data for the research group. Various intentional faults, such as broken rotor bars, broken end ring, inter-turn short circuit, bearing and eccentricity failures, were created. A real dynamic eccentricity was also created. Moreover, different supply sources were used. The measurements supported the analytical and numerical results.reviewe

    Rotor-bar breakage mechanism and prognosis in an induction motor

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    © 1982-2012 IEEE. This paper proposes a condition-based maintenance and prognostics and health management (CBM/PHM) procedure for a rotor bar in an induction motor. The methodology is based on the results of a fatigue test intended to reproduce in the most natural way a bar breakage in order to carry out a comparison between transient and stationary diagnosis methods for incipient fault detection. Newly developed techniques in stator-current transient analysis have allowed tracking the developing fault during the last part of the test, identifying the failure mechanism, and establishing a physical model of the process. This nonlinear failure model is integrated in a particle filtering algorithm to diagnose the defect at an early stage and predict the remaining useful life of the bar. An initial generalization of the results to conditions differing from the ones under which the fatigue test was developed is studied