5,900 research outputs found

    Influence of diabetes on autonomic function in children: analysis through the geometr ic indices

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    Introduction: Diabetes mellitus type 1 has been established as one of the most common noncommunicable diseases among children, diabetic autonomic dysfunction presenting as one of its most frequent complications, however, few studies have evaluated autonomic modulation through heart rate variability in diabetic children. Objective: To analyze the autonomic modulation in children with diabetes mellitus type 1. Methods: Data from 36 children of both sexes were analyzed, who were divided into two groups: Diabetes mellitus type 1, n = 13 (11.62 ± 2.18) with a diagnosis of Diabetes mellitus type 1 and control, n = 23 (11.04 ± 1.02) without the disease. Initially personal data, weight, height, heart rate and blood pressure were collected. Subsequently, for the analysis of autonomic modulation, the heart rate beatto-beat was captured using a heart rate monitor in the supine position for 30 minutes. The geometric indices (RRtri, TINN, Poincaré plot) were calculated to analyze autonomic modulation. The Student t test for parametric data or the Mann-Whitney test for nonparametric data, with a 5% signifi cance level, were used for comparison between groups. Results: The results demonstrated a reduction in RRtri, TINN, SD1 and SD2 in diabetic children. The SD1/SD2 ratio was similar between groups. In the qualitative analysis of the Poincaré plot, the children with Diabetes mellitus type 1 presented a fi gure with less dispersion of the points when compared to the control children. Conclusion: Children with diabetes mellitus type 1 have reduced overall variability and parasympathetic modulation

    Barn: diabetes mellitus type-1 og sykehus

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    Oppgaven fokuserer på tre hovedtema: barn, diabetes mellitus type-1 og medisinsk avdeling på sykehus. Tittelen på oppgaven ble derfor ”Barn: diabetes mellitus type-1 og sykehus”. Formålet med oppgaven kommer frem av problemstillingen; Hvordan kan barn med diabetes mellitus type-1 på somatisk avdeling hjelpes til mestring av sin lidelse? Oppgaven er et litteraturstudie der kjent teori er presentert og deretter drøftet i lys av problemstillingen. Benner og Wrubel (2001) sin teori om stress og mestring er lagt til grunn for drøftinga. Drøftinga viste at sykepleier måtte ha omfattende kunnskaper for å kunne hjelpe barn til mestring, da med særlig vekt på barn, miljø, kommunikasjon og foreldre

    Celiac disease and diabetes mellitus type 1.

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    Å være ung og få diabetes

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    Tema i denne oppgaven er unge i alderen 12-16 år og diabetes. I Norge er det i dag ca. 130 000 mennesker med diabetes. Av dem har om lag 25 000 diabetes mellitus type 1 (Kristensen, 1998). Diabetes type 1 er den vanligste hos barn, ungdom og unge voksne. Formålet med denne oppgaven er å få en innsikt i hvordan det er å få en kronisk sykdom som diabetes i ung alder, og hvilke utfordringer den unge, pårørende og sykepleier står fremfor i opplæringen av å mestre sin nye sykdom. Videre er målet å se hva som er sykepleiers pedagogiske funksjon i møte med pasient og pårørende som nettopp har fått diabetes mellitus type 1. Jeg har derfor valgt å jobbe ut i fra denne problemstillingen: ”Hvordan kan sykepleier bidra til at unge med nyoppdaget diabetes mellitus type 1, kan lære å leve med sin nye sykdom?

    Diabetes mellitus type 1: is it a global challenge?

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    Type 1 diabetes, a serious and life-threatening disease with many complications, is one of the most common (autoimmune) endocrine and metabolic conditions in childhood, with life-saving treatment and lifelong, but painful and time-consuming in daily life, requiring self-action and a balanced diet, equally distributed among boys and girls

    Rotavirus infections : An etiology of diabetes mellitus type 1

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    During the last decades, the incidence of diabetes mellitus type 1 (DT1) has increased significantly, reaching of  3% annually worldwide. This increase suggests that  in addition to genetic factor, environmental factors are also involved in the pathogenesis of DT1. Childhood viral infections including rubella, mumps, parvovirus, cytomegalovirus, enterovirus, coxsakie  and rotavirus have been associated with DT1, establishing the onset of autoimmunity.  The pathogenesis of  DT1 is that altered immune responses lead to a selective destruction of insulin-producing beta cells in genetically susceptible individuals. Rotaviruses (RV), which are the main cause of diarrhea in children, seem to have a role in induction of  DT1 since there is a persistance of  RV  in the pancreas. Molecular mimicry, epitopes spreading, bystander activation, viral specificity to T cells, increasing intestinal permeability were hypothesized to account for  RV ability to induce autoimmunity to destruct beta cells and cause DT1. Understanding of etiologic mechanisms will lead to the development of strategies to prevent  DT1 in the future.


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    The aim is to study morphofunctional structure of NALT (nasal associated lymphoid tissue) and visceral lymph nodes of rats with experimental type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM-1) and to define the effectiveness of the treatment with herbal drug “Imupret”. Materials and methods: The experiment involved 20 animals, divided into 4 groups: the 1st group was the control group of healthy rats, the 2nd group was the control group subject to prophylactic treatment with “Imupret, the 3rd group included rats with experimental diabetes, and the 4th group included rats with experimental diabetes subject to treatment with “Imupret. Functional changes in immune organs were evaluated by the results of morphometric analysis; morphological pattern was evaluated by histostructural changes. Results. The research revealed that under conditions of diabetes mellitus type 1, the volume, area and density of the lymphoid tissue decreased, and only its "fine" cell was detected. The paper demonstrates the development of relative immune deficiency in immunocompetent organs in rats with diabetes mellitus type 1. The use of drug "Imupret" demonstrated its immunomodulatory function, which is especially important in terms of immunosuppression in patient with DM-1. Conclusion. The received results are of a great clinical significance, and show the necessity of early prevention and treatment of immunity disorders under conditions of diabetes mellitus type 1

    Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 during pregnancy

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