49 research outputs found

    Mechatronic Tools for the Modeling and Design of Servo Motor Actuated Belt Driven Motion Systems

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    Mechatronics is defined as the synergistic integration of physical systems, electronics, controls, and computers through the design process, from the very start of the design process, thus enabling complex decision making. This definition reveals the elements involved yet it eludes to the complexity and the constant balance of tradeoffs which are prevalent in the context of applying Mechatronics to a successful design process. This work pursues the use of various tools for the application of Mechatronics to the modeling and design of a servo motor driven motion system. The use of Mechatronics is pervasive in and among today\u27s highly integrated devices and systems. By virtue of the fact that the phrase Mechatronics may carry different meaning depending upon ones discipline or industry, the most general definition is sought and embodied within the work. An overview of the relevant discipline specific perspectives is offered; as sufficient background for the systems modeling and analysis presented. In the course of developing and applying a Mechatronics design process for servo motor actuated motion systems, the use of frequency response analysis and alternative modeling techniques is emphasized, not only as a tool for understanding and applying the matter but, also for the purposes of model verification. These efforts culminate in the design and testing of a physical realization of one of the models presented; the servo motor actuated compliant belt system with compliance and friction. The results of this work underscore the notion that using a Mechatronics design process while devising a servo motor driven motion system enables optimization and functionality not otherwise realizable. These results are supported with experimental verification and comparison. The implications of this work are threefold: the work equips the Mechatronics practitioner with the tools required for verification of the results of modeling and analysis, the work provides an upgrade to the tools and equipment available in the College of Engineering at Marquette University, and the work will likely inspire additional related projects

    Energy-oriented Modeling And Control of Robotic Systems

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    This research focuses on the energy-oriented control of robotic systems using an ultracapacitor as the energy source. The primary objective is to simultaneously achieve the motion task objective and to increase energy efficiency through energy regeneration. To achieve this objective, three aims have been introduced and studied: brushless DC motors (BLDC) control by achieving optimum current in the motor, such that the motion task is achieved, and the energy consumption is minimized. A proof-ofconcept study to design a BLDC motor driver which has superiority compare to an off-the-shelf driver in terms of energy regeneration, and finally, the third aim is to develop a framework to study energy-oriented control in cooperative robots. The first aim is achieved by introducing an analytical solution which finds the optimal currents based on the desired torque generated by a virtual. Furthermore, it is shown that the well-known choice of a zero direct current component in the direct-quadrature frame is sub-optimal relative to our energy optimization objective. The second aim is achieved by introducing a novel BLDC motor driver, composed of three independent regenerative drives. To run the motor, the control law is obtained by specifying an outer-loop torque controller followed by minimization of power consumption via online constrained quadratic optimization. An experiment is conducted to assess the performance of the proposed concept against an off-the-shelf driver. It is shown that, in terms of energy regeneration and consumption, the developed driver has better performance, and a reduction of 15% energy consumption is achieved. v For the third aim, an impedance-based control scheme is introduced for cooperative manipulators grasping a rigid object. The position and orientation of the payload are to be maintained close to a desired trajectory, trading off tracking accuracy by low energy consumption and maintaining stability. To this end, an optimization problem is formulated using energy balance equations. The optimization finds the damping and stiffness gains of the impedance relation such that the energy consumption is minimized. Furthermore, L2 stability techniques are used to allow for time-varying damping and stiffness in the desired impedance. A numerical example is provided to demonstrate the results

    Development of a Suturing Simulation Device for Synchronous Acqusition of Data

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    There have been tremendous technological advancements in the field of surgery with new devices and minimally invasive techniques rapidly being developed. As a result, there is a corresponding need to train novice surgeons and residents to use these new technologies. Due to new regulations in medical education, an increasing the amount of surgical skills training is designed for outside the operation room using surgical simulators. In this work, a device called the suture platform was conceptualized for assessing and training basic suturing skills of medical students and novice surgeons. In the traditional approach of “open” surgery, which has not benefitted as much from simulation, suturing is one of the most foundational surgical maneuvers. The specific task developed on the suture platform is called radial suturing and was prescribed by expert surgeons as one of five core “open” vascular skills. In the initial phase of the platform development, a six-axis force sensor was used to obtain data on the device and the procedure was video-recorded for analysis. Pilot data was analyzed using force-based parameters (e.g. peak force) and temporal parameters with the goal of examining if experts were distinguished from novices. During analysis, it became apparent that future development of the device should focus on obtaining synchronized data from video and other sensors. In the next phase of development, a motion sensor was added to capture wrist motion of the trainee and to obtain richer information of the suturing process. The current system consists of a graphical user interface (GUI) that captures data during a radial suturing task that can be analyzed using force, motion and vision metrics to assess and inform surgical suturing skill training

    A fast remotely operable digital twin of a generic electric powertrain for geographically distributed hardware-in-the-loop simulation testbed

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    The automotive industry today is seeing far-reaching and portentous changes that will change the face of it in the foreseeable future. Digitalisation and Electrification are two of the key megatrends that is changing the way vehicles are developed and produced. A recent development in R&D process is the Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) method that uses a hybrid approach of testing a physical prototype immersed in a virtual environment, which is nowadays being creatively re-applied towards geographically separated multi-centre testing strategies, that suits the horizontally integrated and supply-chain driven industry very well. Geographical separation entails the deployment of a “Digital Twin” in remote centre(s) participating in multi-centre testing. This PhD aims to produce a highly robust, efficient, and rapidly computable Digital Twin of a generic electric powertrain using the multi-frequency averaging (MFA) technique that has been extended for variable frequency operation. This PhD also aims to commission a local HIL simulation testbed for a generic electric power inverter testing. The greater goal is to co-simulate the local HIL centre testing a prototype inverter, and its Digital Twin in a different location “twinning” the prototype inverter as best as possible. A novel approach for the Digital Twin has been proposed that employs Dynamic Phasors to solve the system in the frequency domain. An original method of multiplication of two signals in the frequency domain has been proposed. The resultant model has been verified against an equivalent time domain switching model and shown to outperform appreciably. A distinctive advantage the MFA Digital Twin offers is the “fidelity customisability”; based on application, the Twin can be set to compute a low (or high)-fi model at different computational cost. Finally, a novel method of communicating high-speed motor shaft position information using a low-speed processing system has been developed and validated. This has been applied to run real-life HIL simulation cycles on a test inverter and effects studied. The two ends of a multi-HIL testbed, i.e., local HIL environment for an inverter, and its Digital Twin, has been developed and validated. The last piece of the puzzle, i.e., employing a State Convergence algorithm to ensure the Digital Twin is accurate duplicating the performance of its “master”, is required to close the loop. Several ideas and process plans have been proposed to do the same

    Haptics Rendering and Applications

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    There has been significant progress in haptic technologies but the incorporation of haptics into virtual environments is still in its infancy. A wide range of the new society's human activities including communication, education, art, entertainment, commerce and science would forever change if we learned how to capture, manipulate and reproduce haptic sensory stimuli that are nearly indistinguishable from reality. For the field to move forward, many commercial and technological barriers need to be overcome. By rendering how objects feel through haptic technology, we communicate information that might reflect a desire to speak a physically- based language that has never been explored before. Due to constant improvement in haptics technology and increasing levels of research into and development of haptics-related algorithms, protocols and devices, there is a belief that haptics technology has a promising future

    NASA Tech Briefs, December 1997

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    Topics: Design and Analysis Software; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Software; Mechanics; Manufacturing/Fabrication; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Books and Reports