17 research outputs found

    Aprendiendo a diferenciar los Insectos de otros Artrópodos con realidad virtual inmersiva

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    Insects are necessary for the prevalence of ecosystems. Insects belong to a group of animals called "Arthropods." Many people ignore how to distinguish them, thus feeling afraid of these animals because of their appearance and usually hurting them. This study explores Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) as an educational tool focused on allowing users to deduce a rule to distinguish between insects and other arthropods. In total, 21 under graduated students participated in this study. The results indicate that students feel confident when interacting with virtual insects and manage to complete the experience, even when they were afraid of these animals. It is also evident the teacher's importance to guide in interpreting the information that is being received.Los insectos pertenecen a un grupo de animales llamados "artrópodos" y son necesarios para la prevalencia de los ecosistemas. Sin embargo, muchas personas ignoran cómo diferenciar a un insecto de otros artrópodos, sienten miedo por su apariencia, y usualmente los lastiman. Este estudio explora la Realidad Virtual Inmersiva (IVR) como una herramienta educativa enfocada en permitir a los usuarios deducir una regla para distinguir entre insectos y otros artrópodos. En este estudio participaron 21 estudiantes de pregrado. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes se sienten seguros al interactuar con insectos virtuales y logran completar la experiencia, incluso después de haber expresado miedo a estos animales. También se hace evidente la importancia que tiene el docente para orientar en la interpretación de la información que se recibe

    Android-based augmented reality in science learning for junior high schools: Preliminary study

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    Technology in education encourages more effective learning facilitation processes. The lack of variation and innovation in the use of technology used in the form of learning media as a means of supporting learning activities raises many new problems for educational institutions. This research aims to identify the need to create innovations in the implementation of science learning, whose research focus is to analyze the needs for developing smartphone-based innovative augmented reality (AR) learning media. This research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Teachers and students of junior high schools in Surakarta became the subject of this research. The results showed that students were less focused and unmotivated when participating in the learning process. In addition, the use of learning media is still conventional and not interactive, even though currently all students have smartphones. Based on field facts, the media used by teachers still tends to be conventional, and the majority of students have technological devices such as smartphones, there is great potential for developing innovative technology-based learning media. Smartphone ownership and the lack of interactive learning media are important foundations in innovating the development of smartphone-based augmented reality

    A brief review of augmented reality science learning

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    This paper reviews several literatures concerning the theories and model that could be applied for science motivation for upper secondary school learners (16-17 years old) in order to make the learning experience more amazing and useful. The embedment of AR in science could bring an awe-inspiring transformation on learners’ viewpoint towards the respective subject matters. Augmented Reality is able to present the real and virtual learning experience with the addition of multiple media without replacing the real environment. Due to the unique feature of AR, it attracts the mass attention of researchers to implement AR in science learning. This impressive technology offers learners with the ultimate visualization and provides an astonishing and transparent learning experience by bringing to light the unseen perspective of the learning content. This paper will attract the attention of researchers in the related field as well as academicians in the related discipline. This paper aims to propose several related theoretical guidance that could be applied in science motivation to transform the learning in an effective way

    M-learning and Augmented Reality: A Review of the Scientific Literature on the WoS Repository

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    La realidad aumentada surge como un útil sobre el que se precisa examinar su real implementación educativa. Esta investigación hace un análisis bibliométrico sobre documentos del repositorio Web of Science. Este servicio ofrece en Internet la producción científica de más de 7.000 instituciones de todo el mundo. Se toma como base un universo de 12.000 revistas indexadas y 148.000 actas de conferencias y se selecciona una muestra centrada en los términos «m-learning» y «augmented reality» como descriptores o componentes de títulos en trabajos científicos. El análisis sobre revistas n=741 y actas n=913 en los dos últimos años muestra una perspectiva diferenciada por áreas. La investigación se complementa con un análisis cualitativo de 67 producciones científicas sobre estos descriptores en ese periodo de tiempo. En el estudio sobresalen cinco temáticas: la conceptualización del fenómeno, el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías, la motivación generada, su deslocalización espacial y las materias objeto de implementación. Las investigaciones destacan cambios lógicos, como un mayor y diferente acceso a la información, junto a innovaciones trascendentes, como el incremento de actividades informales y lúdicas, la inserción en ambientes virtuales icónicos, la pertenencia a grupos específicos, y redes de interacción amistosa dentro de nuevas escalas de valores. Todo ello hace que estos instrumentos pasen a ser partes fundamentales en las metodologías. La educación parece subsidiaria a estos avances técnicos y a sus requisitos, imponiéndose un drástico cambio metodológico en nuevos escenarios formativosAugmented reality emerges as a tool, on which it is necessary to examine its real educational value. This paper shows the results of a bibliometric analysis performed on documents collected from the Web of Science repository, an Internet service that concentrates bibliographic information from more than 7,000 institutions. Our analysis included an overall universe of 12,000 indexed journals and 148,000 conference proceedings. From those, we selected a sample targeting the terms “mobile-learning” or “m-learning” and “augmented reality” as descriptors or components of titles of scientific works. The analysis on journals (n=741) and in conference proceedings (n=913) reveals a differentiated perspective in each area in the last two years. A qualitative analysis of 67 scientific productions addressing these subjects complements the research. This highlights five themes: conceptualization of the phenomenon, development of new methodologies, motivation, spatial delocalization, and implementation in subject-matter areas. The research highlights logical changes, such as greater and differentiated access to information; transcendent innovations, such as increasing informal and ludic activities, insertion into virtual environments, membership of specific groups, and networks of friendly interaction, along creation of new scales of values. These elements are now beginning to constitute fundamental parts of teaching methodologies. Education appears to be subsidiary to technical advances, thus imposing a drastic methodological chang

    Üç Boyutlu Sanal Ortamlar ve Artırılmış Gerçeklik Uygulamalarının Öğrenme Başarısı Üzerindeki Etkisi: Bir Meta-Analiz Çalışması

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    The objective of the study is to analyze the effect of three dimensional (3D) virtual environment and augmented reality applications on learning achievement. In line with this purpose, experimental studies were considered and the effects of experimental and control groups on learning achievement analyzed. In the experimental group, the applications which were established through the 3D virtual environment and augmented reality technologies while control group consisted of face to face environment. In order to realize this aim, the meta-analysis method used in educational sciences was preferred. Key words for 3D virtual environments meta-analysis scanning are: ‘“3D virtual world” & achievement’ and ’“3D virtual environment” & achievement’. And the key word determined for the augmented reality meta- analysis scanning is ’“augmented reality” & achievement’. Within the context of the research, the databases such as Science Direct, ERIC, Taylor & Francis, EBSCO, Emerald, JSTOR, SAGE, SpringerLink and Google Scholar were analyzed. The determined keywords were entered into the aforementioned databases and 4.682 articles published between 2010 and 2016 were controlled in terms of their conformity to the objectives of the research. After the initial analysis, 47 articles were determined on 3D virtual environment while 57 articles were on the augmented reality. Among the 47 articles on 3D virtual environments, 20 articles which conform to the inclusion criteria were determined and 24 articles among the 57 articles on augmented reality were employed for meta-analysis. The dependent variable of the research is learning achievement while independent variable is experimental and control groups. Education level was determined as the moderator variable in the research. According to the results of the research, it was found that 3D virtual environments had moderate levels of effect on learning achievement on behalf of the experimental group (d=0.32). similar to those results, augmented reality applications had also moderate level of effect on learning achievement on behalf of experimental group (d=0.46). According to the results of the moderator analysis conducted, it was determined that the selection of the study sample as undergraduate, primary school, high school and secondary school did not change the effect size of the 3D virtual environments on the learning success. Again, according to the results of the moderator analysis, it was determined that the selection of the study sample as a secondary school, primary school and graduate did not change the effect size of the augmented reality applications on the learning success.Araştırmanın amacı, 3 boyutlu (3B) sanal ortam ve artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamalarının öğrenme başarısı üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, deneysel çalışmalar dikkate alınarak, deney ve kontrol gruplarının öğrenme başarısı üzerindeki etkisine bakılmıştır. Deney grubunda, bu teknolojiler kullanılarak oluşturulan uygulamalar yer alırken, kontrol grubunda yüz yüze ortam yer almıştır. Bu amacı gerçekleştirebilmek için eğitim bilimleri alanında kullanılan meta-analiz yöntemi tercih edilmiştir. 3 boyutlu sanal ortamlar meta-analiz taramasına yönelik olarak belirlenen anahtar sözcükler: ’“3D virtual world” & achievement’ ve ’“3D virtual environment” & achievement’ olmuştur. Artırılmış gerçeklik meta-analiz taraması için belirlenen anahtar kelime ise ’“augmented reality” & achievement’ olmuştur. Araştırma kapsamında ilgili araştırmalara ulaşabilmek için Science Direct, ERIC, Taylor & Francis, EBSCO, Emerald, JSTOR, SAGE, SpringerLink ve Google Scholar veri tabanları incelenmiştir. Bu veri tabanlarına belirlenen anahtar kelimeler girilerek, 2010-2016 yılları arasında yayınlanmış olan 4.682 makalenin araştırmanın amacına uygunluğu kontrol edilmiştir. Yapılan ilk incelemeden sonra, 3B sanal ortamlar için 47 makale, artırılmış gerçeklik için ise 57 makale belirlenmiştir. 3B sanal ortamlar için 47 makale içerisinden dâhil etme kriterlerine uyan 20 makale, artırılmış gerçeklik için ise 57 makaleden dâhil etme kriterlerine uyan 24 makale belirlenerek meta-analize tabi tutulmuştur. Araştırmanın bağımlı değişkeni öğrenme başarısı iken bağımsız değişkeni deney ve kontrol gruplarıdır. Araştırmada moderatör değişken olarak öğretim seviyesi belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, 3B sanal ortamların deney grubu lehine öğrenme başarısı üzerinde orta düzeyde bir etki büyüklüğü (d=0.32) olduğu görülmüştür. Bu sonuca benzer olarak, artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamalarının da deney grubu lehine öğrenme başarısı üzerinde orta düzeyde bir etkiye (d=0.46) sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Yapılan moderatör analizi sonucuna göre çalışmanın örnekleminin lisans, ilkokul, lise ve ortaokul olarak seçilmesinin, 3 boyutlu sanal ortamların öğrenme başarısı üzerindeki etki büyüklüğünü değiştirmediği belirlenmiştir. Yine yapılan moderatör analizi sonucuna göre çalışmanın örnekleminin ortaokul, ilkokul ve lisans olarak seçilmesinin, artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamalarının öğrenme başarısı üzerindeki etki büyüklüğünü değiştirmediği belirlenmiştir

    Using Augmented Reality in Science Education to Foster 21st-Century Skills and Higher-Order Thinking Skills

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    Production and Evaluation of Educational Material Using Augmented Reality for Teaching the Module of “Representation of the Information on Computers” in Junior High School

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    Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας ήταν η διερεύνηση της προστιθέμενης αξίας της τεχνολογίας της Επαυξημένης Πραγματικότητας στην εκπαίδευση και συγκεκριμένα, κατά πόσο αυτή συμβάλει τόσο στη βελτίωση της επίδοσης των μαθητών, όσο και στην εμφάνιση της ψυχολογικής κατάστασης Ροής, που σύμφωνα με έρευνες έχει θετικήεπίδραση στην επίδοση τους, όταν τη βιώνουν κατά τη διάρκεια της μαθησιακής διαδικασίας. Στην έρευνα συμμετείχαν συνολικά 42 μαθητές της Β’ Γυμνασίου οι οποίοι διδάχθηκαν την «Αναπαράσταση της πληροφορίας στον υπολογιστή» χρησιμοποιώντας δύο διαφορετικές τεχνολογίες, αυτές της Επαυξημένης Πραγματικότητας και του Web. Τα ερευνητικά δεδομένα έδειξαν ότι και οι δύο τεχνολογίες συνέβαλλαν στην βελτίωση της επίδοσης των μαθητών και στην εμφάνιση Ροής στους μαθητές, με καλύτερους όμως  μέσους όρους και ποσοστά για την ομάδα που αξιοποίησε την τεχνολογία της Επαυξημένης Πραγματικότητας.The purpose of this study was the investigation of the added value of technology of Augmented Reality in education and, particularly, whether this contributes to both student performance improvement, as well as the appearance of the psychological condition of Flow, which, according to research, has had a positive effect on their performance when experienced during learning process. The research involved a total of 42 students in their second year of junior high school who were taught the module “representation of the information on computers” using two different technologies, those of Augmented Reality and the Web. Research data showed that both technologies contributed to students’ performance improvement and to the appearance of Flow to pupils, with better averages and percentages for the group who utilized the technology of Augmented Reality, though

    A Systematic Review of the Literature on Integrating Sustainability into Engineering Curricula

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    Higher education plays an important role in furthering the sustainability agenda, as reflected in a growing body of literature. While there have been several recent reviews of this work, these have been limited in scope and do not explicitly discuss implementations of sustainability in higher education curricula. In response, this paper presents a comprehensive, systematic review of the literature on integrating sustainability into curricula at both an undergraduate and postgraduate level of study in one particular subject area – engineering. A total of 247 articles, of which 70 were case reports, have been analyzed. Twelve future research questions emerged from the analysis, including: the exploration of the knowledge and value frameworks of students and teachers; the exploration of stakeholder influence, including by accreditation institutions, industry partners, parents, and society; and, the use of competencies to evaluate implementations. It is hoped that answering these questions will help to enhance education such that engineers are prepared, engaged, and empowered to confront the environmental, social, and economic challenges of the 21st century

    Virtual Reality Game Classroom Implementation: Teacher Perspectives and Student Learning Outcomes

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    This study explored the influence of the virtual reality game (VRG) House of Languages on the ESL vocabulary acquisition of intermediate school students and establish how VR technology aids in improving the ESL vocabulary skills. A quasi-experimental design helped determine the impact of the VR use intervention on the learning process over the traditional ESL vocabulary acquisition method. Participation of 64 students divided randomly into an experimental group and control group; each group contained 32 students and their teacher from a local suburban intermediate school in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia. The findings from this study of independent t-tests at the end of experimental period indicated that students using the VR game House of Languages had greater achievement in learning vocabulary than those using the traditional method in learning vocabulary. The findings of paired t-tests indicated that the students in both the experimental group and control group scored higher in the post-test compared to their pre-test scores. Also, the descriptive statistics used to analyze teacher’ and students’ perceptions surveys indicate a perceived usefulness of VRG in the learning process. In spite of the fact that the participants of this study were intermediate school students, the VR technology made it applicable to primary school and high school students. So, it would be essential to create awareness among the educators that the use of the new VR technology as an effective vocabulary acquisition method in learning process should be engaged in all K12 stages not only to improve the vocabulary acquisition but to go beyond that to enhance the degree of achievement

    Sistemas de aprendizaje colaborativo móvil en realidad aumentada

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    La realidad aumentada educativa es una tecnología que actualmente está mejorando la calidad de enseñanza, la utilización de dispositivos móviles permite que el estudiante sea protagonista de su aprendizaje sin estar confinado a un espacio o tiempo específico para aprender. Aplicaciones colaborativas con realidad aumentada están siendo empleadas cada vez más en la educación, de tal forma que fomentan el trabajo en grupo donde los estudiantes comparten conocimiento, dudas, opiniones logrando un mejor nivel cognitivo que trabajando individualmente. En este trabajo se presenta el estado de la cuestión de Aplicaciones Educativas con Realidad Aumentada en dispositivos móviles, y Aplicaciones Educativas colaborativas con Realidad Aumentada, desarrolladas desde el 2002 e implementadas en instituciones educativas. Así mismo se realiza un estudio sobre la Realidad Aumentada, Realidad Aumentada móvil y Aprendizaje Móvil. Además, a partir de las características del estudio de las aplicaciones con Realidad Aumenta, se realiza un análisis y diseño de una Aplicación Móvil para el proyecto de inicio de los alumnos de nuevo ingreso de la UPM. Así como también una herramienta de autoría para las gestiones de las actividades propuestas por los docentes de la UPM. Finalmente se presenta un caso de prueba en el que se implementa parte de la propuesta de este trabajo, logrando construir un parte funcional para el proyecto inicial denominado PIANI – UPM. ---ABSTRACT---Educational Augmented reality is a technology that is improving the quality of teaching, use of mobile devices enables the student to be protagonists of their learning without being confined to a specific space or time to learn. Collaborative augmented reality applications applied in education are being used gradually encourage group work where students share knowledge, doubts, opinions so they achieve better cognitive level than working individually. In this paper the description of educational applications is presented with Augmented Reality using mobile devices, and collaborative educational Augmented Reality applications, developed since 2002 and implemented in educational institutions. Also a study on Augmented Reality, Mobile Augmented Reality and Mobile Learning is performed. Furthermore, from the study of the characteristics of Reality applications increases, an analysis and design of a mobile application for the proposed start of new students of UPM is performed. As well as an authoring tool for the efforts of the activities proposed by the teachers of the UPM. Finally a test case is presented in which part of the proposal of this work is implemented, obtaining building an initial prototype called PIANI - UPM