41,208 research outputs found

    Implementation of an intelligent control system

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    A laboratory testbed facility which was constructed at NASA LeRC for the development of an Intelligent Control System (ICS) for reusable rocket engines is described. The framework of the ICS consists of a hierarchy of various control and diagnostic functions. The traditional high speed, closed-loop controller resides at the lowest level of the ICS hierarchy. Above this level resides the diagnostic functions which identify engine faults. The ICS top level consists of the coordination function which manages the interaction between an expert system and a traditional control system. The purpose of the testbed is to demonstrate the feasibility of the OCS concept by implementing the ICS as the primary controller in a simulation of the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME). The functions of the ICS which are implemented in the testbed are as follows: an SSME dynamic simulation with selected fault mode models, a reconfigurable controller, a neural network for sensor validation, a model-based failure detection algorithm, a rule based failure detection algorithm, a diagnostic expert system, an intelligent coordinator, and a user interface which provides a graphical representation of the event occurring within the testbed. The diverse nature of the ICS has led to the development of a distributed architecture consisting of specialized hardware and software for the implementation of the various functions. This testbed is made up of five different computer systems. These individual computers are discussed along with the schemes used to implement the various ICS components. The communication between computers and the timing and synchronization between components are also addressed

    Counterpulsation cardiac assist device controller defection filter simulation and canine experiments

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    Electronic control systems for counterpulsation Cardiac Assist Devices (CADs) are an essential part of cardiac assistance. Synchronization of the counterpulsation CAD controller with the cardiac cycle is critical to the efficacy of the CAD. The robustness of counterpulsation CAD controllers varies with the ability of the CAD controller to properly trigger on aortic pressure (Pa) and electrocardiogram (ECG) signals for sinusoid rhythms, non-sinusoid rhythms and non-ideal signals resulting from surgical intervention. An analog-to-digital converter and digital-to-analog converter based CAD controller development platform was devised on a 33Mhz PC-AT. Counterpulsation Pa systolic rise and dicrotic notch detectors were demonstrated with a 15cc pediatric Intraaortic Balloon (IAB) and 50cc Extraaortic Counterpulsation Device (EACD) CADs using mongrel canine experimental models in which biological variation due to changing heart rate and arrhythmia as well as surgical interference due to mechanical ventilation, electrocautery, signal attenuation and random noise was present. The robust Pa triggering algorithm was based on a derivative comparator riding clipper algorithm for the Pa-based controller. In order to empirically determine the robustness of the Pa triggering algorithms, a simulation platform, Pa trace model, and Pa trace artifact and physiological variation models were devised. Each set of simulation experiments utilized a different Pa trace artifact or physiological variation model to determine the capability of the Pa trigger algorithm to withstand the effects of the Pa detection impediments while maintaining 100% accuracy of the dicrotic notch detection. Multiple simulation experiments were conducted in which the same nominally adjusted interference was increased to benchmark the immunity threshold of the dicrotic notch detector. Biological variation and deviations in Pa artifacts due to clinical conditions experienced in cardiothoracic surgery were investigated. Pa triggering was unhindered by biological variation of a Pa trace with a 3 mmHg dicrotic notch deflection along with a Pa trace with no dicrotic notch deflection present. Pa triggering was unhindered by heart rate variability ranging from 60 to 80 bpm due to respiration. Pa triggering was unhindered by clinical conditions including 40 mmHg changes in the Pa baseline modeling mechanical ventilation, aortic trace attenuation modeling variations in pressure transducer positioning and blood coagulation on the pressure catheter tip ranging from 100% to 200% of the Pa trace amplitude every four seconds, uniformly distributed noise with a mean of 0.5mmHg and standard deviation of 0.289mmHg and Gaussian distributed noise with a zero mean and standard deviation of 0.6nunHg. The results of the simulation experiments performed quantified the robustness of the Pa detection algorithm. Development of a fault tolerant counterpulsation CAD control system required the development of a robust ECG triggering algorithm to operate in tandem with the Pa triggering algorithm. An ECG detector was developed to provide robust control for a range of ECG traces due to biological variation and signal interference. The ECG R-wave detection algorithm is based on a modified version of the Washington University QRS-complex DD/1 algorithm (Detection and Delineation 1) which uses the associated AZTEC (Amplitude Zero Threshold Epic Coding) preprocessing algorithm and provides accurate ECG-based CAD control R-wave detection for 96.56% of the R-waves stored within the MIT/BIH ECG Arrhythmia database with a maximum detection delay of 8 milliseconds. Further IAB experiments performed with mongrel canine experimental models demonstrated that the systolic time interval to heart rate relationship existing in humans (essential to human patient CAD control inflation prediction) is not prevalent in canine mongrels particularly when treated with beta-blockers. In order to execute both Pa and ECG C software detection algorithms for a fault tolerant counterpulsation CAD controller, investigation into the communications throughput of a quad-transputer board was performed. Development of streamlined communication primitives led to a communication processor utilization of 8.3%, deemed efficient enough for fault tolerant multiprocessor CAD control implementation

    Data analytics for stochastic control and prognostics in cyber-physical systems

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    In this dissertation, several novel cyber fault diagnosis and prognosis and defense methodologies for cyber-physical systems have been proposed. First, a novel routing scheme for wireless mesh network is proposed. An effective capacity estimation for P2P and E2E path is designed to guarantee the vital transmission safety. This scheme can ensure a high quality of service (QoS) under imperfect network condition, even cyber attacks. Then, the imperfection, uncertainties, and dynamics in the cyberspace are considered both in system model and controller design. A PDF identifier is proposed to capture the time-varying delays and its distribution. With the modification of traditional stochastic optimal control using PDF of delays, the assumption of full knowledge of network imperfection in priori is relaxed. This proposed controller is considered a novel resilience control strategy for cyber fault diagnosis and prognosis. After that, we turn to the development of a general framework for cyber fault diagnosis and prognosis schemes for CPSs wherein the cyberspace performance affect the physical system and vice versa. A novel cyber fault diagnosis scheme is proposed. It is capable of detecting cyber fault by monitoring the probability of delays. Also, the isolation of cyber and physical system fault is achieved with cooperating with the traditional observer based physical system fault detection. Next, a novel cyber fault prognosis scheme, which can detect and estimate cyber fault and its negative effects on system performance ahead of time, is proposed. Moreover, soft and hard cyber faults are isolated depending on whether potential threats on system stability is predicted. Finally, one-class SVM is employed to classify healthy and erroneous delays. Then, another cyber fault prognosis based on OCSVM is proposed --Abstract, page iv

    Fault tolerant flight control system design for unmanned aerial vehicles

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    Safety and reliability of air vehicles is of the utmost importance. This is particularly true for large civil transport aircraft where a large number of human lives depend on safety critical design. With the increase in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in our airspace it is essential that UAV safety is also given attention to prevent devastating failures which could ultimately lead to loss of human lives. While civil aircraft have human operators, the pilot, to counteract any unforeseen faults, autonomous UAVs are only as good as the on board flight computer. Large civil aircraft also have the luxury of weight hence redundant actuators (control surfaces) can be installed and in the event of a faulty set of actuators the redundant actuators can be brought into action to negate the effects of any faults. Again weight is a luxury that UAVs do not have. The main objective of this research is to study the design of a fault tolerant flight controller that can exploit the mathematical redundancies in the flight dynamic equations as opposed to adding hardware redundancies that would result in significant weight increase. This thesis presents new research into fault tolerant control for flight vehicles. Upon examining the flight dynamic equations it can be seen, for example, that an aileron, which is primarily used to perform a roll manoeuvre, can be used to execute a limited pitch moment. Hence a control method is required that moves away from the traditional fixed structure model where control surface roles are clearly defined. For this reason, in this thesis, I have chosen to study the application of model predictive control (MPC) to fault tolerant control systems. MPC is a model based method where a model of the plant forms an integral part of the controller. An optimisation is performed based on model estimations of the plant and the inputs are chosen via an optimisation process. One of the main contributions of this thesis is the development of a nonlinear model predictive controller for fault tolerant flight control. An aircraft is a highly nonlinear system hence if a nonlinear model can be integrated into the control process the cross-coupling effects of the control surface contributions can be easily exploited. An active fault tolerant control system comprises not only of the fault tolerant controller but also a fault detection and isolation subsystem. A common fault detection method is based on parameter estimation using filtering techniques. The solution proposed in this thesis uses an unscented Kalman filter (UKF) for parameter estimation and controller updates. In summary the main contribution of this thesis is the development of a new active fault tolerant flight control system. This new innovative controller exploits the idea of analytical redundancy as opposed to hardware redundancy. It comprises of a nonlinear model predictive based controller using pseudospectral discretisation to solve the nonlinear optimal control problem. Furthermore a UKF is incorporated into the design of the active fault tolerant flight control system

    Damage Tolerant Active Contro l: Concept and State of the Art

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    Damage tolerant active control is a new research area relating to fault tolerant control design applied to mechanical structures. It encompasses several techniques already used to design controllers and to detect and to diagnose faults, as well to monitor structural integrity. Brief reviews of the common intersections of these areas are presented, with the purpose to clarify its relations and also to justify the new controller design paradigm. Some examples help to better understand the role of the new area

    Case study: Bio-inspired self-adaptive strategy for spike-based PID controller

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    A key requirement for modern large scale neuromorphic systems is the ability to detect and diagnose faults and to explore self-correction strategies. In particular, to perform this under area-constraints which meet scalability requirements of large neuromorphic systems. A bio-inspired online fault detection and self-correction mechanism for neuro-inspired PID controllers is presented in this paper. This strategy employs a fault detection unit for online testing of the PID controller; uses a fault detection manager to perform the detection procedure across multiple controllers, and a controller selection mechanism to select an available fault-free controller to provide a corrective step in restoring system functionality. The novelty of the proposed work is that the fault detection method, using synapse models with excitatory and inhibitory responses, is applied to a robotic spike-based PID controller. The results are presented for robotic motor controllers and show that the proposed bioinspired self-detection and self-correction strategy can detect faults and re-allocate resources to restore the controller’s functionality. In particular, the case study demonstrates the compactness (~1.4% area overhead) of the fault detection mechanism for large scale robotic controllers.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-37868-C04-0

    Software dependability modeling using an industry-standard architecture description language

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    Performing dependability evaluation along with other analyses at architectural level allows both making architectural tradeoffs and predicting the effects of architectural decisions on the dependability of an application. This paper gives guidelines for building architectural dependability models for software systems using the AADL (Architecture Analysis and Design Language). It presents reusable modeling patterns for fault-tolerant applications and shows how the presented patterns can be used in the context of a subsystem of a real-life application

    Prognostic Reasoner based adaptive power management system for a more electric aircraft

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    This research work presents a novel approach that addresses the concept of an adaptive power management system design and development framed in the Prognostics and Health Monitoring(PHM) perspective of an Electrical power Generation and distribution system(EPGS).PHM algorithms were developed to detect the health status of EPGS components which can accurately predict the failures and also able to calculate the Remaining Useful Life(RUL), and in many cases reconfigure for the identified system and subsystem faults. By introducing these approach on Electrical power Management system controller, we are gaining a few minutes lead time to failures with an accurate prediction horizon on critical systems and subsystems components that may introduce catastrophic secondary damages including loss of aircraft. The warning time on critical components and related system reconfiguration must permits safe return to landing as the minimum criteria and would enhance safety. A distributed architecture has been developed for the dynamic power management for electrical distribution system by which all the electrically supplied loads can be effectively controlled.A hybrid mathematical model based on the Direct-Quadrature (d-q) axis transformation of the generator have been formulated for studying various structural and parametric faults. The different failure modes were generated by injecting faults into the electrical power system using a fault injection mechanism. The data captured during these studies have been recorded to form a “Failure Database” for electrical system. A hardware in loop experimental study were carried out to validate the power management algorithm with FPGA-DSP controller. In order to meet the reliability requirements a Tri-redundant electrical power management system based on DSP and FPGA has been develope

    A self-validating control system based approach to plant fault detection and diagnosis

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    An approach is proposed in which fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) tasks are distributed to separate FDD modules associated with each control system located throughout a plant. Intended specifically for those control systems that inherently eliminate steady state error, it is modular, steady state based, requires very little process specific information and therefore should be attractive to control systems implementers who seek economies of scale. The approach is applicable to virtually all types of process plant, whether they are open loop stable or not, have a type or class number of zero or not and so on. Based on qualitative reasoning, the approach is founded on the application of control systems theory to single and cascade control systems with integral action. This results in the derivation of cause-effect knowledge and fault isolation procedures that take into account factors like interactions between control systems, and the availability of non-control-loop-based sensors

    Model Prediction-Based Approach to Fault Tolerant Control with Applications

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    Abstract— Fault-tolerant control (FTC) is an integral component in industrial processes as it enables the system to continue robust operation under some conditions. In this paper, an FTC scheme is proposed for interconnected systems within an integrated design framework to yield a timely monitoring and detection of fault and reconfiguring the controller according to those faults. The unscented Kalman filter (UKF)-based fault detection and diagnosis system is initially run on the main plant and parameter estimation is being done for the local faults. This critical information\ud is shared through information fusion to the main system where the whole system is being decentralized using the overlapping decomposition technique. Using this parameter estimates of decentralized subsystems, a model predictive control (MPC) adjusts its parameters according to the\ud fault scenarios thereby striving to maintain the stability of the system. Experimental results on interconnected continuous time stirred tank reactors (CSTR) with recycle and quadruple tank system indicate that the proposed method is capable to correctly identify various faults, and then controlling the system under some conditions
